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Everything posted by bigted

  1. Nas gives KRS-ONE props quite frequently if you follow his career closely, many times he shouted out KRS so it's just KRS returning the favor, it's all love
  2. Well there's a lot of great songs that never get released, that's the way the music industry is, and really Def Jam ain't no different than Interscope, Columbia, or any other label out there at this point, Ghostface dropped a hot album recently and he didn't even get a video released
  3. Well AJ basically hit it on the nail, it's a combination of many things, mostly industry politics though
  4. There's still a lot of progress that needs to be made, really a lot of history seems to be repeating itself over and over again, this article really made a lot of strong points
  5. Will Smith Meets Japan's Prime Minister TOKYO - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says his countrymen could use a piece of advice from Will Smith's new movie, "The Pursuit of Happyness," the story of a homeless man and his young son who make good. "I think we should treasure the idea of not giving up dreams," Abe said. Smith and Abe met at the prime minister's official residence Thursday. The 38-year-old actor is visiting Japan to promote the film, released by Sony Corp.'s Sony Pictures. "The Pursuit of Happyness" is based on the rags-to-riches story of Chris Gardner, played by Smith, and his 5-year-old son, who find themselves homeless. "We are aiming to create a society that is full of chances and allows people to take up a challenge again," Abe said. "The movie presents us an example of such society." Abe said he wants to see the film, which opens in Japan on Jan. 27. Smith's screen credits also include "Ali," "Independence Day" and the "Men in Black" films. His 7-year-old son, Jaden Christopher Syre Smith, plays the part of Gardner's son.
  6. I really think this is a strong idea by Kurtis Blow, I really think that in order for it to truely to take off though the most popular rappers should get involved with this, then that way a lot of kids will be influenced
  7. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/o...,0,920063.story His words against the war resonate 40 years later By Cynthia Tucker Originally published January 15, 2007 ATLANTA // In an odd coincidence of timing, President Bush launched his plan to escalate U.S. military involvement in Iraq on the cusp of the national celebration of the birthday of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., whose courageous denunciation of the American strategy in Vietnam is better appreciated now than it was then. When Dr. King came out against the war in 1967, he was harshly criticized. Little has changed in 40 years. As recently as last February, the Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, a veteran of the civil rights movement, drew harsh criticism when he used the occasion of Coretta Scott King's funeral to blast Mr. Bush's policies on the war and on poverty. Supporters of the war responded with outrage, claiming Mr. Lowery had cheapened Dr. King's legacy and disrespected his widow's memory. Last October, religion writer Lorraine V. Murray acknowledged that she had avoided calling for the withdrawal of American troops in Iraq "for fear of the avalanche of angry e-mails it might engender. I think it is high time we admitted, once and for all, that the whole Iraq endeavor was a major blunder. Keep in mind, please, that I am writing this from a Christian perspective." No wonder so few well-known American preachers took a high-profile stand against the invasion of Iraq nearly four years ago, even if they doubted the war's morality or the administration's veracity. Any minister who expressed those doubts would have been trashed as a traitor, an appeaser, a "surrender monkey," and few had the stomach for that. Of course, a few highly regarded religious leaders spoke out early on. Perhaps the best-known was Pope John Paul II, whose legacy includes a determined effort to prevent a war of choice. But Mr. Bush had not only the broad support of American voters but also a cheering section on the religious right, where many ministers gave him their blessing. In an October 2004 debate on CNN, the Rev. Jerry Falwell declared: "You've got to kill the terrorists before the killing stops. And I'm for the president to chase them all over the world. If it takes 10 years, blow them all away in the name of the Lord." Earlier, Mr. Falwell had called Mohammed, founder of Islam, a "terrorist," though he later apologized. There were a few evangelicals who publicly disagreed with Mr. Falwell and his ilk, including the Rev. Jim Wallis, editor of Sojourners magazine. But most either supported Mr. Falwell or, if they disagreed, kept their mouths shut. Mr. Bush had cleverly co-opted many preachers with his so-called faith-based initiative, which pledged government funds for church-run ministries. With so many preachers behaving like politicians - stoking prejudices, watching the polls and fearing a backlash from the pews - Dr. King's decision to speak out against the war in Vietnam appears all the more admirable. According to Taylor Branch , the premier chronicler of the civil rights years, Dr. King agonized over his decision to oppose the war. He not only understood the dangers of communism, but he also knew his opposition to the war could cost the civil rights movement its most powerful ally, President Lyndon B. Johnson. Some respected civil rights leaders urged him to keep his mouth shut. But his conscience wouldn't let him. In a pivotal speech at New York's Riverside Church in April 1967, Dr. King said, "I have moved to break the betrayal of my own silences and to speak from the burnings of my own heart. ... I knew I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today - my own government." That's not among the quotes we tend to trot out in our annual commemorations of Dr. King, when we're more comfortable with a sepia-toned man of softer edges. But the man who insisted that America live up to its ideals believed in a nation that promoted peace and justice around the world and around the clock. That's the man who ought to be remembered and celebrated. Cynthia Tucker is editorial page editor for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Her column appears Mondays in The Sun. Her e-mail is cynthia@ajc.com.
