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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by bigted

  1. I wrote this song for Christmas a few years ago, I figure I'd share it with y'all, enjoy!: Verse One: Yo Christmas comes once a year So you spread the holiday cheer When you spend time with family and peers And there's a lot of aniticipation when it's near That means it's obvious to tell when it's here 'Cause you can see all the decorations That'll put a smile on everybody's faces And you can see the Christmas vibration In all nations With all races and all ages And whether you're Indian, Afican, Jamican, or Haitian It's still Christmas no matter what language you speak That vibe is felt by people like me This moment ain't really about me And this moment ain't really about beating mcs 'Cause for this moment, I'm at eaze Feelin' the chill in the breeze Checkin' out the winter scene Sippin' on an icee Gettin' a brain freeze Taking a glance at the Christmas trees Keepin' it true with my peeps, repeatedly So... Chorus: Let me spit a Christmas rhyme That's legit and on time With the Christmas time So y'all could feel the Christmas vibe And un-stress your mind 'Cause we don't need any mess at Christmas time Just relax with my Christmas rhyme And feel the Christmas vibe Verse Two: No matter what age You're always a child at heart No matter what way You could see Christmas is always on par And no matter what place You're at, you know that the Christmas love ain't that far 'Cause it's Christmas And that's the way it is There's no day like this And there's no way you could fight this When the jolly ol' Santa says “Ho, Ho, Ho” You already know That it's Christmas yo I wanna kiss a fly honey under the mistletoe So things could be poppin' for sho' 'Cause things like this are a part of the Christmas flow Even a hardcore thug Can feel the love There's not a way you can explain How this day can be off the chains Maybe it's the candy canes You don't feel no pain But you get some gain 'Cause the Christmas love ain't ever lame Y'all know what I'm trying to say In this hot lyrical display [Repeat Chorus]
  2. Oprah sounds like an old, conservative, Uncle Tom now, she's selling out and can't relate to the hip-hop youth, true Luda doesn't represent it the best but he's still hip-hop and nobody that represents hip-hop should be ridiculed like that, btw he must have talent if Will asked him to write him the hook and produce "Party Starter" for him, which is one of the best tracks on "Lost and Found", lol, stop being such a hater to the new school mcs AJ, if you don't like anything out now that's your opinion but to say they got no talent is disrespectful, why don't you get a record deal and beat them in a battle if you feel that way? They all worked hard to get where they had to just like FP, LL, Run-Dmc, and any of the ol' school mcs that you love, I bet you'd love his flow though if he were a squeaky clean rapper, lol, you just don't like the content that's all, hey that's your opinion again just don't say he don't have no talent, everyone with record deal has talent, some more than others, but a lot more than any amateurs like us who ain't signed like I said in that thread about Freeway collabing with LL, btw didn't LL do a song with Luda too? The only ones who wouldn't have talent in the music industry would be the ones who get record deals if it's a celebrity making an album when they have no practice for music.... Luda worked hard though to make it in the game, he made mixtapes and sold them out of his truck, he'd start his own radio station in Atlanta, he put in work, we could all hate on 50 but he also worked hard to make it in the game he was making mixtapes for years as well, it's just the content about him we don't like either, mcs just need direction that's all, if FP could befriend them, they could turn around their content most definately..... Quite a bit of mcs in the rap game respect Luda's talents, young or old mcs, I think FP alone respecting it is enough, a lot of people in hip-hop defended him when Bill O'Reilly criticised him including the KRS-ONE's and Russell Simmons' of the game and I'm sure they'll do the same again if it becomes a big issue, if Oprah ain't got nothin' nice to say "Don't Say Nothin", she's looking out of touch by doing that, if she sat down and talked to him instead of yelling at him like a baby she'd be able to understand why he raps the way he does, she's supposed to be an example of a strong black woman but she's lookin' weak but doin' the same thing conservative white men would do, well I guess they're the ones payin' her, lol. Even if she's throwing a whole bunch money to charity it won't show any merit if she don't show care to people, that's the most important thing, Ludacris is human like anyone else, I might not like some of his songs but I'm not gonna go in his face and ridicule him.... It's just like when Richard Pryor made dirty jokes, those jokes were his reality, he just tells it the way it is and that's what a lot of explicit rappers do, sure Luda ain't as talented as Ice Cube but he's good enough to be able to have an audience relate to what he's talking about.... In my opinion there should be room in this world for both Will Smith's clean jokes and Ludacris' explicit jokes, just like there was room for both Richard Pryor's explicit cometdy and Bill Cosby's clean comedy.... You want people to not call Will bubblegum and respect him but how could you expect that if you call Ludacris trashy and don't respect him? They don't have to listen to Will and you don't have to listen to Luda but dissin' them blindly won't solve anything.... Whether you like it or not, Luda could outperform a lot of mcs too, he's probably the most energetic performer since Busta, if you thought he was so wack, why didn't you try jumpin' on stage and outperforming him then? You were probably the only one there that wasn't cheering....
