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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by WildWildWillennium

  1. ...Could this be that 'new sitcom Will is executive producing'? Nah... :ideagone:
  2. I have a feeling he will be. Even if it's just 4 a small cameo.
  3. Makin' sure we unwind whether or not we signed Soon u'll find that we just chillin
  4. Damn, u must have some good seats man. Glad u had a good time.
  5. [quote=Wild Child,Aug 6 2004, 05:30 PM][b]switch[/b][/quote] It's one of your favorite Will trax, and u haven't even heard it yet...see people, this is how much power "Switch" has!! It's insane! :rock:
  6. [quote=JumpinJack AJ,Aug 5 2004, 04:18 PM]i'm having problems accessing the board (i havn't been here in 2 or 3 days) so i'm not sure how often i'll be posting if this continues.[/quote] Noo man...fix it..make it work... :tear: :ughwerd:
  7. [quote=Jazzy Julie,Aug 5 2004, 01:41 PM][img]http://images.image-data.com/1/thumbs/23435/23435375.jpg[/img][/quote] [b]Will:[/b] Now snap ya fin...like...snap it! Heyy don't sweat it, alot of white fish can't do it.
  8. :bounce: Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy it!! :bounce:
  9. Though I can't understand a word, I'm diggin the look of it so far. The wallpapers and just overall content of the site is great! Keep up the work man!!
  10. Jill Scott's 'Who Is Jill Scott'...getting hyped 4 the new album!!
  11. [quote=willreign,Aug 6 2004, 07:27 AM]me... hummm... I opend a web site and wanted a name... so I took the first name Will (from Will Smith) and the last word from the last album of Will (Born to [b]REIGN[/b]) so it was WILLREIGN... my English was worse then now so I wrote WillRegin... and it was funny... and I took the name 2 b my nick co's it is cool... in the old JJFP board my name was Adir as my real name...[/quote] Haha, u know...my explanation is VERY similar 2 yours, willreign...I waz opening my website, and I wanted a catchy name...preferably one that started with the same letter in each word AND related 2 Will in some way, with his movies and his music. Well, I had almost completed the registration form 2 start making the site, but one field waz missing...the username. So I rushed 2 think of a movie and an album. (How original) A few minutes passed, and there it was...WildWild (from Wild Wild West) Willennium (the album). I know...it's stupid...but I've had it 4 quite a long time, and I've always used it with every message board...so that's my story.
  12. Will: Damn, why couldn't Jada have one this big?
  13. Cool, I saw this on BET a few days ago. Good video, perfect single. Jill's videos are always teaching us more about her personality. Very down 2 earth.
  14. Yeah! :rock: 'That's my Will over there...the one with the mustache.' :hilarious:
  15. YES!! This is it, NOW is definitely THE time we've been waiting 4!! We're covered from now all the way straight into 2005 and hopefully after that with JJ+FP material! Can't wait!...I don't have 2 wait actually! Cuz it's happening NOW!!!! :thumb:
  16. Glad u had an amazing time man!!! Must have been a breathtaking experience!!
  17. [quote=Da Brakes,Aug 5 2004, 09:01 PM]English!! some french![/quote] :ditto:
  19. [b]Carlton:[/b] ‘You shouldn’t be eating that garbage. Everyone knows while you’re in training, no fats, no chocolate and no women.’ [b]Will:[/b] ‘Then I should probably cancel my date with that fat chocolate woman!’
  20. Yeah, and I guess that's what the people that don't like the album criticize most about it. The fact that it's so different than any other JJ+FP album. It's more mature, Will's voice is deeper...all those little things that people might be thrown off by.
  21. What an experience that must have been!! How waz Switch!! ------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]LONDON[/b] - Rapper-turned-Hollywood star Will Smith delighted fans with an outdoor concert Wednesday before the British premiere of his latest film, "I, Robot." Accompanied by longtime collaborator DJ Jazzy Jeff, Smith performed for about 3,000 people outside the Odeon cinema in London's Leicester Square. The set included hits "Summertime" and "Men In Black" and Smith's latest single, "Switch." "When you have these kind of events everybody can't get in. I wanted to give the people who came to support me a little treat out here," said Smith, 35. Smith said "I, Robot," a sci-fi thriller in which he plays a detective investigating androids run amok, allowed him to blend two long-standing interests. "From five years old I wanted to be a scientist. When I got to 11 or 12 years old I got interested in entertainment. So being in a sci-fi film is a perfect blend of the two," Smith said. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Rather than just parade up the white carpet, the rapper-come-movie star serenaded the awaiting crowds with a selection of his hits along with former singing partner Jazzy Jeff. Will was clearly excited about performing in front of the huge crowd: “We’re shaking the rust off and knocking the dust off.” And fellow celebrities were certainly getting in to the swing. “It’s like a rock concert. It’s wild,” said David Hasselhoff.
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