I don't say he should stop with movies, but he should give his music more respect.. I'll always love Will smith stuff, but I'm loosing my respect for him cuz he never had a tour or something to promote his albums.. his last two albums have had only one single, black suits comin for born to reign and switch for L+F..... u can't consider 1000kisses and party starter as singles cuz they had been released light years after the first ones.. maxfly u r right, the key is promoting and I think Will has enough money to promote his albums by himself, I don't understand which sense has releasing a single after seven months when nobody else will buy your album, and which sense has to not release the song you consider your best one ever... this is lack of respect for the fans that have always support him, I'm not saying that i don't like Will SMith, I believe he's one of the most talented rappers ever but movies stole his rap soul...