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Everything posted by bigted

  1. As the famous words of Will, don't be "Holy Rollers"! :damnyou:
  2. I looked at this sorta as a joke too, everybody's looking into this too seriously, stop frontin' like you never looked at porno before, I didn't spend $500 on it but I could admit that I did so I guess I'm going to hell too then, lol. :stickpoke: Some movies have sex scenes in them too,why don't they get on actors for that, why do they have to criticise musicians so much? I think having sex with somebody before marriage is considered a sin too btw and I think like 90% of those in high school do and they ain't married, so we're all guilty of something, that's all I gotta say, peace!
  3. Hold on I meant that Will's time in the spotlight as a rapper is just about over but he loves hip-hop, I see him still doing shows and recording as long as he wants 'cause there'll still be a part of him that just loves to do it, I think he loves to do it beyond fame but he probably won't selling 10 million anymore, he should just go back to havin' fun and ignore the critics like he used to.
  4. I'm gonna post this over on Public Enemy's board and see if I could get Chuck D's opinion on this since he's been the top ones defending him over the last month, he was talkin' at the college last week that Kanye's image will be questioned since he's the popular one. I'm sure this will probably upset him not 'cause of Kanye but 'cause of the way critics are gonna slam him hard and hip-hop at the same time too and probably gonna put down Chuck D himself too for defending him on MSNBC, Kanye's embarassing hip-hop's image but hey nobody's perfect. :paperbag: I don't wanna be overreligious either but look at it this way though we all sin, that's why we all die eventually no matter how much or how lil' money or fame we have so try not to judge others so hard since we'll be judged, we all gotta answer to God one day, like LL said on 'Can't Think': "We all end up in the grave anyway/the average cat and LL Cool J".
  5. To be honest I feel sorta embarassed for defending Kanye so much about what he said about Bush after hearing about this situation with porno but at the same time I also feel that hey Will curses in real life so why not in his songs? I mean I'm sure his grandmom would be just as mad at him for cursing in movies like it'd be if he was cursing in his songs and if he really cared about not cursing that much he'd turn down those roles where he was cursing on, he's a grown man now though and should be able to do what he wants is what most critics of his would say. The only reason we defend him for that 'cause we're his fans but if we weren't his fans we'd diss him for that I guarantee, Kanye might as well rap about hoes at the same time too since he watches porno in real life, what's the big difference? Nobody on TV is a role model, not the president, not the rappers, not the NBA players, you really don't know about them that much as a person and you should judge them only on the work they do in their profession and idiolise them for that, but there should be people you associate with personally in your life that you should look up to as role models, not people you see on TV you don't know. Now I feel that Kanye wasn't the right person to say something about Bush 'cause he needs to look himself in the mirror too but at the same time the government shouldn't diss rappers either and they should do their job. I mean the way some of us talk about Will here I found funny too, I mean he's not a god either, he drinks, he gambles, he has sex, and he has guns in his house, he shouldn't be put on a pedestal either, I just look for him as a great entertainer and that's it.
  6. I think people need to realise that music is only entertainment and stop trying to think that's how these people really are like this in real life and yes Will did say that he watches porno versions of his movies so we're gonna like him less too? I think a lot of this talk about rappers being role models for kids is BS too, of course they should be responsible in society but the ultimate role models have to be the parents that personally raise them, their should be more emphasis on that. I also think critics putting down people they don't know are also setting bad examples and shouldn't be role models either, the idea is to be open minded, that's why there's so much beef since our minds are closed a lot of the time towards others. If the camera was on us 24/7 people would find stuff about us that they won't like either, keep that in mind before you diss somebody for their lifestyle, it's ok to diss them for their music if you don't like them, that's something different. I think JJFP are the greatest hip-hop duo but I understand that they're human as well, "Twinkle Twinkle"(I'm Not A Star)
  7. Well reality is that Will's time in the rap game is basically up and it ain't his fault, it actually lasted longer than most of those who came out when he did, well kids might laugh at Will but they probably never heard of Public Enemy so that's just as bad. The rap game changed too much and he ain't up to the times now, the dismay of the game probably takes his love away from it too, he might as well do what makes him happy and receive less criticism if he likes to do movies, instead of trying to defend himself so much as a rapper after all the years he put into it, whatever he wants to do it's his life and we gotta understand that as fans. 99% of rappers have PA labels and lots of guest appearances on their albums, I think a lot of commercial rappers resist collabing 'cause he don't curse too, there's no clean rappers out there, that's why I ain't a big fan of gangsta rap 'cause it killed a lot of great careers.
