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Everything posted by bigted

  1. There are idiots in society in general though, rappers like G Unit ain't the only ones, it's a collected effort and it starts with this crooked government who are more focused on shutting down the rap industry rather than cleaning up the schools in inner cities so that rappers like G Unit could get educated, now they came from broken homes and they show how uneducated they are, they think violence is cool 'cause nobody told them that it wasn't when they were younger, I think the word would be ignorant not idiot, the government is ignorant of thinking that rappers are making stuff up in their songs but they grew up in violence, maybe if there surroundings would be better then maybe they wouldn't do songs like that, banning these artists would not take away the ignorance out there in society, it's like it seems that the government had a problem with the rap industry ever since NWA and Too Live Crew came along but there was violence in entertainment way before gangsta rap came along, gangsta rap is basically reality rap, like 2Pac said before if you get rid of the violence then there wouldn't be violent songs and if you put those rich people in politics in a poor neighborhood they'd know how it feels, a lot of them were born rich so they think that gangsta rap is all just fantasy, and to quote Nas "Mr. Mayor imagine if this was your backyard/Mr. Governor imagine if it was your kids that starve/It's the ghetto life, I celebrate it, I live it", even if the artists are rich now they're making songs reflecting the feelings of those in the 'hood still to bring awareness, they wanna stay true to the streets, gangsta rappers are just telling it the way they see it and some of them obviously need guidance and they're crying out for attention... The problem I think there is room for gangsta rap out there but at the same time the rappers who ain't gangsta deserve to get airplay too, I agree that it's wrong to have it be played on the radio 24/7 but still you shouldn't ban it altogether, rap has to be balanced out a lil' bit more 'cause you could say not all films out there that're popular are violent so why should all rap out there being promoted be violent but overall I think they're just trying to get rid of rap 'cause like Fat Joe once said: "We hit you with the real facts/That's why the government wants to kill rap" I think they do that on purpose to make all black people look like criminals, I personally think that the government doesn't like seeing black people on top and they wanna taint our image 'cause they don't show love to the rappers who do have direction in what they do, that's why they gave an Oscar to Three Six Mafia, there was many rappers who made more inspiring soundtrack songs that deserved to win, they rather let the pimp rapper win so the conservatives could use it as fuel to diss the whole rap community with, sure there's some of us that're ignorant but that don't reflect all of us, some in the 'hood wanna make a difference and take care of their families but they don't get the same recognition as the ones who go out there trying to be kingpins and have sex with a million girls with no conscious,there's a lot of positive rappers out there too, they make it depressing like the news where they only talk about the negativity, positive things need to have shine too, the sad thing though is that a lot of these white kids love violence so much that if rap became less violent they'll start buying more violent video games and stop listening to rap, lol, it's almost impossible to get rid of all the explicit entertainment, the entertainment industry would go broke, I think it's also a reflection of the garbage that some people choose to pollute their minds and lives with, kids love the violence so much 'cause the parents and society in general doesn't tell them that it's wrong too and tell them not to imitate everything they hear or see, it's a reflection of society, kids are fascinated by violence 'cause they're ignorant to know better, "It takes a village to raise a child" and that village is in corruption so it's reflected that the kids are corrupted to glorify crap, companies only care about making money off of it, they'll probably pay it off so this law won't ever go through anyway, if society on a whole became more conscious then it'd be reflection in the entertainment, art immitates life, times are ****ed up so that's why the entertainment is too
  2. They can't attack only the rap industry, they need to go after the whole entertainment industry if they wanna make a difference, I think they're only attacking the rap industry 'cause there's mostly blacks in it, they won't go after the heavy metal industry where those white guys make violent songs and all those white mafia films that're violent too and have a lot of sex in too, it works all ways, I mean 50 Cent's not the only one to have a violent video game either, they need to criticise all of them as a whole, not just pick on the black rap artist, I notice they didn't mention Eminem in there and his music is more violent than most black rappers, it's ****ed up,it does take away freedom of speech, everybody has a right to express themselves, one again art immitates life there will always be perverted things and racial things out there no matter what you do to the entertainment...
