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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by WildWildWillennium

  1. Germany and Holland really gave a good game!! I didn't expect Holland 2 come back as they did, but they kept goin strong the whole 2nd half and never gave up!
  2. Eminem probably said that cuz he took Will's speech on that award show the wrong way. Just cuz Will said he could make records without killing people in them, Eminem took it personally and thought it waz a diss 2 him.
  3. It's hard 2 choose...they both had really different styles and approaches with the cast. I'll go with Janet tho' just cuz I feel like she waz the better actress of the 2.
  4. [quote=mfuqua23,Jun 11 2004, 12:15 AM]It's good 2 know Will performs, even witout official promotion of an album.[/quote] I love how Will's performing more and more now. Hopefully he'll do many more when the album is released! :rock:
  5. [quote=bigted,Jun 11 2004, 07:35 PM]Hey I didn't start rappin' until I was 15!!! Sometimes it takes longer for you to mature as an artist, look at 2Pac, he didn't start rappin' until 14 and FP didn't start until he was 12, you don't have to start at 6 like Bow Wow or Romeo.[/quote] Trey's still young, maybe he'll get better and we'll see him follow in his dad's footsteps! I wouldn't mind seeing him rap along with Corey or acting along with Will in a movie!
  6. Everyone will never be satisfied when it comes 2 these "Top 50" lists. We all have different opinions on who's the "greatest", and this is VH1's opinion...and what they believe is that P. Diddy is 6 spots above Eric B and Rakim.
  7. [quote=JumpinJack AJ,Jun 8 2004, 12:52 AM]The lack of good Hip-Hop and Rap has totally driven me in2 the arms of other music.[/quote] I've appreciated R-N-B and reggae in the last few years more than ever cuz of all the poor Hip-Hop out now. I find myself listening 2 mid-90's and ol' skool music now 2 cover up 4 what's out today. Something's gotta change... :poke:
  8. :eek4: Dope!!! I love it man!! :hyper: "Damn I'm good" :biggrin: Will u be putting up the lyrics 2 it?
  9. [quote=willreign,Jun 3 2004, 02:52 AM]I loved when he wear the jakat the opposit in the school.[/quote] That waz cool. I also liked the bright stuff the most in the earlier seasons cuz it showed FP as more of a kid, bein himself. It showed the real FP. The last seasons showed more of Will...all grown up.
  10. We're here 4 u man, take all the time u need. If u need anything I can help with, I got your back.
  11. I think just the fact that Jeff and FP are on the show is enuf of a reference! After all, it's called "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", not "Will Smith of Bel-Air". [img]http://jazzyjefffreshprince.com/forum/style_images/ONiStyle-608/icon4.gif[/img]
  12. [quote=Wild Child,Jun 10 2004, 09:20 AM]that was too much peeps yesterday, I didn't even know wut we were talking about[/quote] That's cuz u kept jumping from room 2 room man!
  13. [quote=TheFre$hPrince,Jun 10 2004, 01:11 PM]NaS´ with his old Illmatic style and Will with Fresh Prince style would be dope on a track.[/quote] I'd also like 2 see Will with Mos Def or LL Cool J the most tho'.
  14. Man, I found that entertaining 2...and I waz participating in it! Good tournament, we all had dope verses in my opinion and I'm glad these last 2 battles have went smoothly...that's always a good thing. Props 2 Tim 4 bein' on top of things, and thanx 2 everyone who participated. :rock:
  15. Cool. 2 bad 2 hear they play alot of the usual Top 40 stuff tho'. It'd be cool if every weekend waz "Old School Weekend"! I've yet 2 find a radio station that plays only old skool Hip-Hop...and that doesn't get changed or canceled in a couple of months.
