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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by bigted

  1. It's scary though but there's probably millions out there who sample other people's beats without permission, especially on all those sites where people post up their music doing their own lyrics over somebody else's beats, even some here on this site btw, lol, hopefully you're getting your music copywrighted if you use samples for your album Da Brakes or else you might be catching lawsuits! :paperbag: If Game heard u rapping over "Dreams" FUQ he might sue you too, lol. There's so many that do it though it'll be hard to catch them all but I still wouldn't take that risk, that's why I wanna make my own beats and you won't see me posting audio on the internet, people ask me why I don't record anything, I tell 'em 'cause I wanna make my own beats...
  2. Hold let me go back and edit it! :pony: :lolsign: btw how are we wrong Cozmo D? Enlighten us... Actually I think Beastie Boys have more to do with bringin' hip-hop to white audiences than JJFP or even Run-Dmc for that matter, they were the first hip-hop artists to ever release a triple platinum album, that album still sells to this date selling 9 million altogether which is the highest for any '80s hip-hop album so they probably do have more credability than Em if "Licensed To Ill" is still sellin' after all these years, they deserve more credit than what they get...
  3. DMX was retired for a while but last summer in interviews he was saying that he was working on a comeback album called "Here We Go Again", I think Def Jam kept pushing it back, Jay-Z probably doesn't want him to come close to his record sales I guess 'cause he basically put out as many albums that debuted on the charts at #1 as Jay did all 5 of DMX's did and I think Jay's last 5 did, if DMX puts out more #1s I guess that'd tempt Jay to come back again, lol. I guess that's what made X frustrated to leave the label and go to Columbia, but hey as long as he still records I'll keep supporting, he's one of the realest mcs, I don't think he'd sign with G Unit since 50's beefing with Jada, Def Jam'd promote it better but if Jay refuses to release it I could see why he'd leave....
  4. Mobb Deep had a lot of street cred, never huge sales, but I guess the way they're talking they might as well sell out all the way and do an album with Britney Spears if they want that 9 million.... :rofl: I think singing to G Unit very much killed it already though 'cause basically only white teenagers listen to G Unit now, it's obvious that they were heading down that way, they didn't have to say it though since you could see it... Most black/latino peeps are low income so they might not be able to buy official albums, most probably don't even have computers so they just go by what's on the radio/TV/word of mouth, white consumers on the other hand control it 'cause they could go to concerts, buy the albums, etc. since most are in the middle class.... If you look that's why Beastie Boys have had more success than any rap groups, they even outsold Run-Dmc but I never really hear them in discussion when it comes to great hip-hop groups for some reason even though in my opinion they deserve to be, their greatest hits is outselling Rev. Run's album, Eminem's selling more than 2Pac but I don't think too many hip-hop heads consider Em on Pac's level although he's a lil' more popular with hip-hop heads than Beastie Boys which is a shame, it sucks though that his greatest hits even outsold Will's "Lost and Found" already in just 2 weeks although there's probably more black people bumpin' "Lost and Found" than anything Em's done in the last 5 years, white people could relate to the white mcs better but that doesn't mean they have the most street cred, btw Britney's husband'll probably be gunning for Em's spot since he'll probably get a guest appearance on Britney's next album, lol.... Back in the days before "Rappers Delight" their used to be free block parties in the Bronx that mostly blacks and latinos would attend, maybe a few whites in between, hip-hop as a buisiness wasn't profitable at all at that point... Street cred don't equal record sales, look at how low Rakim and KRS-ONE have sold but yet their names always come up first when it comes to best mc from those in the urban communities, most white people never even heard of them though ....
  5. "Rappers Delight" introduced hip-hop to white people around the world, in the US and World overall I think black/latino people make up like 10% of the population, might be even less than that....
  6. I think this is a horrible move, couldn't he see how poorly they've promoted Will, Nas, Wyclef, etc.?!! :paperbag: "DMX DMX is currently cooling his heels at New York's Rikers Island, serving out a 70-day jail sentence. When X gets out, he'll be heading to a new home. After barking loudly on Def Jam since the late 1990s, he's called it a day and left the label. DMX has signed a deal with the Sony Music Group. You may recall that X was signed to Columbia (now part of Sony Music) in the early '90s but never released material."
  7. Could artists sue people who sell mixtapes using samples without permission if they find out about it?
  8. White consumers control hip-hop since it became commercial with "Rapper's Delight", before that it was just heard underground by a handful of blacks and latinos, that's bound to happen 'cause whites are the majority in the world altogether, hip-hop ain't just for blacks anymore, it's for everyone, but mostly everyone is made up of white people, even a lot of underground stuff is heard by white people who could buy mixtapes over the internet.... btw, Mobb Deep'll never sell 9 million, they'll be lucky to go platinum 'cause all G Unit projects've been floppin' lately...
