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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by bigted

  1. This is warning to everyone who puts their tracks on MySpace so if you hear a famous artist doing your song, you were warned! :bat: http://joshuablankenship.com/?p=3061 MySpace May Be Satan Seriously, let’s chat about MySpace. (And no, I don’t mean MY Myspace, I just mean MySpace in general.) Have you noticed how it’s all the sudden everywhere? These things happen fairly regularly… something is introduced, co-opted by a small group, spreads via word-of-mouth, reaches epic proportions, and then, magically and suddenly it seems, it’s everywhere all at once. I saw a MySpace compilation CD in Wal-Mart last week. And the music aspect is something I want to hit on (in a non-sexual way.) I spent some time reading through their Terms of Service (T.O.S.) a few weeks ago. You know, that big, long list of rules and regulations that you oh-so-carefully labor over before you click “I accept” and start using a website? It started to scare me, and then my friend Charlie posted about it, too, so I thought it might be worthwhile to talk about. Especially the same little nugget Charlie posted on: By posting Content on any public area of MySpace.com, you automatically grant as well as represent and warrant that you have the right to grant to MySpace.com, an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully paid, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display, and distribute such information and content to MySpace.com and that MySpace.com has the right to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such information and content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing. (emphasis mine) So, in layman’s terms, if you post it on MySpace, they own it. Forever. And you don’t. They can sell it, or do anything else with it, and you’ve given them the right to. Oh, and by the way, if they DO, they get the royalties for it, not you. Your property ceases to be your property according to the MySpace T.O.S. Granted, if your intellectual property (music, photos, words, etc.) was copyrighted prior to posting on MySpace, you MIGHT have a case, should they ever decide to start enforcing their T.O.S. and using your work for their purposes, but even so… this is scary stuff considering the volume of users who (like most of us) just agree to terms online without knowing what they are. Suckers. All of us. This entry was posted on Thursday, December 15th, 2005 at 9:30 amand is filed under Web Talk, Business. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
  2. i think we could wait off a few years for that though, tom cruise is one of my favorite actors though I must admit, he did mention that his favorite rappers are will smith and jay-z too when he was on 106 & Park last summer...
  3. Hey my username for Skype is bigted1985 so if anyone's on there now holla at me and let me know what's going down if it started already! :pony:
  4. I wouldn't say Common's CD's overrated but I think there's some boring tracks on there, it's good to see that he's getting some dues he didn't receive on his underrated albums, I like it better when he's spittin' more aggressive like he did on his earlier albums... Well Kool Moe Dee put Lil' Kim on his top 50 mcs list, so I guess she ain't so bad, not my cup of tea though...
  5. :yeah: Colts lost today, there's no undefeated season! :kekeke:
  6. Maybe it might be better for Will to keep releasing more singles from "Lost and Found" but the album sales ain't really doing that well right now, it ain't in the top 200 on the charts anymore, it likely won't move that much past 700,000 whether he releases singles or not, it won't matter at this point, whoever bought the album bought it already was the point I was making, the sales are respectable, one of the 10 hip-hop albums to go at least gold is pretty damn good for an mc on his 19th year in the game, I think the world needs to hear "Lost and Found" and "Tell Me Why" whether they buy the album or not, those are songs with great messages regardless and need to be expressed, Will should perform them at shows and do videos for them, even with his own budget if he has to just to show the world his great art, if the MTV audience don't like it so be it, it'd help his credability though... We all want the 20th year to be special and for JJFP to get back on the scene like they were 10-15 years ago but we have to realise that maybe Jeff doesn't want the fame like he says, maybe he don't wanna be in the spotlight with Will, he rather play the background and let Will have the fame, most likely a JJFP project'll be done independently for the few hardcore fans like us, Will'll probably continue realsing albums on mainstream labels with Jeff only a couple of tracks, we gotta realise that's the way it's gonna be, the public might not know Jazzy Jeff but maybe that's how he likes it, as long as they're together doing something still I think we should be happy about that...
  7. But if Will owned "The Source" it wouldn't suck like it does now, lol, but anyways does anybody know what ever happened to his "Good News" magazine he was talking about starting a few years ago?
  8. Now there's 6 months until Will starts filming "Tonight He Comes" though, there's no question that him and Jeff have time to get together to record new material while they have a tour and try to promote "Lost and Found" a lil' bit more even though sales are dead at this point but the problem lies what label'll they release it on, Interscope's deal up most likely or even if the deal's still there, do you think they'll actually allow Will to do a whole album with Jeff?
