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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by bigted

  1. Yeah it's a lil' dissapointing to know that the JJFP track was one of the worst tracks on the album to say the least, when Tim said that there was gonna be a JJFP intro I was really expecting something on the level of "Somethin' Like Dis", well it could've been worse, it could've had a great intro like "Born To Reign" but then the rest of the album could've been The "Chosen One" track would be perfect intro for me 'cause it's a raw hip-hop track that would've been a dope way to start off the album, "Here He Comes" sounds too commercial to be an intro for a deep hip-hop album like "Lost and Found", maybe it would've been great for "Born To Reign", "Born To Reign"'s track would've actually been more fitting for this album...
  2. Well the idea of the podcast is to get people to recognise JJFP for all the great things they've done so we shouldn't get too critical on what they've done wrong 'cause all the great artists have made sub-par songs/albums in between, not just JJFP so don't be so critical, but I don't see nothing wrong with a lil' crtical points in between, like I think "And In This Corner..." deserves a lil' criticism too since it's JJFP's worst album, it makes discussion more interesting.... :wiggle:
  3. I actually think Will flows better on "If You Can't Dance" than "Here He Comes", Will sounded better when he spit those rhymes over "How We Do" than he did over "Here He Comes" which is also probably one of Jazzy's worst produced tracks, the intro is weak compared to "I'm Comin'", "Somethin' Like Dis", or even "Y'all Know".....
  4. I heard that song before, I actually think that they did a better job with it than JJFP did, that's why I think "The Chosen One" should've been the intro for "Lost and Found" instead, maybe after critics heard the song they thought that Timbaland was on there
  5. Maybe we should start a movement for hip-hop fans to boycott watching the Grammies since they nominated 50 Cent's wack album instead of "Lost and Found" for hip-hop album of the year 'cause we know how many hip-hop heads are dissin' 50 these days..... :pony: Will needs to release "Pump Ya Brakes" with Snoop and they could clown Bow Wow: "If you're underage and acting all grown, what you need to do is: PUMP YA BRAKES!"
  6. :word: Even if you don't agree with everything he says, Kanye got passion for music, like I said in that post there ain't no beef between 50 and Kanye, but anyways that's what I don't like much about 50 he always runs his mouth in interviews dissin' other mcs but then puts out a wack album, he's actually right about how he started Kanye's career in a sense that a lot of 50's fans got sick of 50 and started becoming Kanye fans, lol. These artists should let the music do most of the talking for them, if you gotta go around and do something or say something just to get in tabloids that means your music ain't good enough. And if your music sucks you need to pump ya brakes and get back to work... Kanye's trash talking in interviews is easier to put up with since at least he puts out good music but maybe if he loses his ego a lil' bit maybe more'd wanna check out his music too...
  7. Big Boi, Jay-Z, and Killer Mike "Flip-Flop Rock"(2003, Speakerboxx)
  8. Puffy and Jay-Z wrote a $1 million check to victims of Hurricane Katrina, most peeps in hip-hop don't have that kind of money but I think a lot of rappers do help people behind the scenes, cameras don't show that side of hip-hop often, only when trajedy strikes, I have no problem with Kanye criticising President Bush either 'cause most of America also agreed that the way the Bush administration handled that was wrong, people in the hip-hop community should be using their energies to "Fight The Power", mcs should be beefing against the corporations that refuse to play positive hip-hop songs and videos with a message and the government that constantly ignores the black community instead of using their energy in a negative way by critcising other mcs all the time, like for Kanye to come out and say that he should win the grammy award is immature, he shouldn't be just trying to get personal glory, that offends other artists, he should continue to focus on just being a positive influence, no hip-hop artist is bigger than the game.... Like my parents taught me when I was young, you need to treat people the way you want to be treat, President Bush should do his job if he wants respect from the black community and at the same time Kanye should just make good music if he wants respect in the music industry, people cry out for respect without putting in work while the ones who put in work don't beg for respect. Will might say some things in his songs about how he wants more respect in the rap game but he don't cry about that in interviews. I don't think there's nothing wrong with mcs battling either but they should just leave it as entertainment on the mic, they shouldn't take it personal when they meet up with each other off the mic, we don't need brothas killing brothas, Pac and Biggie being lost are enough. Will doesn't put down everybody that disses or ignores him, he's humble, he stays above negativity and that's why he's still in the game and'll remain in the game for as long as he desires to be, the ones who diss him fall off 'cause they don't put in work, they just hate without getting anything positive done, negative energy brings people down, if Kanye keeps crying about getting respect, he'll alienate all the people who like him already....