  9. Old white men choose Grammy's though, the only way Will could win Grammys if he sold a lot more, it's a popularity contest, but record sales don't equal props, I don't think "Big Willie Style" had this type of credability of "Lost and Found".... Yeah MCA is the best one but unfortunately most don't even know about Beastie Boys anymore, that's kinda stupid though that they gotta catergorise them as 'white boy' rappers just like the female rappers have their own category that's wack in my opinion, MCA is one of the best period...
  10. Like Cozmo D said I'm sure it could've been settled without the Furious Five making it a public issue, they were probably just jealous that Will and Jeff still are having a career while theirs is dead, they should've been happy that somebody still gives them homage in their song, I get that impression especially after hearing the comments that Melle Mel made about KRS and Rakim, they're just bitter...
  11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hundreds Pay Respects to Tookie Williams By PAUL CHAVEZ, Associated Press WriterMon Dec 19, 9:09 PM ET Hundreds of people converged Monday on the South Los Angeles neighborhood where Stanley Tookie Williams co-founded the Crips to say goodbye to a "homeboy" executed last week over the objections of supporters who said he had turned his life around. Williams, clad in a gray suit, lay in an open coffin at the House of Winston Mortuary as people quietly filed by with their heads bowed. "Mostly everyone is out here because of his reputation," said Robert Collins, 27, who said he was a former Crips gang member. "Everyone knew Tookie was no angel. Everyone's just paying their respects to him." A line of 200 stretched out the door shortly after the six-hour viewing began in mid-afternoon. More than an hour later, the line had dissipated but people were still streaming through. Williams, whose execution was carried out over the protests of supporters who included celebrities and civil rights activists, spent his last years on California's Death Row renouncing gang violence and writing several children's books warning of the dangers of gangs. See Love, a teacher with the Los Angeles Unified School District, said she had seen firsthand the way Williams' book "Life in Prison" had changed students' lives. "Tookie's words were able to do what no judge or probation officer was able to do," said Love, 35. "I hope Stanley's spirit continues to live in the name of peace." Williams, 51, was executed last Tuesday for the murders of four people during a pair of 1979 robberies. Although he had renounced his past as co-founder of the deadly Crips, he maintained to his death that he did not commit the killings. A crowd lingering outside the mortuary carried signs and handed out flyers proclaiming his innocence. Lori Tompkins, 48, of Los Angeles, said she came "to say goodbye to our homeboy and also give support to his family." "We feel he was innocent and wrongly killed," she added. The viewing was to be followed by a funeral Tuesday in Los Angeles. Organizers said those expected to attend included the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan and hip-hop artist Snoop Dogg.
  12. I think it's kinda wack too how it's a big issue when there's a white rapper or basketball player, why can't people just refer to them as rappers and basketball players like all the black ones get referred to as? I mean it's kind of stupid to say that Eminem's a 'white boy' rapper or Keith Van Horn is the 'great white hope' basketball player, stereotypes need to stop... lol, damn I can't believe I actually defended Eminem on something but I only don't like most of his songs, it's not 'cause he's white that I don't like him, but it's like you hear black people say "f*** that white boy, he's ruining hip-hop, only us real n***s should rap", that's reverse racism, I wouldn't diss him 'cause he's white and I think anybody could be a rapper no matter what race they are, you should judge somebody by what they do, not what they look like... I found it kinda disturbing too that Larry Bird'd say that the NBA'd be better if more white players were in the league, if white players have good enough skills to play in the league is how they should make it just like black players with the skills, you can't just throw players in with no talent just 'cause they're white....
  13. I wasn't referring to you Vipa, you're keepin' the peace...
  14. Well let's hope JJFP go on tour and perform "Party Starter" quite a bit, maybe Luda could drop in a couple shows too, I'm shocked that it didn't blow up like it should've... :thumbdown:
  15. This thread is pointless now, I'm tired of this crap, I'm locking it up! :word:
  16. Let's keep this topic about Will Smith's image, not about who believes in God or not, any more of this Holy Roller stuff and I'll lock this topic! :paperbag:
  17. To say Ja Rule ain't in the game anymore is like saying Will Smith ain't in the game anymore, his last album went gold, he ain't sellin' millions anymore 'cause he ain't making so many love songs like he used to so the teenyboppers don't buy it like they used to, his style's more aggressive again 'cause he's been facing more drama from haters so it ain't radio friendly, he's coming hard at the haters now, his last album is harder than 50's last 2 albums combined, the teenyboppers all jumped off the bandwagon that's all, who gives a **** about who gets the most airplay on TRL, it ain't like Britney Spears is the greatest singer of all time...