  8. Will never stopped being a hip-hop artist, he is hip-hop, end of story, there'll be another album out in due time
  9. Well when I was talking to my friend Krystle on Monday Night she mentioned to me that she knows some producers that got studios and she's gonna put in a word for me so maybe I'll be ripping some flows in a studio soon, I'll keep y'all posted, thanks for the support
  10. Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five Inducted Into Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame By Nolan Strong Date: 1/8/2007 2:00 pm Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five have been inducted into the prestigious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the organization announced today (Jan. 8). Also inducted with Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five were R.E.M., The Ronettes, Patti Smith and Van Halen. The five inductees will be honored during a ceremony at the Waldor-Astoria in New York on March 12. “We couldn’t be more proud to honor this unique, diverse group of rockers, rappers, singers and poets. This is what rock and roll is all about,” Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation President and C.E.O., Joel Peresman said in a statement. The evening will also pay tribute to the late Ahmet Etregun, who was Chairman of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Ertegun founded founded Atlantic Records and influenced the careers of Eric Clapton, The Rolling Stones, Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles and countless others. The 2007 inductees were chosen by 600 voters of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation. Artists are eligible for inclusion 25-years after their first recording is released. Each artist will be commemorated in the museum and artifacts and a multimedia film presentation that highlights each artists' career will also be showcased in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, which is based in Cleveland, Ohio.
  11. Well if 50 Cent wants people to respect him he needs to focus more on his career and building an integrity level of a Will Smith/Oprah rather than say foolish things that hold no weight, "Don't Say Nothin" 50, honestly he's only looking for teenagers and under to respect him the way that he acts
  12. We got a community center in my area but there ain't no studio in it, man I wish, lol, thanks for the feedback homie, more appreciated, I know a lot of y'all especially Brakes been asking to hear me, hear it is
  13. http://fs08n1.sendspace.com/dl/28f21b015e1...06,%202007).mp3 I was messing around doing some of my rhymes over the phone with fuq Sat. Night and he recorded them for me, enjoy, I did "Letting Go '07", "Keeps Me Coming Back" Poem, and a verse of "Wannabe": Lyrics To "Letting Go '07" Originally Written In Late '04, Remixed On New Year's '07: Chorus: I have no choice To be letting go I have a raw voice I release this to be known That if you're gonna be standing on your own It's never an easy choice The hard compete to win is shown When you release your own voice You become the #1 name in your household In order to get to the threshold You gotta know how it's cold No need to hold onto beef, that's why we let go That's how you're getting to grow Verse One: Yo this is for everyone of my so called homies that turned to deceit You always question my journey You say that direction finds to occur in me Without display of a hurt in me How can I be so cold? That might be the next need to go unfold And unravel when you gettin' to see as you're growin' old See now I'm not the one to play off your role But I refuse to wear clothes that are distasted and full of holes I don't want to live life on the bottom of the pile I'm not gonna get paid a dollar a mile I refuse to sell myself as being cheap It's not a matter of releasing greed I don't gather what you see in me One minute you want to be friendly Until the next minute when you want to be the enemy How did that stuff get to be? I know that it wasn't meant to be But still it was effecting me 'Cause that's what happend when I care for somebody, I realise though I should just let them leave if they're bringin' negativity You're never a friend if your stunt represents foolish envy The ruins of energy Is negativeness hurtin' the love to conceive When the one that you'd believe Turned out to be the one who'd deceive When behind my back, you're making fun of me How can you that dumb and foolishly Killing your intelligentness doesn't burn me Your so-called loveliness is just one hurt you'll receive 'Cause you killed it all When you thought you were built tall Not to care for someone is awful You used to be the one who was cool But when you turned into sin you became a fool All that hurtin' you tried to provide me Was different from that person I thought I knew Who am I to just pick on you I always would represent for you But you paid attention when I wanted to trade it all for you Like Fabolous, but I'm glad