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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Wild Child

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Everything posted by Wild Child

  1. man, I don't know. I just listen to it because it's smooth.
  2. so, let me get this str8ght.u said Eminem is not the D12 leader? Anyway, I haven't heard the song on the radio, but I think The music video is funny. Come on man, Slim Shady ain't that bad.He's a good rapper no matter if you like him or not.
  3. So when do we get to see the results?
  4. what do you mean album out this week? I will tell you my review soon
  5. Yo, if he will be working with Jeff during the whole album, then he should come out with the name Fp.If he is alone, then it's just the same new Will Smith. I'm so busy these days
  6. Ya man, I ain't got time to waste. I remember I left Zaire like in 1997, then I went to Zambia. Then I left Africa 4 Canada in 2001.I thought That I wasn't gonna make it. But this damn time sure goes really fast.I can't to visit in 2006. l Anyway, on the 18'th of April I'm gonna be a Canadian Citizen.
  7. ya man...She's hot. So who is she? I don't really know her. Thanks 4 making it bigger, but just to let you know, you didn't have to. damn she's hot...but my girl is hotter than that
  8. [b]I have... "parents just don't understand" and "girls ain't nothing but trouble" haha for real though. They're so easy to use in real life. [/b] I'm not sure who hasn't used these ones. I have said alot of Will's lines including: Who Am I, You sweet good enough to eat, mama come closer, You saw my blinker
  9. That's what I thought.But it's kinda funny when somebody reads it.You know what I mean?
  10. man what did you just say? I don't speak German. But yo, Freshness, I think that picture you got is kinda cool.Is that Lil' Kim? I can't tell
  11. ha ha ha. That's what it say in your profile. I kmow you aint
  12. Man, I thought I posted that on the right place. If I didn't, then I don't know where i'm gonna be posting my posts.
  13. Yo,[color=purple]FrshPrnceCharmng[/color]. I thought you thought that I was ...........you know. And that's why i said that I'm never gonna be like that.And I know you never said she was a dude. "Maybe".........I don't really like that song.But I had some one and she did too when we first met. [b]the real big willie[/b], thanks 4 reminding about that line. I just told her that she was beaultful for the very first time yesterday.And She was sure happy.I wonder what she's gonna say if I tell her that. And I'm always busy with her...but we haven't done that yet. I have to listen to 1000 kisses twice or three times every nights b4 I sleep. Me and her made out until that song finished.[color=blue]Big Will should have made that song a bit longer.But it's okay[/color]
  14. Just look at My signature, I should change it real soon.I don't know what you guys now think of me now
  15. I chose 1000 kisses.She kinda likes it.We saw the video of it and then she said yes to it. Yo, djsilvertiger, maybe I might choose You saw my blinker in the future who knows? And, Frshprincecharmng, just to remind you it's a girl.She kept on saying if you love you will do it.You're right man, I shouldn't have said it.And What do you mean by "[color=red]what do I know?" [/color] I can lough all day. And just to let you know, I'm never gonna be like that. Peace man. You know how these girls are.And one day it may happen to you too.And you won't be able to do anything about it.And you will tell us about it.you wanna bet?
  16. Welcome back man. Nice pics man. It's hard to belive that you're only e few months old And by the way Sandy, it's okay to be jealous. You ain't the only one.
  17. Welcome back man. And I won't 4get to vote this time.
  18. Man, Eminem is a good dude. Why hate him.His music is good, he's a good rapper, and he's my third fav. Please don't hate him.Like Will Smith said, you don't got nothing good to say, don't say nothing. I used to hate him too, until I started listening to his music.Don't judge him b4 you know him. I hate it when he disses Will, but I still think that he's got respect 4 him. Damn it guys, please b nice to Emenem just 4 once.
  19. Man that's his life.Dissing people then making friends with them.I personally like Eminem.His my third fav rapper. Is there anybody he hasn't dissed yet? I don't like it when he disses Will, but I still like his music.And I think he's a cool dude.Don't you? :afro: :afro:
  20. Thanks guys 4 all your support. I was thinking of The things that you do,Candy and Chasing 4ever. I only see her twice to three times a week.So I have already dedicated I can't wait to be with you. So,I'm gonna choose one and she'll choose one.Then We will pick one forthe two of us.It could be any rappers's song 4 me and her. I'm gonna make her choose 1000 kisses because she made me dress a skirt , she put make up on me, and a wig.Then whe took a picture of me.Lucky she didn't take it when I was wearing a skirt.She kept on saying if you love me, you will do it 4 me. I'm just lucky to be with her.I hope it lasts long. :afro: :biggrin: :slap:
  21. Is it gonna be like bad girls in the way i'm thinking it's gonna be? With Queen Latifah in it.Man.. I just can't wait till it's out.
  22. I don't see anything wrong with it being on the album. They did good puting it on there because it's hard 4 me to find Will Smith songs up here.
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