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Everything posted by bigted

  1. Keith Sweat Feat. Keyshia Cole "Love You Better"
  2. Damn y'all East Tennessee State really got Pittsburgh on the ropes right now, I wish I had the balls to pick that upset, this is history in the making!!!
  3. If FP ever wants to come back on the mic again then it'd be cool to see Jeff add a fun rap to it, but we all know that Jeff's the master DJ/producer more than anything else
  4. UConn looked too strong yesterday, they should come up with a mercy rule for the #16 seeds... I thought most of the games yesterday were kinda of a letdown except for that American/Nova game, that game nearly bursted my entire bracket, here's hoping there's more drama today...
  5. UGK Feat. Ron Isley "The Pimp The Bun" http://www.allhiphop.com/stories/multimedi...9/21197912.aspx
  6. Whoahhhhhh, the Queen is back, she killed this for real, Rhymefest is mad slept on as well, what a song!!! :wickedwisdom:
  7. I'm so hyped for this tournament, the first few days are always the best since there's so many bracketbusters in it, on my bracket I have Louisiville winning the championship over North Carolina in the championship game, Lawson's gonna run out of gas at the end, it's the opposite of what our president Obama picked there, and I have Purdue a #5 seed in the Final Four... When it comes to today's games I got Kel Spencer's alma matter Morgan State pulling off the biggest upset in history by beating Oklahoma as a #15 seed, Griffin's not healthy enough right now and I haven't liked the way Oklahoma's been playing lately so even if they do win this game today they're still going down early and I also think Western Kentucky will upset Illinois, Duke's gonna barely win today as well, they're gonna get a big scare by Binghamton, another #15 seed, this is history in the making indeed.... So who's everyone else have? It's less than 3 hours away from starting y'all!!!
  8. Def Jam didn't do a damn thing to promote LL lately, it was like Jordan playing on a crappy Wizards team, it's not his fault that everyone around him sucks, he still has the skills
  9. Busta Rhymes "Cut From A Different Cloth" http://allhiphop.com/stories/multimedia__m...4/21071297.aspx
  10. I don't think LL would've turned down 8 films while recording "Exit 13" if he was in it for the money, the way I see it he really just wants to help new artists get exposure, but I think he could do even better doing that in a mc/coach role rather than dropping the mic and going on the sidelines
  11. Wow that sucks, I hope LL pulls a Jordan or even a Jay-Z and changes his mind in the near future 'cause it's hard to picture the hip hop game without him being a major force in it, "Exit 13" and that "Return Of The G.O.A.T." mixtape shows he still has a lot of skills left in him to keep going. He was saying in interviews though before the album dropped that he wanted to let the new generation takeover more and he wanted to sign some new talent by starting his boomdizzle.com website.
  12. Bonus furor may prompt limits on AIG bailout money By PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writer Philip Elliott, Associated Press Writer – Tue Mar 17, 10:56 am ET WASHINGTON – The Obama administration says it's trying to put strict limits on the next $30 billion installment in taxpayers' money for insurance giant AIG amid questions about whether it responded fiercely enough to executive bonus payments. President Barack Obama and his top aides expressed outrage at reports that American International Group Inc. went ahead with $165 million in bonuses even though the company received more than $170 billion in federal rescue money. Obama directed Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to see whether there was any way to retrieve or stop the bonus money — a move designed as much for public relations as for public policy. "I mean, how do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat?" Obama said Monday, in announcing a plan to help small businesses. The financial bailout program remains politically unpopular and has been a drag on Obama's new presidency, even though the plan began under his predecessor, President George W. Bush. The White House is aware of the nation's bailout fatigue; hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars have gone to prop up financial institutions that made poor decisions, while many others who have done no wrong have paid the price. The burgeoning controversy raged Tuesday as Sen. Richard Shelby, ranking Republican on the Banking Committee, charged that Geithner had known about the AIG bonus payments before they were made and failed to stop them. "I don't know what President Obama knew about it," Shelby said. "I'd say he probably didn't know about it." Shelby said that Geithner "either knew or should have known what was going on. We need to know, what are the details of this? When were the bonuses signed up? Who's getting it?" The Alabama senator stopped short of calling for Geithner's resignation, saying "he's under fire from all sides now." "I don't know if he should resign over this," Shelby said. "He works for the president of the United States. But I can tell you, this is just another example of where he seems to be out of the loop. Treasury should have let the American people know about this." Administration