  3. New Proposed Indecency Bill Threatens Rap Music Industry by J.D. Cooke Washington News Wire WASHINGTON DC-Last week's intense debate on the plight of this nation's immigrant population led to massive rallies and student walkouts in many cities throughout the country. The largest occurred in Los Angeles and Detroit where 500 thousand and 200 thousand took to the streets respectively to protest the bill HR 4437 that would make it a third class felony for anyone caught administering aid to those who are in this country illegally as well as for those caught without the proper pare work and visas. Up until now the focus has been on the nation's Hispanic population which now numbers more than 35 million. They have been the most visible and most outspoken on this divisive issue, however, if Congressman Richard Desour (R-Indiana) has his way, the protesting Hispanics may have unintended ally in the form of the music industry, in particular those who are proponents of gangster rap. He says that criminally behavior in the recording industry has tore away at the moral fabric of the American public. Desour has quietly introduced what some are describing as a far reaching amendment to HR 4437 that would do the following; 1-Make it a felony punishable by fines up to 250 thousand dollar and up to 2 years in jail if one advocates, promotes or admits to the commission of violent crime in a commercially released recording. 2-Disallow anyone who has a felony or is incarcerated from being signed, employed or affiliated by a major record label. In language similar to the one found in HR 4437, anyone caught harboring or providing gainful employment to a convicted felon in the music or broadcast industry will be charged with a felony. 3- Clears the way and makes it easier for parents, victim's right groups, church organizations and Civil Right groups to sue artists and hold them liable for song lyrics that are deemed criminally prone and can be proven detrimental, pernicious and undermining to local and federal laws. Initially this provision was written so that it would make it easier for consumers and the aforementioned groups to go after the deep pockets and resources of the record and broadcast industry. However, recording industry lobbyists were successful in working out a compromise and having the language specific to them removed from the proposed bill. Desour's office noted that in exchange for the compromise, the Recording Industry would set aside funds and pledge other types of resources to help fight the tidal wave of illegal immigrants. Broadcasters agreed to refrain from using their airwaves to promote, marches and rallies and to no longer provide an on air platform for organizations that help illegal immigrants. Both the Recording Industry and Broadcast Association agreed to vigorously enforce immigration laws at concerts, award shows and other industry related gatherings. 4-Desour's amendments would make it easier to apply hate crime provisions to artists, record label owners and broadcasters who allow the recording and dissemination of racial and sexually oriented disparaging epithets. Broadcasters were unsuccessful in winning a compromise on this provision. Disparaging words like 'nigger', 'bitch' and 'fag' which are commonly heard on the airwaves and in recordings will be added to the current list of seven dirty words that are prohibited from being broadcast in public space. In a strange and somewhat ironic twist, radio broadcaster's have hired high powered lobbyist Simon Dennis to represent them. They believe the proposed amendments reach too far and would have long range unintended economic consequences and stifle free speech. Dennis accused the 7 term congressman of being culturally insensitive and a borderline racist. He noted that it was unfair for the Congressman to try and ban word 'nigger' which he claims is a universally used and accepted term in African American dialect especially if its pronounced and spelled with the letter 'A' at the end and not the letters 'Er' "It's an important part of Black and Hip Hop culture", Dennis said. "Today its actually a good thing to call someone a 'nigga' because it means you are a friend. It's the community turning a positive into a negative. That should be celebrated, not criminalized. To disallow the N word's usage via the airwaves could prove to be economically disastrous because Black and urban Rap listeners would tune away in droves". Simon pointed out the recent decline in ratings by Los Angeles based urban radio stations which once dominated the LA radio market as Top 5 positions are now not even in the Top 10. He argued that these stations in anticipation of this bill voluntarily restricted the use of N word on their airwaves and now the ratings have dropped precipitiously. Despite the broadcast industry's compelling arguments all signs indicate that Congressman Desour will push to make the use of the 'N' word in both recordings and broadcast as part of the Hate Crime provisions. In other words, use of the N word in a criminal context iwithin a song can get you slapped with a hate crime which carries mandatory punishments. Famed