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Everything posted by bigted

  1. I enjoyed listening to that! :rockon:
  2. :word: My thoughts exactly, this album did a lot to help solidify Will's credability in hip-hop, it's been a great year for him, I think this album is gonna be a timeless classic years ahead, "Tell Me Why" could further solidify that too if it gets released.
  3. RIP, her impact will live forever, god bless her.
  4. :word: They have a right to protest as much as Kanye has a right to speak his mind but they obiously don't stand for what they're saying if they're selling the tickets to something they don't want people to listen to, they lose credability doing that. Just 'cause they think Kanye West is crap doesn't mean all rappers are crap either.
  5. http://www.alligator.org/pt2/051014kanye.php Student protest meets Kanye visit By DAVID COHEN Alligator Writer Megan Schaub / Alligator Myron Moton, a Katrina evacuee, along with UF College Republicans protested outside the O'Dome before the Kanye West concert Thursday. About 4,811 people attended rapper Kanye West's concert Thursday night at the Stephen C. O'Connell Center, and most passed protesters before they could enter. About 20 UF College Republicans protested the concert and said that UF administration was hypocritical in allowing him to come. The group held signs that read, "You can't spell crap without rap!" and "Go home Kanye - UF doesn't want your racist lies" near the O'Connell Center. UF College Republicans Chairwoman Ashlee Black said her group wanted to defend President Bush from West's claim that he does not care about black people. "He said some things that are awful," she said of West. "A lot of [his work] is demeaning to women. We love our president. We are proud of him. We love our country. And we are proud of it." James Clinch, a UF civil engineering senior, was holding the "crap" sign and said he is against exposing young children to West's "terrible lyrics." "It's really destroying the fabric of our moral foundation," he said. Clinch said Vice President for Student Affairs Patricia Telles-Irvin is being "wildly hypocritical" for allowing the concert to take place, given her campuswide e-mail last month regarding the Alligator's "unacceptable" use of the "n-word" when West's lyrics are rife with it. "It gives a bad name to our university," he said. "Even by letting this go on, they are in approval of it." Student Government Productions subsidized the first 2,000 tickets sold to students at $26, with all other tickets costing $36. UF accounting sophomore Daniel Riger said he supports UF's decision to book West. "It just makes for an interesting environment," he said. "If everybody had the same view, people would just go on in their complacency." Despite protesting, the College Republicans approached a nearby KISS 105.3 FM van to try and win some tickets to the concert. They won four out of the seven tickets on two consecutive spins of the wheel. The seats were situated at rows three and five. The group huddled to try and figure out what to do. "It's like knowing what to do with garbage," Clinch said, amid talk of burning the free passes. But they decided to sell them and donate half the money to their organization and the other half to Wesley United Methodist Church. Former Student Sen. Ramon Looby said the College Republicans were being disrespectful. "For them to say a genre of music is crap is an ignorant statement," he said. "They're not a party of inclusion." Student Sen. John M. Lloyd-Montgomery said the College Republicans chose the wrong type of action. "I think it is anti-diversity," he said, noting he had not seen so many types of students in one place, other than sporting events. Three Florida State University students said they drove from Tallahassee to see West's concert. FSU athletic training and sports medicine freshman Alisha Smith said she did not understand the protest. "What does the president have to do with Kanye West?" she asked. She said other rappers use the "n-word" more than West, and his lyrics are typically positive. Her friend, FSU fashion freshman Luiza Solano, added, "People take this stuff too serious."
  6. Dr. Dre is proably the most powerful man in the commercial rap world, he could drop albums every 7 years and sell millions and in between time he's been the mastermind in producing on many of the popular rap albums out in the last 15+ years, if 50 disses him it's over for his career but his credability has been gone for years already, once his popularity's over that's it 'cause "f****n' wit Dre Day" is f****n' with the whole rap industry, Dr. Dre got so many friends in the rap scene, there's no recovery 'cause 50 ran so far from the streets ain't no turnin' back now, lol. Dr. Dre should put Nas, Jadakiss, Fat Joe, Ja Rule, etc. on his next album where they'd be on a high stage puttin' the nail in the coffin for 50's career, that'd definately be the best way to do it 'cause millions would buy Dr. Dre's album and would notice how they're all lyrically tearing 50 apart.
