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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by bigted

  1. Yeah I got a lot of respect for Wyclef, my father lived in Port-Au-Prince too when he was growing up, it was a living hell for him, many times he'd go to bed with no food, he had to crap in an outhouse, he almost died, his mother died when he was born, his father died when he was 14, so basically his aunts and uncles tried to take of him the best they could even though they didn't really have anything either, but thanks to the will of god he was able to find a job to get enough money to move here to America to have a bigger opportunity, when he got a job here he'd always send over to others in his family over there suffering, now my family might be poor compared to others in America but really our poor we never equal the poor my papa had to experience, it's good to see Wyclef giving back like this, i always try to send a few bucks to feed the hunger too just so those who are suffering like my papa did could make it better, btw I just told my papa about what my man Wyclef's doing and he's very happy about that too to see a young brotha like that giving back to where he came from
  2. I really like that song "Ridin' Dirty" he did, it's especially more relevant now what that black man in Queens NY getting shot 50 times, something needs to be done about some of these heartless cops for real, it was nice to know a song with a strong message like that could hit #1 on the music charts, I heard some of his other songs too, he got a unique flow, I might just check out his next album, thanks for posting
  3. Wow that sounds like a lot of fun, good luck with the performance!! :kool: :wickedwisdom:
  4. Wyclef Jean Wants 'To Build a New Haiti' JACMEL, Haiti - Wyclef Jean called on his Haitian countrymen to reject violence and work for a stable future during a free concert aimed at promoting development in the impoverished nation. "It's time to build a new Haiti," the Grammy-winning artist told more than 20,000 cheering fans Friday night at the waterfront pier of this resort town. It was his first concert in Haiti in eight years. The concert capped off a weeklong film and culture festival organized by Jean's Yele Haiti charity, which promotes music and the arts as a way to reduce poverty, create jobs and improve Haiti's image. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and most of its 8 million people live on less than $2 per day. The Caribbean country is struggling to recover from a bloody 2004 revolt that toppled former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Jean, a Haitian citizen who lives in the United States, condemned the ongoing street violence that has followed the revolt, especially a wave of kidnappings for ransom that have plagued the capital, Port-au-Prince. "If we don't stop kidnappings, the country can't develop," Jean said. Jean was born in Haiti but left for the United States with his family at age 9. He later achieved world fame through his hip-hop band, The Fugees.
  5. This is too damn good to just be in the potnas section :bowdown:
  6. Russell Simmons Urges Action and Support on World Aids Day By Chris Richburg Date: 12/1/2006 6:00 pm Rap mogul Russell Simmons acknowledged the importance of World Aids Day Friday (Dec. 1) while urging the public to be more active in bringing awareness of the disease. The recognition came as the Simmons' led a fact-finding delegation to Kimberley, South Africa. The expedition was for the hip-hop pioneer's Simmons Jewelry Company. "Today is World AIDS Day and I am humbled to be present in Africa where the pandemic of HIV/AIDS is a deadly reality for millions of people," Simmons said Friday in a statement. "We need to increase public awareness campaigns throughout the world on this issue. We support the efforts of the numerous humanitarian and health groups, as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations, that are diligently dedicated in their response to this great human crisis. We add our voice and work in complete solidarity with all who are standing up and taking action on this day." Established in 1988 by the World Health Organization in 1988, World AIDS Day is observed every Dec. 1 to bring global attention on the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. According to reports, more than 25 million people have died from AIDS since 1981. There are an estimated 1,039,000 to 1,185,000 people in the United States who are HIV-positive. The disease has made an impact in the hip-hop community with the deaths of West Coast rhymesayer Eazy E and X-Clan member Sugar Shaft. BET, through its Wrap It Up Campaign, has been active in raising awareness about HIV/AIDs and other sexually transmitted diseases. The program, the result of a 1997 BET partnership with Kaiser Family Foundation, also includes special programming, public service advertisements, online content on bet.com and a free resource and referral service. This week, former president Bill Clinton announced that he has aligned with Cipla Ltd. and Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. in an effort to cut prices of HIV and AIDS treatment for children while making the drugs more accessible. Under the agreement, the pharmaceutical companies will supply drugs for HIV-positive children at prices as low as 16 cents a day, or less than $60 a year, according to a statement by the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative. Cnn.com reports the foundation saying that the deal will enable an additional 100,000 HIV-positive children in 62 countries to receive treatment in 2007, the foundation said. Despite current efforts, Simmons believes the eradication of HIV/AIDs will occur when "much more is done to effectively end poverty in Africa and throughout the world." " "The best way to end poverty is through sustainable economic development and empowerment," Simmons said.
