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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by bigted

  1. Love could be friendship too, if you really want to be friends with her so badly that means there are feelings still there, really what I'd do though is give her space and see if you really still want to be there for her at all that means you do love her, that's how I realised that I love Krystle still, I tried to distant myself from her for awhile and I see if the feelings would still be there or not, of course I also gave her space 'cause she got a man, we never went out but the feelings I have for her are just stronger than anyone I was with before her and really I haven't been able to go out with anyone after I met her 'cause nobody else I met since her made me feel the way I felt about her and I basically missed talking to her and be around her, I never met a girl that made me feel the way I feel about her, she's such a great person I realised I need her in my life one way or another, now I was a lil' nervous if she's changed in between the last time we talked over 1 year and a half 'cause a lot of those I used to be cool with became jerks, really I feel bad that I waited that long, so my best suggestion would be a couple months at the most if you still want to be there for her let her know, I made a mistake, I should've only waited only a couple months to check up on Krystle, it was my damn ego tripping on me 'cause really a day never went by that I never wanted to talk to her but I get so used to rejection I thought she was gonna forget about me, she actually thought I forgot about her too 'cause of how other friends treated her lately too, really the lesson that's been learned is that you gotta be open minded and treat each person as an individual,can't let how others treat you effect how you treat others, if my ego kept up I could've lost a great friend in my life that I really care a lot for, that Boyz II Men lyric says it all, "never let a broken heart take a chance for love away" I thank god she's still a nice person and really we still click real well even after that time apart, right now we're there for each other as friends, that's up to her basically if she loves me more or she loves her man more, I ain't putting no pressure on her at all, but right now it don't feel right for me to be with anyone else, I made another mistake trying to force myself on other girls last summer but I found out they weren't that nice, really you can't force love, you really gotta be yourself and if people respect you they respect you, I'm patient till the right time comes,it's gonna take a hell of a woman to make me forget about her that's for sure, Krystle got my heart, if she ever gave me a chance I'd make sure that I treat her right... Now as far as thwe other girl, well really I'd just try to be friends with her and that's it since she got a man already, be patient and respectful, good luck with everything, you're in my thoughts dawg
  2. Well I went to a Xmas Party last week at the community center in my area, it was a lot of fun, tonight I'm going to a family Xmas Party hosted by my aunt, exchange some gifts there, now on Xmas basically my mama's gonna cook a nice dinner and my uncle's probably gonna come over and watch the Eagles beat the Cowboys with us, lol, btw I hope everyone here really enjoys this holiday, much love
  3. there's no better feeling than to have a strong woman in my life that could relate to all the things i'm going through, i probably wouldn't thought about some of the things i considered doing over the last few months if i didn't try to be so distant from her but i'm not making the mistake anymore and she realised that too, i realised maybwe the struggles that we were both going through when we were distant might make a strong relationship for us so really I can't complain about what happened then, everything happens for a reason, she was feeling the temptation to do certain things 'cause a lot of those who she thought was down with her were rejecting her, the way we've been talking to each other over the past couple weeks i really believe in my heart that we're gonna be much than just friends eventually, of course the ball's on her court, she already know where my heart's at, i ain't forcing anything on her really, it's all in god's hands i believe, i'd rather be her friend than not contact with her at all, real friends are hard to find, and of course i realise that in order to be lovers you have to be friends, really it's about mending up the friendship right now,i do respect the relationship she has with her man but once she sees how much I'm down for her I think she'll open up more to me, she's seeing it already ansd i see her starting to open up more to tell me things, really I'm making love to her mind and soul and she's doing the same to me, i really feel like i have more life since i've been talking to her more often, she's really special, her beauty is way more than skin deep,there's a strong bond there that's being felt, she's one of my biggest fans too, she wants me to keep making these raps with heart in them and not worry about what the popular rappers are doing so much, she told me that I shouldn't stop 'cause there's a lot coming up in our generation that're going through stuff like we are and they need a strong role model like me to look up to, i swear all the support she's been giving me is worth more than any present i could get on Christmas, i appreciate that you guys are feeling this rap too, really the encouragement like this keeps me going Edit: Now the first verse really explains how my parents help keep my head in the right direction to my dreams and goals, some days I felt like doing things drastic but when I came home they're there to support me so I get through the days,really what they told me that day I broke down and cried to them was helpful, i really have to stay patient and I'll eventually be able to have a long stable career, the second verse basically explains how I was tempted to just hit on any girl without even knowing much about them, the ego was getting to me 'cause I see whenever I give my heart to a girl I thought they stomp on it but Krystle cares about my feelings so I don't feel like that nomore, I'm gonna be more open minded now and I realise that it really is true that you really have to know somebody before you get down, right now Krystle's the only girl in my life worthy of my loving, and the third verse explains how I was able to find myself through my own soul searching, I have to do things that I could be proud of at the end of the day, everyday has to have a purpose for me, before I felt like I was dragging along, I'm more humbled, I really found peace of mind this holiday, that's the greatest gift ever...