  8. Well you know how people are, they try to put people on pedestals when they're famous, Kanye's human like the rest of us, there's millions of guys just like him who watch pornos on their free time, that doesn't necessarily mean they're bad people, I mean even the president probably does things on his freetime that some people might not agree with, lol, this was sorta bad timing for this to come out though considering that Kanye just dissed the president. Seriously since his mother's his manager she should know better that this could be used against him now when people criticise him and hip-hop since he's the major star of hip-hop right now, they could say: "This pervert has no right to criticise the president!" :paperbag: I could hear Bill O'Reilly now, lol! But you know what they could kiss his ass 'cause they ain't angels either! AJ probably would criticise Kanye more 'cause he don't like Kanye so it'd be hard to open minded about somebody you don't like anyway but if this was LL saying this he'd probably try to defend him just like Frenetic's doing here to defend Kanye since Kanye's one of his favorites but if was 50 Cent we'd all jump on it and criticise him since none of us here like him, of course LL would sound kinda stupid sayin' this now too after he said rappers need to be better role models, he'd keep that to himself even if he does 'cause he knows that millions look up to him, mostly children and he wants to say the right thing. Kanye's mother has to be more considerate not to say that publicly especially with all the heat he's facing right now from critics too, they'll eat this up.
  9. I spent more money buying KaySlay's album with a bunch of wack songs just for LL's "The Truth" so at least I know this time I'll like the rest on that CD even though I'm buying it just for "Ripper Strikes Back".
  10. Game spends most of the time rhymin' about other people instead of himself! :stickpoke:
  11. Well I wasn't dissin' Kanye, I mean he is a grown man he could do whatever he wants to on his own time but in the public eye he needs to be careful especially when he potrays himself as somebody with deep spirtual beliefs, I mean Kid Rock could say that he watches pornos 'cause he potrays himself as bad ass anyway so I don't think that'd surprise anybody since he ain't a role model, just like if Ice T said he watches porno that wouldn't surprise anybody either. btw, I didn't read into it carefully, that's actually his mother's fault for sayin' something like that to the media, you got a point there smoothb. I personally don't understand why famous people like Kanye would have to look at pornos, it's not they'd have a hard time finding a date, they could even get them models to go out with them, lol, I could understand broke people that got no game looking at it.
  12. That's something personal though, Will might watch porno too but he don't tell the whole world about it, he got one of the hottest women in the world so he might not have to either, lol. :gettinjiggywitit: Kanye's supposed to be a role model and not be promoting that crap, leave that behind close doors.
  13. I don't know why I didn't ask u! :damnyou: :lolsign: I think it'll be more convienient for me to get it this mixtape since it's only $7 but if I have any problems receiving it or decide not to get it I'll give u a holla, they should update "All World" to be like this!
  14. What's up y'all I found this when I browsing through looking for mixtapes : http://www.mixtapekings.com/hiphop/djs/dj_...lly_cookout.asp
  15. Hey y'all I found this dope mixtape with LL Cool J tracks called "30 Shots To The Dome", it got that "Ripper Strikes Back" song that I was looking for so I'll be copping dis! :rockon: http://www.mixtapekings.com/hiphop/djs/tap...to_the_dome.asp
  16. The album ain't even in the top 200 now though, it'll be a miracle if it even gets back there, that'd be the biggest miracle in music history if it happened to get back in the top 40 but then again with slow sales by everybody it could happen if it jumps from 3,000 to 30,000 a week miraculously, I'm not holding my breath for that, and it's not being negative saying that the album peaked, it's reality but if Will releases singles for another year maybe it'll be certified platinum by this time next year also if the right singles are released, his credablility in the hip-hop circle will be the highest since the JJFP days. I remember when critics were reviewing "Lost and Found", a lot of them were saying that "Tell Me Why" was another boring song about 9/11, the public probably won't like that either. But Will has to try something, the way some of y'all are talkin', y'all sound like you want him to pack it in! He should take the risk to release a song with a powerful message even if it don't sell that much, the most respected mcs are the ones that take risks, not the ones with the most hits anyway, the album sold respectable already, now it's time to just generate more respect.