  7. "While some may think that the West Coast emcee's life has been set since dropping his multi-platinum debut The Documentary, Game set the record straight and revealed that he has been significantly affected by all of the drama that he has faced in recent months. "I was, six months ago, at a point of my life where I felt like I knew how it felt for a person to want to commit suicide. Life was just that bad," said the Compton rapper. "I felt like I didn't get the props that I deserved, and that started f*cking with me. And when you hear this album, you'll hear the conviction and the pain." He also outlined "...sitting in a closet by himself with f*cking tears running down my face, trying to figure out, how did I go from being one of the best rappers in the world and the most loved to being one of the most hated?"-Game, now really I started contemplating whether it was even worth to even write songs anymore too 'cause I really started having doubts whether I'd ever make it but really it don't matter what others think, it only matters what I feel, as long as I write what I feel it's all good and I could help touch one soul and I'll be happy, really it felt good yesterday knowing that I finished in the top 33 in the poetry contest I entered out of thousands that entered, Game probably feels the same way too, he just put it out all out there on his new album, I feel his pain, it's good to know he's getting some credability for what he's doing "I was standing in the shower naked-both inside and out. I let the water flow all over my body, The tears washed down my face along with the water. I hadn't really cried since I was a kid. But on this day, I made up for it. I was crying for the woman I treated like a dog, crying for the children I had abandoned, crying for my life, which I was just throwing away. And crying because I felt like I had been betrayed on every level. I had a broken heart..I was pouring my soul into my next album, 14 Shots To The Dome."- LL Cool J, really I was going around broken hearted too, I know I have to pick up the pieces like he did and just keep it moving, people might diss 14 Shots To The Dome but you really felt his pain on that disc, it's actually understandable to see he was going through a tough time when he was recording, songs like "Crossroads" and "All We Got Left Is A Beat" was really him putting out his rage, I'm gonna put the fuel into my song writing, lock myself up in a room and just write my ass off again is what I need to do the next time I feel down Really those laid back chilled songs are cool but sometimes I get "So Sick" of love songs like Ne-Yo and I need something agressive like Ice Cube, DMX, early LL, and FP on "Lost and Found"
  8. Yeah this is a good idea for everybody to just vent and get their frustrations out, really I'm all done doing that now at this point, really you could just look through the posts the last few months with me and you'll see loads of controversey, my parents were even wondering what the hell was getting into me 'cause I acted like I was ready to whoop somebody's ass sometimes, lol
  9. I think really the lyrics of LL Cool J's "Hey Lover" with Boyz II Men describe feelings about the girl I love(Krystle is her name btw) right down to the tee almost, just think I've loved this song ever since I heard it, even when I was too young to even grasp half of the lyrics he was talking about, I really learned though when I met her, there's been others that I've liked but none that I loved more and fantasied about being with more than her really, and really I'm gonna be there for her until she don't want me to anymore, here's the lyrics in case any of you didn't know them by now, btw "Give Me Tonite" on "Born To Reign" reminds me of her too, that's why I've been clowing on "Born To Reign" too much too but I really do like that album, FP and LL are the most consistant rappers ever, there songs have meaning to them basically all the time even though some are better than others, and really I shouldn't call FP hypocritical for doing more movies than albums these days, it's his life really and his love for music will always keep him writing, I'm sure he keeps a pad on him all the time too since he's a real artist, even if it's just for himself once in a while, I'll keep an open mind that LL might guide 50 down that path too with the potential 50 showed earlier in his career, anyway here are the "Hey Lover" lyrics: I've been watchin' you from afar, for as long as I can remmeber You are all a real man can need and ever ask for this is love this is more than a crush It was all ....