author, photographer and Hip Hop pioneer, Ernie Paniccioli's of the newly formed The Universal Federation for the Preservation of Hip Hop Culture reacted to the legislation placed before Congress; "From what I read, this bill seems far reaching. Many of us who love, respect and strive to protect this culture we call Hip Hop are in total favor of cleaning up the airwaves and making sure our house is in order. Many of us do not approve or support the use of the 'N' word in public space, however, we are not in favor of only criminalizing the artist while allowing his oppressive colonialist of a master who runs the record label to be given a pass." Long time Hip Hop journalist and radio host Davey D said; " I'm concerned that while this bill is an attempt to clean up the airwaves, and the music industry in general, it will most likely be used selectively against Hip Hop artists and may even be twisted to go after artists like Dead Prez or The Coup who say harsh things about the political system." To support these first two provisions of his bill, Congressman Desour referenced a newly released report that was put together by law enforcement officials who oversea the Hip Hop Task Force that is currently based in New York City and the main focal point of a soon to be released motion picture. The task force's exhaustive two year study concluded that there is a direct correlation in the rise of gang activity, drug dealing and other violent crimes with the high visibility and ultimate rewarding and endorsement of rap artists who have a criminal path. "When young people witness artists like Snoop Dogg, Youngster Jeezy, Nas and other gangster rappers being coddled by the music industry it sends out the wrong message", said HHTF spokesman Lynn Franks. "It leaves young people with the impression that the only way you can be successful in the music industry is to first be a career criminal" Franks went on to point out that the HHTF discovered that many record labels were secretly orchestrating and encouraging their artists to engage in criminal acts and behavior as a way to spark controversy which in turn would lead to increased record sales. The report discovered that if an artist actually served jail time, then their album sales would shoot through the roof, because of the heavy promotion and endorsement by both the record labels and broadcasters who used their incarceration as a key selling point. Franks also noted that many gangster rappers were communicating secret messages to fellow gang members and criminal enterprises around the country in recordings using coded street lingo, by adapting certain nicknames or wearing particular clothing and fashions. During a press conference Franks asserted; "One popular artist from Atlanta named Youngster Jeezy calls himself 'The Snowman'. His name and his lyrics are really street lingo advocating for people to steal cars. There's been a huge spike is grand theft auto throughout Jeezy's native Atlanta since he started releasing albums". Currently the HHTF is trying to build a case against Jeezy saying that his lyrics were premeditated. Franks went on; "There are two popular rappers out of Houston we been studying. Gangster rappers Paul Jones and Mike Wall has recorded numerous songs where they encourage to purchase false teeth filled with diamonds and other expensive jewels that they nickname 'grills' Our study concludes that Wall and Jones and many of these other rap guys who are wearing these so called grills are actually smuggling diamonds filled while smiling for cameras. When these rappers describe the jewels they have in their mouth, they are actually sending secret messages to fellow diamond smugglers about the type of stash they are delivering" Franks also pointed the hit song 'Tell Me When to Go' by popular artist E-40. "Here you have a young man who is blatantly advocating that young men and women participate in perverted sexual activities. When he instructs listeners at the end of his song to 'Ghost ride the Whip' . This is Bay Area street slang for bondage and S&M of the most dangerous type. Using whips while participating in sex acts is not only quite dangerous and can cause serious injury, but it's also a violation of the law in 37 states. Because Mr 40 has such a young audience he can be in big trouble with the law where bondage sex is illegal". ACLU spokesperson Harry Thompson said that they fully intend to challenge the Constitutionality of this law should it pass along with the other provisions of the Immigration Bill. However, he acknowledges that in today's political climate it will be along hard struggle. He encourages people to call their representatives and Senators to oppose Congressman Desour's New Indecency Bill HR 3312. To see a full copy of this Draconian Bill Click Here: http://p076.ezboard.com/fpoliticalpalacefr...picID=164.topic
  4. After what Bow Wow said about Will I doubt Will's gonna give him a role, especially to play him, but hey there should be a Fresh Prince movie based on his life one day, I mean if other overrated wack rappers could make films based on their fake lives(you already know who they are, lol) why can't Will make a movie based on his life? I think he should be playing himself in it too 'cause I don't think anybody's worthy enough to potray him in a film