  9. Will was actually a member of the group with Jay-Z interested in buying "The Source" but they were denied... http://www.1.fm/community/showthread.php?t=3793
  10. Like I said before I wouldn't mind if the "Return Of The Magnificent" turned into "Return Of Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince" :yeah:
  11. Damn I really wish Will could read this thread....
  12. You could pick it up on amazon, I might put in for that soon, Chuck D does the intro it says: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/156025533...glance&n=283155
  13. That'd be a great idea, they'll be some real hip-hop on the airwaves for a change, he could get Chuck D to do commentary on issues in hip-hop and we'll have Jazzy Jeff do mix shows on there, it'd be the real takeover! :mygod: :bowdown:
  14. Here's some aggressive hip-hop albums I like to bump when I work out: LL Cool J "G.O.A.T." Run-DMC "Raising Hell" Public Enemy "Yo! Bum Rush The Show" NWA "Straight Outta Compton"
  15. :word: If Kel Spencer was a gangsta rapper he'd be doing 50 Cent numbers without a doubt, one Will Smith seems to be enough for the rap industry, they're praying for him to retire so there won't be no more positive rappers out there anymore so that way the game could be filled with just gangsta rappers, that's why it's sad to see "Lost and Found" not do so well 'cause if it sold like 5-6 million it'd open the door for more real mcs to get record deals on major labels...
  16. Will is a hip-hop purist, he appreciates all types of hip-hop, he's sorta upset that there's some out there that think that 50 Cent is the only thing hip-hop and that's what bothers him, it ain't 50's fault, it's Jimmy Iovine's fault, he should sign other type of artists as the president of the label. Will wants people to see the only sides of hip-hop too, if everybody sounds like 50 Cent hip-hop'll get watered down like pop where every girl comes out trying to be the next Britney Spears and that's what labels are only looking for, it's wrong too that legends like KRS and Rakim don't get the right deals on a major label, they don't deserve to be in an independent label, even Boyz II Men are independent, they're extremely talented icons, people need to see and hear them on the scene but the industry has pushed them off and that's what's sad... btw, I love ur avatar Turntable, how fittin', is that a recent picture?
  17. There's like 4 or 5 titles on there I didn't hear of myself, he put a nice list together, I notice he don't put too much current stuff on there either... I liked it when he was on FPOBA playing Jeff's sister, that was classic, lol, he probably bumps JJFP too 'cause he likes a lot of ol' school stuff, him and Will should do a comedic movie together, people'd love it!
  18. Some people might say that too :kekeke: I think the problem with hip-hop doesn't lie with the artists, it's more of a situation where the only artists being promoted are gangsta rappers, there isn't nothing wrong with gangsta rappers, if you talk to them they'll tell you that they're just expressing how they feel about things, Rakim and Will know them better than we do, they know first hand, it might offend some people but if things are bothering them why not just get it out on a song? Hip-hop gives Eminem and 50 Cent opportunities to do something with the talents they have instead of doing the negative things they used to do before they got a deal, whether we say they have talent or not is the individual person's opinion, the problem is though that they're the only ones getting promotion, why can't conscious cats like KRS get proper promotion, why can't females with subject matter like Jean Grae get promotion, and of course why can't feel good cats like Will get promotion? Everything has become one dimensional, if they got the promotion we wouldn't pointing fingers at G-Unit, Nelly, etc. 'cause there was a lot of that stuff out 15 years ago too with NWA, 2 Live Crew, etc. but it was all balanced out so people had choice if they didn't like those artists they could check out Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, JJFP, etc..., that's what wrong with the rap game right now, record executives deserve blame 'cause they don't sign different types of mcs, you can't have only fruits in your diet, you need some meat, you need bread, that's sorta like what's wrong with hip-hop we have too much fruit, we need to have meat and bread in our diet too! :kekeke: :rofl: Hip-hop would be boring if everybody rapped like Will but it's boring now 'cause everybody's trying to be the next 50 Cent...