  4. I wrote this song yesterday after having a deep convo with my friensd Krystle, we were talking about many things in life and how a lot of the friends we used to have changed and sometimes we both feel tempted to do things we shouldn't do but we just don't know what to expect, we want to do right but sometimes we both feel like not many care when you're nixce, really though we see that we both need to be positive people no matter who changed around us, I swear I feel like me and her are like soulmates for real, we both sorta felt bad that we tried to be distant from each other 'cause of how others were treating us but now that's the past and we're gonna be there for each other more often 'cause really a strong relationship is hard to find, anyway enjoy y'all: “Decisions” Written By Big Ted On Dec. 21, 2006 Chorus: Decisions, Decisions I feel we all start to break If we don't know how to make Decisions, Decisions Sometimes I don't know what to say Since I'm still trying to create Decisions, Decisions So much to do to get through our days I just don't see the right mind frame Decisions, Decisions Like Hammer I “Pray” I'll make it through another day Verse One: I feel like smokin' a pound My job's starting to go down I swear I just go out my mind Hey dawg, just pass the light I'd probably be better off rapping on the mic Really I don't wanna fall for the hype It's just sometimes I wonder what's the worth of having a life? Things end up going wrong instead of right No matter what motive I try Having thoughts of robbing the bank and going for mine I fill out the application there and they won't even look at it So many sleep on my skills, they think I'm a craftmatic Thinkin' “Life's A Bitch” as I'm blastin' Nas “Illmatic” Just a bunch of teasers, none of them are pleasers I hate feelin' broken like a house consumed with anteaters I always wonder what ever happened to real people? That actually give a care A part of me tells me don't smoke that I could end up with lung cancer And the other half of me says why live if there ain't no answer? I gotta eat, a nightmare to me would be to be going in the kitchen and covers are bare I really desire to live a life full of passion and flare In this cold world love is just so rare out there Wanting to do the right thing, please god answer my prayers I'm fortunate though since the negative thoughts decrease the flow I got a caring family at home A lot of peeps get in trouble 'cause they're all alone Really it's important to have somebody to back the foundation like building stones That way it could keep the confidance growed I fill out some more applications and stay on the go But if I had nobody supportin' I guess I'd probably hit up that bank so I could go to the store [Repeat Chorus] Verse Two: I really want to treat ladies with dignity Everytime I try to be there for 'em they keep on dismissing me So I start wondering why should I really treat 'em so sweetly? I try to penetrate love from the mind, body, and soul But it really becomes a low blow Constantly end up rejected I just don't know Like the shots over Mutombo Really I gotta have some pride All these fellas are getting some while I'm on the sidelines I guess there's no such thing as a commitment? So what the hell I might as well hit it Of course only god knows how many those hoes been with So I if I make a decision to go all in it, I'll get dragged to the clinic My life'll become limited since a sexual disease is transmitted Word to my man Magic I guess a commitment is more tight That way I could have a more fruitful life Really the true passion comes from the inside I gotta be patient until the right time I was really on the right path all along It's bout real love with a lady that's “so strong” All these suckas are hyped actin' all wrong Sooner or later they'll realise that what I rapped in this song Is something that could've gotten them on the right path You better watch your back It's wrong for me to lock my heart 'cause of what went wrong in the past with others There are still some shorties out there that appreciate class from soul brothers Ok now you wanna smoke that grass? You wanna bust that gat? Realise there's consequences for all of that..[Repeat Chorus] Verse Three: Aight I got on the right decisions After I had to do quite a bit of soul searching Really the decisions I made reflected feeling low in the pits A quick fix really ends with a feeling of emptyness Actin' full of sin will only leave me dead I distanced myself from all those I found wreckless And now spend more time on the ones who're the most caring I used to let all the criticism bother me I'm out to say what I truely believe I'm in this rap game to reach out for more than currency It's about a timeless state when you'll bump my CD That's the way it'll form to be I know that I could never end up lonely If I get locked in a room with a pen and a pad I'll be relieved Like Big Will I ask “Could You Love Me?” If the answer's no then I'll leave you alone But if you say yes then I'll be there till the end Like Dru Hill “there ain't a promise that I can't keep” Now of course you don't intend to do that for me Leave me at ease, 'cause I got no time for a damn tease Really to be one of my homies you gotta support my hopes, dreams, and...[Repeat Chorus]