  3. Yo AJ I could usually agree with you on most things in music but I find kinda ironic that you call Ludacris garbage and Nick Cannon one of the best mcs, I mean come on mostly anybody who listens to hip-hop'd tell you that Ludacris sounds like Rakim compared to Nick Cannon, Nick don't got much flow, he got signed to a record deal 'cause of his TV show most likely, Luda used to do mixtapes and sell albums out of his truck like your boy MC Hammer used to do.... I don't even like Luda like that of course, let's be real if Nick rapped as explicit like Luda you'd call him the wackest too, not all clean rappers got flow like FP :rofl: Nick Cannon should stick to movies 'cause I think that he has clearly more talent there then on the microphone, he's gaining some fans in Hollywood and if he works on it hard like he's been he could get really good at it, it ain't like it was with FP 'cause he hasn't really won over the hip-hop fans yet the way FP did when he came out 20 years ago, I think Kel Spencer is the talented clean rapper that might be able to get some credability in the hip-hop circle 'cause he's much more skilled at mc'ing.... This verse on "#1 Spot" has more affective punchlines than Nick's whole 1st album put together, I haven't heard all of Luda's albums but I bet his worst album is better than that album by Nick: "I'm never goin nowhere so don't try me My music sticks in fans veins like an IV Flows poison like Ivy, oh they grimy Already offers on my 6th album from labels tryin to sign me Respected highly, HIIII MR. O'REILLY Hope all is well, kiss the plantiff and the wifey Drove through the window, the industry super sized me Now the girls see me and a river's what they cry me I'm on the rise, so many people despise me Got party ammunition for those tryin to surprise me (surprise!) It's a celebration and everyone should invite me Roll with the crew or meet the bottom of our Nikes (blaow!) Explorer like Dora these swipers can't swipe me My whole aura's so MEAN in my white tee Nobody light-skinded reppin harder since Ice-T You disagree, take the Tyson approach and bite me"
  4. The realest 4 bars for Will'd have to be what he said on "Just The Two Of Us", such a universal message that defines the positive messages of his career: "Throughout life people'll make you mad Disrespect you and treat you bad Let God deal with the things they do 'Cause hate in your heart'll consume you too"
  5. My thoughts go out to you and your family Julie, stay strong
  6. Hip-hop is more like hip-pop these days though, 50 Cent outsold everyone this year in music.... Check out this article here talking about how hip-hop is the most popular music genre, it's an old article that's still relevant today, merry christmas, lol: http://www.csupomona.edu/~rrreese/HIPHOP.HTML Everytime you turn on MTV you're more likely to see a rap video than an other video, whether you're in the streets or the suburbs, you see hip-hop.... I think Outkast outsold Britney Spears on their last album too.... A lot of people in mainstream society do know hip-pop artists like 50 Cent, Kanye West, Outkast, LL Cool J, and Jay-Z, they grace the covers of Rolling Stones as much as any pop artists do now, they wouldn't know who KRS-ONE is of course, only underground hip-hop heads who really know hip-hop would, not the casual fan, they wouldn't know certain people like him or Nas, they never really appealed to large audiences... A lot of people in society do know JJFP, but they like gangsta rap more these days, especially the kids but even some adults like it too, they buy it for their kids in the first place, lol, some of them felt alienated when Will dissed gangsta rap too 'cause a lot of people love people like Eminem and Dr. Dre much more than JJFP, if Jay-Z dissed gangsta rap like Will did, he'd lose all of his fanbase, Will took a risk that not many hip-poppers would... Conservatives only see the hip-pop side so that's why they diss hip-hop in general, they think all rappers are thugs, but that's not true, they're ignorant of mcs with heart like Nas and KRS, that's partly their fault though 'cause they don't try to get more recognition but that's why there's no balance, the overpromotion of thug rappers force real mcs to not get the fame.... Like I said earlier, Will has to release more universal tracks in order to get the respect in mainstream society, "Switch" ain't gonna do it, we need tracks like "Tell Me Why" to be released, he's more than just a club rapper, it wouldn't matter if you're from the streets or Hollywood, that song'll touch everyone 'cause everyone felt affected from 9/11, that track would've gotten "Lost and Found" nominated for album of the year at the Grammy awards if he performed it at Live 8 and released it soon after... Releasing "Pump Ya Brakes" would show people that Will doesn't hate all gangsta rappers either since it's a collab with Snoop, people're ignorant of that, Will has problems with the industry, not the artists like some'd believe.... Will got some recognition though, he beat out 50 Cent for best male pop artist at the AMAs, didn't he? If hip-hop wasn't popular, how come 2 hip-hop artists got nominated with one pop rocker? Why is Kanye nomiated for best album with Paul Mccartney and Mariah Carey if he ain't a pop rapper?
