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Everything posted by bigted

  1. But if this was the official site, maybe JJFP would check it more often and could post blogs once in a while with exclusive pics, etc., this site is the top site when it comes to JJFP...
  2. That's the truth right there!! :word: :2thumbs:
  3. I could feel what Damien's saying, watching porno's like drugs and drinkin', if you look at too much of it you'll become addicted and it could hurt a relationship 'cause if you're mind's on sex too much you won't think about trying to get to know somebody, you'll just think about sex, I don't see nothin' wrong with lookin' at it occasionally though as long as it don't interfere with what you have to do...
  4. :mygod: I envy you man, lol, did he give you any details on the project that him and FP are working on?
  5. I'm closing in on 5000 posts :jusmindyabizness:
  6. Homo hip-hop sounds like a gimmick, it'd never be popular 'cause there's too many homophobic people out there, now rappers like Nelly and Ludacris making songs about sex is popular 'cause they're rapping about having sex with women, now if they were rapping about sex with men it wouldn't be popular, it's acceptable for men to have sex with women in society....
  7. Yeah I just noticed that, that's how much I check Jeff's site :willvspaparazzi: But anyways it's kinda wack how they don't update willsmith.com with new photos or anything that Will's been doing lately like maybe he could post a blog in there once in a while, tell some behind the scenes stuff only us fans would know, it seems like whoever did that site gave up on it, that site needs to be taken down, it's a waste of life... :thumbdown:
  8. I liked LL's last 2 albums but I think that they weren't as great as "Mama Said Knock You Out"/"Radio"/"Mr. Smith" but not all Jay-Z' albums are as great as "Reasonable Doubt/Blueprint/Black Album" either, it's hard for them to top themselves as it is for others to top them...
  9. That's a hot instrumental, btw why ain't Will listed under Jazzy's friends? :stars:
  10. Well if it wasn't for the track or interview I wouldn't think that Jazzy Jeff's myspace was real either 'cause there's a large bio for him too, he didn't mention anything about Will in his interests or put him on his friends' list though... Maybe it is real, Will probably never posts there though 'cause he's too busy to go on the internet, that's a lil' dissapointing though, I wish that he'd take some time out of his freetime to holla at his fans... He needs to take down that embarassing willsmith.com and create a better site to represent for himself and the fans, maybe when he looked at Lorettaville he got too scared to come back online, lol...
  11. I actually do think that "Street's Disciple" is probably Nas' best produced album since his first 2, LES of the Trackmasters stepped his game up, Trackmasters do have some good production in between like what they did on "Big Willie Style" and LL's "Mr. Smith" and "G.O.A.T." but then they did subpar production on Will's singles on "Willenium" and Nas' "Nastradamous" album, "Freakin' It" is probably just as bad as "Nastradamous" track is, "Nastradamous" was Nas' "Born To Reign" album though he didn't pick it up on the rest of the album it sounds like "Willenium" would sound if Trackmasters produced most of it instead of Jazzy and Touch Of Jazz, the other Nas albums are good though... Now I know a lot of Jay-Z fans here might not like this but I personally think he's more consistant than Jay-Z when it comes to lyricism but people buy Jay-Z' albums more than Nas' 'cause they've got better production, you give Nas beats from "Blueprint" and "Black Album" and he'll sell 3 million too, people like beats more than lyrics unfortunately, I think the beats carried LL's last couple albums too in all fairness, if Will had those beats of "10"/"The Definition" on "Lost and Found", "Lost and Found" would be double platinum right now...
  12. well a lot of people say the same thing about will's singles too and think that he doesn't make any good tracks, you need to listen to the albums and then tell me he ain't consistant, name me somebody who's more consistant than nas? even rakim's last album was weak and he's supposed to be one of the greatest, i don't think LL's last 2 albums were his greatest and I'm one of his biggest fans on here, how quickly do you forget will making "born to reign"? Nobody has a perfect catalog, Nas is easily one of the greatest mcs ever, and if you don't like his beats i think he stopped messing with the Trackmasters finally and is gonna have DJ Premiere produce his next album, the one thing that has been hit and miss mostly has been production for nas, basically it's been the same way for will, i wish they both could go back to "code red"/"illmatic" type production, listening to will so much though i'm able to put up with weak production and just listen to the lyrics, lol, it's kinda wack how all the weak commercial rappers get dope beats but great lyricists like them get crap beats, hopefully will gets jazzy jeff and pete rock producing his next album too, i want will on nas' album too, i wanna hear him spit to a primo track....
  13. :word: That seems to be the trend in all sports these days, it's all about the benjamins...