  5. My b-day's in March too, I'm hyped!
  6. The realest post in this whole thread, Bravo!
  7. Well I think people made their point already about Luda and Em...
  8. Yeah "Swtich" is a cool song to get you in a fun mood, I actually was listening to it yesterday in playing "L&F" for the first time in a while and it got me upbeat,not Will's finest moment lyrically but it flowed well which is thwe main thing that a song's supposed to sdo, music is supposed to make you feel somwething when you listen to it, a lot of people have a good time with that song that's why it did so well, "Walk It Out" brings a fun mood,really I don't feel the flow of the song but if some people find it to be fun it's all good with me,not on the same level as "Switch" either flowise but like "Switch" it brings a fun mood, hip-hop don't have to be serious all the time but it can't be just party music either, has to be everything 'cause it reflects life, we're happy, sad, pissed, etc, we need all kinds of songs,really it just shows you that there are some who just listen to beats and not lyricsif people are amazed by "Walk It Out", like FUQ said it got a catchy beat but really it's kinda offbase flowwise, really I guess if you're waiting for another golden era where the radio'll play everything you lovethen I guess you gotta agree with Nas that hip-hop is dead 'cause I don't see that happening until it becomes less corporate, now the way I personally see it myself, it's in a sleep, not dead, it's up to the fans ansd the artists who care about the culture the most to have alarm clocks to wake it up figurativelyspeaking, can't wait for the record companies to do it, they're gonna try to milk their money making formula until they all go broke it seems,hip-hop is music of the people, it's up to all of us really, not let it continually be about a certain format that they want to play for us...
  9. Yeah there's a lot of crap out there from all areas but there's a lot of good stuff out there too, if you're a fan of true hip-hop you gotta ignore that weak stuff and focus to all the great stuff out there, working up and complaining about what's wrong instead of sheading light on what's right is what's keepin' the true artists from shining and the wack artists on top, fans need to get it together for real, if they appreciate quality music they need to support, sitting around praying for the radio to play something great is not gonna work, fans need to take action, don't like the radio, don't listen, buy albums and play them instead, I think record sales been in a slump 'cause people want to see better artists out there, a lot of that crap you're complaining about don't even go gold if you check the charts recently where garbage used to sell 5 million, people are responding, progress is slowly being made, the music industry is crumbling, these fool A&R's are paying for what they've been doing, it's time for them to give the people want they want, real artists, if they want to keep their jobs, many execs from Sony are jobless this holiday now, things are looking up, I'm optimistic, sooner or laterreal artists like me, Brakes, Fuq, and Acecould get in the game and sell millions and be the ones to turn it around very soon,btw there's nothing wrong with a fun dance record like "Walk It Out", you don't ever go to the club AJ, it ain't like "Switch" is lyrical genious right? Not everything has to be serious, there should be a fun element to hip-hop but there needs to be balance...
