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Everything posted by bigted

  1. Uh, this was posted already, you're a lil' late buddy, Jeff says he wants to do a JJFP album with Will, not just one song, but with Will doing all these movies that might be wishful thinking: http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com/forum/...?showtopic=8448
  2. But it wasn't him, it was his entourage, that's not right that he has to take the wrap for what they did...
  3. Most legendary mcs don't make warning shot songs when they get dissed, they make diss tracks, LL woulda responded right away and done more than just a warning if Eminem said "f*** LL" especially on a song that was in heavy rotation like it was, more people heard that song than they any of Will's albums since then, that's what made it even worse for Will's rep, if Will made a hard diss track then he'd gotten more response and gain more cred as an mc, I mean he shoulda ripped Eminem the way he used to rip mcs in Philly, he shoulda released something like "I'm Comin'" or "Somethin' Like Dis" towards Em, then maybe Eminem's fans would realise that Fresh Prince is a better mc than their beloved Marshall, hip-hop is a competitive genre and Will can't be a nice guy when somebody disses him, he needs to tackle them mcs who diss him like he's Reggie White, Will should've just left it alone if he wasn't gonna deliver more, maybe "Born To Reign" would've went platinum if he said that "Born To Reign" song was dedicated to Eminem, would LL be getting so much cred as an mc if he only threw warning shots at Kool Moe Dee, Ice-T, and Canibus?
  4. "Who Am I" would've been a perfect single to release as well, I mean clearly the difference between LL and Will has been the selection of singles on the most part, it's like I think more people would sleep on LL too if he didn't release such songs as singles, Will makes great songs but they never go to the radio it seems("Summer-Summertime" seems like all I got"), and like I said earlier if Will came more witty and didn't dumb down on "Mr. Nice Guy" I think more hip-hop heads would respect what he did on there even though he waited 5 years but it's like: "We waited 5 years for this?", I know that Will could've came better than that myself, especially since he blew off 5 years before he released it, I don't think people were overwhelmed by "Mr. Nice Guy", a lot of people probably even forgot about it, if he did a lil' better though people could've been puttin' it as a classic response record like "Mama Said Knock You Out" and "Ether" which'd stand the test of time and more people would be saying that Will's one of the top lyricists ever, I just wish that he said that the song "Lost and Found" was dedicated to Eminem, that'd been a better fit, with all the hype behind it and that'd made more impact, I was hoping for a whole track worth of punchlines against Eminem, I can't forget the dissapointment I felt when he only did one line, I mean if you're gonna do that why even mention it in your interviews, I was hoping it'd prove all the doubters wrong, it's just disgusting that Eminem's last couple albums ain't 1/10 as good as "Lost and Found" but yet they sold like 15 million combined, and I bet that more hip-hop fans could tell you more about LL's rap career than they could tell you about Will's rap career, there's probably more that could name all 12 of LL's albums than there is those who could name 12 songs that Will did...
  5. Well I was forgetting that more people bought Will's albums, he sold over 30 million worldwide while LL sold about 20 million worldwide but the way that LL gets more mainstream attention as a rapper than Will you'd thought it was the opposite 'cause they always talk about LL's rap longevity but they don't talk about Will's rap longevity, they usually say the actor who used to rap referring to Will rather than rapper/actor, MTV said that if LL retired 10 years ago he'd still be mentioned on their top 10 MC list, Will's been more consistant and they don't mention him, there seems to be a lot of closet Will Smith fans, lol, but since Will's films all gross over $100 million each as as an actor he might have to sell 60 million albums to get more attention as a rapper...