  5. I originally had Michigan State in the final four on my bracket but then George Mason beat them in the first round and went to the final four instead, they practically busted everyone's bracket beating teams that people picked to be in the final four, they've made such an unbelievable run since they weren't even supposed to be in the tournament, the only team I got left on my final four is Florida, I ain't making no predictions but I know the games are gonna be damn exciting, can't wait to see them
  6. Maybe that's why Bow Wow is mad at Will 'cause his ghostwriter TI got his movie produced by Will and it'll probably be better :kekeke:
  7. Dave Chappelle's soundtrack probably won't even sell 100,000 copies total, it's not it's really that groundbreaking unfortunately, it only sold 30,000 copies in 2 weeks of release, it's not like that groundbreaking to the masses, just some dedicated rap fans are checking it out which is unfortuate 'cause I think it's a hot concept put together but it's not that much of a diversion to all the crap out now that's polluting the airwaves, I think Will should release Kool Moe Dee's "There's A God On The Mic" movie through Overbrook when it comes out, that'd help get some exposure, I know him and Kool Moe Dee are tight so maybe that could be possible, and btw people recognise Eminem, 50 Cent, and all these rappers today that cross over from rapping to movies have success doing it 'cause Will Smith paved the way for them and like I said earlier those who are true fans of hip-hop respect Will for what he's done even if they don't listen to his music everyday 'cause if you're a fan of something you gotta resepct the history of it, I may not listen to every legend of hip-hop myself either but that don't mean I don't respect what they've done for hip-hop to be so successful today, and btw Will could get some love from contempory hip-hop fans since was involved in producing this new movie coming out for TI and Big Boi about the Atlanta hip-hop scene, I think Will probably might have that in mind to have more hip-hop oriented projects on the big screen and that could expand his hip-hop audience further
  8. Well last week somebody on here posted an article on here about how they're resisting to have gangsta rappers appear there at their Las Vegas resort, I guess they're legit about that statement since they did this, I don't think it's necessarily that they have something against Snoop they just don't like gangsta rap in general and they assume that he's like the other ones 'cause that one incident happened last year between the unknown gangsta rappers, it's wrong though that they're doing this like I said earlier 'cause it's a 21 and over audience and they should be able to have gangsta rap getting played there, btw I'm sure if it was 50 Cent getting boycotted to perform a lot of us here would be celebrating but he would have the right to perform there just like Snoop would, I can't believe I'm defending 50 Cent but I just wanted to make a point there I may not like his music but that don't mean he can't perform to whoever wants to see him even though he don't really have much fans over 21 anyway, lol
  9. I know as sad as that might sound for you to hear Nelly and KRS do a track together I think it'd be something that'd get the current rap fans to pay attention to the message that beef ain't serious 'cause all the kids who listen to Nelly'd pay attention to it, that'd be a way for KRS to draw in a younger audience too more than it'd be with Marley Marl and KRS doing this collab album that only the older fans on the most part are gonna check for, not many younger fans even know who they are in the first place so how is that message gonna get to the youth? Think about it man, it'd be a great thing for hip-hop, it'll bridge the gap between ol' school and new school hip-hop fans who always seem to be on the opposite side of the fence, but then again people only seem to pay attention when rappers beef so that might not work either, lol, the main thing is that as long as KRS and Nelly don't diss each other anymore it's all good 'cause we don't need generations to be beefing with each other... The funny thing about KRS is that he started his career just like a lot of these rappers do today by dissing the most popular rap artists out which is what he did when he made "South Bronx" dissing Juice Crew, basically other rappers followed along with that trend when they started their careers but I guess KRS is finally putting his ego to the side here working with Marley Marl, maybe at least some current rappers might take heed to this especially if they drop some classic material here, artists working together is the best thing for hip-hop, beef is getting tiredsome, KRS and Marley Marl should put on rappers on their album as guests that beefed with each other on there like Nas and Jay-Z, Ice-T amd LL, maybe even Will and Eminem, but I guess that'd be like hell freezing over if there was that much love in hip-hop, lol...