  19. Foxy Brown Confirms Her Deafness By: VIBEOnline Staff December 16, 2005 Rapstress Foxy Brown takes the stage to confirm her deafness. In a press conference held in New York's "106 and Park" studio Thursday, December 15th, Foxy Brown confirmed she has been completely deaf for six months, and that she will undergo surgery in January of 2006 in hopes to correct her hearing impairment. Print Email Comment (2) "In May 2005, my life was altered drastically," exclaimed Foxy, born Inga Marchand, who's been communicating solely through reading lips, facial expressions, and notes. "We take for granted the simple words such as 'I love you,' but I appreciate them all." Accompanied by Russell and Kimora Lee Simmons, Doug E. Fresh, Dr. Benjamin Chavis, Reverend Young Blood, and alleged boyfriend, Tyson Beckford, Foxy closed off by stating the first thing she plans to do after her recovery is go back to the studio and finish her album, Black Roses, which she plans to release in 2006. The press conference was closed with a prayer from Reverend Young Blood.
  20. Even hip-hop legends like KRS and Rakim admitted that they felt this track when the album came out, they need to get together with Will and do the remix to it or at least be in the music video, hip-hop needs this, come on Fresh Prince, release it! :word: btw Rakim recently compared Eminem to Muhammad Ali in an interview so Will ain't the only one giving props to somebody ruining the rap game, if 50 and Em ain't ruining hip-hop, who is? :paperbag:
  21. Man he got some great taste, the only thing missing from here is "He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper"!: 25 DIZZIE RASCAL - Boyd in Da Corner (2004) This **** is so ahead of its time, I don't know why they told him to do it slower and make it sound American or whatever they did on his next album. It's hard, man. I'm surprised no American rappers were smart enough to have him produce them. When you hear those beats, you think "OK, if blankety-blank was on this, it would be a hit." That Dizzee Rascal is just ****ing ridiculous. Make this one my last one. 24 DJ QUIK - WAY 2 FONKY (1992) This is such a mindless gangsta-rap record, but some of it is actually very smart. There's a song on there about how different cities are "just like Compton." It's about how this gang **** is spreading all over the country. 23 LAURYN HILL - THE MISEDUCATION OF LAURYN HILL (1998) Lauryn Hill was groundbreaking because for the first time since Salt-N-Pepa the world was hearing a heterosexual woman rap an couldn't believe it. This is a masterpeice of a record. I know there's a lot of singing on there, but there's a lot of rapping, too. People don't have a problem with conscious rap; they have a problem with conscious beats. If you make some ignorant beats, you can say all the smart **** you want. 22 PUBLIC ENEMY - IT TAKES A NATION OF MILLION TO HOLD US BACK (1988) It still holds up. The beats and production are just incredible. Chuck, Flavor, political conscious- ness--we all know why this album's great. I can't say anything that hasn't been said about it. 21 OUTKAST - AQUEMINI (1998) All their records are good, but this one went to the next level. "Liberation" is my favorite. You can hear the Erykah Badu influence on this record. OutKast did a great record while Andre was with Erykah. Common made a great record when he was with Erykah. Before I write any more jokes, I think I'm gonna call Erykah Badu. 20 NAS - STILLMATIC (2001) Do you know what I like about Stillmatic? Jay-Z (who is famously dissed on the song "Ether") should have gotten a co-producer's credit on it, because Nas was definitely floundering just before it. It's like Mama Said Knock You Out eleven years earlier, where a guy just reclaimed his spot with some great records. There's a record on there called "2nd Childhood" about people who won't grow up, that's just so ****ing smart. 19 JAY-Z - REASONABLE DOUBT (1996) I love this CD and I hate it. I love it 'cause it's Jay's best record -- best beats, best flow -- and I hate it 'cause since it came out every rap record is trying to copy it. What Jay-Z did with Rea- sonable Doubt is take the Scarface formula and pretty it up for New York. Reasonable Doubt is his real Blueprint. I still listen to it. 18 SCARFACE - MR. SCARFACE IS BACK (1991) Everything Biggie did, everything 'Pac did, everything Jay-Zdoes was originally done on the first Scarface album. Biggie kills himself at the end of his first record; well, Scarface did it three years earlier. He was the first guy to do his rhymes in the first person about robbing people and drug dealing; he was the first guy to really talk about being depressed and being institutionalized, and how his mama is scared of him. He is the most underrated rapper of all time and absolutely in the top three. You cannot get to four without mentioning