  6. Some people say that "Born To Reign" was an Eminem diss track 'cause you could see the way Will's mocking Eminem's flow on that track, too bad that never came out as a single, the thing is that both LL and Will had to overcome a lot of haters to get where they're at today, they could've easily folded like Hammer and other big names at the time 15 years ago but they percervered, they both had albums that were trashed critically and failed to sell well but they came back, LL gets dissed for making love songs Will gets dissed for not cursing, it just seems that rappers like Biggie and 2Pac get more recognition than they do 'cause of the harder images, Rakim ain't popular today 'cause he hasn't even make anything new since '99, he went platinum in '97, I heard he's politicing for a new label for a new album he's working on, who knows he might come back strong if he's gonna do songs with Nas, his career ain't over yet, KRS isn't popular 'cause he ain't on a major label after Jive dropped him years ago but his music's still more critically among rap heads, he just can't appeal to the pop audience and he don't care either, even if only 100 people buy his album 10 years from now he'll be still making music while Eminem and 50 Cent'll be long gone once they can't make any more money from it... I think the thing that'd get Will more respect as a rapper is if he released a track like "Lost and Found" or "Don't Say Nothin'" as a single, it'd show the world that he's not as soft of a rapper that they think he is, it'd do wonders for him that "Mama Said Knock You Out" did for LL's career, I want something like that as his lead single on his next album, he should get with Jazzy and do a "Somethin' Like Dis" at all of the promo shows, the thing is that I think that I think an album like "Lost and Found" would've made a bigger impact on the rap game if it was released 5 years earlier, probably all 3 million who bought "Willenium" would check for it , Eminem wouldn't be as big as he is now, that'd be like if LL waited 5 years to release "The G.O.A.T.", Canibus would be a large name and "The G.O.A.T." wouldn't do much impact, spending all that time on movies has been a burden on his rap career but I think most rappers from the '80s would trade places with Will in an instance, going platinum is nothing to cry over but expectations have been set so high especially with the mega success of his acting career, LL's not quite as famous with acting as Will so you wouldn't expect him to sell 3 million each time but Will should be able to since he's a household name...
  7. But not everybody could name all Will's albums but they all know that LL released 12 albums....
  8. Damn UK has strict laws :stickpoke: Snoop Dogg Permanently Banned From UK By Roman Wolfe Date: 5/16/2006 8:20 am Rapper Snoop Dogg has been permanently banned from entering the United Kingdom, after a brawl in London's Heathrow airport in April. Snoop Dogg and an entourage of almost 30 people were en route from Los Angeles to Johannesburg, South Africa, to perform at a major festival. The rapper and other men became upset when they were denied entry into British Airways' first-class lounge. A huge brawl ensued and seven officers suffered minor injuries. Sources told AllHipHop.com that the Home Office banned Snoop from the country because of his previous criminal record in the United States. Snoop had already been banned from flying with British Airways and police in the UK had issued him a caution over the incident. Offenders do have the chance to be admitted under special circumstances, but sources said they do not apply to Snoop, who could lose millions in performance and appearance fees.
  9. 5 years ago if you said that Jamie Foxx would be a household name in Hollywood, some people would laugh at you just like I say LL could be a household name in Hollywood, then he could come back and drop the highest selling album of his rap career, I think his career has a lot of life left, LL's very talented, I think Will needs more balance in his career in order to get as much respect in rap that he has in acting at the moment, if he could keep putting out albums on the same level as "Lost and Found" it's possible that could very much happen, it's all up to him though and really I shouldn't worry much about Eminem 'cause his creativity's burned out, he won't be a factor 10 years from now....
  10. Haha, you really believe that do you? Well im sorry to bust your bubble.. but thats not how the music business works... But that's what happened when LL finished Canibus, Canibus was about to become one of the most famous rappers in the game, they were saying that he'd be bigger than DMX and look how well DMX has done, that tell's you how strong power LL has, Bis was having a lot of hype when he made "2nd Round Knockout" but once LL responded Canibus' hype died off, Eminem in late 1999/early2000 wasn't as popular as he is now, he was one of the rising rappers of the game and Will could've finished him off since he was very popular as a rapper still in 2000, but once "Marshall Mathers LP" came out and sold 10 million it was too late for Will to respond, now if Will responded right away before the "Marshall..." album came out then that could've slowed Em's hype down and raised "Willenium"'s sales at the same time but in reality Em got too big and Will ran off to do films, and to answer back to Max people do criticise LL when he's doing love songs, that's why Kool Moe Dee dissed him, that's why Ice-T dissed him, that's why Canibus dissed him, and that's probably why more hardcore rappers'll diss him gradually again, hip-hop is about being hardcore and how men are superior, LL takes a big risk for making passionate songs about women but he always answers back directly when people diss him, Will didn't respond to Eminem until 5 years later and there's others that've dissed him over the years that he never responded to, or at least people think that way, maybe if he released "Don't Say Nothin" as a single instead of "Miami" he'd have more credability as an mc right now, that'd be like if LL never released "4,3,2,1" or "Mama Said Knock You Out", maybe less would respect LL now too, I could see people testing LL's credability again if he keeps doing songs with Lloyd Banks but no matter who disses either Will or LL they're gonna remain my favorite mcs...