(up at Rutgers) I saw with your man smiling, huh, a coach bag in your hand I was laying in the coup with my hat turned back we caught eyes for a moment, and that was that so skated off, as you strolled off looking at them legs, god damn they looked so soft (so fine) I gotta take ya from your man that's my mision If his love is real he got ta handle competition you only knew about 5 months (that's right) besides he drinks too much and smokes too many blunts and I've been working out everyday thinking bout you looking at my own eyes in the rear view cathchin flash backs of our eye contact wish i could lay ya on your stomach and caress your back i would hold ya in my arms and ease your fears I can't believe it, I hadn't had a crush in years Chorus (2x)hey lover, hey lover, this is more than a crush Lover, hey lover, this is more than a crush hey lover, hey lover, this is more than a crush I see you at the bus stop waitin everyday your man must think its safe for you to travel that way but i don't want ta violate your relationship so i lay back in the cut with a crush that'a trip still he can't stop me from having day dreams tounging you down with huh vanilla ice cream kissing on your thighs in the moonlight searching your body with my tounge girl all night I wonder one day could it be, simple dreams turnin into reality Our love would come down so naturally we would walk down the isle of destiny what your man got his hustle on gotcha type scared break ya off a little chump change to do your hair that seems to be enough to satisfy your needs but there's a deeper level if you just follow my lead Hey lover CHORUS Last week I saw ya at the mall standing at the pay phone bout to make a call I had a vision it was me on the other end telling you come by and then you walked in I touched you gently with my hands we talked about traveling the distant lands escaping all the madness out here in the world becomin my wife no longer my girl then, you let your dress fall down to the floor i kissed you softly and you yearned for more we experienced pleasure unparallel into an ocean of love we both fell swimming in the timeless, currents of pure bliss fantasies interchanging with each kiss undying passion unities our souls togehter we swim until the point of no control but its a fantasy it(that,you) won't come true we never even spoke and your man (still) love you so I'm gonna keep all these feelins inside keep my dreams alive until the right time CHORUS
  10. Here is another great quote that I figure could uplift people from my man Chuck D, maybe we should post our favorite songs lyrics and quotes from artists and people we admire, if something one of our friends our family members tell us, let's share that too, it's time to take this forum to another level: "What I Think. Time. Let me tell you that Time is God. Simple as that. I don't care who the hell you are, where you come from, how much money you got, what religion's pimpin you out, or who you wit- time will whup that tail, sure as you born. No one can MASTER time. The best that we can do is MANAGE our time as it pertains to us. But time is different to different people, who sometimes can't share time because of differing value systems. I tell cats my time is valuable and cannot be exchanged for someone time that's mostly a waste of it. You heard it waits for no man, woman, child, plant, nor animal. True. But also you better understand time is given to you and you should spend it wisely because time is true money, and that in itself is rationed. So if you feel something or someone is wasting your time either get away, give them a bill, or just politely tell them your time is too expensive to share. Yeah, time IS God."-Chuck D, he's really like another brother in my life, I really appreciate his words, he seems like the type of guy that'd lay down his life for somebody, he doesn't let any sort of fame he's had get to him, I really don't see him putting down people without a purpose, I admire him "Live life everyday one day at a time."-This is what my grandmother used to always say, I really miss her, her birthday's coming up soon, actually maybe she was looking down and saw me down and realised I need to search my soul so she talked to god for me, my mother had a dream a couple years ago with her saying that she wants me to follow my stars and I'm gonna make it far in life, she's my angel I believe
  11. I received a certificate in the mail saying that I've finished in the top 33 and I'm gonna hang it on my wall with pride, one day I hope to have a Grammy Award and a platinum plaque sitting in my trophy case right by it, I really hope that I could tell her the good news soon about my certicate 'cause she's really one of my biggest fans, I just need to think more positive about things :1-say-yes:
  12. I sat there last night reading this while bumpin' "Willenium", this really feeds to my soul, Jeff is another one of these humble artists, a true brotha, that's why I'm gonna have his back forever really, I went through some of Kel's "Daily Breads" too, really I wanna try to find more time to read them too in between my busy days 'cause I need to fill myself up with more postive things like that to bring the light during my darkest days: A CONVERSATION WITH JEFF "DJ JAZZY JEFF" TOWNES Current mood: Suicidal Category: Suicidal Life babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:03:51 PM): big man! whats hood? *****jazzy<..timestamp> (1:04:23 PM): im good brotha...in rome....doin **** ****jazzy<..timestamp> (1:04:24 PM): how u babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:04:50 PM): same grind. just checkin in sayin whattup. jazzy<..timestamp> (1:05:31 PM): yeah...man ain't **** change...i jus know this is what i do now...whats up wit u babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:06:12 PM): what u mean JT? what u do now? what u doing fam? I'm in the dark. babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:06:27 PM): u stop doing muzikk? jazzy<..timestamp> (1:06:51 PM): hell no...i jus realize i got go where it takes me jazzy<..timestamp> (1:07:04 PM): im never stoppin babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:07:19 PM): (breathin easy now) cool! jazzy<..timestamp> (1:07:30 PM): lol jazzy<..timestamp> (1:07:32 PM): naw man jazzy<..timestamp> (1:08:01 PM): ilove this ****...jus gettin alil older n a alil slower babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:09:12 PM): I feel ya. "Blak SATurday" is my last album tho. I gotta give it up. I have no outlet anymore. I dont think it was meant 4 me. I can't get 2 that level i need 2 b on. It was a good run tho. jazzy<..timestamp> (1:10:13 PM): come on man.... jazzy<..timestamp> (1:10:18 PM): u do this 4 free jazzy<..timestamp> (1:10:25 PM): u jus get paid to do it jazzy<..timestamp> (1:10:30 PM): u can't stop jazzy<..timestamp> (1:10:39 PM): the game is jus diffrent jazzy<..timestamp> (1:10:57 PM): that can't make u put gods gift on the shelf babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:12:02 PM): We all come from the same cloth, me & u, a 2 block radius.... babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:12:10 PM): I never stole, killed nothin... babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:12:19 PM): but focused myself.. babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:12:37 PM): 2 b a positive person & role model 4 the kids who had nothin 2 look up to.... babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:12:48 PM): God turned his back on me a long time ago fam.. jazzy<..timestamp> (1:12:59 PM): if u save 1...u did ur job fam babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:13:14 PM): u right & I definitely did. jazzy<..timestamp> (1:13:24 PM): god jus makes u work hard as **** sometimes jazzy<..timestamp> (1:13:30 PM): he gave u da gift jazzy<..timestamp> (1:13:45 PM): now u gotta do it babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:14:33 PM): u a strong dude..I saw u overcome ups & downs in ya whole career.... jazzy<..timestamp> (1:14:51 PM): man jazzy<..timestamp> (1:15:00 PM): i felt like u do a million times babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:15:00 PM): but i think when i passed on that college thing I ****ed up. I was a criminal justice genius.. jazzy<..timestamp> (1:15:06 PM): i kept sayin jazzy<..timestamp> (1:15:13 PM): the day i quit jazzy<..timestamp> (1:15:24 PM): i would have made it the next day babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:15:34 PM): yo!!!! babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:15:38 PM): i always say that!!! babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:15:42 PM): lol jazzy<..timestamp> (1:16:07 PM): man jazzy<..timestamp> (1:16:08 PM): look jazzy<..timestamp> (1:16:16 PM): we all want to b rich babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:16:16 PM): but being a only child with a sick older mother its difficult man. its like if she die b4 i make anything of myself... jazzy<..timestamp> (1:16:22 PM): buy whatever we want jazzy<..timestamp> (1:16:30 PM): but travelin has shown me jazzy<..timestamp> (1:16:37 PM): in the usa jazzy<..timestamp> (1:16:58 PM): we r the only country that believes were all gonna be like that jazzy<..timestamp> (1:17:17 PM): i watch these people over here b happy with jus livin jazzy<..timestamp> (1:17:34 PM): i look at all the **** i complained about jazzy<..timestamp> (1:17:36 PM): n say jazzy<..timestamp> (1:17:42 PM): im ****in crazy jazzy<..timestamp> (1:17:45 PM): we jazzy<..timestamp> (1:17:48 PM): u n me babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:17:54 PM): this convo is better than any money or record u ever allowed me 2 b on