  7. Will ain't all about the benjamins, his name ain't Puffy! :lolsign: I'm sure FP could freestyle off the top with the best of the rap game, being an mc is like riding a bicycle for him, no matter what else he does in between he always comes back strong, with him giving us a gem in "Lost and Found" shows that he's the top mc in the game...
  8. I think a lot more people would've bought "Code Red" if this song came out instead of "Boom!..." 'cause it got such a universal appeal, it'd been the anthem of the Holidays in '93 but it's truely timeless, it's such a perfect song for this time of year....
  9. Merry Christmas to everyone and their families!!! :2thumbs:
  10. Well Nick Cannon doesn't really have too much of a hip-hop fanbase, I haven't really heard anybody say that they liked his 1st album, he ain't as bad as some commercial rappers but I don't think he could compete with many mcs yet, he reminds me of Nelly, I ain't really feelin' him either, he's too commercial.... Now as far as Will's credit, it depends does he want the select few people that're mature who appreciate hip-hop's history to respect him as a real mc or does he want a bunch of teenyboppers to like him so he could win Grammys like all the other commercial rappers? Grammies are nothing more than a popularity contest these days it seems, he could get another one though if he could help bring back fans who ain't teenyboppers.... I think as far as respect it's only a select few fans that actually have passion about hip-hop these days on the popular side, most are just casual teenage fans who come and go with whatever's hot now. There's still a lot of older hip-hop fans but a lot of these older hip-hop heads won't buy anything on MTV, they'll buy a lot of underground or they won't even listen to hip-hop anymore at all, if Will stays in the spotlight for hip-hop though, that might change. Older people in general think thug rap is childish, they want something to relate to. I think he could bring a lot of older fans back to buying mainstream hip-hop if he'd release the right singles, he used to have a broader audience when he released universal songs everyone could relate to like "Parents Just Don't Understand" since everyone has parents that annoy them sometimes, lol, and "Summertime" 'cause that's everyone's favorite time of year, "Just The Two Of Us" is a family oriented song, that was really his last universal single. All this "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It", "Freakin' It", and "Switch" stuff just appeals to kids, he's been dumbing down to get a younger fanbase just like Jay-Z has done but he could do his own thing by smartening up and getting a different type of fanbase, older hip-hop fans and people who wouldn't normally listen to hip-hop like he used to do in the JJFP days, he needs to release more witty storytellin' singles again too, songs that give you a picture in your mind... He needed to release "Afro Angel", "The Rain" and "Momma Knows" but it's too late for that now, it's now up to "Tell Me Why", he really needs to get this out, it could have that universal appeal... I don't think many older fans would be impressed to buy "Lost and Found" from "Switch", that's more of a teenybopper anthem but even a lot of them like 50 Cent more than Will 'cause they love gangsta rap more, while older fans want more substance than that, they might think that this is only another commercial rap gimmick from that single....And a select some heard through word of mouth that "Lost and Found" has substance and they're giving it props but a lot more would see that if only "Tell Me Why" came out... Will needs to properly release the right singles, majority of people go by what's on the radio and TV, that's why a lot of older fans think hip-hop is dead and the younger fans are too ignorant to know that there's something better than thug rap... I figure if he loves hip-hop, why not do it more often, if it's really his passion? With the right promotion and direction, he could get that credability, Columbia ruined his image, Interscope ain't doing that much better with it either, Will needs to take things more into his own hands, doing albums under Overbrook and signing mcs with substance would mean a lot to hip-hop, it'd do a lot of positive things if you think about it... Just think about the type of impact "Lost and Found" would've had if he had only performed "Tell Me Why" instead of "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It" at all these promo shows he was doing with Jeff, especially Live 8, that'd been fitting to say the least.... The reason why people think his movies is better than his music 'cause they judge his music off of "Miami", "Switch", and "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It" which don't display Will at his best but they see more substance in his movies, they wouldn't know that he puts substance in his music if they don't give them albums a listen, if you go to a movie theater and ask people if they heard his latest album, they'd most likely say no they haven't just what they heard on the radio... As I think about it, it's easy to throw in the towel, but Will should give it a fight most definately, this is bigger than just him, he could show kids that there is more to life than thug rap they've been spoonfed and give older fans who love hip-hop the joy to know that there's still mcs with money that actually care about the hip-hop culture, not just themselves... I actually don't care if he does albums all the time but he should perform and do freestyles for his fans that really appreciate his talents and bring more fans along that'll appreciate it too....