Scarface. Any rapper knows that. 17 ICE CUBE - AMERIKKKA'S MOST WANTED (1990) This is the original Best of Both Worlds. You've got the East Coast and the West Coast together. And you've got Ice Cube at his maddest. He was the mack. I remember when Ice Cube played at the Apollo on this tour. Every rapper in town was there. It was like seeing Hendrix or some ****. From 1990 to 1994, Ice Cube was unquestionably the best rapper in the world -- without peer. 16 WYCLEF JEAN - THE CARVINAL (1997) Forget all that you know. Much like Liquid Swords, The Carvinal is the best Fugees record. It's better than The Score. They're all on there -- it's Wyclef Jean, it's Lauryn Hil, it's Pras, it's that John Forte cat who's in jail. And it's all of them at their best. Even the Neville Brothers are on the album. They rap in French; "Gone Till November" is on there; it's insane. Go back and listen to this album, and try to block out all his other records. It's like watching Rocky. If you forget about most of the other Stallone films, you have a masterpiece. 15 GETO BOYS - THE RESURRECTION (1996) The last line of the whole album is "I'm the type of nigga that throws a party when the flag burns/ I'm at the point of no return." When I heard that lyric, I was like, "OK, you got me, man." The whole Resurrection album is Scarface, Willie D, and Bushwick Bill getting politically conscious, but in a Geto Boys way. It's gangsta, and it's an incredible record. It's also (Audioslave/Rage Against The Machine guitarist) Tom Morello's favorite album. 14 GHOSTFACE KILLAH - SUPREME CLIENTELE (2000) This will go down as the last great Wu-Tang album. "Stroke Of Death" is so gangster it makes you wanna stab your baby sitter. There's a record on there that's just a scratch; Ghostface lets the beat play for four seconds, then keeps bringing it back. My other favorite Wu-Tang albumis Ol' Dirty Bastard's Nigga Please. It's so much fun. It's kind of like There's A Riot Goin' On, because he was that high. 13 GENIUS/GZA - LIQUID SWORDS For my money, Liquid Swords is the best Wu-Tang Clan album. It's like the Songs in the Key of Life of rap. It's so ****ing smart and so hard. Everybody's on there, too. You don't really need a Wu-Tang album; Liquid Swords is all you really need to know. As you grow older, you look for records that hold up. And Liquid Swords holds up. 12 ERIC B. AND RAKIM - FOLLOW THE LEADER (1988) If I ever have a son, his middle name will be Rakim. "Lyrics Of Fury" is probablly, lyrically, the best rapping anyone's ever done. The line I love most is on "Follow The Leader": "I can take a phrase that's rarely heard/ Flip it/Now it's a daily word." That's what every writer aspires to. It's the flyest **** I've ever heard. I have that on a wall in my office. The coolest thing about Rakim is that he's the only rapper who really has a mystique. He's still to this day the most mysterious guy in rap. He's not quite Sly Stone, but people wonder. 11 THE D.O.C. - NO ONE CAN DO IT BETTER (1989) Before Dre found Snoop, he had the D.O.C. I was going to school in Brooklyn, and the only time you could see rap videos was on a weekend show with Ralph McDaniels called Video Music Box. D.O.C.'s video for "It's Funky Enough" premiered, and D.O.C. had an L.A. Kings hat on. When I came to school on Monday, half the kids in Brooklyn had L.A. Kings hats on. It was official. The whole album was great, especially the last cut, "The Grand Finale," with the D.O.C. and NWA. 10 DE LA SOUL - BUHLOONES MINDSTATE (1993) The first two De La Soul albums are two of the greatest albums ever, but Buhloone Mindstate is so grown up. It helped shape me as a comedian. It's the last album Prince Paul produced for them and, as far as I'm concerned, he's a member of De La Soul. If you take Prince Paul out, none of the albums hold up. It's also got that great line "**** being heard, Posdnuos is complicated." That's some gangsta ****, because he don't give a ****. 9 A TRIBE CALLED QUEST - THE LOW END THEORY (1991) It's really hard to top this album. They made other good records, but they never got to this level again. It is from beginning to end a masterpiece. Phife has got a weird midget-DMC energy. And as much as I love Q-Tip, nobody's bigger than the group. He and Phife together are just incredible. 