Fam. THANK YOU. jazzy<..timestamp> (1:17:54 PM): both have done more jazzy<..timestamp> (1:18:04 PM): seen more jazzy<..timestamp> (1:18:11 PM): n traveled more jazzy<..timestamp> (1:18:23 PM): than 90% of the people n the world jazzy<..timestamp> (1:18:29 PM): no jazzy<..timestamp> (1:18:37 PM): u ain't rich jazzy<..timestamp> (1:18:45 PM): sometime we ain't stable jazzy<..timestamp> (1:18:53 PM): but we both r blessed jazzy<..timestamp> (1:18:59 PM): with jus talent jazzy<..timestamp> (1:19:13 PM): if we can get alil someting off of it jazzy<..timestamp> (1:19:15 PM): cool jazzy<..timestamp> (1:19:32 PM): but look at how many un talented people wanna b u jazzy<..timestamp> (1:19:45 PM): ur ****in baby blak jazzy<..timestamp> (1:19:51 PM): don't 4get that jazzy<..timestamp> (1:20:00 PM): nigga know u n japan jazzy<..timestamp> (1:20:09 PM): alot of cats can't say that jazzy<..timestamp> (1:20:22 PM): that might not b were u wanted to b jazzy<..timestamp> (1:20:25 PM): but man jazzy<..timestamp> (1:20:41 PM): i realize its alo more than i ever thought jazzy<..timestamp> (1:20:43 PM): nigga jazzy<..timestamp> (1:20:56 PM): i wanted a house on cobbs creek parkway jazzy<..timestamp> (1:21:08 PM): so i could feel like i was in the country jazzy<..timestamp> (1:21:10 PM): lol jazzy<..timestamp> (1:21:14 PM): a job wit jazzy<..timestamp> (1:21:17 PM): peco jazzy<..timestamp> (1:21:36 PM): n to take my wife n kids to wildwood 4 a week every year jazzy<..timestamp> (1:21:40 PM): real rap jazzy<..timestamp> (1:21:47 PM): that was my dream babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:22:28 PM): From lookin outside in tell me man, what am I doing so wrong? what did I do? I can't getta deal, I can't keep my head above water. Can't find my position..nothin. every cent i get I'm trying 2 survive babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:22:38 PM): rent.. babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:22:43 PM): equipment.. jazzy<..timestamp> (1:22:46 PM): **** is crazy jazzy<..timestamp> (1:22:56 PM): the game has changed so much babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:22:59 PM): im going in circles chasin my tail jazzy<..timestamp> (1:23:03 PM): the 1`st thing jazzy<..timestamp> (1:23:05 PM): 4 real jazzy<..timestamp> (1:23:19 PM): ids to know where the world n game is heading jazzy<..timestamp> (1:23:27 PM): not where u want it 2 go jazzy<..timestamp> (1:23:40 PM): gettin a deal is the days of the past jazzy<..timestamp> (1:23:47 PM): understand that jazzy<..timestamp> (1:23:49 PM): man jazzy<..timestamp> (1:23:58 PM): music is gonna b free n 5 years jazzy<..timestamp> (1:24:07 PM): so where do u make ur loot jazzy<..timestamp> (1:24:13 PM): selling ur content jazzy<..timestamp> (1:24:21 PM): the content of baby blak jazzy<..timestamp> (1:24:24 PM): dvds jazzy<..timestamp> (1:24:26 PM): cd jazzy<..timestamp> (1:24:28 PM): music jazzy<..timestamp> (1:24:31 PM): shirt jazzy<..timestamp> (1:24:42 PM): SHOWS jazzy<..timestamp> (1:24:50 PM): all that makes up u jazzy<..timestamp> (1:24:54 PM): content man jazzy<..timestamp> (1:25:00 PM): it jus ain't music jazzy<..timestamp> (1:25:17 PM): were so used to them givin us something jazzy<..timestamp> (1:25:30 PM): we don't think about how to b them anymore jazzy<..timestamp> (1:25:42 PM): we gotta go back to the 60's jazzy<..timestamp> (1:25:50 PM): get n a van jazzy<..timestamp> (1:26:02 PM): n travel n show off baby blak jazzy<..timestamp> (1:26:36 PM): its a new day babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:26:46 PM): I truly study u fam... its like I cant even get back 2 japan but got like 50 kids a day hittin me up from there sayin they wish i come back!! jazzy<..timestamp> (1:26:47 PM): i watch everybody struggle babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:27:29 PM): its like i was a fool with a manager & when the relationship severed he had all the connects #'s & I'm ****ed. jazzy<..timestamp> (1:27:36 PM): give them some songs jazzy<..timestamp> (1:27:44 PM): create ur demand there babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:27:46 PM): europe, ausstralia, japan, everything. jazzy<..timestamp> (1:27:52 PM): so they have to bring u back babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:28:05 PM): ok. babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:28:15 PM): thanks 4 taking out some time 4 me jazzy<..timestamp> (1:28:20 PM): then make it work again man jazzy<..timestamp> (1:28:23 PM): 4 real babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:28:24 PM): most appreciated dude. jazzy<..timestamp> (1:28:30 PM): u gotta do whatever it takes jazzy<..timestamp> (1:28:40 PM): n nobody can do it alone jazzy<..timestamp> (1:28:43 PM): trust me jazzy<..timestamp> (1:28:52 