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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by bigted

  1. wow what a bold statement coming from the creater of the JJFP.com board but it is true though, his movie career is washed up at this point and i think he has a more realistic shot at another grammy than he does an oscar, i can't really defend him like i used to anymore, it's sad how he's abandoned his true fans...
  2. this might be his best album since his 96 self titled album which comes around the time i was first listening to him and that statement comes from someone who owns all keith sweat albums, i thought his 2002 "Rebirth" album was underrated and "Til The Morning" was a solid effort but he alwas brings it, the king of that new jack swing sound
  3. i got the CD from amazon on tuesday, this is gonna stay in rotation like his other classic albums
  4. i added another verse to the song to further explain: i usually don't relay much of my personal story like this but in 2016 life has turned where many are hurting believe me y'all i've dealt with that burden as a 31 year old millennial representative i've gained knowledge from past generations you could say my mental illness is hereditary cause my papa is living with dementia currently so i basically hold on to the memories and i'll pray he'll always be at peace he's overcome a lot coming to america from haiti life was different back in the early 1970s back when my parents were first dating interracial relationships weren't really in swing there's more now but there's still discrimination love should be love no matter what image since real love is felt in your spirit on this record i'm coming with a clear vision i'll never forget the moment in 2003 when i was a high school senior and i came home feeling all down after a conflict i was on the phone talking to my friend i was feeling all upset and ticked "does anybody care about me?" was what i said i thought papa was taking a nap but he woke up and said "son i care and so does your mama and god, don't ever say those words again" those words reached my spirit and from that moment on i didn't question the love foundation in my life leaves me blessed and i'm determined to beat all obstacles and my mental illness
  5. hey JJFP.com fam, out of all my songs I really feel that I dug deep with this one, now i've been dealing with my mental illness of bipolar since march of 2007 right around the time i was hospitalised for a staph infection, then 5 years later in 2012 my father was diagnosed with dementia and was put away in a nursing home, i lost my job working at the beach in seaside heights went back to the hospital in summer of 2012 after a nervous breakdown, then hurricane sandy in fall of 12 and me and my mom moved to whiting nj so needless to say i've been through some dark moments over the last decade but through it all i've kept a peace of mind... Now things have been getting better for me since, i graduated my online college course in june, i'm doing online gigs, reconnected with some high school friends, and i put out my first album on youtube last winter of 2015, search "GM3485 Starting Over Album" on youtube and you'll find it there, this song along with other songs i'm currently writing will be on my second album "open book" digging deep with life issues going on in society today, i'm working on getting a new laptop so that the recordings will be more crystal clear, now i know that this forum doesn't get as much recognition as it did back when "lost & found" was out but i've stayed loyal and i'm hoping the loyalty pays off, if will or jeff come to the board i'd appreciate it if they read this thread and know that their music has gotten me through so much dark times and has inspired me to do my thing, god bless JJFP forever! well without further ado here's the lyrics and btw also check out "war of the mind" by flame who's a gospel rapper that made a song about overcoming mental illness: this song is a dedication for anyone that has to overcome struggle know you're not alone like that michael jackson song after struggle brighter days come along remember there's always a purpose peep my story being 31 i've been able to overcome the pain and i've seen some dark days i'm able to roll strong day by day for 16 years i've been putting out lyrical flames it's been the war of the minds like the song by flame i still might not have the fame or a million people knowing my name but i have something worth far greater i'm able to have a peace of mind in the brain i don't always admit that i've been dealing with the opposition of my mental illness in 2007 i wasn't able to sleep much after my staph infection that left me with my liver and kidneys shutting it was a near death experience the emotional toll i then dealt with put a weight on fam and friends i found out who my real peeps were when my life was going in a blur i was starting to question my life's worth until i ran into a woman who worked at the st barnabas building who told me that i'm never alone and we all have a purpose to this day those words are instilled even though i don't remember her name i'm thankful the foundation is built around the right people along the way and i know i'm being watched by the guardian angels since my beliefs of life are known as spiritual i know we all could believe what we want to but to me god is real or i wouldn't be living he's helped me along the way of my troubles since i know the demons are about to be defeated never give up or give in when you have a dream remaining on the grind picking up the slack on the days i lack remaining on the grind better moments are coming time for some better loving the drama is what i'm overcoming remaining on the grind
  6. check it out for yourself here and try to buy a CD of it when you can to support real music, I'll be getting my copy from amazon soon: here's an interview that he did for the breakfast club, it's witty and informative, it's amazing to know he's written for so many artists in r&b:
  7. i had a dream last night that i was at a JJFP show, maybe it'll be a reality sooner than i think!
