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Everything posted by bigted

  1. :word: This is an embarassment for America bottomline 'cause we gotta put these money and resources to use that we have since we're a powerful country, no matter who you blame it all starts with the Bush administration 'cause they got the most power and there's no exuse about that, they're making us look weak, I got nomore to say about this 'cause words can't describe how frustrating this is.
  2. I don't like none of them that much but hey at least Diddy's keepin' it real, he gave $1 million to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina, so what the f*** are you doing about it 50? I guess he'll never learn, he's a selfish fool! :damnlorettas:
  3. Is that necessary? Talkin' like that will get you banned, this is supposed to be an intelligent conversation, there's no need to sound that racist, I'm black and I got pride in myself but I also respect other races too as long as they respect me, but f*** the government that doesn't care about us, I agree wit what u said Cozmo D!
  4. I'll take LL's 5 worst albums against all 5 Em albums if you count "Infinite" which his only above average before he made it big and sold out, he's a corporate puppet, sure I don't like Britney Spears either but I'm not gonna make a whole song dissin' her, what is that gonna prove? There's more important issues to be addressing than Britney Spears, at least she's better to look at too, lol. Probably since I'm black and if I diss Britiney Spears I'd catch a lot of heat for it and probably won't get airplay if I did do that hypothetically, there is prejudice in the music buisiness against artists that do say something to make a difference like Frenetic said: Now these lyrics right here are from a white rapper called Aesop Rock that got way more skills and heart on the mic but he doesn't get marketed, peep these lyrics from his song "Babies From Guns": Radio check check Video check check This is how the city-folk and mole-people connect-nect Somebody warped the message, tried to pass it to the next next Data-perforated counties making you upset-set Harvest all Brand-X Clark Kents to worm food Carbon heart, buried his nozzle in fossil marker art Pardon, cadaver had a legitimate pulse And littered volts all over the village where the skittish pigeons molt Bastard polter-gasps when the pigeon with Lazarus billy-goat whiskers He roasted sea-salt in the open blisters But blind anarchy slips through the cracks See naked martyrs with Bubblelicious on fishing rods itching to pull it back With that organic invention incubated to have some ?? to make it through ?? on paper now, a lot of details later And lot of crews will taper out A wooly mayor souse, who ?? happy shooting at the bladed mouth Bazooka Tooth zoo-keep the paper route with janky funds and favors Cradled by twelve empty Zelda heart containers Man, it's freezing in this brick bitch, winter forever Like Punxatawny Phil found with his four furry wrists severed I walk face-first through the sex, drugs, and church With wild things that make Maurice Sendak question his early works But no hostages, no promises Out the clock corporate constant sprockets Now clocked-off grommets Running from a rabid ring-wraith click basilisk Serpentine, in and out of traffic jam and murder scenes Scrub blood of the AF-152, pick up first degrees Some toddlers smuggled Tommy guns and crack into the nurseries Dog, there's a ****ing baby at the door asking for wallets (yeah?) And those ain't twin Beanie Babies inside his pockets (nope!) 2010 sonograms showed the Magnum formed directly out the fetus Evolution for the young killer convenience Radio check check Video check check This is how the city-folk and mole-people connect-nect Somebody warped the message, tried to pass it to the next next Data-perforated counties making you upset-set Magazine check check Paper route check check This is how the hermit and the busy bee connect-nect Somebody's losing track of their flesh-and-bloods and arrests-rests Polka-dotted landscapes, what did you expect-pect? Now a-days, even the babies got guns Diaper snipers having clock-tower fun Misplace the bottle, might catch a bad one Have a mid-life crisis when you're ten years young If this Jesus piece around your neck is bigger than your pistol It makes homicide okie-dokie and your god will forgive you Just show the saints at Heaven's gate you should be on the list "I heard he overlooks manslaughter for a tattooed crucifix" Twisty, fishy, contradicty, wild animal ship fleet Off the sliding board dock of the Mr. Turtle pool mom bought Somewhere they laminate dry bones and cool water and ease medulla After you thumb-suck and diaper-change get burped and shoot the school up I'd do it too, but only to exploit no-brainers Teenager beef passed alligator teeth and extra-curricular flagpole scrapping Amongst tadpoles that have yellow backbones De-mechanism brought airborne shrapnel scraps to hassle captains By the itchy index of an umbilically-garped fraggle baby Fragile maybe, you think? Chopped shop and a mislead, maladjustee trustee locked box Hiding clips that light the sky in seconds like newly communal hop-scotch gives them leverage Cut them with mortars while I mumble in the immortal slang of mushmouth for the anti-led Nirvana I used to think I'd get hit by a bus or something dumb and dumber That or bust the slugs plugged by the newest kiddie thug wonder Self-victim kings who rep a wide pride dosage For tomorrow the holsters are bound to outnumber the roaches I'm not a coach But that won't even jolt the immobile when global terrorism's all the rage and folk get smoked local Block, if you need me (yeah?) I had to bounce to DC (yeah?) To bullet-proof mom's flower garden before the war cheats me (yeah?) If I'm not back in a week tell the crew I said "peace" and lay low Strays don't vacate slow Radio check check Video check check This is how the city-folk and mole-people connect-nect Somebody warped the message, tried to pass it to the next next Data-perforated counties making you upset-set Magazine check check New flash check check This is how the hermit and the busy bee connect-nect Somebody's losing track of their flesh-and-bloods and arrests-rests Polka-dotted landscapes, what did you expect-pect? Now a-days, even the babies got guns Diaper snipers having clock-tower fun Misplace the bottle, might catch a bad one Have a mid-life crisis when you're ten years young Aboard the battleship grey sky The day I got the phone call Jam Master Jay died So now I'll probably never write another "Daylight" Because the stingers ?? a ?? into the portable hay-rides It adds it up when a pioneer fall, in comparison to your 99 bottle of beer wall There's banana peels in your hamster wheels, hand cannons in your shoebox, please Mine's got Adidas, rest in peace
  5. Does quality get airplay? There's no way you could say "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It" displays Will's best rhyming skills even though it's his biggest hits, it's still good, but it ain't "Twinkle Twinkle" or "The Rain" great lyricism.