  10. Hip-hop started in the late '70s not the late '90s, you can't start talkin' about the history of hip-hop by talking about Eminem, you ain't a true hip-hop fan if you don't know the history, there were 20 years of rappers who paved a path for him that deserve the recognition for what they did, we should be giving props to cats like Kurtis Blow like we give to Jackie Robinson 'cause he was a true pioneer, and you're right my theory is flawed comparing Will to Michael Jordan 'cause the music industry doesn't respect the legends of the game the way the NBA respects it's pioneers and hall of famers, it's like in the NBA the great players get positions in the front office after their career's over and their jersey's raised to the rafters but the great rappers don't get no position in the rap game after they fall from the spotlight, the label drops them and that's it, Michael Jordan didn't win MVP in his last year he played but he still got honored the game he retired, it's just like Will didn't win a Grammy on his last album but if he announced his retirement now MTV wouldn't do a tribute show for him or anything like that, the problem with the game like I said earlier is that the pioneers are not honored the way they should be, btw speaking of films what happened to Kool Moe Dee's "There's A God On The Mic" that was based on the book that he wrote? I think Will's supposed to be in that film since he's featured in the book, that needs to come out and blow up so all the pioneers could get their due, and btw 50 Cent and Eminem ain't gonna stay on top forever either, the industry'll shove them off to the side one day too, karma'll catch up to them, one day things are gonna get better, it can't get worse, and I think Will has a chance to be around for many more years to come as long as he wants to but it should be at this point just doing it for the love of the game, at this point in his career he should be able to relax and enjoy his success and have a new generation of talented rappers carry the game, he shouldn't have to have pressure to save the game since he's given so much to it already, ultimately though if there's no attention to the pioneers of hip-hop I think that it'll eventually die out like disco, hip-hop needs organization, and the problem starts at the top with the record labels, they don't sign the most lyrically gifted rappers anymore, the part of the solution would be to put give the legendary rappers who don't make albums anymore like Kurtis Blow a position at the record labels where they could get a job to help sign the best talented artists as possible like they do in the NBA when they give the great players who retired a front office or coaching job to help the new generation of players, there's probably millions of people out there with more skill to make better songs than "Laffy Taffy" but they won't get signed if they don't rap the generic thug life image, that's why Kel Spencer don't have a record deal yet while 50 Cent's selling 5 million, if they freestyle battled each other on MTV Kel would rip 50 badly and the world would see it but the industry don't want that to happen though, and getting back to the basketball anology that'd be like if the teams didn't sign the best players and just took scrubs off the street and put them in the games, but that's the way the music industry is now, they just look for the next 2Pac and Biggie clone even if they don't have 1/10 of the talent they had but it's all about image and fashion rather than skill so they'll give that person a record deal while the cat who could freestyle for days can't get signed 'cause he don't rap about guns or hoes in any of his rhymes, I bet if I made a demo tape rapping about peace and another demo tape about how much guns I had and sent it to a record company I bet you that if the record label called me back they'd say they were more impressed with the demo that I rapped about guns on The way hip-hop is promoted now you hear more about who's dissing who, who got shot, or who got the most money or girls rather than who got the most skills on the mic, hip-hop is like hip-pop now, 50 Cent is like Britney Spears, they make the headlines but there's many artists better than them, the way I see it going 50 Cent'll be remembered for the death of hip-hop if s*** doesn't get together soon enough, the record labels are exploiting and destroying the image of hip-hop and I think that people will get tired of it sooner or later if they don't put more energy into promoting the creative artists, Will could put Common, Nas, and Kel Spencer all on his compilation album but if Interscope don't promote it as much as 50 Cent then it won't make much of an impact, what I mean by that is that the radio and video stations can't resist playing it and we need more than one single to be released in 9 months Interscope, it seems that the record labels and viacom have the ball on their court controlling who's on top more than the artists do, they ban certain artists from getting airplay 'cause they ain't thug enough while years ago it was the opposite where gangsta rap didn't get played when they were concerned about image but since gangsta rap starting making more money they decided to profit off of it and forgot about image
  11. Didn't Bow Wow recently release a roller skating movie?
  12. I think both albums are dope but "New Whirl Odor" is better to me...
  13. It sounds like a great idea but I'm afraid it might be 10-15 years too late 'cause they ain't that popular anymore and most kids don't even know who they are sadly so it'll be hard for this album to make an impact like they want it too, btw if Jay-Z really wants to save hip-hop he should sign them to Def Jam and they could release the album there and their message will be heard by more peeps than being on Koch but ultimately though most contemporary fans still won't be able to relate to hip-hop beef not being serious unless KRS squashes his beef with Nelly and they do something together
  14. One-Time Rivals Marley Marl And KRS-One Record Album By Houston Williams Date: 3/30/2006 5:45 pm KRS-One and DJ Marley Marl will sonically end one of the most infamous and revered beefs in Hip-Hop history. The pair intends to drop a new album on Koch Records. Both were involved in a long-running dispute after Marley Marl and MC Shan recorded the seminal 1985 record, "The Bridge," an ode to Queensbridge, New York. South Bronx MC KRS-One, backed by Boogie Down Productions, took offense to the song, which some say implies that Hip-Hop started in Queens. KRS-One shot back with "South Bronx," claiming the South Bronx as the true birthplace of Hip-Hop. Several other dis records were released at the height of the battle, including MC Shan's "Kill That Noise" and KRS One's "The Bridge Is Over." With the saturation of beef in the Hip-Hop market, Marley said that he wanted to make a definitive statement to the youth. Marley stated that the process of recording this album with KRS-One started simply. "It all happened with one phone call," Marley Marl told AllHipHop.com. "They called me and he jumped on the phone and told me it would be spectacular for Hip-Hop." As a producer, Marley Marl has helped launch the careers of Hip-Hop talents like the Juice Crew's Big Daddy Kane, Kool G Rap, Master Ace, Craig G, Roxanne Shante and MC Shan, among others. Additionally, Marley resuscitated LL Cool J's career when he produced "Mama Said Knock You Out" and hit it big producing early hits for R&B group TLC. "My reason for doing this is to show these kids that [Hip-Hop beefs] are not that serious," he concluded. The Queensbridge legend further stated that KRS-One was still laying vocals, but he was extremely excited to be working with his one-time rival. "He's finishing up his portion. It's gonna be crazy," Marley stated. "We got sick beats." The untitled album is slated to hit stores this summer.
