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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by bart5

  1. I guess they are still working out the details, so its not 100% official yet.
  2. Gotta love this!!!!! THANKS TIM!!! HIP HOP LIVES!!!
  3. I'm happy for KG. He deserves to get out of the crappy situation he's been stuck to. He is my favorite player and although the Wolves will suffer, I feel KG needs a shot at a ring before he retires. I will miss being able to see him play in person, I usually go to 3-4 T-Wolves games a year.
  4. That really sucks AJ. I feel your pain. I have lost things on the computer many times too.
  5. I saw it tonight. I thought it was hilarious and would recommend it for sure. I would love to see it again.
  6. More like the "Fess Prince." Rhmymefest is way different then Will and could never take his place. Although Fess is making an album with Jeff, he doesn't have a lot in common with Will.
  7. That video is awesome. Thanks for sharing Tim!
  8. Im my opinion, that lineup is a little weak. Whodini should get their props, but Snoop should have to wait a little longer. He is still making albums, while many legends that are out of the game deserve to be honored.
  9. Is this what the people of bel air STILL livin like? hmm... this might be alright.
  10. Another classic beat by Dilla...there are way to many to choose only five. Lets hear your top 5 list.
  11. Very good movie in my opinion. Well worth the price of admission.
  12. Post your top 5 favorite producers and list your top 5 favorite beats by them. (I got this thread topic from a different forum). Pete Rock *T.R.O.Y. *The Basement *Carmel City *Fakin Jax *Take You There DJ Premier *Mass Appeal *Code of the Streets *DWYCK *Moment of Truth *Its All Real DJ Jazzy Jeff *Summertime *Twinkle Twinkle (I'm Not a Star) *All I Know *The Garden *Practice 5th Sequence (an underground producer) *Hip Hop *Cool Vibes *The Nicest *And I'ma Ride *Pride an Joy J Dilla *Won't Do *So Far To Go *Runnin *Time Donut of the Heart *Are You Ready
  13. hahaha I love the lyrical content sticker. I might have to check this out.
  14. Its not that big of a deal. I love laid back, chilled hip hop (definitely my favorite kind of hip hop). I just think that in order to get that certain kind of laid back sound, sampling is a big help. Thats just my view as a producer/beat maker. But if the beats can still have the "Common-esque" feel to them w/o using samples, thats great. Plus now I can't submit any of my beats though. :shake:
  15. Thats why you have your record label clear the samples for you. All I'm saying is that its going to be hard to get a pete rock or premo sounding beat with out any samples being used in it. I would submit a beat to him but I'm a samplist producer.
  16. Sounds really awesome. But one thing about that seems pretty stupid. No samples?!?! Its going to be pretty fricken hard to get a DJ Premier, Jazzy Jeff, Dilla, or Pete Rock sounding beat with out sampling. All of those producers are/were samplists. Thats the reason why their beats sound they way they do. But overall Kel sounds like hes on to a great project. Also, I can't knock him for giving unknown producers a shot at exposure.
  17. Ban Silver Tiger for his pointless topics! God Blessa!
  18. I told ya'll, Jeff makes pure dope hip hop. No doubt, their collaboration album will be nothing short of real hip hop. Also, that picture of Jeff and Fess in the lab is dope.
  19. CRAP! I just made a song called Bring It Back. JJ and Fess's song is amazing though. Its definitely a dope preview of another classic album. Man, Jeff's production game has become perfected with age. Thats all I can say.
  20. I don't think Rhymefest is that bad. He has some good material and seems to atleast have some postive things about his music. Plus Jeff seems to really connect with him and we all know that Jeff makes pure, dope hip hop. As long as JJ continues to make music, I'll be happy with it.
  21. I was gonna say if you are that bored at night, just work on your writing game or somethiing. Play some video games, or watch some movies.
  22. The fighting scene was tight. The moral commercial with the old lady was funny and the dude on the cam was great. "Ohhhhhh!!!!" :lol:
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