  17. You 2 should send emails to each other if y'all wanna keep on debatin' 'cause I think a lot of us lost interest on this topic.
  18. Yeah "Lost and Found"'s out there selling only gold, Public Enemy's new album "New Whirl Odor" dropped last week too and is probably gonna do even less since it's hardly being promoting I'll be surprised if it sells 100,000 even when it hits all stores next month 'cause I doubt that BET or MTV will play their new video "Bring That Beat Back" since they don't even play "Party Starter" and they banned Lil' Brother's video too so that album's falling off the charts selling 30,000, Casual's new album pretty fresh too but it's not even impacting much independently it's probably barely selling a few thousand, I need to word that differently 'cause there is some fresh stuff out now but it's not doing the type of impact that it should be.
  19. LL dissed MC Hammer and Ice-T on "Till Da Break Of Dawn"-"you call yourself hammer but you couldn't break a glass", MC Hammer dissed LL and Run-Dmc on "Let's Get It Started", and I don't remember what tracks Ice-T dissed LL on since I don't really listen to him that much but it was all part of the east-west coast beef in the early 90s in commercial rap, Ice Cube dissed KRS-ONE too I believe, it wasn't nothin' personal though they were all just battlin' on wax. btw, if you read what I said Da Brakes I said I know now that LL dissed Canibus on "4,3,2,1" but I didn't know that he dissed Canibus on there until Canibus released "2nd Round KO", I thought it was just a hot hip-hop verse when I heard it on the radio when it came out, would you know that LL dissed Canibus on "4,3,2,1" if Canibus didn't say anything about it? I don't know why you're stressin' on it either man, no matter what you say I'm still gonna say that I think Canibus was one that started the beef, it was over before it began, LL would've probably changed the verse if he put Canibus' name in it but he didn't have to since nobody in the public knew he dissed Canibus on there, Canibus shouldn't have started the battle in the 1st place, he can't hold a mic for LL and that's how I feel, I wouldn't be stupid enough to battle LL either now 'cause I ain't on that level. btw, I heard Wyclef made a song later on dissin' Canibus when he stopped being his manager, I never heard it though, does anyone have the audio for that?
  20. I bet a lot of the students there probably didn't know who Chuck D was until then, if I was there I'd bring one of my Public Enemy CDs so he could sign it for me, lol, I think the dumbing down will gradually lead to disinterest after awhile, you could see record sales are going down, even 50 Cent's selling less than half of what he sold first album, going from 12 million to 5 million but he's still the most popular one which tells you that people are losing interest in commercial rap, next album he'll barely hit platinum I bet and the rest of them will struggle even worse, sooner or later people are gonna be bored with it unless something fresh comes out.
  21. Yeah the majority of the public needs to hear this message, it just seems to be spoken by a few hip-hop heads like us and doesn't seem to get across to the commercial rap fans, I mean if you post this on the MTV board, all the G Unit fans would laugh at what LL said.
  22. :word: My frustration of hip-hop has lead me to want this to be the next single now, everybody needs to hear this message, too bad there wasn't a way we could all email Will and tell him that we want him to do this!
  23. I'll be in it too especially since I'm a member on yahoo already. :1-say-yes:
  24. Hmmm... but you seem to have a problem CORRECTING YOURSELF WHEN YOU ARE WRONG! Your facts are straight huh? Most of the straight facts in this instance were the ones that YOU CHOSE TO IGNORE! Who sounds ridiculous now? Damm, what a bully! I see that I'm not the only person that you've threatened. What about all of the inaccurate information THAT YOU purported to be fact? What about all the garbage that YOU heard but didn't have any evidence of? When I called it into question you ridiculed me, even when I presented evidence AGAINST IT!!! OH MY LAWDY JEEZUS WHAT A HYPOCRITE!!!!!!!!!! So, how long are YOU going to stand by what "has been shown to be inaccurate or ambiguous"? Time to take your medicine son, Daddy ain't goin nowhere! :bufordpusser: :lolsign: The truth hurts! :stickpoke:
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