  10. Girls love that sensitive stuff, omg that just gave me an idea, lol, Will knows how to hook a playa up
  11. i didn't see the film yet since i been so busy but lookin' forward to it, knowin' how emotional i get i'll probably cry
  12. Snoop Youth Football League Player Receives Achievement Award By Chris Richburg Date: 12/18/2006 10:30 am The Snoop Youth Football League (SYFL) honored one of its own Saturday (Dec. 16) at its All-Conference game at Citrus College in Glendora, CA. Cenyon Usher, a Lawndale, CA seventh grader, received the first It's In Your Hands achievement award from league sponsor Cutter Gloves. The award, given to a player each year, is based on academic progress, sportsmanship and character. Usher, a tight-end for the Woodcrest Giants Pee-Wee Division, was awarded with a $1,500 scholarship fund and an all-expenses-paid trip to the Snooper Bowl, which is set to take place Feb. 3, 2007 in Miami. The Rogers Middle School student, who has never received anything lower than a B in school, cited his mother Imani Westbrooks as his motivation for aiming high. His future plans include attending college and studying sports medicine or becoming a pro football player, while setting "a good example" for his younger brother. "My mom is my hero ... I know my mom is proud of me, but I want to make her even prouder," said Usher, who said he aspires to "become first a good and honest man" when he gets older. Finalists for the 2006 award included Thomas Laster, Gregory Earl Adams, Jr., Caylin L. Moore, and Darrell Hunter II. Founded in 2004 by Snoop Dogg as a way of making football and cheer more accessible to kids, the SYFL is comprised of 50 football teams for boys and girls ages 7-13. The SYFL's alliance with Cutters, a leader in high performance sports gloves for football, baseball and golf, reinforces Snoop Dogg's goal of providing an alternative for youth. "We couldn't do this without people like [Cutters] who believe in the Snoop Youth Football League," Snoop said. "It's easy for a kid to join a gang -- we need to make it easier to play football. The SYFL is on to something so fresh and productive for our youth, and we are also all about helping the boys and girls off the field. We thank Cutters for being a part of it."
  13. Well I think some people take songs like that "Ghostwriter" song that Skillz did too seriously, I don't he meant to hurt anyone's feelings, it was just something he was having fun with there
  14. Well why can't Will+ Jeff+ Kel do an album together then? It could be a 2 MC's + 1 DJ thing like Run-Dmc
  15. Well in 2008 Will's probably gonna release another album anyway if he keeps up with that album every 3 year pattern he's been on lately, maybe him and Kel should do a group album then, it'd be a big album if that happened, now Kel if you read this post and like this idea let me be a guest on it, lol
  16. Well AJ has an aritcle of Will in the Source back in '98 where he said that he had Nas help him with some lines on "Big Willie Style" 'cause his slang was originally too ol' school on the rhymes he originally wrote for the album, he wanted to bring more current phrases, he knew Nas was a younger dude that had his ear to the streets more than he had lately, he wanted to make his comeback album to hip-hop proper, Nas said that basically in an interview with Carson Daly that he was just vibin' with Will in the studio, he said Big Will had all of his rhymes tight, he was just there to support really, man it'd been even more proper if they did a song together in the process, I wonder if there was some unreleased stuff they did together, they should do a motivational song together to celebrate the release of "Pursuit Of Happiness" and "Hip-Hop Is Dead" all in the same process, that'd be a really great idea but too bad those guys don't think like us, lol.... Now really I look as music as entertainment, sure the whole rap industry wrote on Diddy's album but it has some hot songs on it, "The Chronic" was a tight album even if Dr. Dre didn't write much on it, btw doesn't Jazzy have "help" on some beats he gets credit for? What's the difference between Will getting help and Jazzy getting help? Pharrell helped Teddy Riley produce Rump Shaker right? Didn't Scott Storch help Dre produce some on his latest beats? Music is music to me really, Marvin Gaye didn't write much lyrics but he's the voice of a generation, Mary J. don't write her lyrics either on the mostpart I notice, now speaking of Ice Cube didn't his cousin Del "help" him write "No Vaseline? "Jesus Walks" was originally Rhymefest's song right? Basically every rapper has had "help" at one point or another, at least 90% of the industry I read in an article, I don't really care though if the music is tight, Jaz-O used to write for Jay-Z back in the days too, really Jay-Z should get back with Jaz-O 'cause I don't feel much of his rhymes these days, lol...
  17. Well really on the real I just namedropped on this song 'cause it fit the mood of the song, I normally don't name drop though on the most part except a couple times where it might fit, I thought it was just a fun line to say they'll be calling me the Game of the east coast
  18. Game seems a lil' crazy at times but he really does have a lot of heart though
  19. Rakim and Will are very similar mcs, especially in the earlier days, their most recent stuff sounds different though, there's songs on "Rock The House" that Rakim could've done, there are songs on "Paid In Full" that Will could've done...
