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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by bart5

  1. Hope you have a good one bro. Happy Birthday! :birthday:
  2. I scratch for my own music once in awhile. I don't know if I'm good enough for your track though (I'm no DMC champion haha) but if you want a sample of my scratching check my myspace page (in sig) and listen to "Hip Hop's Forever".
  3. I appreciate the compliments, it means a lot to me. Definitely glad that I gave this a shot for the first time and I personally think it was a pretty good battle. Julie - Looks like you won this, congrats. Your verse had some really good punchlines. Keep doing your thing, and good luck with the rest of the competition. Oh yeah, that anaemic rhyme sounds familar...I think Brakes had a similar line in "Hip Hop Loving". I think Brakes said "Rap is in my blood and you are anemic." Its all good though, haha. You had some dope rhymes. Peace
  4. Ash Trey - Good verse, had some great punch lines. The only thing I would say that could use some work is the flow. Schnazz - Loved the clever story teller lines you used to start it off. You take the cake on this battle.
  5. Luigie - Pretty nice verse, just seemed like it was missing something though. Tim - Dope verse, it really showed a lot of versitality. Tim wins this battle.
  6. Both of you had some great rhymes, but I had to give it to Silver Tiger. I thought his verse was a little more original.
  7. Never saw this topic before. Nice verse Tim, very well written.
  8. Toooooo much info...hahaha. I can see will being obsessed with girls as a teen just like FPOBA.
  9. This may be the first time, I've decided to write a battle verse, Lucky for me, I got matched up with this site's worse, But don't get me wrong, I've been in this game for a minute, Just don't think you've already got this, you ain't gonna win it, Hip Hops in my blood, its the reflection of my life and times, You gotta go back to preschool with your wack nursery rhymes, Its a disgrace and a waste to take out the peeps that don't write, Being matched with me?, its obvious this ain't even a fair fight, All my lyrics are on point for sure,'n if you don't understand this right, I might have to just record this verse so you can hear it every night, Its ok to be ashamed, and afraid to actually record your own rap, Lets just face it, I would be too if my lyrics and style were pure crap, Being a female emcee, you know this is no place for you to be, Its your unoriginal name plus no game that handed me this victory, I'll give you a hint...don't reply to this cause your finished, Its painful enough to sign up for a battle only to be diminished
  10. I'll give it try...but it might be a little hard for me to find time to do this. How long do we have to submit a verse in each battle?
  11. Nah, I remeber Jeff throwing someone out of the Bel Air crib once or twice. I know for sure in the episode where Will gets hexed by the spiritist and the whole family had bad luck, that Jeff threw Uncle Phil out of the house in that episode.
  12. Don't worry...we will ! :stickpoke: :susel[1]:
  13. Its cool that Ale is bringing in all the articles, nice work bro! But on the other hand, there is way too many of them at the same time. Its hard to find the time to respond to each topic why you type a paragraph or two in respone of how you feel about the article. I mean, with I Am Legend being out, Will is all over the board in terms of magazines and articles, so its time consuming to check em all out.
  14. Its kinda weird for me to see Will like he has been lately. When I think of him, I want to think of FPOBA and the guy spitting "Scratch it, jazzy...scratch it!" from Hes the DJ, I'm the Rapper track. He just seems so different to me now that he is older and past all that. He doesn't seem like an emcee anymore to me for some reason, but more of an actor who has different goals. I know deep down Will is the same person and all, but at the same time things like this make me wonder why he is so different. I know that it has been posted that he is going on tour with Jeff next year, but it still seems like that might not happen or something. Its not that I don't want Will to run for president, but its just that I don't want to see him as the president. I don't want to see him caught up in politics, and all that. He would probably make a great president for sure, but I would rather see him behind a pop filter and a mic ya know what I'm sayin? BTW - Jada does look amazing in that picture...
  15. Great, if Kanye doesn't win all the grammy awards that he is nominated for, he is going to cry and fuss again. Not trying to be a hater or anything, but it just bothers me when he disrespects everyone else that wins like he did before. I hope Common wins the all the nominations that he is up for.
  16. Tim already drew the tickets for those of you who are still entering.
  17. Good post!! Never seen that before.
  18. Who wrote that...i'll kill him with my bare hands. :fencing: Wow, the person wrote a great review for Hes the DJ, but then dissed the rest of their albums?? Makes no sense at all...
  19. It may not need any extra appreciation, but hey, its a great reminder of a classic hip hop album that a lot of people have forgotten about. So many people don't even know that Will was a rapper first.
  20. Props Ale, this a definitely cool. Glad to see that he still wants to do comedies, my favorite role that he plays.
  21. Wow, Will is an Actor/Producer?? I just thought he was an emcee all this time... :bangcomp: I know this is a hollywood topic, but come on...give credit to his rapping abilities.
  22. The world will never know......haha I agree with ya, AJ. You hit the nail on the coffin.
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