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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by bigted

  1. I wouldn't turn down one or two 20 million dollar movies but I'd also do music more often if I was in Will's position if I really wanted people to respect me as much with music as I am currently with movies but I guess he doesn't want that, I guess he don't care if people consider a great actor who occasionally makes a couple of dance tunes, he shouldn't have complained so much on "lost and found" about people doubting his rap abilities if he's gonna go on to do 5 films afterwards, he's giving them reason to doubt him...
  2. Yeah "The Magnificent" is a great album, really looking forward to the "Return Of The Magnificent" :kool:
  3. I totally think the opposite about that, this album was an effort to compete with the other commercial rap albums out at that time, he was singing on a lot of the songs like Ja Rule and Nelly were doing, he was probably aiming for their audience, it was a failed effort 'cause Columbia didn't release anything, sure it wasn't that great of an album but not many great albums were selling then/selling now, quality of music has nothing to do with sales in my view, if anything gets marketed and promoted enough it could sell in the music industry, I honestly don't understand Will's view on sales sometimes 'cause he says different things all the time on it, he said in an interview before that he don't mind if people download his music but then goes on "Switch" and says "don't download go out and buy the record", then he says around the BET Awards that he don't care about sales but then since "Lost and Found" didn't sell that much he gives up on music for the last year basically and is just focused on films again, I don't know man... :ponder:
  4. That's right on to what I'm thinkin', it's obvious that Will's more focused on Hollywood than he is in being involved with hip hop but I Turntable made a great point too about how a lot of these so called "real artists" had opportunities to get to Will's level in Hollywood they'd do it and put music to the side, for example if Common does well in this "American Gangster" movie with Denzel and gets calls to do more movies he'll take them and put music on the backburner himself, a lot of artists talk about keepin' it real but if they got a check for 20 million they'll do less music too, Game recently said in an interview that he'd quit rapping if he made 5 million a film... We might be expecting too much at this point but if he could just do a lil' bit of music in between I'd be happy, he could even try to help new rappers break into the buisiness...
  5. That's what I was saying, Will's worst album is better than a lot of these rappers' best albums, Nelly hasn't spit a verse in his career better than that "Born To Reign" verse, Will's had a consistant career, but like I said if Will's gonna diss "Boom! Shake The Room" he shouldn't have released "Born To Reign" 'cause I like "Boom! Shake The Room" better than even most of the best tracks on that album, comparing to his standards, not other rappers' standards, he could do a half hearted verse and it'd be better than 80% of the game....
  6. It's surprising to see that Puffy actually thinks that people still want to see him rap, I find it hilarious, the realest line that he never wrote sums up his career: "I don't write rhymes, I write checks", that shows how much of a sellout he is, he only cares about money and doesn't put effort into his art and it shows... But of course like it was stated the way that Will's been treating his rap career compared to his acting career might put him to be criticised like Puffy, Jay, and 50 are for doing things just to make money, I mean it doesn't look good for Will to be running off to make another 20 million when he has a chance to improve his credability in rap, with "Lost and Found" gaining credability, he should continue to release music to create a buzz but what does he do instead?....Sign up for 5 more films... :sick: Are you in it for the money or the love FP?
  7. Yeah I'd like to see JJFP do another "Code Red"/"Willenium" type album but I'd also like to see it have success on the charts and prove that real hip-hop could sell, I'm tired of seeing wack rappers being #1 on the charts, it's time for the real mcs to shine again, release 3 singles at the same time like most rappers do today but have variety in them, it'd make that album appear unique from the rest of them and a variety of fans would check for it, most rappers only release 3 crunk songs but FP could release one JJFP storytellin' track for the ol' school heads, release one club track for the commercial audience, and a deep track for all the conscious heads out there, if Kanye could win rap album of the year at the Grammy's why can't Will?... I think it's important to show the mainstream audience that his albums have much variety as his movies do, he could use his fame as an actor to his advantage is what I'm saying, but of course there's nothing wrong with doing some mixtapes either to gain some more underground fans and improve his credability in the hip-hop circle, the more he does the better, even these wack pop rappers like 50 do mixtapes, it's embarassing...
  8. Yeah like I said before Will should actually put effort into dropping exclusive for the fans then maybe he'd have much more credability
  9. Yeah consistancy is the key, it doesn't matter how Will decides to release something as long as he does something music related in between album releases, it's like I think fans would be more interested if he just did something in between: a song on another artists' album/ a freestyle on a mixtape/ make an appearance at some of Jazzy's shows, he gotta do somethin'... I mean hearing all this news about him working on this movie and that movie and hearing nothing music related from him over these last few months feels dissapointing, the last thing music related he's done was the holiday concert and that was about 8 months ago, he needs to do more than that, come on now...
  10. Yeah a lot of people visit myspace, Will should get a page up there running, it'd do a lot of good for him, and of course there are some mainstream artists who release albums every year and have success so I don't see why Will can't, he's already sold over 30 million albums in his career as it is, no need to go underground...
