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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Wild Child

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Everything posted by Wild Child

  1. I'm not sure. I'm gonna have to listen to the song over and over to ger it.
  2. Same here. I don't even think I listen to him
  3. Yo, I'm just wondering what had happened to 3cookies and the rest. Krackers, I don't remember the last post i read from him. Chief, I don't know anything about him.Yo Tim, how come he aint posting. And Freneric, ever since he wrote that freestyle, I never read another word from him. da_brakes. We all know that he is just too busy with the exams. I was just wondering.These are the people who used to post like crazy.Especially 3cookies.
  4. Yo, I was wondering wich Will Smith love song I would dedicate to my girl. I'm not even sure if Will is got a love song.Anything good by Will that my girl would like.She said me and her should choose a song 4 the two of us.I have to choose one from my fav rapper and she has to choose one from has.I got until saturday. This girl is driving me crazy in a good way.I have been with her 4 two weeks. It just happened.I wasn't expecting it to. Here is what I'm thinking "candy" or "chasing 4ever" I ain't sure which one to choose. She's addicted to rap music alot just to let you know. So help me out I guess The reason why I ca't decide is, when I put in the Cd's I love every songs that I play, and it's just hard 4 me to pick one I've got strong feelings 4 this girl.And she's doing a very good job of keeping my mind off my ex.
  5. Damn it. I 4got to vote. But 4ever and badboys is the match I have been waiting to see. Good luck dudes.Nad don't take forever to write your freestyles.
  6. HappyBirth day man. Take sometime off. Youknow what Imean :afro:
  7. Since 1996. thanks alot to my Aunts and my cousins who are big fans of him :afro:
  8. It was okay. But, it would have been alot funnier if you didn't talk about will and Jeff
  9. Man thanks 4 leting us know.It's cool we gotta get them put some jjfp songs on it. it will sell alot especially if there are jjfp songs on it Even though I'm not a vedeo game dude, I will sign it.And in the future when it comes out, I will buy it 4 a gift to my friends. You came to the right place man. :biggrin: :afro:
  10. The only thing I didn't like about it, is my best friends were acting gay. satarting from thursday to yesterday, they were really stupid.They though they were funny. They even put on skirts yesterday, which made me look like I'm a pimp who's after three dudes. It was so funny when they went out sise the school, and these six dudes came up and started joking around, saying you look goog. Can we get some? I loughed so hard.Especially when they said:girls wear pant's and also wear skirts.So what's wrong with me wearing a skirt? That question was just out of line. Alot of people started loughing at them, until the two of them couldn't take it any longer. And this by the way happened yesterday. :afro:
  11. I got you man.... Thanks to everyone who made it clear to me.
  12. I'm 15.Alot of you are younger thatn I thought My grand -pa used to like Will.But Now.........
  13. Sorry man I never knew that.this forum just sounds like alittle off topic to me,and Iwon't do it next time I will read harder next time. Are you mad at us or something? First I thought that I did something bad...But now I'm like, it's all good.
  14. Damn this april fools day. I got fooled in the mornig so bad. I just entered the damn school buildning and said hi to this girl. The she asked me if i would like a cookie.It was looking to tell you the truth. first I didn't know she was foolling me, I ate the cooki, acted like I liked it. I told her that she did a good job on making it..The cookie had Hot chillie, suger, chiken spices, nineger and some hot peppers. Man that just tasted bad. I could have ate the whole damn cookie if she didn't tell me she was fooling. And I asked out my science teacher..It was so funny the whole class heard how I said it when I was asking her.She was pretty mad at me, then I said i was just fooling around. I could never 4get the look one her face. She almost susoended me :dancingcool:
  15. President Bush should be a rapper What do you think? that would be Eminem's best chance to burn him so bad I would lough so hard if he ever tried to rap
  16. I got A DvD player but I don't got any DVD's, but I have like 26 video which I really never watch unless I'm bored. I don't spend much of my time on tv.When I do so, I only watch Much Music :afro:
  17. Don't even ask man....But I would only want him on one or two tracks.I don't want too much of them. I wanna hear Kel Spencer I think they're the reason BTR was Will's most disliked Album. That's just what I think. :afro:
  18. Will Smith:Big Willie Style Will Smith:Willennium Will Smith:Born 2 Reign JJ FP:Code Red JJ Fp:Home Base JJ FP:He's the Dj JJ FP:And in this Corner Puff daddy:4ever Puff daddy and family:No way out Nas: God's Son 2pac:Until the end of time 2pac:all eyes on me 2pac:Makavelli 2pac:Ru still down? DMX: there was X Men in black the sound track 8 mile the sound track Gridlock'd the sound track Eminem: the eminem Show D12:Devils night :afro: DAs AFX: Dead seriuos 50 cent: Get rich or die G-unit:Berg 4 mercy Mase: doesn't give me the name. Vibe Hits:some gospel Cd's I was given Common Children: gospel Cd And I got alot of burned Cd's, with mixed rappers.So I don't got names for them
  19. Ya it's only nine days.........man you wanna wait that long? this battle should have had lasted only three days. Remember, we wanted to keep this one short. So who are the judges by the way?
  20. All you rappers yelling about who you in a hearse Do me a favor, play one verse without a curse I've always said this to most of my girl friends: you sweet, good enough to eat. Thanks to Will Smith about that. You saw my blinker bitch what wanna ball with the kid? watch your step you might fall tryna do what I did :afro:
  21. It's a pretty good song. But it ain't really my fav. Alot of my friends who don't listen to Will Smith knows that song.Did anyone else apart from Will make that song? I have been trying to explain to them.But they just lough.
  22. O no you must be jocking. Man that many cd's? Are you 4 real. Do you just buy them to have them or do you listen to them? if you listen to them, then how many do you listen to in a week. I only got fifty Cd's but I only listen to six of them most of the time. By the way, they are just too many and I didn't read all of them. One of my friends always talks about Young-Mc most of the time.But I've really never wanted to listen to him, and I have never listened to any of his songs.Maybe i will try My first post in four days. :afro:
  23. what's going on? nobody is posting their rhymes. how long has it been ? Is it the exam thing you have to do?
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