  11. Yeah LL hasn't really criticised gangsta rap as much as Will has and that actually helped him stay in the game a long time, he just makes great music and stays in his own lane and not criticise what the next man is doing, and the thing is though that people find Will hypocritical, I mean Will criticises rappers for bragging about how much money they have but what did he do when he responded to Eminem? "Big Will with another 20 mill walks right past E", basically that's Will bragging that he has more money than Eminem, is it not? That's what you come with 5 years after Eminem dissed him? Just think if he answered back in 2000, he could've ended Eminem, there'd be no D-12, no 50 Cent, or no G-Unit, it'd changed the game forever.... FP could've came much stroner than that, if he wanted to respond to Em 5 years later, people looked at that whole "Mr. Nice Guy" thing as a gimmick to save his dying rap career after "Born To Reign" flopped, I think he should just make music and do less criticising of what other rappers do 'cause he does the same thing sometimes, and his most famous album "Big Willie Style" was constant bragging about how much money and fame he has, if he is gonna criticise gangsta rappers he should just call them out by name and end their careers, that's the only way he should... He's my favorite mc and I respect that he's standing up for real hip-hop but Iwish he could stick to making great music that a lot could appreciate, everybody has different opinions about hip-hop but they'd all like Fresh Prince music if he didn't criticise anybody, some who like gangsta rap might like some Will's music but they won't say it 'cause they don't wanna look soft 'cause Will being critical towards gangsta rap, "plenty of y'all love a brotha, just scared to say it"...
  12. I don't think the question was about popularity, it's about longevity, if popularity was an issue then that means G-Unit and D-12 are bigger legends than Public Enemy since they've outsold them, sure LL never had an album sell 10 million like Will but be real he gets way more credit for his rap career than Will does and the point is that some of y'all even bring up Will's acting when talking about longevity since that's the only thing for Will that seems to have longevity as far as people recognising for what he's done years ago, for Will being a household name it's just for his acting, only a handful of people respect his rapping, it's like some rappers diss him and he don't answer back, that has a lil' bit to do with it, but with LL: his albums, his battle skills, his swagger has been something that he's been getting recogniton for years,Will's had more longevity than most rappers but he just doesn't get that type of credit for it and the point is that he has to keep making albums at a consistant pace since people are starting to respect him now, his acting career has overshadowed his rap career and that's not a good thing, when people say Will Smith they say actor, they don't think about Will Smith the rapper, that has to change... LL has had a lot of respect in the game for years and I wouldn't be surprised if he does less music himself, he wanted to get serious about film for years and I think he'll get to it unless somebody comes along dissing him, I could say thank God for Canibus 'cause he helped keep LL's rap career going for at least another decade... I think "Lost and Found" got higher reviews than what "Todd Smith" has been getting and it shows that Will might have more left than LL does but more than likely if Will does all of these movies in a row, odds are his next album will be another flop like 'Born To Reign' and basically like I said earlier LL's still respected as a legend, the reception with "Lost and Found" was: "Wow I didn't know Will had that much rap skills, this is a such a great album but he ain't no Rakim" while with "Todd Smith" it's like: "I'm not really feeling this album but LL's still one of the legends of hip-hop, gotta give it up for his longevity"... Now the hip-hop artists with the most longevity in the rap game might not be either LL or Will, it'll probably be Public Enemy and KRS-ONE that'll still be rapping 10 years from now, they ain't getting caught up in acting at all, they keep on putting out albums at consistant basis and they don't sell much but they're still respected in hip-hop circles, they're in their 40s already and they still put out albums on almost an annual basis...
  13. You never know, jeff is always bugging him to come to the studio for a couple of weeks to bust out a fresh JJFP album. FP could finally wake up one of these days and take a break from the film biz and do what he says he loves. Well there's only a month left until Will's off to do at least 6 consecutive films so that JJFP album might not happen until 2015, and it'll be truely a miracle if anybody buys it, maybe just a few of us and that's it: "Fresh Prince was hot but the movies killed him", Will Smith the actor has lots of life left while FP the rapper is on life support....
  14. Tribe Called Quest is supposed to be doing a reunion tour, sorry for going offtopic...
  15. Well the way it's looking right now LL's probably gonna be releasing a platinum album at 50 years old while Will releases his 50th film and only us will remember him as a rapper....
