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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Wild Child

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Everything posted by Wild Child

  1. mm well, that's really interesting peace [b]Word life[/b]
  2. All you rappers wannna snap jazzy jeff is got my back all you rapppers yellin about who u put in a hearse do me a favor, play verse without a curse what you wanna ball wit the kid watch ya step you might fall tryna do what I did
  3. okay maybe i'm the only one wgo don't get this. but could you kinda explain to me which sticker on da albums?? somebody????? aight, peace
  4. [quote=Jonny 5,Jul 30 2004, 02:44 PM]they sometimes wear the same 'lowerhalf' attire...[/quote] they do????????? o ya. I just noticed aight man, peace word life
  5. :lolbonk: these new ones you got are awsome man U :rock: aight man..peace [b]Word Life[/b]
  6. Mine is Simone....and my fav line{Simon leave me alone} my second fav is those who can't rap
  7. [quote=Jazzy Julie,Jul 31 2004, 07:24 AM]How long has it been since they toured, its gotta be sold out if they do it.[/quote] lol.didn't tim just say it..you've been cheering 4 too long peace
  8. well, i'm happy 4 you guys :speechless: Will and jeff are never gonna come where I live :tear: :tear: 4 wut I know is that If they come to Canada they will go to Toronto aight man. peace word life
  9. Never seen or heard these movies you peeps are now talkin about damn, I 4got [b]Dude where's my car[/b] aight guys...peace word life
  10. [b]Happy birthday [/b]man. :rock: :birthday: peace.. [b]Word Life[/b]
  11. [quote=Prince,Jul 25 2004, 04:57 PM]but I'm pretty sure I've never "loughed" before.[/quote] wut do ya mean by this???? word life..U can't se me.... he never copies 2pac..the reason why he says that i think it's to piss off many other wrestlers.. peace
  12. ya all these pic are kinda good.. :dancingcool: good job guys.. peace
  13. I C.it's kinda gonna be harder than i thought..i've never made one b4.
  14. just can't w8 4 it..and thanks 4 da info man.
  15. [quote=J-o-e,Jul 26 2004, 11:46 AM]the whackest rapper comin back badder than ever[/quote] lol..it's okay man..there's one out there worse than u...But lol, nobody can change wut ya think
  16. Are they free or do you have to pay 4 them even if you made them..I'm thinking of getting one at muchmusic.com but they charge..
  17. I will explain later no time right now sorry man
  18. what's up big bros and sisters.. just wondering wut the funniest movies u've seen are...I mean movies that kept you loughin even after u finished watching them.... Pick 2 or 3 mine Are: [color=blue]Good Burger [/color]and [color=red]Rat Race[/color]....man I loughed my lips out.. peace Word Life u can't see me
  19. It's one of my top 5 songs on da album u can't see me..{john Cena} peace
  20. Happy Birthday jullie.... :thumb: Another goodbye to the teenage world.... have fun {that means no drinking and driving} U can't see me peace
  21. Man wut R U talkin about :dunno: :dunno: when, where and wut ???????? :eek4: can U kinda explain some of it???????? rubbish posts?????
  22. I donto the person who has heard the new single..how good is it??????????? Will is such a hard worjing man..
  23. Happy Birthday girl... 29 posts and i still don't know that you exist on this board.mmmmmmmmmmm peace
  24. [quote=Prince,Jul 21 2004, 02:35 PM][quote=Wild Child,Jul 21 2004, 08:56 PM] stripper[/quote] mate, what do you listen to? :dunno: Wu-Tang Clan [/quote] man, I listen to good music........... :nana: DJ.Clue
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