PM): i understand man jazzy<..timestamp> (1:28:54 PM): 4 real jazzy<..timestamp> (1:29:04 PM): niggaz think im removed jazzy<..timestamp> (1:29:07 PM): shhheeeetttt babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:31:55 PM): I have no one tho fam. niggas is either hustlin, livin off a bitch thats huistlin or just dont have the faith. everybody thats good people cant do nuttin 4 me cuz they lookin up 2 me babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:32:04 PM): thinkin i'm the savior!, lol babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:32:20 PM): but i'ma take ur advice fam babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:32:22 PM): 4real jazzy<..timestamp> (1:32:27 PM): thats how it usually works babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:32:28 PM): no bull**** jazzy<..timestamp> (1:32:29 PM): lol' jazzy<..timestamp> (1:32:53 PM): u jus gotta put **** out there jazzy<..timestamp> (1:32:59 PM): what u don't sell... babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:33:00 PM): i was never a sympathy case looking 4 a handout, but rather real talk from a more experience figure. jazzy<..timestamp> (1:33:03 PM): GIVE AWAY babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:33:07 PM): and u def did that 2day jazzy<..timestamp> (1:33:10 PM): ur sellin urself babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:33:12 PM): most appreciative Jeff jazzy<..timestamp> (1:33:14 PM): remember that jazzy<..timestamp> (1:33:24 PM): songs don'tmean **** jazzy<..timestamp> (1:33:42 PM): i gotchu brotha babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:33:44 PM): yup. a personal studio is like a sperm bank. songs keep comin jazzy<..timestamp> (1:33:46 PM): im you babyblak74<..timestamp> (1:34:45 PM): thanks man. i gotta go & make something happen 4 the days daily grind. Thanks again man. have a safe trip. Holla Blak. 1ne. jazzy<..timestamp> (1:35:00 PM): no doubt
  13. There's actually I couple songs on that list I didn't hear but I'm gonna look into them
  14. Yes man I definately put things in perspective, really over the past couple days I did some soul searching and I did put things in perspective and I feel like I have new life like I stated earlier, I was sorta dragging along for the past few months but really I feel more motivated and humble now, I thank God for clothes on my back, food in my stomach, a roof to live under, and parents that're there for me, really life is not that bad when I put things in perspective, many would kill just to have that, I'm gonna try to pray more for them too, btw these quotes I was reading in Hammer's interview just show what type of character he is, really I always respected dude no matter what flack he's received, it's cool how he blogs too, he seems to be one of the humble artists like Chuck D, Chuck D's even showing love to Hammer in his latest terrordome now coincidentally: "Calling for retirement I saw on some site that some rappers should quit. Will somebody tell somebody that artists never stop making art. The business of commerce is entirely another thing. Rappers need to think of themselves as artists and less on a hustler tip. Air America is supposed bankrupt, but it's for restructuring purposes. The general public totally misunderstands that term. MC Hammer and LUKE are still alive and doing well, and Delta is still flying while expanding to cities across the entire planet."-Chuck D Really what Hammer said here about using music for a tool of positive memories is nothing but the truth and Chuck D's right that artists never retire, I'm really gonna write songs until I can't write nomore, lol, really all the hate that 50's received over the past couple years made me forget about the time where me in and my boys from school would play ball in the park and bump his first record, maybe I should let that memory stay and get beyond all the hype, since his music can't do that for me anymore then I just won't listen, and really me saying I didn't like LL's "10" so much is 'cause that album came out around the time I met that girl and I've been trying to get over her but I didn't listen to it for a while but really though I put it in my CD player for the first time in a while yesterday and I remembered how much I did enjoy it back then, I ain't gonna hold hard feeling over LL if his next album is weak either 'cause he left me with some great memories too, there's nothing wrong with analyzing a CD and criticising the music but when it comes to personally tearing down somebody so much that you start questioning what they're doing in their personal life then that's wrong, sure 50's last record was wack, just leave it that... Now if somebody could touch you one time then they've done something right, some of Hammer's