8 BEASTIE BOYS - PAUL'S BOUTIQUE (1989) Don't go anywhere without it. It's one of those records that you buy every time you're in a rental car. It's also one of those records that you thought sucked the day you bought it. You were mad because it sounded nothing like Licensed To Ill. Then a month later, you're like, "This is the best **** ever. High Plains Drifter is the best song ever made." 7 EPMD - UNFINISHED BUSINESS (1989) The second EPMD album is as good as two guys can get whose names aren't Run and DMC. The production is insanity. Before Eminem made "Lose Yourself", "Please Listen To My Demo" was the best record about wanting to become a rapper ever made. 6 LL COOL J - MAMA SAID KNOCK YOU OUT (1990) The beauty of LL's Mama Said Knock You Out is that it's like the Secret deodorant: strong enough for a man, but made for a woman. It's hard gangsta ****. But at the same time, I could put the CD on with my mother in the car and drive from New York to Philly. It's also the first comeback in rap. It's the real blueprint: if people think you're done, this is how you come back. It's one of my favorite albums ever. It's LL at his best and Marley Marl at his best. It's LL as Madonna, in the sense of Madonna saying, "Who's the hot producer? Let me get that person." LL was the first rapper smart enough to do that. Now it's what everyone does. 5 PHARCYDE - BIZARRE RIDE II THE PHARCYDE (1992) Only in rap do you get one-album-wonders. The Pharcyde are like the Boston of rap. I don't know what happened afterward, but the first Pharcyde album is incredible. The rhyming is great, the vocals are great, the production is ridiculous. Everything is just way ahead of its time. It's a shame everybody got overtaken by gangsterism. Everyone wants to be hard, so they don't make records like this anymore. It happens to comedians, too. They want to be cool, but just being funny is cool. 4 RUN-DMC - RAISING HELL (1986) Raising Hell is the first great rap album ever. I like Run, but I love DMC. No one ever sounded like DMC; no one ever looks like DMC. He's like a superhero. Raising Hell is probably Rick Rubin's best record. "It's Tricky" is a weird song because it's so gangsta and popat the same time. There's a track on there, "Hit It Run", which is just DMC with Run doing the human beatbox: "I leave allsuckers in the dust/Those dumb mother****ers can't mess with us." It was actually the first time I heard a guy curse on a record. 3 2PAC - RAP PHENOMENON II (MIX TAPE, 2003) You'd have to go to Harlem or a swap meet to get this one. It's done by DJ Green Lantern, DJ Vlad and Dirty Harry. They got tapes of Tupac's vocals and put them over all the newest, baddest beats of the last four years. So you hear Tupac rapping over the "Hate Me Now" beat. It's the best **** in the world. It's ultimate fighting music. You will kill somebody listening to this ****. 2 SNOOP DOGGY DOGG - DOGGYSTYLE (1993) Doggystyle, to me, is better than Dr. Dre's Chronic. It has held up way better because it's a party album, and its lyrics are better. The Chronic is sonically incredible, but it's hard to drive around singing songs about "Eazy-E can eat a big fat dick." But I got a feeling I'll be singing "Gin and Juice" when I'mninety. 1 N.W.A. - STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (1988) N.W.A. is the most influential act of the last thirty years -- bigger than Nirvana, Madonna or the Sex Pistols. Nothing has ever been the same since they came. I remember I was in L.A. when I was a kid, and I brought Straight Outta Compton back to New York. More people were coming over to my house to listen to N.W.A. than were going across the street to the crack house. I had the real ****. It was kind of like the British Invasion for black people.
  22. I checked the tracklisting to Biggie's duets album and I see that 50 Cent and Eminem each do a track with Biggie but there's no LL Cool J or Will Smith! Jazzy Jeff should've produced Pac's last album with Will, Nas, LL, KRS, etc. on there instead of G Unit and D-12, at least Diddy put Nas on the Biggie duet album...
  23. Jay-Z said the week after "Lost and Found" came out that he was listening to a few days nonstop, he must be a fan then! :2thumbs: Nas also commented that it's about time that a rapper of Will's status speaks on the state of hip-hop, KRS and Rakim also said they felt the message of the "Lost and Found" track: http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com/forum/...t=0entry51769 btw, do y'all notice the difference between the lyrics of 50 Cent's "How To Rob" and his lyrics now? He actually rapped complete sentences then 'cause of Nas' ghostwriting, it's obvious he wrote it 'cause every famous rapper except Nas and LL was mentioned in there, LL might've had a hand in that too! :kekeke: That'd be funny though if Nas gets everybody who was dissed on that track to all diss 50 Cent on a mixtape and kill his career! :mygod:
  24. Remember that like Will said on the classic "Pump Up The Bass": "Jeff+ Prince= Hit Records", that's the best collab I wanna see, a JJFP album would be huge, lots of older hip-hop heads respect them and want Will to go back with Jeff more often, it'd bring a lot of ol' school hip-hop fans back into interest in hip-hop again, and they could get a lot of new fans too if it gets promoted right, a JJFP album on Def Jam could sell 5 million, mark my word! :bowdown:
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