  8. hey JJFP.com peeps hope y'all are a having a good summer in spite of all the world dramas, here's something to raise awareness and get you moved, i think this is some of the best lyrics i've ever written, this is basically my version of "tell me why", this is something i wish will would come to the board to read and raise some music discussion and maybe even inspire him to make more powerful music: we can't ignore what goes on in society if we truely want to be free we all must do our part for peace standing up tall like a tree the seperation of wants and needs the music is my therapy for release there's no need for gun firing no matter what political team you side with this song isn't an endorsement we all have a right for an opinion if you respect me even if there's not 100% aggreement there won't be thoughts of a room in judgement since i know i'm far from perfect there's plenty of times of sin but i look to rise through the fire to win there's much tensions and uprisings i choose to flex my mind through music expression to bring on a brighter perspective i don't take any moment for granted like i mentioned i choose to never give up, never give in if we apply ourselves we could cease the violence a better world we should apply to be creating before the lord comes as it says in revelations we all could make a difference regardless of color, nationality, or religions i strive to build up the greatest raps ever written it's all built on craft when you master perspective we all should take out time to count our blessings praying for better day for the nations we are living in the final days so watch how you're living and what you're saying
  9. my only complaint is that he didn't include any songs from JJFP's Homebase album, i mean this year marks the 25th anniversary of that classic, that album had many classic songs besides summertime after all
  10. word with the recent work by Jeff on this mixtape and the production of the dayne jordan album shows that he's getting better with age in this hip hop thing, will needs to take notes from him and get in the studio with jeff to do the damn album already
  11. http://www.newrealm.com/summertime/
  12. This board needs some new life to it, hopefully we'll get some new JJFP news this weekend but nevertheless have an awesome weekend JJFP fam!
  13. I hope everyone enjoys father's day with their fathers or father figures in their lives today, I did this song "Moment For Dedication" for father's day last year over Will's "Just The Two Of Us" instrumental: http://yourlisten.com/gracia.miller/gm3485-moment-for-dedication
  14. my heart is heavy right now, rest in peace!
  15. when i have extra time i'll check it out, cheers tim
  16. may he rest in peace, gonna watch will's ali dvd today and here's mistachuck d's tribute rap to him in 2006:
  17. ...they're saying on the news that he's on life support, much respect and blessings to him and family.
  18. i'm going through some old lyrics, i realised i might update the lyrics if will gets another album out soon haha, this song always intrigued, it'd be my dream to get a proper recording of this one and have jeff & will both hear it!
  19. i'm gonna order it this week tim, keep chasing that shadow dream!
  20. Wishing all my US JJFP fans a happy memorial day, so what are you all planning to do today? I'll be watching Independence Day DVD, watching baseball on TV, Thunder/Warriors Game 7, Penguins/Sharks Game 1, and catching up with loved ones... Anyway in rememberance of the true meaning of the day I dedicate this all the fallen soldiers, including my cousin, my high school friend, and my grandfather, much luv and rest in peace!
  21. thanks for sharing kev and julie, best of luck in continue the shadow dreams, all these talks of catching up and trying to push the positivity is pushing me to write my lyrics more and more these days, check out these lyrics to my latest "real homies", much luv JJFP fam! this is for those who keep it true no matter what we go through it's important to express my love for you major respect props are due sometimes we gotta overlook drama to take no mess word to papa there's no way to be stopping when we keep it real without being boxed in having a major effect like a #1 hit the foundation builds to be classic all the strength known like nas to be illmatic real relationships are the total package that gets us all to cope and manage to pay the bills the skills must be stacking forming ways to master in checks to all the peeps in my life i'm truely blessed like cl smooth and pete rock over you i reminisce much love for the homies that keep it real much love to the homies truely down in my heart i truely feel that real love will stick around before the clock rings the final bell the master of time will tell that feeling is mutual when we remain unconditional like biggie once mentioned that sky's known as the limit that's right homies we're winning in this game of life all the way to heaven spiritual minded is more than a krs one disc it's the righteous way of living i know i ain't a preacher but that don't mean i can't reach you the impact is running deeper paging to your soul like a beeper or as these young ones say i'll tweet ya with the right power it's known as sweeter i could do it all without profanity there's a method that's known beyond insanity rest in peace to prince and vanity when i'm gone y'all will remember me just as vice versa to whoever goes first like sprite i obey the thirst but this ain't a commercial i'm fully prepared for game time or rehersal and if you're there for me i won't ever hurt you
