[quote=Da Brakes,Jul 1 2004, 03:54 AM]They've basically taken the Will Smith Action/Comedy Template and overlaid it onto an existing universe, and in this case, it's not a good fit.[/quote]
Who said Will's playin a comedian? Alex Proyas clearly said on his board that the trailers don't clearly represent the movie's feel and mood, and Will told us in promo interviews that he plays a much more serious, intense role. If this critic doesn't think Will can act seriously, I suggest they watch Ali.
[quote]And since I still have a very bad taste in my mouth from The Wild Wild West - the last film which suffered at the hands of the "Let's make this a Will Smith 'Independence Day' flick" contingent - I could not possibly be less enthused about this project.[/quote]Wild Wild West waz meant 2 be a comedy. His character waz SUPPOSED 2 be humorous and light, a la James West and Captain Steven Hiller of Independance Day. I,Robot is dark, serious and powerful, so there's no reason why anyone should just assume it's gonna be like anything else they've ever seen Will do in the past.
[quote]And I would be placing it higher in the rank - still under protest, mind you - were it not for the fact that even folks who have little fealty to the source material are not finding much in the trailer to recommend the flick.[/quote]
Like I said before, unless you're a true fan of Will's, (like many of us here are) the average person that has interest in this movie will watch the one poorly put-together trailer that has all the jokes and explosions that make it look like a Summer blockbuster. Maybe this critic shoulda dug a bit further and watched another trailer before judging how the movie will be.
[quote]Oh, and just for the record: The tagline on the posters - "One man saw it coming" - is WRONG. No one saw it coming, because of the First Law of Robotics. Period.[/quote]
Actually, if this person wazn't such a literalist, they'd know that the tagline meant no one believed Will's character when he warned people these robots are hostile, and that only he sensed something waz wrong and something bad waz gonna happen.
We should all just chill and watch the movie before sayin anything about it. This critic is pretty much telling us that they know it's gonna suck cuz of Will's past movies and the humor in them.