  6. "Instinct leads me to another flow Everytime I hear a brother call a girl a bitch or a ho Trying to make a sister feel low You know all of that gots to go"-Queen Latifah "U.N.I.T.Y.", I'm hooked to "Black Reign" like a dope fiend Ja Rule ain't really that bad of an mc I agree with that, like Jay-Z he has his moments where he spits some dope lines.
  7. I'm surprised about that since he was a 3rd wide receiver in Seattle last year but it's best for him to leave since the Broncos won't win anyway, he should've retired when he played in the Super Bowl a couple years ago, that'd be the fitting way to leave.
  8. Strop jumping around and use you`r energy for makin this Thread sticky :azzangel: :lolsign: ← Well that's what I'm gonna do here, it's only fitting! btw, I'm feeling this line: "I don't know how to sleep, I gotta eat, stay on my toes Gotta a lot of beef, so logically, I prey on my foes"-Jay-Z "Hard Knock Life"
  9. I hope alot of people saw it on AOL so the "Lost and Found" sales go up this week a lil' bit, if the album sales keep droppin' Interscope might decide not to release it officially, this AOL should've drawn some fans.
  10. Yeah it'll probably debut sometime this week on MTV and BET I hope! :davidblaine:
  11. Let me start off and say Maxfly I appoligise for what I said about you and Harvard, I didn't know that'd get you so mad, I'll admit that comparing Mike Tyson to Bill O'Reilly is wrong on my part too, now that I cleared that up let me make one point that'll justify my point further than what I said before, if the media hates negative rappers so much why is it that the most popular thug rapper of them all Eminem is white? I call him a thug 'cause everything he does is disrespectful, sure 2Pac had "Thug Life" tatooed on his chest but that was a philosophy of how blacks are treated in America and a lot of his music has substance, unlike Eminem's. The problem I have with Emimem is that he can't take anybody's criticism, I don't understand why he had to say "F*** Will Smith" just because Will said that rappers need to be role models for kids and not curse so much in their songs, he needs to respect his elders, that'd be like Will dissin' James Brown, it's true though hip-hop is supposed to be for everybody, James Brown started it off and yet Elvis took his style and outsold him too but I'd say Elvis has more substance than Eminem too though, this is what's wrong with society, our heroes are not shown in the mainstream, Eminem is not the definition of hip-hop to me, I think that it's messed up that his 4 albums have outsold LL's 11 albums when LL has kept his music tasteful and respresents everything society would accept as a rapper plus he never got arrested and Em went to jail for gun possesion? Wow if I judge white people off of Eminem like conservatives judge black men off of 50 Cent I'd say all white people are thugs but I know that's not true. Why hasn't any of LL's albums sold more than 2 million? It seems like too every since Will said rappers shouldn't curse in their songs, his sales have decreased dramatically from "Big Willie Style" to the point where Eminem has outsold Will in his career too and is set to outsell 2Pac soon who didn't start sellin' until he got shot, sure "Born To Reign" wasn't his best effort but it had more heart than any of Eminem's albums, I guess all the white kids musta been pissed that Will was saying something negative towards their new hero Eminem. This is ridiculous how all these white kids know the words to all Eminem's songs and yet they never heard of positive mcs like KRS, Public Enemy, or Nas? I know this for a fact 'cause when I told some of my white friends that I like Will Smith they were like, "F*** Will Smith he's a fag momma boy that's too scared to curse, why don't listen to rappers with real balls like Eminem?", lol, I found that funny, I remember those debates like it was yesterday but after I let them listen to some JJFP and KRS stuff they realised that they could rip a mic better than Em, a lot of white kids in the suburbs are ignorant of what real hip-hop is, if they'd open up their eyes then the real mcs like KRS would sell more, I think mostly white kids buy 50 Cent too 'cause he rolls with Em, I can't expect too many intelligent black men feelin' 50. I wouldn't mind if a positive white rapper came along and sold well, at least he'd be keepin' the essence of hip-hop alive, everybody wants to talk about how much skills he has but I'm sorry making songs about killing your mama, killing your wife, calling people fags, and dissing every popular recording artist doesn't take skills! Like