  16. I think if Will keeps on doing more movies than albums he'll never get the recognition as a rapper that he claimed that he wanted, LL really only put out 2 more albums than Will, he didn't really do that much more than Will but it seems that he's always doing something hip-hop oriented all the time, LL's not really that worried about where he's ranked anymore, before the time when he was battling Canibus he was considering being more serious as an actor but he put that to the side to protect his rep as an mc to battle Bis("n***s are saying LL fell, wellet me do this album, tell Spielberg I said chill"), now that's something I wished Will did when he was dissed by Eminem, he could've end Em and his teenybopper fanbase right there, he had the power to do it since he was still a multiplatinum rapper, now it makes me sick that Eminem's greatest hits album outsold "Lost and Found" where it could've been to the point where he wouldn't even release a greatest hits album if Will got in the studio with Jazzy in 2000 and dropped some ether on that punk, Eminem would've been a nobody like Canibus, and if LL never responded to Canibus I bet that Canibus would of blown up and LL would be in the same position as Will, he probably would just do films and his legacy as a rapper would be tainted, people think that Eminem ended Will's rap career with "Real Slim Shady" and sure you could say it wasn't really a diss but I could bet my life that LL would respond right away if Eminem said: "LL don't have to curse to sell records, Well I do so f** him" especially since he responded to MC Hammer's one line in "Let's Get It Started" that was less offensive(When it comes to straight up rockin', I'm second to none, From Doug E. Fresh, to LL, to DJ Run), LL doesn't let rappers diss him any way and get away with it, the most legendary mcs always defend themselves in a battle, if Eminem said "f*** Rakim" Rakim would respond, if Eminem said "F*** KRS" KRS would respond, Will lost some credability as a rapper by not responding, and LL'd make sure that he'd release "Tell Me Why" if he was in Will's position, he releases the best songs on his albums for the most part, LL simply puts more effort into his career and it's a no brainer to why he don't have to have sleepless nights worrying about his position in the rap game, Will basically is ending his own rap career by choosing to do more films rather than solidifying his mc status... Now I think it's at the point where it might be too late for Will as a rapper, Will spent his prime years where he could've solidified himself as an mc when he was on top with "Big Willie Style" and "Willenium" to do more films where instead he did "Ali" which got him critical acclaim as an actor, and now Will's so big as an actor that his rap career don't hold much weight compared to it, whereI think it's at that point where LL could do no wrong as a rapper since nobody disses him anymore, he could throw up on record and still be ranked as a legendary mc,who knows how long he'll keep going as a rapper, basically doing movies would be something where he'd be more competitive since the odds are stacked against him being a household actor but I think he could be if he puts the energy into it as he's done as a rapper, he did a nice job with Queen Latifah in "Last Holiday", now Queen Latifah's even in a worse situation than Will, she hasn't released a rap album in 8 years and it doesn't look it's gonna happen anytime soon...
  17. see this is the thing, some parents have it in their head that because an artist talks about guns, sex and drugs that their kids will do it. this is why the whole PA sticker came out, because some Washington wives were concerned about it. however, studies show that most kids arent influenced by that stuff and if they are its because they come from a broken home and or have some mental instability. i know confronting your dad right now might not be the best thing, but try to show him that you listen to Will Smith and Run-DMC and try and show him how those are good lyrics and try to show him that you are mature enough to not act on other lyrics that dont fit your values and that he's raised you well enough for that not to affect you. just be glad u got some good music out of it like Run DMC cuz thats a great album and ATCQ is always dope too. TED: responding to Ted's quote about PE, you might be surprised at the controversy surrounding PE in the late 80's. altho they were no NWA, Ice Cube, 2 Live Crew, or Ice-T, they still had some controversy on their albums for "voilence, anti-Semitic thems (racism basically) and militantly black separatist" and that's a direct quote from the book i have about music censorship. Chuck D's response was long as usual, but he said that he is trying to make the next generation responsible and get out the mess they're in to lead a better life. Professor Griff's albums were also banned from many record stores and considered "obscene" for the same reasons mentioned above, although there was hardly any profanity. also, "Hazy Shade of a Criminal" was banned from MTV for a riot scene back in the day. in addition in 1996, a Jewish advocacy group called for boycotts on PE's single "Swindlers List" saying once again that it is anti-semitic (racist) because it alludes to Jews in controlling the banking industry and the words "six" and "millions" referring to the Holocaust. Chuck D responded saying no harm was intended, that "six" referred to the six major record companies and "millions" referred to the million man march. I know a lot about the controversey that Public Enemy faced since that's one of my favorite hip-hop groups, they don't hold back their feelings on social issues, some people could be offended by that if they have different views and that's the reason why they ain't as popular 'cause what they talk about might not be popular opinion, butI think people should respect them for putting thought into music even if they don't agree with everything that they say 'cause a lot of rappers don't put thoughts into the music they make, I find it hypocritical that people put down rap for not making music that could educate our youth when they ignore artists like Public Enemy and KRS-ONE, their music is edutainment as KRS would say, music that educates, and I think the reason why the older generation has been resistant to hip-hop is that the media don't give shine to positive artists and they only promote thug images with rappers, black radio plays 50 Cent all day and don't play Will Smith,I mean they give Three Six Mafia an Oscar and they shove intelligent groups like Public Enemy to the side, a lot of what Chuck talked about in "Swindler's Lust" is true, labels treat real artists badly and they promote negativity...