I didn't I just want you to stay out my buisiness And I'll stay out of yours Now I'm flamin' the route of your nerve These thoughts are clogging you up like an artery If you continue to provide the beef I don't need your front, so now my heart is free I move on the prowl to spark up this scene You ain't my friend if you don't respect that I don't like to smoke weed Now I'm leaving you the thought to ponder of how it would be And I can't figure out why would you bother on giving up on me? Hey I ain't holding no grudge though, it's all gravy, it's just that... Chorus: I have no choice To be letting go I have a raw voice I release this to be known That if you're gonna be standing on your own It's never an easy choice The hard compete to win is shown When you release your own voice You become the #1 name in your household In order to get to the threshold You gotta know how it's cold No need to hold onto beef, that's why we let go That's how you're getting to grow Verse Two: Here's a message to release All the wishes you need Is rawness you can't achieve If Jesus isn't where can see See without him, you wouldn't breathe But you take that for granted if you won't believe See it doesn't matter of your religion when you achieve It has to do with some sort of vision we all see But we refuse to acknowledge When this world is a foolish disgracement We allow fools to race in And keep their tools for the taking The devil's tryin' to put us in our place again He tries to cheat us out of our race to win The deaths of many are various From cancer to pollution And there isn't an answer computing Of how we let the cowards kill our soldiers with bomb hits It's all on the shoulders of the president And of course we all have been wanting direction In the ghettos there's also infection When job's aren't known to them Sellin' drugs is all that's left And shotguns blasting up the set The police force doesn't have enough ammo to stop them from slinging The song that the youth comes out singing Is explicit images from what is the reflect A lot of what's being said is a bunch of ignorance We don't really ask where God is But we should, 'cause we shouldn't be thinkin' All about an election and just forget him 'Cause more than a legit president We need some of God's blessing I respect my elders unlike other rappers so I ain't saying the n word in my records I'm down with anyone who's real, no matter the color Letting go of our dirt is part of the lesson This should be the resolution beyond the '07 Really try to hold on to what could improve the remaining moments I live But there's no problem letting go of that propoganda nonsense Moving forward on a more postive perspective Lyrics To 'Keeps Me Coming Back' Poem Inspired From My Friend Krystle Over Summer '06, With An Extended Verse Written On Dec. 2nd, 2006: Keeps Me Coming Back Even when time moves on There's one thing that remains constant Just as you see others come and gone You'll see me calling your home again Some might oppose that thought as wrong They probably think that don't make sense Since they're the ones who give up While I remain pushing Just when you thought that the time for us was up You see that I bring the pace to the attack When I keep coming back This move is not from desperation It's basically a plot for the continity of life like this is a habitation This is long term investment That I put in work for I'll be there through good and bad situations For less or for more This has to be constant compared to the changes I put in too much patience just to leave you hurt The nemesis might try to humilate this Since they don't want to convert I stand tall above the hating That's why I still have confidence that I could still win over your heart This is the reason to keep coming back There's no slack since I've met you at the start I don't know where this story will end I keep on searching to unlock the key to your heart so you'll let me in You've been quite hesitant That's why I take my time until you want to press the ignition It's a two way street, that's why I remain to compete It's up to you try to come halfway for me, really there's no more I guess I could do really I done it all already, if you don't want my in your life, I need somebody else that'll keep me to come back My love for god will always keep me on the tracks Just penning down more emotions will make me keep on the attack I would like to shout out Chingy for making me writing this rap I'm not your fan really but you spoke to my heart when I heard your song homie That's why I keep coming back "Wannabe" Verse One, Written In Spring '05: Yeah critics have their minds into talk I can hear them already sayin' that I lost Before the 1st game began you put rumors of me moving soft See as a creator, a new lesson is in the bowl like broth Now or later this game will come around a new path to walk I like to do my moves silent You always mention how you're so violent But then you turn around to expire a bit While I burn the