  7. The thing is with a lot of these rap battles it's a popularity contest, the only reason why 50's outsellin' Fat Joe, Nas, Ja Rule, etc. is 'cause his songs are more commercial friendly, but once everybody gets off 50's bandwagon there won't be no fans left 'cause those who were his core fans left already, Ja Rule has more credability than 50 'cause it seems that a lot of rappers seem to be backin' him up now, Nas'd probably consider signing to the Inc before he'd sign with G Unit anyday if he had to choose, actually he almost did a few years ago, maybe that's why 50 dissed Nas. btw, I found this interview between 50/Jay-Z from 2003 right here and they seem to be getting along just fine, Jay-Z compared him touring with 50 Cent to when Run-Dmc toured with Whoodini :sick: :stickpoke: http://www.rapworlds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4777
  8. UPDATE on Cam'ron's codition Monday - October 24, 2005 Andres Tardio A few months before his new album “Killa Season” hits the store shelves, Cam’ron was shot in Washington D.C. On Sunday morning around two, Cam’ron drove away from the H20 nightclub and was approached by men. While Cam sat in his Lamborghini, the men drove up and pulled up beside him. They proceeded with an attempted to car jack of Cam’s vehicle to no avail. “Car pulls up, see a guy jump out. Said ‘Yo, give up the car!’ I looked at him like he crazy! Then, I pulled off.” Cam later said to reporters. Once Cam failed to do what the assailants asked, they fired a few shots in his direction. After shooting the side of his vehicle and shattering the windows, shots struck Cam’ron. According to some members in the Dipset camp, shots hit his arms while he was holding the steering wheel. After the incident, Cam was taken to a nearby hospital for special emergency care. There, other members of Dipset stood by his side, including Jim Jones and Juelz Santana. The assailants are said to be on the loose after driving off in a Ford Expedition. Apparently, they hit a parked car, as well as a home nearby. Officers are still looking for the shooters. Fortunately, the CEO of Dipset Records is said to be doing fine. “Cam’Ron will be just fine. He’s in good spirits. He’s cracking jokes and will be released in the near future. He even asked the nurse for her phone number when he woke up”, said his manager, Joseph Sherman.
  9. Yeah Bow Wow seems to be influenced by Will, he says that he wants to start be called by his real name when he does movies.
  10. I don`t think so.Jigga said that in his next Tour he`s gonan diss some of the comercial MC`s.And on his side on Stage will be Ja Rule and also some others of the Murda Inc. Camp. No that looks like dissing 50 don`t you think? Yeah who knows maybe they do have beef now again we'll have to wait and see if Jay-Z says anything, I don't think 50 said anything about Jay-Z though but maybe Jay might be jealous that 50's outsellin' him. Ja Rule really should put the beef to rest and just come out with a hit album 'cause he hasn't really done much since 2000 either, he's been past his prime but he's still better than 50 now, I actually always liked him better than 50 if I had to choose, "Vinni Vinni Vecci" dumps on 50's whole catalog. A lot of rappers only have a few years of being on top of their game but not many have hit rock bottom as fast as 50, it seems like a whole army of rappers are gonna finish him off soon, I think that's why 50's trying to get Kool G Rap on his side 'cause he knows he needs a good ghostwriter in this battle, I swear if his next album's dope that'll be the reason why, lol.
  11. Maybe if Em and 50 stop hangin' out maybe they'll go back to the way they were in the prime of their careers, I think both are mirror images of each other, if "Eminem Show" was Eminem's 1st mainstream album the public'd say he's as wack as 50 Cent, the stuff that 50 did before "Get Rich Or Die Tryin'" was pretty witty, lyrical, and had some flow to it, I could acknowledge that they had some skills then but with them dissin' other people so much was annoying for me to consider them my favorites. The thing is when they diss other people now they don't do it with no creative thought whatesover anymore and that's what makes them so wack now, they don't have no punchlines anymore. 1999-2001 was also the prime of his rapping just like Em, they both had a lot of street cred back then but by 2002/2003 both lost that credability, I think that 50 was rolling with Nas back then so Nas probably wrote 50's rhymes 'cause if you listen to "Power Of A Dollar" and listen to his commercial releases he sounded like a different rapper, maybe that's what lead to Jay-Z dissin' Nas on "Takeover", I think 50 and Jay are cool now 'cause G-Unit was on the "Roc The Mic" tour in 2003.