  14. That looks fake, I doubt that he'd have anything like that since he's too busy to be online...
  15. Will said in interviews before "Lost and Found" dropped that "Tell Me Why" would've been the next single after "Switch", Interscope probably convinced him to release "Party Starter" like Julie said, it actually would've been a perfect summer anthem though if it was released earlier, the timing was off, by the time they got it out there Will was already filming, they have to realise that there's only a short period to release singles since Will's a busy man, 3 singles in 5 months was the goal they should've gone after.... It'd been perfect if Will performed it on a lot of shows, even if a lot of those teeny boppers who only like club rap hated it, I think a lot of older fans who don't even like hip-hop but go see his movies would feel it..... It was the biggest mistake for Will not to perform it at Live 8, that was the perfect opportunity to spread that message to millions.... If he claims that "Tell Me Why" is his best song since "Summertime", he should perform it more often.... :pony:
  16. Hey check out this interview with LL and Queen Latifah that I found: Q&A: Queen Latifah and LL Cool J 01/12/2006 3:58 PM, AP Raqiyah Mays http://music.yahoo.com/read/news/28590758 These days, Queen Latifah and LL Cool J are rocking a whole new kind of stage. Twenty years ago they were rap stars. Now they're actors, co-starring in "Last Holiday." Latifah plays Georgia Byrd, a frumpy saleswoman who changes her life after being diagnosed with a terminal illness. LL plays the man she has always secretly wanted. The hip-hop icons spoke to The Associated Press about changes they've been through, little girls who imitate music videos and their futures in the rap game. AP: So for the ladies, Queen, what was it like kissing LL Cool J? LL: Lord have mercy... Latifah: Well I didn't get the whole kiss, like I wanted to. Ya know, I ain't want nobody after me or nothing like that. So I have to just take the slob. All right Simone (referring to LL's wife), I deserve that. LL: I'm fairly capable. Latifah: He's not bad. He's a little squooshy around the gut, he could lose a few pounds, let's just say that. (Laughs.) No, everything he showed me made him much more attractive, and his character, as an actor — I'm not thinking about LL Cool J and I'm not Latifah when I'm kissing him, I'm Georgia Byrd, and LL is Shawn ... that was what made the kiss much sweeter than some of the deeper French kisses I've shared with other people. It's what leads up to the kiss. So basically the lips are soft, I'd do it again. AP: How did you perceive one another before the movie, and how did that change afterward? LL: I didn't know how much input she had personally in her life. A lot of times as a man, the way pictures get painted to you is that the woman is not really the person making the decisions or she's not the person that has the vision. And when I met her, five minutes in, I knew that I was dealing with someone who's brilliant. I knew she was smart, but I didn't know she was a general. Latifah: Just to do leisurely things with him like go bowling, and not feel like you got somebody that's all over you. I know other guys married with kids and successful and still will go after everything around them, including me. I never felt like I had a vulture on my back. And I think that says a lot about his character. AP: Latifah, where were you when you heard you were getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Latifah: I was home for the holidays. It was only a few weeks ago over the Christmas holiday. ... It's one of the few things I've actually wanted. And not just for myself, but really for every person who has that dream of making it in Hollywood. When I went to Hollywood the first time when I was 17, and walked down that street and saw all of these names, I just dreamed I could make it and I could be there. AP: What's the biggest difference today from when you came into the entertainment industry? LL: The industry has gotten larger, the language has changed, it's become a little more risque and it's become tough on women. Somewhere along the line, a lot of insecure men started really coming down on women in a harsh way. Latifah: Like they hated women. You wanna hit it, but you hate it? LL: As a black male I see a lot of insecurity amongst our men, cause we feel like we gotta dog women and make ourselves look better. And I say that not to try to judge everybody and make our guys upset, it's the reality of what we're seeing. So that's the only thing I would see that's the biggest problem. Because you know I have daughters so I feel it. I see it. When you have a 6 year old or 5 year old running around feeling like they gotta wind their body cause that's what girls are supposed to do, cause that's all that's on the videos, that's crazy. What are we teaching our girls? Not that we shouldn't have sexy records or make great music and show women being beautiful. I'm not saying that. It's how we do it. AP: What's in the future for you? LL: I put out a record in March. I have a few films in production. I did a production deal with Lion's Gate Films to produce movies. And I have a fashion company, my second one. AP: Latifah, you made a joke on an awards show about your current standing as an MC. When are you making a new rap album? Latifah: I've never stopped really writing, but I have so much going on inside of me. I just need to take the moment and put my energies to what's happening right now right then. When my film career started to go there, I had to focus my energies on building it. Not trying to do everything at once. I have to streamline. I would love to talk about putting out another rap record, L and I were talking about it the other day, he gave me a great idea that I'm not going to tell you. (Laughs.) But I'm always gonna be a hip-hop head for life.