  15. Thats the point though, students become doctors for the money or because they are passionate about saving people. Rappers/Singers get into the industry to either spread their message and/or to make lots of money. I think many of you have forgotton what music is all about. It's about having a good time and listening to things that sound good. I'm not dissing Wills Music, cause his stuff isnt promoted a lot. However, you can't diss whack rappers who've sold out, because they've come from the streets with no money, and once they have a taste of it, who cares if your rapping is watered down to cater to the masses. Music is about having fun and if all a song has is Boom Bump Boom (Base Effects)... Then so be it. All I want is for Will Smith to be recognized as an Actor and a Rapper in the history books. And unless Will Smith Does something monumental with RAP/HipHop, in a Hip Hop Generation, I don't his image of a Rapper will remain. Will Smith's reputation in hip hop like slick rick, rakim and others previously mentioned was more prevalent to the hip hop community back when Hip Hop wasn't popular. Now in a generation when every type of person is familiar with hip hop, Will Smith's rep is not as prevalent. ...2bcontinued Will don't need to do anything more groundbreakin' for hip-hop at this point, if winning the 1st ever rap grammy that helped solidify hip-hop/rap as a legit music genre, help rap artists get legit movie roles, and selling 30 million albums in 20 years ain't groundbreaking then I guess Michael Jordan needs to make a comeback to the NBA since winning 6 championships and MVPs ain't groundbreakin' enough, lol, do your research youngeon and you'll see that Will's done many GROUNDBREAKIN' things for hip-hop that none of these rappers today will ever accomplish, Will's legacy is set and he's respected by anyone who respects the history of hip-hop, the problem with hip-hop is that a lot of the young peeps don't respect the history and think that hip-hop is only about pimpin' and hot beats and they don't respect the artists who make music with substance, especially the ones who opened doors so all these cats could eat now, but that's ok though Will don't need to change who he is just to please them 'cause he got enough people out there that respect him for the artist and person he is, it's a marthon, not a sprint, those who choose to change who they are just to sell more albums now won't be around to sell anything many years from now while Will's gonna continually have a loyal fanbase as long as he's living and continues to entertain us and btw he proves that you could still have heart and make millions at the same time since he's one of the richest men in the world, making much more than those rappers that change their image, like DMC said about him: "Nice guys like him could finish first", I look at Will as an inspiration
  16. Big Boi's supposed to be in it too so it might not be so bad but I'm still not gonna see it right away unless I hear that it's good, then again since Will's involved with producing I wouldn't expect the movie to be wack
  17. I'm sure if Dave Chapelle called Will and asked him to perform for the movie then he would and btw I gotta agree with AJ, basically Dr. Dre is just riding the commercial bandwagon, he don't care about making music from the heart anymore, he's just in it for the $$$$, basically most of the fans he has left now don't know nothing about when he was at the peak of his music career, he just lives off the G Unit teenyboppers, hopefully when they fall off soons he actually comes to his senses or just give it up, that's the one thing that people respect about Will 'cause he don't "follow everybody when it's time to rap" just to get a hit and "when every rapper's done tellin' you to jump he gives you what you really want"
  18. Well I saw that tour schedule on the publicenemy.com homepage, I think they did a few shows in Europe last November, I remember seeing something back then saying that they did some shows there, yeah I think some of the beats were a bit more laid back than your typical PE sound but they're dope though, Paris is definately one of the most underrated producers
  19. :word: btw, there's gonna be some Public Enemy shows in Australia next month, just in case Tim or if anyone else on the board is from there and're interested: Public Enemy Returns To OZ Tour 55 April 7 St James Theatre/Auckland April 8 West Coast Blues & Roots/Perth April 9 Metro/Perth April 10 off April 11 Adelaide Thebarton Theatre/Adelaide April 12 Enmore Theatre/Sydney April 13 The Palace Nightclub/Melbourne April 14 East Coast Blues & Roots/Byron Bay April 15 The Arena/Brisbane April 16 East Cost Blues & Roots/Byron Bay