officials said over the weekend that Treasury determined the government had no legal authority to block the current payments by AIG — which are part of a larger total payout reportedly valued at $450 million. Instead, Geithner asked that the company scale back future bonus payments where legally possible, the administration said. Geithner was characterized as having called AIG Chairman Edward Liddy on Wednesday to demand that Liddy renegotiate AIG's current bonus structure. In a letter to Geithner dated Saturday, Liddy informed Treasury that outside lawyers had informed the company that AIG had contractual obligations to make the bonus payments and could face lawsuits if it did not do so. AIG got predictably raked over the coals at a Senate Banking Committee hearing on regulating the insurance industry. "One way or another, we're going to try to figure out how to get these resources back," said Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., the panel's chairman. "This is ridiculous," exclaimed Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont. He said AIG executives "need to understand that the only reason they even have a job is because of the taxpayers." Expressions of outrage across the political spectrum reached a new crescendo Monday when Sen. Charles Grassley suggested in an Iowa City radio interview that AIG executives should take a Japanese approach toward accepting responsibility for the collapse of the insurance giant by resigning or killing themselves. "Obviously, maybe they ought to be removed," the Iowa Republican said. "But I would suggest the first thing that would make me feel a little bit better toward them if they'd follow the Japanese example and come before the American people and take that deep bow and say, I'm sorry, and then either do one of two things: resign or go commit suicide." Grassley spokesman Casey Mills said the senator wasn't calling for AIG executives to kill themselves, but said those who accept tax dollars and spend them on travel and bonuses do so irresponsibly. In another development, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said he has issued subpoenas for the names of American International Group employees given bonuses despite their possible roles in its near-collapse. Cuomo said his office will investigate whether the $165 million in payments are fraudulent under state law because they were promised when the company knew it wouldn't have the money to cover them. AIG reported this month that it lost $61.7 billion in the fourth quarter of last year, the largest corporate loss in history, and it has benefited from more than $170 billion in a federal rescue. "When a company pays funds that the company effectively doesn't have, it's akin to a looting of a company," Cuomo said. "You could argue if the taxpayers didn't bail out AIG, those contracts wouldn't be worth the paper it's printed on." News that AIG still needs billions in taxpayer dollars to prevent a collapse did little to build public confidence, Obama aides acknowledged. Seeking to turn the public tide, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs aggressively criticized AIG and said administration officials were working to put strict limits on the next $30 billion installment bound for the company. "Treasury has instruments that can address the excessive retention bonuses, and add provisions to ensure that taxpayers are made whole," Gibbs said. The AIG news overshadowed what Obama's aides had hoped to spend the first part of the week discussing: billions of dollars to help the nation's small businesses in the hopes of getting credit flowing again. Obama heaped praise on the little guys of American industry, often overshadowed in the blitz of government bailouts. Two months into office, Obama's job approval rating is 61 percent, according to Gallup polling. That number has been relatively stable so far this month but has dropped from the 68 percent when the president took office. The major factor has been a decline in support among Republicans, from 41 percent to 26 percent. A separate poll out Monday by the Pew Research Center put Obama's approval at 59 percent, slipping from 64 percent last month. The Pew poll found that a growing number of Americans see him as listening more to the liberals than to the moderates in the Democratic Party.
  13. Nice to see another hip hop pioneer still in the game and that's quite an impressive list of artists on an album, looks as promising as Jazzy's "Return Of The Magnificent", definately gonna be supporting that real hip hop
  14. I agree with Brakes, having a deal is dead these days, being on the 'net is great exposure, Kel doing his thing for real
  15. LL Cool J "Mama Said Knock You Out" the song and the album
  16. R. Kelly has really been disappointing these days, tarnishing his legacy by putting out weak music and working with weak artists like 50 and Bow Wow, come on R. Kelly you could do better than this
  17. Guy "Dancin'", Never Could Get Tired Of Da New Jack Swing
  18. TI's one of the more talented rappers on the commercial scene, I don't mind that he sells, he could flow...
  19. damn that sucks for y'all Ukers, sure Youtube got a lot of crap but they got a lot of rare dope stuff that don't get any airplay
  20. JJFP "Boom! Shake The Room"(Street Remix)
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