music I might find corny but some of it is inspiring and for that I gotta show love to the brother, god bless him and every artist that touches lives whether they're on all the top 10 mc's list or not and even if I never listen to some artists god bless them too 'cause they're touching somebody's lives, I hope to be more like that too even if I get hated on, if my music and what I say could touch somebody then I could rest confortably knowing I did something right, really just thinking about this quote he said inspired me, it spoke to my heart, I read in a blog he did earlier this year he talks about how there was a point in his life last year that he almost lost his wife and his son so I'm gonna pray for him too since he "Prays" for us, I'm gonna pray for your co-worker too AJ, here's that Hammer quote I'm gonna put it in my signature: "Life is too precious and too Short for us not to appreciate it. Let's not let music, something we all grew up on, everything from Marvin Gaye to the Temptations, control us. We use to use the music to cherish the moment. If something meant something to us, we would go get the record and reminisce. Let's not let the music of today mean anything thing else than something we listen to for enjoyment. And let that uplift you and be a blessing to your life versus something that is pulling you down."
  15. Thanks AJ, btw I was playing "The Rain" last night and that lifted my spirits up, I played Hammer's "Help Lord Won't You Help", "Music For Life" on Hi-Tek's album, and LL's "The Crossroads" a lot too, music is therapy :jazzy:
  16. LL Cool J "Crossroads", this is really how I been feeling lately
  17. Nas, J Dilla, Common, Busta Rhymes, and Marsha From Floetry "Music For Life"(Hi-Teknology 2, 2006), really I've been bumping this quite few times, this is really lifting my spirits up strong and is something that's makes me proud to be a hip-hop fan and continue to keep writing myself :1-say-yes: :word:
  18. bigted


    Nothin' but the truth baby, keep it up for real!
  19. What Does Peace Really Mean? Poem Written On Sept. 30, 2006 You say you want to give another chance I don't know if this feeling's right I really would like to get off the foolish stance Do you want me to join another fight? Sometimes it don't add up to the right command What does peace really mean? You can't just ask for forgiveness from me and ask me to rip off their heads Time and time and time again I don't know where this is going I really hope that time comes to mend Trying to do all I can to keep the ball rolling Don't try to go around acting opposite Of the feelings that were known to represent You just don't know what I want Trying to bring meaning to peace within I watch you and your fronts Peace could come from various sources Anger can't outweigh it I really'd like to be patient and wait for more Rather than just be paperchasing You could have all the hype in the world But not really be on top If you gotta constantly hurt others To run onto that spot You don't know the meaning of peace When you're not really at ease We all could say things that lead us feeling confused One statement brings interpretations So what we must do To gain something out of that situation Is to put more thoughts into next moves Or else that explanation will have a limitation If you really want peace you must live true There's really claims to an expiration Of a soul that comes unglued Raising the bar over the expectation Could bring a negative attitude The ego must be pushed for a bit Or else you really won't go further if you refuse To meet halfway at least to come to persue confrontations with a proclamation
  20. Well really the truth has been that no matter how much I try to keep myself busy, I just feel something missing without talking to her and doing things together over these past few months I haven't connected with her, I might be called soft to say something like that but that's how I feel, it's like when I talk to her and do things with her we really connect but with her man in her life I've been more resistant, I guess as long as he keeps her happy that's the main thing, I'll find somebody else that'll keep me coming back gradually when god has it in his plan, I can't fight his will at this point, he did this to test me I realise, I'm not letting it bother me though anymore, really just gotta be strong and keep my head up, my queen will be out there if it ain't her but if she really feels the connection with me she'll call me and tell me gradually I guess, really I just gotta be thankful for the other opportunities I have in my life and not let this one pitfall bring everything else down like dominoes, I recently entered a contest on poetry.com and I finished in the top 33 out of thousands that entered, I