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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Wild Child

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Everything posted by Wild Child

  1. Man, I'm pretty mad the Raptors drpped out of the playoffs. I don't pay much attention to basketball, and I usually watch it when I fell like it. Bit I enjoy playing it.It's my sencond fav sport. That boy [b]Vince Carter [/b]is got too much skills Can any1 guess what my first fav sport is?
  2. I don't know what to say now. it's about 3:35 now. But I'm used to talking in that chat room by myself
  3. man, I don't care about the movies that are coming out by him. I just want this album to come out.It's getting annoying now. It's gonna come in the summer, maybey late 2003 or early 2004. that's pissing me off.I just want it to come out b4 my birth day so it can be played. Is it gonna come out next year now? You think
  4. [quote=Prince,May 4 2004, 02:19 PM]Oh yeah also, this time there's going to be deadlines like in the last battle, but this time I'mmah be strict with them to keep the battle running smoothly and finish quickly. Also another thought: In a few battles time, how about we have a battle between all of the current winners?[/quote] Now that's the real Prince who'se talking. Any way Okay, I'm ready to go play
  5. Okay man. Can't wait till the battle
  6. Man, what I thik is that you cant force people If they gonnna come, let tthem fly in by themselves.and I don't know how I can let people come in
  7. I was just playing. It is me, I just wanted to see if anyone had 4gotten ha ha ha, i got you on that one
  8. So, when is the next 1 gonna be
  9. U 4got JUst_like_Will he's gone too. Da_brakes was here yesterday, I wonder if he's gonna come back
  10. I'm trynig to live, but I can't. All you guys are interesting.
  11. Okay, i'm gonna try to sighn in
  12. I'm definetly gonna get it. Somedays in the future
  13. Well, I don't mind. I accidently clicked on the wrong choice. I just want it to be quick
  14. Yo Jullie, Snow ain't as much fun as you think it is.I would rather be in the rain than to be stuck in the snow. You don't understand how it's like to be in the snow. Love where you live, and live where you love.
  15. Well, I used it twice last week and it seemed like I was only talking to myself. It would be a good Idea if everybody started using it.
  16. Nobody can ever understad how much I love New York city. I've had that name in my head since I was just a lil' boy. It's just the place that i wanna go to so bad.I'm never gonna die till I go there. If I don't, then i'm just never gonna die.
  17. Ya, I'm now a Canadian Citizen... It kinda feels different.It makes me feel like i don't like my country nomore. My dreams were always to become an American.To live and die in New York city. And I still wanna
  18. I kinda did. Not that there's anything wrong with that.It's just that I miss all the people who are registered, and don't post.
  19. Man, we've like tried everything we can to keep it faster. Personally, I'm running out of ideas, and it just makes me so mad when i'm expecting all the freestyles to be posted at such a day, and a week later is when they're posted. So, what about sticking to the three days to post?
  20. Man I'm way behind on the news thing.I didn't know that Will was filming a movie
  21. I thought that you were talking about Will's Album. It kinda suprized me. So, I will just go to the music world store and cheq out the new JJ Album
  22. I have only seen it once, I don't remember much about it. I'm just gonna hope that the album won't have much swears or talking about doing stuff to their grandmaother like the first one.
  23. Congrats alot too the winners. Did I say winners? I mean winner. that was some okay rhymes out there. Did I say okay? I ment awesome and excellent rhymes. Anyways these are my fav lines, Fan4ever:badboy4ever? dude who are you, p diddy? Badboy:writin rhymes, copyin lines, and ur so depictable Sorry, I don't mean to be rude.
  24. that's preety good.He got the money.I guess the man didn't look homeless enough that's why Will gave him less. If I saw Will, I wouldn't wanna talk to him so he can give me money. I wouldn't mind if he gave it to me, but I would think it's weird.
  25. Mine is the one and the only........ My fav song in this whole damn world. [b] trapped on the dance floor[/b] some of my favs are: The things that you do Summer time Caught in the middle. I'm all that
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