ground through writing a hit I'm underground but I'm still not limited I keep an eye out for what you're doin' Even though I don't go around mimmicking it I take times out to look at the scripture to win You look at my pad and could never picture this Written by your average human being I put in words of truth not a made up image This isn't a comic book And I plot to look On the opposite spot for the goods You won't see me havin' Nikes on my foot But I see you owning plenty, how could you be 'hood? Walkin' down the street at night sportin' them'll get you shook I'm smarter than you when it comes to that look I'm fashionless so I'll manage to win I'm hip-hop without wearing name brand clothing You say that you're gangsta but then you can't even stomach a horror flick at the mall You talkin' like you have it all You copy all your rappin' from 2Pac and Biggie Smalls No different than the rest of them I'm truly one of the few creative heads left You think I'm takin' a dismissal When I let you go on the air about pistols But now I'm back again and now this is the issue I'll challenge you to a duel But you won't show, why don't you go home? And let a real mc spark the microphone You just started rhymin', but I've been doing this since I was 15 years old I don't get how you could get signed Doin' these soft tissue rhymes The girl that you're wit is one of those sluts that'll give it easily to any guy So you'll be contracting HIV that'll end your life You think you're so slick that all your problems will slide Makin' up your fantasy rhymes I keep my tales on the reality side As an mc you fail 'cause you freeze durin' crunch time One of those wannabes I used to eat durin' lunch time That I used to battle in high school using supreme punch lines You thought that I was just jokin but now you could see the tough style It wasn't a front, I don't have to say I got a gun To win and I don't have to have a blunt When I'm already high off of having fun I don't have to say things I don't mean I don't have to have bling-bling even when I have luxury It's not an essential As long as I'm still plottin' like a rebel To knock out the devil Then I think I got on a higher level Like my man Kris Parker You didn't think I could jam this harder I'm more clutch with my slams than Vince Carter Controllin' end zones like Cris Carter I don't have to live a “hard knock life” like Sean Carter And I don't plan on puttin' down my microphone just 'cause I'm smarter It's the end for your hard headed role Someone's comin' to take your part, you gotta go,when you only act like you're a street rapper
  14. Yeah it seems like ever since I been chatting with Krystle a lot lately I've been listening to a lot of soulful songs, especially Blackstreet's "I Wanna Be Your Man", now that song right there perfectly reflects my feelings about her, I'm actually working on a tape with all the songs on it that remind me of how I feel about her, James Brown said it best: "this is a man's world/but it'd be nothing without a woman or a girl", really I feel full of life when she's in my presence, the time that we weren't in contact it felt like a part of me was missing, I wrote a lil' rap recently about her and said something "Like Blackstreet sung "I Wanna Be Your Man"/Feel that shorty this is bigger than words I wrote for this jam" everytime I hear LL Cool J's "Luv U Better" it takes me back to the time that I met her, I remember it was released around that time, btw here's some of the songs I put on it already: Uncle Sam "Think About Me" Guy "Piece Of My Love" LL Cool J feat. Amerie "Paradise" Aaliyah "One In A Million" Aaliyah Feat. Treach "A Girl Like You" Brian Mcknight Feat. Talib Kweli "She" Guy "Spend Some Time" New Edition "I'm Still In Love With You" LL Cool J "Luv U Better" Blackstreet "I Wanna Be Your Man"
  15. Yeah you don't have to release songs every 5 minutes to be a part of hip-hop, 50 obviously doesn't know the true meaning of hip-hop, Will lives and breathes hip-hop, it's a way of life, it don't have to with just doing songs, 50's an idiot, Oprah's done more for the black community than most of these so called rappers have done as well, she's more hip-hop than any of them who criticise her, she represents the integrity and pride that makes true hip-hop, btw 50's career in acting is officially dead, now all we need now is his album to flop and his career'll be over, 'Home Of The Brave' only grossed $6,000, lol: 70 - Home of the Brave MGM Distribution Company $6,000 http://movies.yahoo.com/mv/boxoffice...nd/2006/12/17/
  16. I'd imagine that 50's single for his new album will be an Oprah diss, his whole career is nothing but a publicity stunt
  17. Well this board should have a respectable pulse when "TROTM" drops in March
  18. Well like a lot of us on this board expressed in this topic I respect my body, I don't smoke or drink, but really though I'm cool with people that do as long as they don't try to force me to do so, that's when it's a problem...
