[quote=jj,fp2004+Jun 6 2004, 06:23 AM]i must say i'm surprised by the lakers... i don't like them much so i hope the pistons would take the series.[/quote]
man thanks alot.
now the lakers lost becoz of ya.
that game was just O'neal and Kobe.They should have just kicked out thr rest of
the players.
damn that was a tight game
[quote=Prince,Jun 5 2004, 08:19 AM]Number 1, natural setting... Plus I'm a cheapskate so wouldn't take anyone anywhere expensive unless it was for a good reason haha[/quote]
That's sounds familiar.
Anyway, i would have to reply to this post later.i don't have enuff time right now.So it's all good right?
[quote=sexywshgirl,Jun 4 2004, 11:46 PM]LAKERS will win the whole thang!! Go L.A.!! :thumb: :thumb:[/quote]
Yes. they will
I just proved to evey 1 the lakers r the man
i don't know how I proved it tho
I kinda want some help on how to get to jeff's forums on his web-site
it's kinda stupid but i don know how to
so can some1 with feelings please direct me :cussing: :cussing:
Yo Time and Aj, how come i can't listen to it.
Everytime i click on it, it takes me back to the home page.
it' has been making me so mad :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing:
that's a very good song man.
let me see, i've listen to it like 20 times and i 4got to make replies to this post.
I was kinda kicked out of the computer at school 4 playing it out loud in class.
[quote=3cookies,Jun 4 2004, 12:19 PM][font="Arial"][color=blue]yall are all silly... :music:
not 1,...not 2 but "3"cookies [/color][/font][/quote]
we 4got 4 a second
thank you 4 reminding us
[quote=lambertj3,May 22 2004, 08:35 AM]Check it out tamyra gray from ai #1 the dreamer album is out may 25, please support this wonderful talented singer[/quote]
i've never heard of her.
So mean while, I would rather listen to Timberlake
it's nice to hear about the new movies.
But i'm now interested to see i robot alot more than i was to see BB2.
I will actually go to watch them in theatres when i want and nobody will stop me.
i don't really like going to movie theatres
[quote=the fresh is here,Jun 3 2004, 08:03 PM]what is the code for the "i'm with stupid" icon?
oh and look! the last hero1's post was his 555 post! so now you see how much this post is important and cool! :dancingcool: :dancingcool:
:music: : la la la la
:peace: peace :peace:[/quote]
man. can you kindaa explain it a little more good.
I still don't get.it looks like i ain't the only 1
:cussing: :cussing:
[quote=the real big willie,Jun 3 2004, 03:35 PM]Is it my B'day yet?
If so, I don't wanna get any older.[/quote]
ya man, it's ya birthday.
it's good 4 ya cause you ain't getting older, it's the opposite way 4 ya
[quote=Prince,Jun 2 2004, 03:36 PM]They're doing "pretty damn good" but you dont know if they "win or lose"? :dunno:[/quote]
it's just the last game they played.
I left it at half time and i don't know whether they won or lost
damn man. that's so damn good to hear.
seeing his all family, wut's even great, watching him perfom.
summer is never gonna stop coming right?
then y would summertime get old?
[quote=jj,fp2004+May 6 2004, 03:40 PM]the lakers will be out soon too[/quote]
man are you really sure about that.
the lakers r doing pretty damn good.
so how was the last game they played?
did they win or lose?they kinda did bad in just 2 minutes b4 the half time
Yo, i just came from my school music vdeo dance and i saw gettin jiggy wit it
Man, people f loved that song.They actually cheered after the vid was over.
that's like the only vid peeps cheered 4.
Man, the vid is awsome.And it's got some fine looking girls in it.
Man it's awsome
4 the first time i did
sup peeps
anyway, since i've never seen much of will's music videos
I was wondering if you guys could tell me wut jjfp songs has a music video.
man, i'm serious i don't know.
the only music vids from Will that i have seen are:
men in black
wild wild west
summertime {once}
100 kisses.
And that's it.