  11. Don't get me wrong I didn't say it's wack but it's far from the best to me 'cause Will's got a deep catalog, other than that though it's definately a good album, it's disgusting that people don't give him more respect as an mc, there should be no debating on Will's place in the rap game if you look at his disography, most are too ignorant and brainwashed to do that though....
  12. I have to disagree with you my brotha on a couple things, hip-hop is universal, all ages and races listen to hip-hop, even John Kerry likes hip-hop for god's sake, lol, Will performed on the White House with Bill Clinton there too! It's the most popular music genre in the world, they play songs at sporting events, it's in commercials, etc.... Why'd Eminem win an Oscar for his soundtrack song if he weren't a household name? Why is Kanye West on Barbara Walters if he ain't a household name? Also, do you also think that Will'd have #1 blockbuster hits still if he only did movies every 3-4 years? I personally don't think so, it plays a part I'd think, movies don't have limitations like hip-hop does when it comes to being popular, I could see that viewpoint.... A lot what you said made sense, maybe Will should go more into the films like Queen Latifah and whoever remembers his hip-hop career, remembers it, the hardcore hip-hop heads, maybe he's going on too long, hip-hop's more of a young man's game I guess, we probably won't ever have a 60-year old mc, what am I thinkin'? lol Only the young mcs are the ones who are popular these days, the only other mc that matters from JJFP's era in the public eye is LL Cool J, but people rarely rank him as a top mc of all time despite all the work he's put in, even though most'd say he's better than Will like I stated earlier, the problem is that a lot of the ol' school mcs never really got popular as much as today's thug rappers have, the public never really heard of Public Enemy or KRS-ONE, actually for me to say that Will'd get more recognition for touring and doing albums more often probably wouldn't work 'cause KRS releases albums every year, tours, and nobody still notices him, he might drop albums till he's 70 but people'll probably still say that the thug rappers who retired or died off long before are better than him. But I figure maybe Will could do a lil' better with right promotion but as long as thug rap dominates, he'll never do "BWS" numbers again, '97 was much more versatile than now, looking back on that time looks like the golden era compared to the trash out now, you're right people won't appreciate Will 'cause he's one of a kind, mcs who bite off of each get the most recognition and it's disgusting... Those who do the same things over and over get the most recognition, it's f***d up, if he died when "Summertime" came out, rap fans would worship him like 2Pac and Biggie 'cause JJFP did have a lot of street credability then, but after "The Chronic" came out, people started looking at JJFP differently and that's why they didn't check for "Code Red". A lot of people always talk down about all the pioneers of rap about how they should all hang up the mic while rock artists could go until they're 80 and nobody complains, what's the use of trying to change hip-hop, right? That song "Lost and Found"'ll forever describe the state of hip-hop, I mean it's popular but it's like there ain't a fair balance or a respect to the legends like you said, it probably won't last that much longer once Will stops rhyming 'cause after awile people'll get bored from it like any other music that used to be popular, Will gives hope though if he could stay popular but that might be a huge if, maybe he should move on to bigger things like you said, the rap game's too much of a mess to clean up, Jay-Z and Dr. Dre are too worried about $$$ to clean it up, nothing'll change... I think Will did get a lot of credability on "Lost and Found", he should keep working on that, I guess it shouldn't matter how long it takes for him to come out again 'cause a lot sold out on him so it ain't like he owes anybody anything, he should just do whatever makes him happy, but he says his heart's in hip-hop, he shouldn't worry about commercial fans who constantly yearn for the same thing over and over.....
  13. It's my least favorite JJFP album, I don't have the first one though, but compared to "He's The DJ...", "Code Red", and "Homebase", it sounds weak....
  14. and in this corner kicks born to reigns ass and you know it :word: Of course it does but it still ain't brilliant....
  15. "And In This Corner..." is brilliant?! :paperbag: :willvspaparazzi:
  16. That's already posted in the Big Will section, I don't like the fact that Nick Cannon gotta try to bite everything Will does in order to get himself famous, he gotta do his own thing...
