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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by WildWildWillennium

  1. Yeah, and plus, Born To Reign is more of a summer chill out album than anything. Trax like Block Party, I Gotta Go Home, etc...they're easier 2 listen 2 in the Summertime. :afro:
  2. That song is hilarious! I love the chorus as well, u can almost tell it's Jeff by the style of the scratches.
  3. Cool. Well, my votes are in :face2:
  4. Cool interview! I'm glad Will is confident about this movie. It just makes me all the more pumped up 2 see it. Thanx! He used that funny girly voice in the video
  5. "Thought I was wack cause I wanted to act Now every brother and his mother that rap be tryin to do that" "You're way of character but now who's the bomb It's Will from west Phil just slightly transformed" "Throughout life people will make you mad Disrespect you and treat you bad Let God deal with the things they do (things they do) Cause hate in your heart will consume you too Always tell the truth, say your prayers Hold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swears You're living proof that dreams do come true I love you and I'm here for you" And pretty much all of "Don't Say Nothin'"!
  6. I read the rules but all I found waz this... [b]The people not participating will be able to judge for up to 5 days after the two contestants have finished posting both freestyles. Each judge will vote out of 30, if you wish then you may break that figure into three parts - Originality, Flow and Lyrical Content.[/b] Am I aloud 2 vote? Since I'm technically not participating, should I or should I not be able 2?
  7. Man, I hope the rumours about the DVD being $400+ aren't true. :eek4:
  8. Yeah, and I'm sure it's not easy 2 create a solid image that u haven't forgotten where u came from... if I waz in Will's position and I got offered millions of dollars 2 make a few movies, (considering I had the talent) I'd definitely do it! Of course, if u make it big, u gotta really do somethin' big 4 the fans 2 still think you're down 2 earth. It's easy 4 us 2 say Will has a big head and doesn't care about where he came from anymore, but instead, maybe we should be asking ourselves what we would do in his same position, and appreciate the fact that it's not so easy 2 create such an image that absolutely everybody will love and accept.
  9. Probably the most meaningful song on Code Red besides Ain't No Place Like Home...great track.
  10. What I mean is, if warnerbros at least mentioned FPOBA, i'm glad it's more likely 2 be released than the other shows that were mentioned. We know they're keeping it in consideration, which is what we want...the DVD being released. [quote=Hero1,Mar 15 2004, 04:31 AM]<warnerbros> MAD TV and FRESH PRINCE are in discussion. No plans for any of the others at the moment.[/quote]
  11. I wouldn't mind a cover like that 4 the new album. A mix between that and Code Red...somehow...with Jeff on it as well. Actually...wouldn't it be cool if the new album cover had pix of every artist featured on the album with Will in the middle? The artists could be faded like on the ATOJ website...haha...just a thought.
  12. [img]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0000004WZ.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg[/img]
  13. :cwm: Thanx! ...4 a movie that doesn't come out 4 a long time, it's great 2 see it getting promoted already!
  14. Yo! Check out these banners! [img]http://friendpages.com/pages/musicians/willennium/photo106.jpg[/img] [img]http://friendpages.com/pages/musicians/willennium/photo105.jpg[/img] [img]http://friendpages.com/pages/musicians/willennium/photo104.jpg[/img] [img]http://friendpages.com/pages/musicians/willennium/photo103.jpg[/img] [img]http://friendpages.com/pages/musicians/willennium/photo102.jpg[/img] I made them at www.flamingtext.com ... they're easy 2 make...great if u have a website 2 put them on! :peace:
  15. I wouldn't mind them on 1 or 2 trax...but come on, how many trax can the album have? I don't want it 2 be packed with other artists, let JJ+FP do their thing!
  16. LL Cool J, 4 sure. :afro: I hope Will only puts one of the trax he did with Petey Pablo on the album. There are only so many trax...i wouldn't want them 2 be clustered up with cameos + collabos. An album like Code Red or Willennium would be really cool. What Will should do now is think about every kind of style and technique he's used over the years, and blend them all into the album. Use a bit of R&B/Soul like Born To Reign, use a few meaningful songs like The Rain, add in party trax like So Fresh, Pump Me Up, etc...since this could be his make or break album, I hope he goes all out and really shows off his skillz as an MC, rather than let the cameos from other artists steal the spotlight so 2 speak. Come on Will...make this album worth the long wait :rock:
  17. What are some of your fav lines from JJFP/Will Smith songs? :afro:
  18. Very close...great round. :smile:
  19. Sounds like an interesting character 4 Will 2 play! Thanx 4 the info!!
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