  9. A lot of the so call mcs who say they keep it real go ride the gangsta rap bandwagon, so I don't really know who's so real. What is a conscious mc like Rakim doing giving props to Eminem and Dr. Dre but then he ignores giving props real mcs that continually put out positive music like LL and Will? Gangsta rap is getting enough props already, more props should be giving to the mcs that put out positive music since the media blackballs them, all these so called conscious rappers should rally around the real mcs putting it down trying to clean the game up, but then they turn around and give props to the arrogant rappers like Kanye and 50 instead... Will gives props to everybody, he's the ultimate team player that's why he's a real mc, if you're gonna constantly fight with another mc and saying he ain't real or only give props to a certain amount of mcs, hip-hop'll remind divided, if Will goes out and disses Kanye and 50 like he could but that'd 'cause more negative energy than anything, yes 50 and Kanye are ignorant but they could learn if Will could guide them as a mentor... We gotta bridge the gap not break it apart, I think KRS going around criticising Nelly all the time is not gonna wake Nelly up, if he treats Nelly like another man maybe Nelly'd still respect him like he did before KRS started bashing him for no reason just 'cause Nelly's selling more records than him, all KRS had to do was talk to him on the phone or on the side and there wouldn't be no hype or drama.... Music is music, some hip-hop is quality, some isn't, it depends on what you like, everyone should stop hating on each other so much though... I'm finishing my rant in this thread with this comment by what MC Hammer said in an interview 10 years ago which is so relevant and true: "Well my last comments would be life is too precious and Too Short for us not to appreciate it. Let's not let music, something we all grew up on, everything from Marvin Gaye to the Temptations, control us. We use to use the music to cherish the moment. If something meant something to us, we would go get the record and reminisce. Let's not let the music of today mean anything thing else than something we listen to for enjoyment. And let that uplift you and be a blessing to your life versus something that is pulling you down."
  10. Kanye ain't the only one contradicting himself, I think a lot of mcs young and old contradict themselves, I only like KRS for his music 'cause I notice how he makes a lot of ignorant and offensive comments in interviews, but once he starts slacking off in his music I won't feel him anymore at all, that's why I think Will and only a handful of other mcs are real on and off the mic, it's like I'd buy another "Born To Reign" if Will continues to be a real person, I think being a real person is worth more than anything....
  11. :word: This could push the album to platinum status, a lot of ignorant kids who post on these sites need to be schooled, btw I wrote a reply email to him, basically this is what the article would consist of if I wrote it: "What up Illsead, nuff respect for showing love to Will Smith in that column, it's about time that the hip-hop media shows love to one of the realest brothas that has ever touched the mic, it takes a lot of heart to make hip-hop albums in an industry where 99% of the hip-hop albums get the top promotion are the ones with parental advisory stickers. I'm a hip-hop head that appreciates all hip-hop but I respect Will since he brings something different to the game and has held it down quite well on the microphone and on the movie screens, I know that a lot of mcs respect Will, even Bow Wow but they'll diss him 'cause a lot of the media ****s on Will 'cause he ain't hardcore and I find that bull****, we need more peeps in the media like you that appreciate all mcs, not just the gangsta ones. Hip-hop wouldn't be the same without the impact Will and his partner Jazzy Jeff brought to hip-hop, he's one of a kind to me and one of my favorite mcs of all time no matter what anyone else says, he's been in the game as longer than most of these gangsta rappers teenyboppers worship today since that's all they see on TV and radio, mcs like Will deserve to be on black radio, Public Enemy put out an album recently but yet they don't say **** on the radio, it's bull****, the pioneers of the game don't deserved to be pushed to the side, they should be on the frontline leading future mcs like Bow Wow. I'm only 20 years old but I appreciate hip-hop's history unlike a lot my age, I bet you'll probably get a lot of email from kids saying that you were corny for giving props to Will but I bet they never even heard any of Will's albums, they just think Will's wack 'cause he ain't on Hot 97 all day, a lot don't know what to think for themselves 'cause the radio programs their minds. It's refreshing to see somebody from the hip-hop media give love to an mc that ain't just rhyming about hoes, jewlery, and guns 'cause all kinds of mcs deserve to be recognised if they put due in, keep up the good work man. One love! -Gracia Miller Jr. Seaside Heights, New Jersey"
  12. Yeah there's an article saying that Will went on Rap City in 2000 saying that he could take on any mc in the game, he might of did a freestyle that day, I wouldn't know though 'cause I didn't see that show.... Anyways, probably the only way Will'd be on there again is probably on Throwback Thursdays, that's the only time they let ol' school rappers in....