  18. I could talk this is that about how wack 50 Cent is and you could talk about how wack Freeway is but more than likely they'd woop our asses, at the worst they're the worst with a record deal but they're sure better than a whole bunch of amateurs that can't get signed, image plays a part to how much they sell though, that's a different story, there's rappers out there with record deals who have as much skills as Jay-Z and LL but they ain't as radio friendly or don't have style as they do so they don't sell... But to say you're better than them is like me watching a Chicago Bulls game on TV and saying that Tyson Chandler sucks but I know that Tyson Chandler would kill me in one-on-one, let's be clear, at the worst he's the worst starting center in the NBA, and for the record in my opinion Freeway got more flow than Kanye, if he had Kanye's style and content in his records, he'd sell the same amount if not more records than him...
  19. I don't many people'd say Freeway's as great as LL or Jay-Z but to say he got no talent is stupid, he wouldn't have been discovered by Jay-Z if he wasn't rippin' amateur rappers on the underground scene in Philly, you gotta put in work to get a record deal, it's not like Jay'd bring anybody on stage with him on his tours without talent... Sure Puffy's not as great as Biggie either but he got a great buisiness mind, there wouldn't be no Biggie career if Puffy wasn't able to judge Biggie's talent to give him a record deal... No matter if they're Canibus, Vanilla Ice, MC Hammer, Dr. Dre, Kanye West, Nick Cannon, 50 Cent, whoever, they all got talent to get signed, there's millions out there that don't have record deals for a reason, everybody who got signed got talent, some more than others according to peoples' perceptions on their image, the problem with the rap game is that they push one image more than some other images but they all have enough talent to put out a disc, whether it's good or not is up to the people who choose to listen to it to see how long they'll last... If you think Freeway got no talent, why don't u beat him in a freestyle battle then? I don't think so, lol...
  20. I actually found out Hot Karl when I heard a song from him on the "NBA Live 2003" soundtrack, he got some nice punchlines and he raps with substance, those who think Eminem is the dopest white rapper'd be proven wrong 'cause this white boy got more game than Em, I heard that he won a freestyle competition for a Cali radio station for 44 straight days, beleve me if he rapped about killing his mother everyone in the world'd know about him, lol. You should check him out but I don't think his album is close to "Lost and Found"'s level but hey it's better they say his album instead of 50 Cent being better than Will's... EDIT: Here's an in depth interview with Hot Karl, you'll learn about him better when you read this: http://www.geocities.com/hiphopinterview/hotkarl.html
  21. :word: Some of you people talk about Jay-Z like a rap god but don't forget that he was the one who signed Freeway.... Some ol' school rap heads might just say LL's selling out for doing a song with Freeway and Juelz Santana without even listening to the songs and I find that disturbing and they're the ones selling out on LL in my opinion, LL's open minded and he likes artists from today as well as the ol' school rappers, he doesn't wanna start a beef by telling them they can't be on the song, he wants to see them have success too especially since they're his label mates, he's like Magic Johnson, he always likes to assist... Would you buy Will's album if he did "Whistle Song" as 1st single and would diss Juelz Santana for doing "Switch"? Those are both fun tracks, Juelz does put a lot of ol' school elements into his songs, even Rakim was in his "Mic Check" video which had a lot of dope punchlines in it like "Uhhh", he's a dope young lyricist like Kel Spencer...
  22. Sorry to break to you AJ but your favorite artists might not have the same taste as you, as much as you don't like it Will likes Biggie and LL likes Juelz Santana, so you're gonna disown them for that? I don't care if LL does a song with Britney Spears as long as it's a good song and if you hate this track something's wrong with you 'cause this is doper than anything "The Definition" and I liked that album! :mygod:
  23. That's kinda low that the Furious Five'd sue Will, he looked up to them, I'm sure they coulda called them up without even going to court and Will'd gladly cut up a check for his heroes... btw, Chuck D sued DJ Priemere a few years ago for samplin' his voice over a track that Biggie raps over crack without Chuck's consent, Chuck didn't like that 'cause he didn't condone what Biggie was talkin' about in that song, I'm surprised he gives props to Jay-Z 'cause he raps about the same things, maybe Chuck has softened over the years over that...
  24. Yo AJ did you actually listen to the tracks that LL did with Juelz and Freeway? Don't blindly hate on something if you didn't hear it yet, open your mind a lil' bit, I mean seriously LL's spittin' the most aggressive on those tracks since "The G.O.A.T." album, "Feel The Beat" is actually weak in comparison to the way he flows on "Whatcha Want", LL's rapping like he's 25 years old again and Freeway and Juelz actually did great for their standards to be on the track, I mean if those are seriously the worst songs on this album, this'll be his biggest classic possibly since "Mama Said Knock You Out", it's amazing that at almost 40 years old he could still rap as aggressive as he did when most of today's rappers weren't yet born... btw, when is his "Todd Smith" clothing line gonna drop? I need some fresh gear for the '06...
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