  20. Snoop Dogg Concert Cancelled After Pressure From Nevada Authorities By Chris Richburg Date: 3/30/2006 8:00 am A previously scheduled concert in Las Vegas, Nevada featuring rapper Snoop Dogg has been cancelled. The Wall Street Journal reported that Snoop was scheduled to headline a recent private party held by Molson Coors Brewing at the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas. However, the rapper's performance was stopped after Harrah's Entertainment, the hotel's parent company, asked Coors to cancel the show in light of pressure from local law-enforcement authorities and Nevada's Gaming Control Board, according to several people close to the situation. Sheriff Bill Young of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department recently sent a letter to state gambling regulators urging them to discourage casinos from booking rappers. That was followed by a letter from Nevada's State Gaming Control Board which expressed particular concern about "gangster rap." The letters came after the deaths of four local rappers last June and the recent death of a police officer who was murdered by an aspiring Las Vegas rapper. Less than two weeks after Harrah's received the letter, the company asked Coors executives to remove Snoop from the show. People involved told The Wall Street Journal that Snoop would have been paid about $150,000 for the performance. The rapper declined to comment
  21. Well then the same could be said about Beastie Boys too, they basically drop albums every 6 years or so just like Dre and Ice Cube have lately, anyway the point is not many have been in the game as long or have the popularity that Will has had in his career
  22. Well the Beastie Boys make it Platinum everytime.. But I dont know, they are just a diffrent story. I agree on tha rest you said too. Ice Cube too, he'll probably go platinum again, he's getting a lot of hype for his new album already and he hasn't dropped one in 6 years
  23. Yeah this does seem more like a Paris feat. Public Enemy album rather than the other way around, Chuck D said in an interview that he was too busy to have time to be able to write this album so he asked Paris to write lyrics for this album, it was supposed to be an experiment album that he wanted to do with Paris 'cause he has a lot of respect for him and he said he'd do the project with nobody else 'cause he's probably his closest friend in the industry, I think it was done to help Paris get some shine since he's been slept on for years, Chuck was trying to help him out here, btw I'm sure you wouldn't mind if Kel Spencer wrote all of one of Will's albums if he dropped albums every six months, cut Chuck D some slack man, he's one of the hardest working cats in the rap game constantly touring and doing lectures and radio shows... I agree that "New Whirl Odor" is much better and I'm hoping that the next album "How You Sell Your Souls To Souless People" is gonna be better than "Rebirth Of A Nation", Chuck D said that it's gonna be a regular PE album and he'll write all the lyrics for it so it should be better
  24. Yeah I don't see what all this TI hype is about, he's an average rapper at best, I don't understand why Will'd try to hype up his career by producing a movie for him that comes out the same week as his album, hearing Will producing a movie for TI is just as puzzling as hearing is gonna Michael Jackson collab with 50 Cent, I just don't get how legends could waste their time working with artists that're way below their levels like this, I don't care for seeing his film or his album this week, Will's the real "King" of the mic and big screen, btw I ain't really that big of a Ghostface/Wu-Tang fan but if it's a dope album I might eventually check for it 'cause Wu-Tang got more credability than most of these wack rappers out now
  25. :word: This thread is pointless, there was other great hip-hop artists that weren't on that soundtrack/film either but that don't take away from them, everybody does different things to shine, I mean how many of them performed at Live 8? And most importantly how many rappers released at least 9 albums in their careers? Rapping is definately a top priority for Will, I mean how many rappers his age are still making albums every 3 years at the most? Will doesn't need to be like a new artist and overexpose himself by doing a million performances or guest appearances to get shine, he could announce that he's going perform somewhere tomorrow and it'd sell out, the way you're talking you're sounding ignorant like "Lost and Found" was his only album he made, he's not a new artist, he's been in the game for 2 decades now, he could drop an album whenever the **** he wants to and it'll go at least gold, who else could you say that about? Besides LL Cool J, nobody else comes to mind and he wasn't in the film either so that takes away his credability too?, lol, stop being so negative and look at the brighter side, he's done so many things that other rappers could only dream of acclompishing...
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