  13. Now back to the topic, there ain't gonna be no Kanye/50 beef, Kanye said in this recent interview on Allhiphop.com that he has no problems with 50, he's right how media twists comments to start a beef... Kanye shouldn't call somebody else's music garbage anyway 'cause it ain't like all his songs are perfect, nobody has a perfect catalog, I think that was just hype and it works 'cause it got us talking, I noticed that there when I was looking at Will's article: http://www.allhiphop.com/features/?ID=1291 "AllHipHop.com: Now check this out, in 2005, 50 Cent said that he made it possible for you to be successful. Care to comment on that? Kanye West: Yeah that's my boy. People distort our comments because, people just don't speak honestly about a person. I could say a statement that...it's all in how you word something. I could say a statement like that about [Jay-Z’s] Blueprint album that could come off differently or could be taken in the wrong way. But that doesn't mean that’s reality. I don't have a problem with anybody. And even if a person has a problem with me I don't have a problem with them."
  14. Rap City has sucked ever since Big Tigger left....
  15. Well the thing is when a lot of artists get high record sales or get the acclaim from the media as the greatest artist, they let that get to their heads and go around with their head in the clouds like the whole world evolves around only them, Will never does, and that's what seperates him from who a lot of people call legends 'cause he ain't souped up, he'll show love to everybody even if they don't show love back, also speaking what he feels in his heart is right even if the media don't agree with him, and that's real, Will could've easily kissed up to certain people then maybe his sales would be higher than they are now and souless people would call him a legend but he'd look a lil' fake, he's a legend already to those who appreciate somebody with heart and that's what should matter most....
  16. Well DefCem, maybe you're right they probably wanna meet him so they could jump him since he's a soft rapper and they're gangstas :lolsign: It's nice to know that they think Will exists whether they like him or not, let's leave it at that, what some artist says a compliment it doesn't persuade me to go out and listen to their music but if it's something real negative like what Bow Wow said then I won't listen to them again 'cause if they don't respect my favorite mc I don't respect them. A lot of young and old hip-hop artists, wack or legendary, act like Will ain't even a part of the hip-hop community the way that they ignore him, and it's a shame 'cause Will opened doors for a lot of new school mcs and has kept ol' school hip-hop alive, he deserves more recognition, but a lot are too worried about being dissed by the media. They don't realise though if they rebelled against the media and supported a positive brotha that's been ignored like Will, hip-hop would get better: "Plenty of y'all love a brotha, just scared to say it" Now that Will's the person of the year, maybe they'll all realise it's safe to mention Will as a part of hip-hop now.... :word:
  17. :bowdown: Great stuff, wow that article really embarasses that punk Bow Wow, about time the media takes Will's side instead of spitting on him for a change!! :willvspaparazzi:
  18. Damn that's nearly from nearly 20 years ago and those words are basically what I'm saying now, the game just has more hype than ever 'cause rap is more famous now :word: Another line that's still relevant when it comes to Will compared to the other mcs that're just about hype: "After ever rapper tells you jump I'm gonna give you what you really want"
  19. Well don't get it twisted, JJFP is my favorite hip-hop artists of all time, if anybody takes a shot at either Will or Jeff, they're gonna get dissed, no matter how much I like them, like if even my 2nd favorite mc LL dissed Will I'd lose respect for him too, like I'm probably gonna still occasionally bump KRS' music but I don't know I could say that I'm as big of fan of his now, maybe if somebody disses him I won't passionately defend him anymore since he don't defend Will and I won't tell anyone about his albums either, let them discover him on their own, I'm a JJFP potna not a KRS potna.... :jusmindyabizness:
  20. Halle Berry and J-Lo would be the two that I'd vacation with :yeah: :jusmindyabizness: Anyways it's like what Jazzy says, it's all about money now, the richest artists in hip-hop are the ones that get their ass kissed: "Then, the rivalries in hip-hop were about "I'm the best DJ" or "I'm the best MC." It just seems now that's it's about "I have more money" and "no, I have more money." Where did all the skill level go? Now it's like the best rapper is the one that makes the most money" Even a lot of conscious rappers play that game now too by only publicly giving props to the big ballers of the rap game like Eminem and Jay-Z, they might have love for less popular/money making mcs but they won't say it especially if they don't have that top image in the media, like rappers won't give Will public respect if he don't get on black radio, they might secretly bump his albums, maybe even congradulate him behind closed doors, lol... They actually diss Will as a way to boost their image publicly like Bow Wow for instance, he saw that "Lost and Found' was outselling his so he decides to diss Will and his crap album outsells "Lost and Found" now...Rakim probably doesn't consider Eminem a conscious rapper but he said it to give some shine to himself, he hopes that if Eminem fans hear him giving Eminem props, they'll go out and buy Rakim's albums and better yet want him to go to Shady Records... Em's a hardcore comedy rapper, I don't think a conscious rapper raps about killing his wife and mother... Will got a lot of money but that's mostly from movies, he don't have a label or anything like that, that's why a lot don't kiss up to him, but a lot of actors might kiss up to Will 'cause of that too though, maybe if he wasn't making $20 million a film maybe they wouldn't say how great of an actor he is, a lot of them probably say that to get a co-role spot in one of his movies, lol, 'cause if you think about it when you hear somebody giving Will props for acting you might automatically say, "hey Will should do a movie with __ since this person respects him", lol, all industries are like that, it's sad: "Could you love me if my wrist ain't bling/If I wasn't on TV and I didn't sing?"...