  22. well i was starting it off but here's the fresh thread now, let's all catch up for real, I'm copying and pasting, gonna probably add a couple more things to it: yeah 2006 was a soul searching year for me but i feel i've come full circle since then, accomplishing some things and trying to stay positive, in 2015 i put out my hip hop album starting over on youtube, now the quality of audio ain't perfect since it's recorded on my laptop but pay attention to my lyrics, they tell my life story: yesterday i reconnected with my main mc potna of high school after 12+ years on facebook after losing contact, hoping that friendship could pick right up strong again now, he gave me the nickname bigted when i started rapping at 15 years old in 2000 btw -now chuck d, dmc, and mc hammer all follow me on twitter, i was chatting with chuck d on the public enemy board back in the mid 2000s, kel spencer replies back to my tweets once in awhile, i always tweet jeff but he hasn't followed me yet but i appreciate him answering my question on that jjfp video interview, wish will'd start a tweet page -over the last few years i been mostly listening to classic hip hop albums and other genres but a few recent rappers have caught my attention like The Game, Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole, Lecrae, Chamillionaire, and Chance The Rapper(just listened to his Coloring Book album yesterday, truely amazing) -i've been trying to find myself spirtually more over the past year or so by reading books by Joel Osteen and Dr. Charles Stanley, it has helped me in dealing with my father's dementia and my mom rehabbing her broken leg, staying patient is a virtue... -as far as my romantic life goes a girl that i was close friends with since high school that i had strong feelings for ended up getting pregnant 2 years ago and we haven't really talked since but i always pray for her and know that in due time we'll be on better terms, once in awhile her younger sister emails me, i have love for her too but we're just friends although if she wanted to be with me I wouldn't mind either, she works a lot though so we don't really have much time to kick it, it's like that song by JJFP "caught in the middle"(love n life) also listen to my song "intellectual girl 2015" it explains my journey to find love but I try to stay patient and know that one day I'll find the love of my life, everything has to fall into place... now a couple more things: -in late 2013 i decided to continue my online college studies from stratford career institute for a computer programming course, started in january of 2014 and now in a few weeks or so i'll be all done and graduated with a bachelor's degree, i really feel a sense of accomplishment and i'm looking to do some gigs on my laptop in the near future... -i know this is 2015 related but i turned the milestone 30 years old on march 4, 2015 and ever since then I've been driven more than ever to see my goals accomplished, I know with my father being in a nursing home for dementia since 2012 and my mom breaking her leg in january 2016 that time don't stand still i have to hold it down for the family, and like i said i'm being patient with everything that's going on in life but i'd like to find the woman of my dreams, settle down to become a husband and father within the next decade by the time i'm in my 40s, i also being my conscious my health too, can't eat like i did in my 20s anymore, i currently weigh 224 lbs at 5 foot 10, i'm trying to get back down below 200 lbs in the near future, and as important as everything else i'm keeping up with my mc skills even if i never blow up i'm always gonna express myself, a lot of what i write i haven't even recorded including a lot of the best and most personal lyrics i've ever written, i feel i have a lot of potential, i'm looking to get a better laptop by the end of this summer with windows 10 so i could record my second album more properly... i'm interested to read what everyone else has been up to lately...
  23. yeah 2006 was a soul searching year for me but i feel i've come full circle since then, accomplishing some things and trying to stay positive, in 2015 i put out my hip hop album starting over on youtube, now the quality of audio ain't perfect since it's recorded on my laptop but pay attention to my lyrics, they tell my life story: yesterday i reconnected with my main mc potna of high school after 12+ years on facebook after losing contact, hoping that friendship could pick right up strong again now, he gave me the nickname bigted when i started rapping at 15 years old in 2000 btw -now chuck d, dmc, and mc hammer all follow me on twitter, i was chatting with chuck d on the public enemy board back in the mid 2000s, kel spencer replies back to my tweets once in awhile, i always tweet jeff but he hasn't followed me yet but i appreciate him answering my question on that jjfp video interview, wish will'd start a tweet page -over the last few years i been mostly listening to classic hip hop albums and other genres but a few recent rappers have caught my attention like The Game, Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole, Lecrae, Chamillionaire, and Chance The Rapper(just listened to his Coloring Book album yesterday, truely amazing) -i've been trying to find myself spirtually more over the past year or so by reading books by Joel Osteen and Dr. Charles Stanley, it has helped me in dealing with my father's dementia and my mom rehabbing her broken leg, staying patient is a virtue... -as far as my romantic life goes a girl that i was close friends with since high school that i had strong feelings for ended up getting pregnant 2 years ago and we haven't really talked since but i always pray for her and know that in due time we'll be on better terms, once in awhile her younger sister emails me, i have love for her too but we're just friends although if she wanted to be with me I wouldn't mind either, she works a lot though so we don't really have much time to kick it, it's like that song by JJFP "caught in the middle"(love n life) also listen to my song "intellectual girl 2015" it explains my journey to find love but I try to stay patient and know that one day I'll find the love of my life, everything has to fall into place...
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