  12. Basically like AJ said it'd be best for you to just be a friend to her and if she's really feelin' you she'll make the decision that she wants to be with you more often than her boyfriend but if not you could always hold your head high that you're there for her as a friend. I've been through a few situations similiar to those when I was in high school and I don't seem to be in contact with them anymore unfortunately, sometimes it doesn't work out but I gave it my all to try to get with them so it don't really bother me. It used to bother me more back then when things didn't work out but now I don't really worry about it anymore I just be myself knowing that I'll find someone that respects me for who I am when it's the right time that I meet someone that truely feels the same way that I do, you can't force love. I used to be more afraid to tell somebody how I feel because of rejection but now I'm more open to tell them so that way they know and if I get rejected at least I told them and didn't hold back my feelings so it don't hurt that much. Well actually that works with everything, sometimes it could hurt when you're patient, I could relate to that line in Will's "Could You Love Me", "You work like hell/still get hurt like hell". I believe that everything works out when the time's right, just approach it like you'd approach anything by keep trying to be there for her until she don't want you to.
  13. Speaking of Eminem I read an article saying that him and 50 are becoming more distant these days, well I guess when they both run out of other famous people to diss they'll start dissin' each other... :stickpoke:
  14. 50's so wack that he makes Nelly sound like LL Cool J, dissin' all these rappers will make the public get tired of him. He thinks he's Pac 'cause he got shot and now is dissin' Dre like Pac did, he's an immiatator, maybe he wants to be killed like Pac so people could give him props forever, the difference though is other rappers respected Pac but I don't think many rappers respect 50 now, he don't seem to realise that his plan's not gonna work.
  15. I'll be checkin' for this, Ice Cube is a legend! :bowdown:
  16. If Dr. Dre made a song like "F***n' Wit Dre Day" that'd bury 50's career, 50 should know better than to diss the one that blueprinted the way for his career.
  17. I remember reading in a Dr. Dre interview earlier this year saying that he wasn't gonna ever make any more albums but 50 dissin' him'll probably give Dre motivation to come back again.
  18. Well ain't the new pictures from ws.com from the "Tell Me Why" video shoot? That's a sign that it's gonna be released, be patient. :davidblaine:
  19. There's club songs released being hits all year though, it's unfortunate that the album is still stuck a lil' bit over 600K but it'll probably still finish the year as one of the 10 most popular rap albums, impressive for somebody in the rap game for 20 years, we all wanted it to be the top album and save the rap game though since it's a powerful album so it is a lil' dissapointing to see it not make the full impact it should've. btw, thanks for the info Frenetic.
  20. Well they were originally denying that they were a couple so who knows maybe they're getting married somewhere this very minute...
  21. I thought it was just a rumor like Jay-Z and Beyonce being engaged, where did you hear this from? Most celebrity marriages don't last long, I'm surprised Britney Spears' marriage is still going, a year is a world record for most, lol. I found this just now under Bow Wow's bio: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bow_Wow "R&B singer Ciara Harris has been rumored to be engaged to wed Bow Wow. Both have publicly denied any such engagement despite Harris donning what appeared to be a large engagement ring while accompanying Moss to the 2005 MTV Video Music Awards..."
  22. Yeah I doubt that Kool G Rap'll sign, they're probably just talkin', MOP's releasing a new album and it's not on G-Unit...
  23. He could make $5-10 each album he sells as an independent artist though and keep his rep, the only he'd make any profit like that is if he goes platinum and I don't see that happening now, he's gonna lose a lot of respect among hip-hop heads too 'cause they think anybody associated with 50 Cent is a joke, he should just retire...
  24. Kool G Rap is considered one of the least commercial oriented mcs and one of the most respected in hip-hop history, I don't understand the logic of him signing with 50 Cent who's nothing but a rap gimmick that'll be forgotten a few years from now, you'd figure that he'd take Nas' side in the Nas-50 beef.
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