  16. [quote=the real big willie,Jun 7 2004, 04:18 PM]Summertime is the ultimate summer tune EVER. Everyone plays it around this time of year.............EVERYONE.[/quote] Alot of people were introduced 2 JJ+FP with that song. I'm sure we'll all be hearing it alot more now that Summer's almost here. :rock:
  17. [quote=mfuqua23,Jun 9 2004, 08:40 AM][quote=TheFre$hPrince,Jun 9 2004, 07:28 AM] The OGs of a few Will or JJFP tracks were already featured on GTA Vice City. Well the new soundtrack gotta be dope.[/quote] Really? What songs? I surprised I didn't notice. I probably had it on the wrong station. [/quote] I think I remember hearing "The Things That U Do" on Vice City. Not sure tho'. They should put "Who Stole My Car" on the next game! :roll:
  18. [quote=the real big willie,Jun 7 2004, 04:16 PM]just watch this space for Bad Boys & Girls..............coming sumer 2006.  :slap:[/quote] Wow, Bad Boys & Girls...doesn't exactly sound like a PG-13, does it :cwm:
  19. 2 me, it all depends on how much of a "knock off" this really is. I guess I don't have a problem with this movie, but if they really have nothing original and just copy the whole Bad Boys idea...then i'm not so sure. We'll have 2 wait and see!
  20. [quote=djsilvertiger,Jun 7 2004, 08:57 AM]We've become so used to crap that people are now thinking the "okay" stuff is great.[/quote] Exactly man. If the wack artists out there aren't gonna improve their music, we should make better choices as 2 what we listen 2. And lambert, I haven't agreed with many of your posts either...U are the one that doesn't know about real Hip-Hop, so u should probably think twice before posting something u don't know anything about. Here's a tip. Instead of being ignorant and pretending like u know everything in the world when u don't, try 2 keep an open mind and listen 2 people that actually do know what they're talking about. I'm not saying I know everything, and neither do I agree with everybody all the time...but at least I keep an open mind. Just try it man...it'll save u from further embarassment.
  21. Let's keep in mind Will has been going 4 years...it's not like he's some new guy that should stick 2 one thing. He's evolved since he waz FP, he's branched off with movies 2 keep him busy and he still gives us music. Shouldn't we be happy he's still in the limelight and still has albums and movies coming out? I know I am.
  22. I think artists and fans are setting their standards 2 low. We as fans should appreciate the good in Hip-Hop and encourage it, rather than take what's new and shove it down our throats just cuz that's what's there at the moment. Artists should do the same. Quit givin' out "new ****" and start takin' time 2 make quality music. People actually consider G-Unit 2 be one of the greatest out now. If we keep letting this nonsense get forced onto us and not take time 2 search 4 the good, this is what's gonna happen. There's no way 4 any of the youth today 2 find quality music, cuz what they're introduced 2 ARE the 50 Cents, the Nellys, etc. Now I'm not saying a big sudden change is gonna happen anytime soon, but at least that should be enuf of a reason 2 make the effort 2 search 4 the good in the game...rather than take in whatever's thrown 2 us.
  23. I'm not from the south i be from the north bro Only this time as a duo we paint ya loss like van gogh I'll take Jim's criticism and feed it 2 my lyrical fuel Time 2 play the exorcist and take out the devil in this fool U wanna go on and talk about killin' our moms? Ya material consists of that, plus "good devils" weapons and bombs? U might have said I don't know how 2 rhyme But all ya design will do is make u decline It's the double u three wit the bb til' infinity I'll rhyme from the heart and break down an emcee Syllables, lines like articles wit millions of pixels My mind, the essence of my rhymes be flowin' like circles Specify my thrills u'd think I waz poppin' "get ill" pills Our obstacles be like cheap drills, dude named jim be afraid of my skills Lemme tell y'all like whalberg, u fell short of the mark Wanderin' in the dark cuz u know i be super like clark Lyrically beat u literally let u fall off quicker than Nelly U 2 beatin' ted and joe waz obviously done accidentally But I purposely made a fool outta both of u, artistically Glory be my destiny so I keep on movin' wit time, chronologically I'll skool u wit ease like ya teacher, academically Prince u can just keep writin' ya poem-like-raps No comebacks no disses just the straight ol' crap I don't mind if u be one of my critics cuz u be pathetic I'll write u back when i'm holdin' the crown and feelin' sympathetic Then bring pep love casually like del of hieroglyphics Better learn the specifics before u come hard wit ya phony chaotic antics So Jim wants to be the next kenivel on his bike Well u gonna crash and on the ground u’ll strike So hurry up and lose now, u wanna win? that i can't allow We'll look at ya poor rap score and find u face down on the floor
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