  21. I don't think Ying Yang Twins wanna talk about Will's lyrics when they do preschool rhymes, lol, crunk rappers ain't really lyricists, they're more just hype men, Will don't need people to kiss his ass, he's had plenty of success already without it, what Ying Yang Twins said is props though, anything positive said about somebody is a prop, obviously they're fans of Will if they wanna meet him, I don't see Rakim saying anything postive about Will, Will could probably take him out at this point too, people just talk about how great Rakim was from the past, in the last 10 years he can't touch Will though, Will was putting down right with Rakim then too so he really deserves to be ranked at the top of the all time mcs list since he's lasted the test of time with 9 albums strong, you can't argue against it.... Sadly though mcs are gonna take Will for granted 'cause he's a nice guy, if he started to call out mcs and battled them I think then they'd all give his props, he has the skills to take out a lot of young and old mcs, they know it too, they might take lil' shots at him here and there but if Will steps on stage they wouldn't diss him then, they respect his skills deep down but they won't say it to the media 'cause the media considers Will soft and they don't wanna hurt their image, they figure giving props to the hardcore rapper'll put some life into their dying fanbase who all became hardcore rap fans.... Peeps should be able to see that from his catalog he shouldn't have to turn into a bitter old man and battle everybody just to get his respect or sign mcs that really don't respect him just to get respect, the rap industry's messed up....
  22. I saw that posted on a hip-hop board a couple weeks ago, maybe they're just bringin' it out now to promote Em's greatest hits, they figure maybe they'll actually get some of Eminem's haters to buy it if they do this.... :willvspaparazzi: I think that if Eminem didn't have Shady Records or Dr. Dre didn't have Aftermath Records, nobody'd be giving them props either, and if Will actually said he was gonna sign mcs on a label they'd kiss his ass, but since he ain't doing that they don't, a lot of love that they show is fake, just like when Ja Rule was selling 5 million albums and having a lot of success with his Murder Inc label, lots of rappers would be giving him props then all of a sudden a year later his album flops and his label's caught in a scandal, then you see all the rappers who used to say they like Ja Rule all of a sudden side with 50 Cent and call Ja wack, he ain't the greatest mc in the world but I was showin' an example of how you could see that there's only a few real people in the rap industry, a lot of those so called postive rappers seem to not practice what they preach, like when some ignorant fools like Em and Bow Wow diss Will, the ol' school peers should come defend him but they look at the charts and see that Will ain't selling as well as Em and Bow Wow so they shut up but if Will was outselling them both and had a label you'd see lots of rappers come defend Will....
  23. I find it kinda ironic that a lot of the young hip-hop artists like Ying Yang Twins and Nelly ain't afraid to express their respect for Will than the ol' school hip-hop artists like KRS and Rakim seem to, maybe a lot of Will's ol' school peers are jealous that he's selling more albums and having more success than them, once again I'd have to say that I ain't feelin' Ying Yang Twins 'cause I don't like much crunk rap, nothing against them, it just ain't my style, nice to know they appreciate Will though.... btw, I know certain ol' school mcs like LL, Chuck D, Slick Rick, Kool Moe Dee, Run-DMC, Biz Markie, MC Lyte, and Heavy D ain't afraid to express their love for JJFP, but what about Rakim, Big Daddy Kane, Q-Tip, Scarface, Kool G Rap, and KRS-ONE, is there anything that they've said about Will in a major article that I have missed? I think Will shows them love but they never return the favor, I see more of them jumping on Eminem's balls than I do them showing love to Will which is a shame... I can't seem to find quotes of showing love from them, I actually found a quote where KRS disses Will by saying that Eminem that had the right to say "f*** Will Smith" since Will didn't contribute much for hip-hop which shocked me like I said in that Nelly thread, it pains to know that the other ol' school mcs I like don't seem to show as much love to Will as I thought they would, he's keepin' ol' school alive and deserves more love from them, at least some kids comin' up respect the legend....
  24. Flava Flav always says that he's working on it when he's interviewed, he should just release it through SlamJamz which is Public Enemy's record label....
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