  20. I sure ain't happy about it but if it's gonna keep Will rapping longer than why not is what I'm saying? Really what does he have to prove at this point? He made his mark in rap already, he's just doing songs for fun at this point but he don't have to, now rappers like Eminem and Luda still have a lot to prove, most of their songs are weak whether they wrote them or not, good music is good music, bad music is bad music, there really ain't much difference between rapping and singing, it's about performance really, you have to bring the lyrics written to life, not everyone could do that, they're recording artists, besides the majority of the rap game has ghostwriters anyway but you wouldn't know since a lot of rappers hide it 'cause they got real big egos, Will's a humble dude and don't really care...
  21. LL, Mos Def, and all them ain't on Will's status of acting though, they don't major roles all the time, they do a lot of smaller roles, memorizing a million lines from a script and then writing a whole album in 3 years might be harder right? Is Mr. 30 million dollar film man gonna do a small role in a film to have more time to write lyrics? It might take a few more years to wait for albums if he did all the lyrics himself, now Ice Cube dropped his first album in 6 years this time around, it might be like that for Will, I'd rather have another album in 2008 than 2011, who cares about ghostwriters as long as the music's good, come on now, my favorite Boyz II Men songs were written by Babyface, do I really give a damn?
  22. So when is this Kel Spencer album dropping y'all? If that Who Is Kel Spencer? mixtape was an actual album it'd be one of the top 5 albums of the years in the rap game, that "The Streets Know That" mixtape is pretty hot too, I don't know why he thought "U Can Have It" would be offensive, I wrote a much more explicit rap about r&b chicks back in 2002 that I might be a lil' more ashamed of, lol, I said stuff like "I'mma make that Southern Hummingbird Tweet scream "Ooh" when I'm hitting that p---y, I know I could get Foxy hot when she's on top of my c---" really I'm trying to go away from being explicit these days as I'm getting more spirtual myself, I want to put out profanity free albums like FP and Kel do, I like bumpin' gangsta stuff like Ice Cube but that don't reflect my personality, I don't like using much profanity in real life so why put that in my music? The music has to represent me....
  23. No. I'd rather Will write ALL of his rhymes ALL of the time. He's proved he can do it throughout his JJFP era so why stop now? :shrug: Well you want him to do movies still right man? He ain't Superman, either he becomes a full time mc and gives up acting, or he does albums every 3 years in between with some help from others, what do you want?
  24. So you'd rather see Will not do anymore albums and just do movies if he don't write all his rhymes? Hell I want to see Will rap at 60 years old even if I write the whole damn album for him myself, the music does represent who he is though, basically Kel and Skillz are positive people just like him so that's why he works with them, really Will's best rhymes were on the JJFP albums anyway that he wrote all himself and not to knock Kel and Skillz but really they should spend more time working on their stuff and getting big in the game themselves instead of giving other rappers hit songs, lol, Will could've retired after "Code Red" and still be one of the top mcs ever, basically it's just doing it for the love at this point, maybe he needs to hire babysitters and not see his kids much and take time off of his movies and lock himself in the studio with Jeff and dig deep for something, lol, now if I hear 50 Cent writing rhymes for LL's new album I might just kill myself not literally but I'd be quite upset 'cause LL had some ghostwriters on his last album so maybe he might have 50 Cent be one of his writers this time and if that happens the album's gonna be weak, basically most rappers over 35 need ghostwriters since they don't live the bachelor life anymore, they have more things to do and they can't sit around and write rhymes like they used to, nothing wrong with that, they proved themselves already, Eminem on the other hand never proven himself, his rhymes are garbage on the mostpart and he raps about negative stuff, I don't feel him at all, he's a child compared to Will, LL, Chuck D, and all the legends...
  25. Basically Virgin Records gave up promoting the record after the 1st week 'cause they thought it was a failure, really 1st week sales really determine if the album'll sell or not, labels give up on albums fast it seems that's why albums ain't really selling these days, btw I found out Brian Mcknight only sold 63K in his 1st week, people just don't seem to care that much for real soul music these days, he should do way better than that, I didn't listen to the album yet but I got it on my Christmas list
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