  18. Yeah that's true that Will gets more recognition as an actor than LL does but LL gets more recognition as a rapper than Will does, whenever there's all time rapper lists he's always ranked higher than Will, I think LL could put down the mic for a couple years and focus on his films to get higher face value on his films if he wanted to, in fact he signed a 9 film deal so he might be trying to get more serious as an actor, I don't think he has much to prove as a rapper anymore, while Will should stop doing films for a few years and drop some albums with Jazzy to get his hip-hop rating up and with "Lost and Found" you could hear that Will intends that he has something to prove as a rapper, I think they're both great entertainers that'll be around as long as they want to be, if they put work into something they achieve it...
  19. Even when foul language gets muted on edited CDs you still know what it is, it's like listening to the radio, you could still figure out the swears even when it's muted, editing is pointless, all of us knew that Will said f*** even though it was edited on "Tell Me Why", lol, in that case it was a loud beep but most of the times when something's edited now it's muted, edited CDs are cool though so that you could blast them anywhere without anyone getting offended about excessive cursing, they're good for parties...
  20. Yeah it's basically "Parents Just Don't Understand", basically the older generation didn't grow up with hip-hop so they don't really understand it, and when they were growing up they were probably listening to something that their parents might of thought of as rubbish, lol, I'm surprised that your dad would get upset over Public Enemy lyrics 'cause I know a lot of older people actually like those lyrics 'cause they're intelligent, my parents don't really mind what I listen to especially since I'm not really into thug rap anyway, they actually ask to borrow some my CDs 'cause they like the beats, lol,but when I was younger they had me get edited CDs
  21. Now most of the article talked about other hip-hop albums and mixtapes but it briefly mentioned about Jazzy doing work on an album remixing jazz classics: http://www.mtv.com/bands/m/mixtape_monday/051506/ ....Re-Bop: The Savoy Remixes (released May 9), an album with DJs and producers like DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Large Professor remixing jazz classics like "Lover Man" by Dizzy Gillespie and "Five Spot After Dark" by Curtis Fuller.
  22. Well the season's over now for the Devils, dissapointing loss tonight :ohdear:
  23. I'm gonna move this to Numero Uno....
  24. I actually saw a special on MTV about Nick Lachey making this album and after seeing that I might wanna check this album out myself...
  25. I personally don't understand why Jay-Z' being brought up in the first place, he doesn't own Def Jam, being president of the label is not the biggest position of the label, there's other executives ahead of him that have more power on the label than he does but they're not in the spotlight like Jay-Z so they don't get publicity, and the major thing that I care about is that Def Jam is a hip-hop label first and foremost, Will wants more recognition as a hip-hop artist so being on a record label that knows how to promote hip-hop is important, 2 of the best commercial albums this year in LL's "Todd Smith" and Ghostface's "Fishscale" has been released on this label, it's the only major record label that cares about quality hip-hop, not gimmicks... Columbia and Jive are more pop oriented labels and it's obvious that Interscope only promotes gangsta rap, but all types of mcs have gotten promotion on Def Jam, what other major label is better hip-hop oriented than Def Jam? It's basically the Motown of hip-hop...The best producers and mcs have been there way before Jay-Z came along as an artist, most of the greatest albums in hip-hop history has been released on that label, it has a great legacy of hip-hop, Will deserves to be on there is what I'm saying, it makes a lot of sense for his legacy...
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