learned this today in the mail, so I guess the misfortunes I thought I had really ain't there at all, I'm tripping over nothing, lol, I really think I'm gonna make something out of what I'm doing, I think god's gonna help me make a big difference and influence others, I could become a big time artist and a positive role model just like my role models, and I really think this will be the last time I'll be touching on this subject, really this is the only thing I wrote about her in a year at least, I just did it when I heard Chingy's song on the radio over the summer, I had to stop listening to a lot LL's last album too 'cause I was thinking of her too much, I bumped hardcore records from artists like Ice Cube and DMX more often to get my thoughts off of her, like Ne-Yo I've got "So Sick" of love songs, I'm naming drop so much in this post that's it'd make Game bluff but you get what I'm saying? lol I've been writing a bunch of different stuff lately too that I'm gonna pull out and share with y'all too, I haven't really posted much rhymes lately, basically I've been just thinking a lot about things, probably gonna pick up the writing again too, I sorta had my emotions bottled in that made me break down I guess, writing is a therapy, "Music For Life" like that song on Hi-Tek's album, gonna have to bump that a few times now
  21. Keeps Me Coming Back Poem written in summer '06, with additional verse added on Dec. 2, 2006 Even when time moves on There's one thing that remains constant Just as you see others come and gone You'll see me calling your home again Some might oppose that thought as wrong They probably think that don't make sense Since they're the ones who give up While I remain pushing Just when you thought that the time for us was up You see that I bring the pace to the attack When I keep coming back This move is not from desperation It's basically a plot for the continity of life like this is a habitation This is long term investment That I put in work for I'll be there through good and bad situations For less or for more This has to be constant compared to the changes I put in too much patience just to leave you hurt The nemesis might try to humilate this Since they don't want to convert I stand tall above the hating That's why I still have confidence that I could still win over your heart This is the reason to keep coming back There's no slack since I've met you at the start I don't know where this story will end I keep on searching to unlock the key to your heart so you'll let me in You've been quite hesitant That's why I take my time until you want to press the ignition It's a two way street, that's why I remain to compete It's up to you try to come halfway for me, really there's no more I guess I could do really I done it all already, if you don't want my in your life, I need somebody else that'll keep me to come back My love for god will always keep me on the tracks Just penning down more emotions will make me keep on the attack I would like to shout out Chingy for making me writing this rap I'm not your fan really but you spoke to my heart when I heard your song homie
  22. Hey if a lot of these artists ain't afraid to let their true emotions out then why should I? I want to make a difference just like them, and really we all complain about how much people criticise Will Smith's image but why do we criticise other rappers so damn much then? We need to be more like our role model, if you don't like somebody just don't listen but don't put them down 'cause after all they're humans just like us, I'm sure if you were famous you wouldn't like hearing everyone criticising you, just don't buy their record, that's enough for them to realise that they need to do better music if they want more fans, there's a bigger life outside of music really, if we let negativity get to us we won't be around to even listen to music, I'm more concerned about showing love to the people in my life than I am about how 50 Cent is making weak music at this point, I realised bashing those I don't know is pointless, I'm just as bad as those who talk about Will being a softie when they don't really know him if turn out and do that
  23. It's all entertainment, no matter who ends who's career it won't matter since they've all made millions anyway, these guys are laughing at you just for even buying into this hype, remember what my man Chuck D said, I ain't gonna buy Ja Rule's album just 'cause he might be dissing 50 on it if there ain't nothing good on it, I'll only buy his album if he makes the good music that he's capable of
  24. Hey Turntable I got your back anytime man, anytime you wanna talk about something don't be afraid to pm me or even just post it in this thread
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