  17. Well the radio feeds the people so much crap that they're programmed to hate good songs.... But the problem with "Party Starter" flopping is that Interscope never sent it to black radio, they probably didn't send them "Switch" either, Will complains about them not playing him so he should take matters into his own hands and send the black radio stations the songs himself, a lil' better promotion would help or maybe he should change his name.... :paperbag: Waiting 6 months after "Switch" came out to release "Party Starter" wasn't gonna help either, he shoulda performed it at more of his shows, that'd had people anticipating that it was gonna drop, and even if it was a huge hit Will'd still be known as just a party rapper, we needed "Tell Me Why" to come out to show that Will does have a serious side to him... There are some good songs out in between though so I think if promoted right, "Tell Me Why" could've been as successful as Kanye's 'Jesus Walks', Game's 'Dreams', Nas' "One Mic" and Black Eyed Peas' 'Where Is The Love' or even his own "Just The Two Of Us" were, I could hate Columbia all I want but at least they allowed him to release that song about his son, Interscope is heartless, but even if "Tell Me Why" flopped I'd still be happy to know that Will released it.... I don't care if Will sells 200,000 releasing the songs he wants to release, I could live with that, rather than having an A&R manufacture his career by releasing the singles they want to release to sell 2 million....
  18. Will needs to be a lil' more hands on in his music career as far as what singles to release instead of having A&R's controlling what should be released for him if he wants to get the credability he deserves, he can't let the label taint his image, he's been in the game so long, he should have more control
  19. You see all the peeps on hip-hop sites that heard the album say that "Tell Me Why" is the best song, even a lot of Will's haters felt it, obviously Will's promotion team never goes online, even though the sales ain't that high and Will didn't get nominated for a Grammy, a lot of us who bought the album really appreciate it but I'm afraid Will doesn't realise that, he probably doesn't know that AllHip-Hop.com made him person of the year, that's why he probably gave up on it now.... :paperbag: Will said he wanted to show the world a different side to him after he hit them with the cold water of "Switch" but obviously Interscope didn't want it to go that way.... The last opportunity came and went a couple months ago when Will won the AMA, he coulda used the momentum and released it to radio right then and shot the video and it would've came out by now, that won't happen now, Tim's right, Will gave up on it so we might as well too, "Lost and Found" is the past now, hopefully Will brings us a new album soon....
  20. "Illmatic" and "Code Red" are the 2 best produced albums in hip-hop history :yeah:
  21. Releasing "Tell Me Why" would not be the popular choice but it'd show people that he's more than just a party rapper, it's more about image than about sales, there's nothing on this album catchy enough besides "Switch" that'd get this album to sell 10 million like "Big Willie Style" but there is enough on this album that'd get Will the credability as a versatile mc but Interscope only put their energy behind milking "Switch" and most of the public still look at Will as an actor who just raps party songs occasionally, that's dissapointing....
  22. Yeah the media's gonna always have a bias towards Will no matter where he goes 'cause of his clean image, I'd be happier though if he released "Tell Me Why" as the first single instead of "Switch", even if the album flopped altogether, at least he'd get the best song he's made since "Summertime" out there to the public....
  23. Will needs to go to a new label and hire a new promotional team, this is dissapointing, oh well, better luck next album....
  24. I think Run-Dmc's "Raising Hell" was hip-hop's multi-platinum album in 1986, I think some of their earlier albums were the first albums to go gold and platinum.... Beastie Boys' "Licensed To Ill" was released in '87, I think they were the first to go triple platinum and then later on MC Hammer was the 1st to go diamond.... Now I think FP was the 1st in hip-hop to be nominated for an Oscar for his role in "Ali"...
  25. Nah Rakim didn't sign wit Talib Kweli yet, it was just a rumor that he has plans to start a label, he didn't do it yet, Rakim said he wanted to start his own label a couple years too but I doubt that he'd have the money to do it... btw, this is what Rakim had to say about his time at Aftermath when he was interviewed by thaformula.com, he actually said that he only recorded a couple tracks with Dre producing, I thought he only said he recorded a couple tracks when he was there, it's been a while since I read it, lol, anyways he recorded quite a bit of other tracks with Dre's Aftermath producers then but he felt they weren't his style, he said he only signed there to work with Dre: "As far as me and Dre working together, we definitely worked together on a few tracks but what it was, was that when another producer sent a beat, what I do is I take the track go to the studio and write to it myself. Once I finish with it then I go holla at Dre, but anything that Dre did then I would be sittin' right there, with him. But the thing is for the album we should have been side by side more, instead of looking for a lot of the other producers, me and Dre should have been in the studio just nailing that **** out. I don't know if Dre had the time to really get in the whole project 'cause you know doing a Rakim album ain't easy man and you know what Dre is doing is not hard for him, but I guess making a transition from East Coast to West Coast is a different vibe."
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