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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by bart5

  1. I bet that this place will be packed after the RTOTM drops :jazzy:
  2. Yo VIsqo, it might not be a good idea to bring up 2 year old topics. This topic has been done for a long time.
  3. I love this song too. Its actually 1 of my favorite songs of all time. Everything is awesome about it.
  4. Yeah, I'm planning on getting another dog sometime when I get older. I love dogs. I just wish Putter was still here, but I know it was God's plan for him to go. Thanks for the replies ya'll.
  5. Thanks AJ, I appreciate it a lot. I am definitely thankful for the time I spent with him, and the blessing it was to have him as a friend.
  6. Today, my dog Putter aka Putt Putt, was put to sleep. The reason why he was put to sleep was because he bit me a couple of weeks ago, and I had to get stitches. I didn't mind, losing a friend hurt a lot more. He also bit my brother a couple of years ago. The thing is Putter wasn't a vicious dog or anything, he was actually a very loving dog. I miss him a lot, and so does my family. I just wish he didn't have to die, he was a great dog, and a great friend. I guess Life Goes On, like 2pac once said.
  7. Tell your friend that Will was only imitating other gangster rappers as a joke, to show how stupid it is to call women, "b******," in songs. The whole song was making fun of hardcore rap. Most people don't realize it though, because they hear the curses and think "Wow, I didn't realize will smith curses in his songs." That was my first reaction too. I couldn't believe that he would make a song like that, but then I realized the truth when I read about it on this site. So just let your friend know that Will was only trying to prove a point, that gangsta rap can be wack at times. Another thing you can tell him is Will never said that he never has cursed in any of his songs. Will said he doesn't like to curse in his songs, so that everybody of all different ages can listen to his music. Will never claimed that every single song that he has made is w/out any cursing at all. I hope that those points might help ya out.
  8. Thats the only thing I don't really like about the song. The beat is a classic beat, but not Jazzy Jeff's. The beat is from Gang Starr's "Words That I Manifest." I think Jeff should only use his original beats only, because his beats are awesome. Sure, he did change the beat slighty, by adding in a shaker and a few other little things, but the main orginial sample is from Gang Starr. The song is definitely dope though, but I think that Jeff shouldn't use beats like that. Just like the Ntro, on The Magnificent, he took the main orginial sample from ATCQ's "Butter," and reused it. I kinda think its unoriginal, but they are still great songs that I like a lot. Jeff just used the same sample..just because someone else used the sample doesn't mean Jeff can't use it.. I know that, but I just think that he should use the original beats that he makes, instead of using the same samples that someone else already used. I know that its alright to use the same sample and all, but I think that its better when you hear a beat that you have never heard before.
  9. Thanks for the reminder. We should all go post Happy Birthday wishes on his forum tomorrow.
  10. Thats the only thing I don't really like about the song. The beat is a classic beat, but not Jazzy Jeff's. The beat is from Gang Starr's "Words That I Manifest." I think Jeff should only use his original beats only, because his beats are awesome. Sure, he did change the beat slighty, by adding in a shaker and a few other little things, but the main orginial sample is from Gang Starr. The song is definitely dope though, but I think that Jeff shouldn't use beats like that. Just like the Ntro, on The Magnificent, he took the main orginial sample from ATCQ's "Butter," and reused it. I kinda think its unoriginal, but they are still great songs that I like a lot.
  11. I don't know about ya'll, but to me Beavis and Butthead are hilarious. I wish that show was still on tv.
  12. Wow, that kinda seems like a little too much. But if that is what will help kids go to church and learn about God, then why not? It might be a good idea, unless things get out of control.
  13. Thanks for the interview Jim. Born to Reign is the only JJFP/WS album that I still need to pick up, and I have heard some of the tracks off it already and I liked them. Block party is nice track. Also, its cool to read about how FP felt about the album before he dropped it.
  14. Yo, that site is AWESOME. wow. thanks for sharing it dude, i definitely am gonna be downloadin some mixtapes off there. Also, congrats on the big 1 0 0 0.
  15. That was great. hahahaha Thanks for sharing. I'm gonna tell some people about this one.
  16. I haven't seen it, but from your review I bet the show is only hurting white rapper's reps even more, by just showing all the bad white rappers. Dang, thats not good for my cousin and I.
  17. Not bad at all, but its hard for me to listen to that track w/o Mobb Deep's vocals to match the beat. Keep up the good work though.
  18. I guess as I first skimmed through the tracks, they didn't seem very good because of the intros to the tracks like the ones on Engine Running and Time Is Right. A couple of the tracks seemed weird to me, so I didn't listen to carefully to all the tracks. But as I gave a closer listen to Soul Music, Happy Home, and Funny Money, they kinda grew on me. Overall I appreciate any free music that has some quality to it, mad props to Kweli and Madlib for giving something back to the fans. So what did you think of the album Fuq?
  19. Talib Kweli is one of my favorite rappers that still rap today but I wasn't really feeling this album.
  20. I am so hyped for the "All I Know" track with CL now. Thanks for the review Tim.
  21. January 1, 2007 -- Busta is going to get busted again. Cops plan to charge rascally rapper Busta Rhymes with assault after he allegedly beat up an employee the day after Christmas, law-enforcement sources said. The hip-hop star, who is out of the country, will be hit with charges when he returns after New Year's Day, the sources said. His lawyer, Robert Kalina, did not return a message left at his home. The bust-up allegedly took place Dec. 26 in Rhymes' office at 84 W. Broadway near City Hall. Eddie Hatchett, 39, who worked as one of Rhymes' drivers, filed a police complaint saying he went to see the rapper at 7 p.m. to collect money he was owed, the sources said. Instead of taking out his wallet, the rapper put up his fists, Hatchett claimed. Rhymes landed a number of punches, including one that struck Hatchett's face and caused a laceration, the driver said. On Dec. 27, Hatchett, who lives in Brooklyn, tried to file a complaint at the 83rd Precinct station house near his home. Officers directed him to the 1st Precinct station house in lower Manhattan, where the alleged assault occurred. Hatchett filed his charges there. Police contacted Kalina and learned that Rhymes is out of the country, possibly in Africa, according to the sources. The lawyer agreed that the star would come in and talk to cops once he returns, the sources said. Cops plan to charge him with third-degree assault, a misdemeanor. Hatchett initially declined to discuss the case last night. Then he said, "I'm just an average Joe trying to support my family." Rhymes, 34, whose real name is Trevor Smith, lives in Baldwin, L.I. He is already facing charges of assault, attempted assault and harassment for allegedly beating up a fan who spit on a car in the star's entourage on West 19th Street Aug. 12. Cops say Rhymes repeatedly kicked Roberto Lebron in the head and body, giving him cuts, bruises and a concussion. Prosecutors offered a plea deal of six months behind bars, but the rapper, who topped the charts this year with the song "Touch It," declined the offer. http://www.nypost.com/seven/01012007/news/...andy_geller.htm
  22. want to upload the bootleg? :shrug: :kool2: or is it easy to find on ebay?
  23. 2006 *Got completely hooked on Hip Hop *Started producing beats *Got my first car *Dropped my first summer job at Micky D's (I definitely need to get a better job this comin summer) *Finally got turntables and started DJing *Became really good friends with my cousin *Played a lot of basketball and started lifting *Struggled with test taking in school, so i had to get help outside of school (finally my grades are improving) *Decided to pursue music production or photography when i go to college
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