  11. The 3 year period between his albums wouldn't be so long if he did guest appearances on other artists' albums or maybe songs for his soundtracks in between but the thing that hurts him is that he don't release music at all between albums to keep fans interested, like if he don't even rap a verse for 3 years before another album there really won't be that many anticipating his next album but if he drops a hot verse on Jazzy's album he'll be keepin' his name out there as an mc, it's important for him to do that... btw yeah that point Jonny made is right on of how he'd release more often if he were underground, a lot of those artists release albums every year 'cause they don't spend all this time promoting one single, they just put out music for the true fans but I don't really consider Will an underground artist in being a household name in Hollywood, I'd like to see him release an album that wins a Grammy Award right around the same time he wins an Oscar, there's not an excuse to why it can't be done if he worked hard enough for it, I want to see him get the credit he deserves at this stage in his career...
  12. I'm hopeful by this time next summer that a single'll be out and the album be out by the fall of '07 but of course with Will you never know it might be even much later than that, with all these movies on the plate it's probably hard to find studio time so "Lost and Found" might be the last album of this decade for him, but of course I'll be willing to wait even longer if he gets Jazzy more involved on this one, I'm hopeful but I wouldn't be surprised 'cause it's in doubt whether Will really found his desire to rap as much as he used to, probably with all the garbage out right now he's not motivated, maybe if Kel blows up then he'll want to do more...
  13. That article's right on point and basically been bringing up a lot of what I've been saying for a while, this goes a lot towards DMX's quote that he made recently about how hip-hop is far from dead... It is very much alive, no music genre is perfect, there's plenty of good stuff out there for people to listen to without complaining about the crap that's out there... Good music shouldn't be about who sells the most or gets the most airplay, good music should be based on who makes the best quality, if people learn to focus less on sales and more on the music itself then I think hip-hop could be in a better position than it is now as well...
  14. I notice that the mixtape's back in stock again for anyone who doesn't have it, y'all could get it now, I might even cop an extra copy for myself since it's so hot :2thumbs:
  15. Yeah I prefer Disc One over Disc Two myself, even though it's interesting to hear a contempory artist doing oldies music
  16. Speaking of ebay I was able to get Casual's "Fear Itself" CD recently for $1, I know you'd be interested in hearing about that Tim :2thumbs:
  17. That's a hot list of albums right there, you should check out DMX's album too, I'm gonna look into this Dead Prez/Outlawz album too, that sounds interesting, btw I think that Jurassic 5 album's pretty hot as well, lot of peeps sleepin' on that....
  18. Yeah I'm gonna wait till I get the disc in my hands next week till I listen 'cause Outkast is one of my favorite groups
  19. I got a chance to check out this album yesterday and I gotta say that I'm quite impressed by how she was able to make such a creative and versatile album, nearlyfour years after her impressive sophmore effort "Stripped" album where she was showing the evolution of an artist but she takes it to a whole another level here, this album's got everything from soul, blues, pop, jazz, and hip-hop sounds on here, her amazing voice shineswith production done by DJ Premiere, Big Tank, Kwame, and Linda Perry among others, my favorite tracks so far on here are "Makes Me Wanna Pray", "Back In The Day", "Oh Mother", "Still Dirrty", "Candy Man", and "Save Me From Myself", I recommend this to any music fan, btwhere's the album cover and track listing: 1. Intro (Back To Basics) 2. Makes Me Wanna Pray featuring Steve Winwood 3. Back In The Day 4. Ain't No Other Man 5. Understand 6. Slow Down Baby 7. Oh Mother 8. F.U.S.S. (Interlude) 9. On Our Way 10. Without You 11. Still Dirrty 12. Here To Stay 13. Thank You (Dedication To Fans...) 14. Enter The Circus 15. Welcome 16. Candyman 17. Nasty Naughty Boy 18. I Got Trouble 19. Hurt 20. Mercy On Me 21. Save Me From Myself 22. The Right Man 23. Back To Basics (Bonus Video)
  20. That'd be awesome if Kel's album came out the same time as Jazzy's album :kool:
  21. Well there has to be a lot of people buying it if it went out of stock, thank goodness I got one a couple months ago when it was available 'cause it's better than most albums out this year, I honestly question the intelligence of record labels for passing up on such a talented mc like this,btw he got another mixtape coming out?!
  22. Fuq is referring to that on CDbaby the mixtape is unavailable right now, they're probably just restocking it 'cause it's selling like hotcakes! :gettinjiggywitit:
  23. Well since FP's my favorite artist of all time, I'll probably want to look into getting extra copies of his albums one day that way when they all get scratched up I could play the extra copies :kool:
  24. Well there's really no album out there that has perfect songs from beginning till end in reality, but there's not really many rappers or artists in general that have made albums in a span of 20 years that have a bunch of hot tracks on them, even when FP's at his worst like on "Born To Reign" he's still better than most of the music industry...
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