  19. haha, well really that's been the anthem of my life before i met krystle in 2002 and basically everytime my ego tried to keep me away from her over the last couple years
  20. Now as we come into the '07 basically it's sorta like a fresh start , basically we gotta make the best of our moments, I wish the best for everyone here, appreciate the love and support, and now I've been rweally trying to lift up my friend Krystle's spirits 'cause she's been down since her gransdfather passed away last week, basically I just been letting her know that I have her back and that I care about her, I think Guy's "Smile" song really reflects the mood, basically I'm just trying to bring happiness to her sad days by showing her that I'm out there for her to confort her pain(the group that was part of Teddy Riley's new jack swing movement in case your unaware, with Aaron Hall being the lead singer) Lyrics to Guy's “Smile” -Intro: All I want you to do baby Is lay back and relax awhile Listen to what I have to tell you And I hope by the end of the song I'll have you smiling Verse One: Everytime I see you, you're wearing the same ol' frown(Wearin' the same ol' frown) (Why don't you please?) Lift up your pretty head and show the world you're not down? Baby please smile Chorus: Baby, please smile(Smile) Just for a lil' while(Smile) Smile for me baby(Smile) S-M-I-L-E, Smile Baby(Smile) Oh baby, baby (Smile) Smile for me baby(Smile) Verse Two: Now that the frown is lifted what you gonna do about it now girl? I'm talking to you girl, yeah I'm making one suggestion now that I made you happy keep on smiling, keep on smiling chorus #2: Smile, girl with me baby, can't you see that I'm in love with you (From the bottom of my heart) Smile(I need to see you baby) Smile, girl for me baby can't you see I'm in love with you can't you see the tears in my eyes, ooh wee Bridge: Play it for me, play it for me Teddy You're making me happy, you're making me happy repeat chorus #2
  21. Hopefully I'll be able to grant you that with Still Unsigned...!! Yeah definately looking forward to that, I'm gonna be getting some things recording soon as well, FUQ and Da Ace are doing their thing, KS got that distribution deal on AJ's homebase, lol,it'sd gonna be a big year for the JJFP.com fam...
  22. Hopefully the JJFP fam has a great 2007, much love
  23. I hope to see more unity between artists and fans basically giving the hard working artists the support they deserve, Public Enemy and JJFP are the top groups of hip-hop again with their 20 year anniversary albums("Rock The House" was released in '87 so if thwey release an album next year it'll be for the official 20 year anniversary), it'd be cool if Rakim finally squashes beef with Eric B. and do a reunion album, it's about time, they need to do their 20 year anniversary album, Hammertime and MJ come back strong too with the blessings from James Brown's memory behind them, I can't wait for that Boyz II Men album, get LL on there to do "Hey Lover Pt. 2", lol, btw it'll be interesting to see if Mr. Smith could revive 50's career back, he should try to get 50 and Game to squash the beef and they all do a club banger together, imagine "Headspung"+"How We Do" type track, that'd get every club bouncin' in america...
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