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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Wild Child

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Everything posted by Wild Child

  1. Yap, you got it right man.. And I don't think he fits in the D12 group...No skills, no talent don't deserve to be known..that's wut he is..
  2. so any1 else wanna chat?? igot sometime right now.. it would be alot cool if more peeps go there alot more often.it's the easiest way 4 us to get to know each other.. Anyway Rest in peace
  3. Some how, bizarre is tupid to me..I think he tries to be funny but ends up stupid..he never really makes me lough...but when he talks about his grand-ma,that's like...........
  4. [quote=willreign,Jun 26 2004, 01:08 PM]Happy birth day mannnn!!!... how old r u?[/quote] I'm now 16 years..It was pretty much okay..
  5. damnnnnnnnnn this means he hasn't finished the album if they're making another song Will is a busy man...Especially these coming days
  6. yes i'm okay, but istill got alot more to the story... i'm just from there too.I was rapping to myself. i'm still there
  7. I wanna go with the Durch, but you know, there's Luis Figo, and he's my fav player grom Portugal so, I don't know..Holland is pretty good
  8. [b]Happy Birthday Lady[/b] okay, I never thought you were that old..I thought you were a teen-ager do we got any seniors here? that would be a good surprize don't any1 think so?? rest in peace
  9. okay,i've come witth a decision.. who ever wins 2morrow, then that's the team that i will go with till the damn thing ends.. I don't believe it...No Zidane nomore..4 the rest of the matches.. that's worse than the lakers losing to da Pistons rest in peace
  10. well, it seems like i'm da only 1 in there sitting and scratching my damn head..any 1 wanna chat???? rest in peace
  11. it's good..wut would be better is if I heard it recorded or something>>I never knew ya had a private jet.. Rest in peace
  12. damn that's an awsome place..It looks to me like it everything that Will ever wanted P.S, I think I've been there..it looks so damn familia rest in peace
  13. damn that's an awsome place..It looks to me like it everything that Will ever wanted P.S, I think I've been there..it looks so damn familia rest in peace
  14. Nice pics.. you got any 4 ya son??? W.Child
  15. now we are talkin..Any way. i'm goin there now
  16. that's ya 3 cookies? if so, can you please be my mother?? glad to have you back Prince..So everybody, please stop crying
  17. I haven't watched any games today..Y'all know how pissed off i am? i was busy getting my late birthday gift 2day from some1 special, turned on da tv and da game wasn't there..so mad right now
  18. man, believe it or not, i have been trying to do that 4 along time.. Well, I don't got a clue..I would like to know as much as you man
  19. well, I can't really pick a time right now.. free time always changes 4 me I will just do the usuall, go in there sit..talk to myself and live
  20. y'all guys don't actually know......... Bizarre is the wackest of all time.. He shouldn't even be known, he would just never make it if he goes solo.. He should be thanksfull alot to the real Slim shady [b]Bizarre is Whack[/b]
  21. Sorry man..I didn't mean it like that..England is a good team.. like i said it was just a mistake that they made...... Okay guys lets stop it right here..It don't matter who made and got out and who have never made and still wishes to go in... So let's get back to da games.cool? So who's playin 2night? don't got a damn clue
  22. In ya back garden? lol No man, England didn't deserve to lose..They play good as a team it's just a couple of mistakes.... I can't wait till Holland and portuga.And i don't really know whose side i should be on.. Dernmark is I don't know the word....Man, I just can't come up with a close guess of who will play in da final games.. P.S.Holland did well in da penalty kicks.I wanted the game to go there so they could prove they aint losers at penalty kicks.. Man I thought the ball that landed in my bathroom is beckham's penalty shot.. it's not funny
  23. Damn Prince you strong. I thought you were gonna be gone 4 like a month or somethin
  24. Nice pics Jim..I think your's is better than the rest.
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