  17. I was just referring to his lyric: "Lock him in hip-hop when dude's not filming"! We don't have to wait 3 years for Jazzy to release a mixtape or for him to perform for his fans that's why he got more street credability than FP does, hell he even posts on his website for his fans, I'd love to see FP post over here once in a while, some of Jazzy's passion for hip-hop needs to rub off on FP again... "I chose to rap, but it broke my heart not to rap" don't hold much weight of a statement when you still don't do a tour for the 15th straight year! I'm upset that "Parter Starter" didn't do well since he shot another film, that loses credability to do something like that, but I guess if Interscope released it sooner, Will'd have more time, he should have more control though, I mean he's one of the greatest mcs, when he demands for something to come out, it should come out!
  18. I think the thing is if Will could find a solid balance between the big screen and the microphone, he could have a large fanbase in both music and movies, movie fans like Max would be let down if it takes him 3 years to release a film but music fans like me are let down every time it takes 3 years for him to release an album? You can't just go from selling 200,000 3 years ago and expect to sell 5 million the next album 3 years later after not doing any music no matter how great the album is, fans don't like waiting that long, they'll find another mc to listen to instead, it's a miracle it was able to have an increase at all, you can't expect that, it mostly came from that "somethin' for Eminem" thing too, I mean if Will capitalised on that to full potential by talking trash about Em in freestyles on mixtapes, this album could've sold 4 million at this point... Why didn't he go out on a tour with Jeff and promote "Party Starter" and "Tell Me Why" before jumping into shootin' another film? That's a dissapointment for me, I'm not happy about that at all.... If I had a moment to talk to Will ever in my life, I'd make that suggestion to him that he gotta balance things out more if he wants to have fans in both music and movies...
  19. :word: If FP takes 3 years to release another album I'll be very dissapointed, he talked all on this album that he loves hip-hop more than making films, if he doesn't do any freestyles or shows with Jeff, not just promo shows for his film with short 10-minute medleys, I'll start lookin' him as a sell out, I don't care if Jeff needs to lock FP in the studio to get this to happen, it needs to happen....
  20. Hey now I know a way we could get a way for Will to quit acting, spend most of the time callin' "Wild Wild West" the worst film ever made! :rofl:
  21. Another you rhyme that hasn't been released t the public is considered a freestyle, Will should goto the radio more often and do things like this, That's the thing that pisses me off about Will, that he don't do enough of these freestyles or mixtapes, he's supposed to be one of the greatest mcs, why can't he take time to drop mixtapes in between like a real mc does? Even when LL Cool J does a lot of movies he always drops freestyles, guest appearances, etc. but he don't have major roles.... That's why Will needs to take one full year off of filming, doing major roles takes too much time away from him doing hip-hop, we'd love for him to drop by the podcast and do freestyles for us too, come on Will, give us fans what we want more often!! :pony:
  22. :word: I don't think Will should give up mc'ing anytime soon either, that'd be a punk move, sure he has some criticism but if he keeps putting out great work, it'll be hard to criticise him after a while. The way I see it: Will Smith at 70(if still living)=James Brown at 70+Morgan Freeman at 70 Now I'd like to see Will learn to properly promote albums for at least a half a year, not jump off to do a movie in the middle of promotion 'cause how silly'd that be if he recorded an album when he's supposed to do a movie, he should do freestyles/tour in his time for music, and when it's time to do a movie put music to the side for a lil' while that way full focus could be on the movie and going on shows to promote, and in between hang out with friends/family and enjoy his millions....
  23. :word: Yeah it's nice to see an artist with such talent like her get some recognition from all the hard work, she's had a great career!
  24. Mariah Carey Ties Elvis on Singles Chart NEW YORK - Mariah Carey's "Don't Forget About Us" rose to the top of Billboard's Hot 100 chart, putting her in a tie with Elvis Presley for second place among artists with the most No. 1 singles in the rock era. Carey and Presley have 17 No. 1 hits, second only to the Beatles, who had 20. (Some music sources report Presley had 18 No. 1 hits by counting the double-sided single "Don't Be Cruel" and "Hound Dog" as two hits instead of one.) "Don't Forget About Us" was Carey's second No. 1 song this year, following her ballad "We Belong Together." Both tunes are from her Grammy-nominated album, "The Emancipation of Mimi." It has taken Carey just over 15 years to accumulate the 17 hit singles. Her first was "Vision of Love" in 1990. "Don't Forget About Us," which ranked second last week, overtook Chris Brown's "Run It!" - which fell to No. 2 after five weeks at the top, Billboard said Thursday.
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