I was tellin' fuq last night in the chatroom, Eminem is nothing but a corporate gimmick, he even says it for himself on that special about "Marshall Mathers LP" on VH1: "You wanna know the positive message of my music? F*** you", exactly so that means anybody who buys his music after hearing that is ignorant 'cause being positive is not sayin' f*** you Em, just retire now, I want Rakim back! If all these white kids worship Eminem, I don't even wanna think about what the future of America is gonna be like! Now imagine if a black rapper dissed Michael Jackson? Their video would be banned from BET, the only place that plays their videos the most and the song would be banned from the radio, and they'd lose their record deal, and yet Eminem sells 5 million since it hits #1 on TRL getting more airplay than LL's video "Hush" respecting women? You wonder why I'm mad, it's such a shame! :shrug: btw AJ, Chuck D likes Kanye West, he gave him props for doing a song to address the issue of conflict diamonds in one of his terrordomes, as much as you like the ol' school and wanna bring Public Enemy back you gotta deal with the reality that Kanye West is the future of hip-hop and Chuck D is cool with that(although he also admits that The Roots and Lauryn Hill would be able to tackle that topic better than him like you'd too probably but that's the best we have right now until they come back too so we gotta support it, if he does well maybe it'll open conscious rap more on mainstream, I hope the controversey doesn't slow down his sales like what happened with PE in Arizona 13 years ago though), Chuck D ain't allowed on TV so Kanye has to represent for us, Will Smith calls Kanye the truth too. To further my point check this terrordome about where Chuck D talks about racism with how they still diss Michael Jackson even though he's innocent: "Mess-Age To Mike Jax. Tell Em All Get Back. Tell It Like It Is T-Dome Vent 2005 Part 1 July 03, 2005 Well, Sir Michael Jax is acquitted, and yeah I'm happy for him. Recently Billboard's June 25th issue on page 27 had a bunch of cats offering suggestions to Michael under the heading 'Messages to Michael.' Cats ranging from managers and record execs, to artists (Ying Yang Twins???) had advice that went from anal to asinine. Like I said, I was just happy he got off in spite of. Personally, if he is this pedophile, then karma and guilt will get him. But those idiotic parents deserve it too for droppin those kids off to a forty- something single man's house. But the deal is was that he was acquitted - innocent and that's that. Musically he should do whatever he wants. After all what the hell can I say ... he's Michael Jackson and has been in this game a lot longer than yours truly. So Vibe's Serena Kim interviewed me on this and will print this in a similar context talking about MJ from various heads. Here's my response to handling questions on Mike Jaxs' case, career, and future ... The Dumbassification of America. For Chuck D, the real boogeyman in the Michael Jackson trial is the media. When they throw a black person up on the screen, there’s all kind of subliminal judgment like, “Yeah! That nigga’s guilty.” It’s the Willie Horton sht all over again. Michael Jackson was acquitted because they just didn't have enough evidence in the case. But he was still trashed all over the damn media. And the persecution might have not been like going to prison. But he’s locked up in the jail of perception. How about that? He’s locked up in the cell of perception just like OJ Simpson. I’m just saying you can't go on white America's judgment call on how to treat Jackson now that he’s acquitted. It’s over and done with, story over! If Michael Jackson puts out an album, people will say, ‘Well the accused rapist of little boys'. The pedophile accusations will follow Michael Jackson, but is his record any good? More news at 11!’ I’m a fan of Marv Albert, but when he does a broadcast of a basketball game, they don't say, ‘Well, accused rapist Marv Albert will cover the NBA.’ But they always say this about OJ Simpson: “Accused murderer.” Well, he was acquitted. Leave it the fck alone. I saw glaring similarities between the Michael Jackson trial and the OJ Simpson trial. Well after his acquittal, the media will continue to bring this sht up. Now everybody and their third cousin got a magazine, blog, website, or television program. MTV and the Viacom networks have splintered into like 400 mindless stations. If all this media is out there, why don’t at least some of them cover celebrity' accomplishments? Because they think that if they tell a story about Michael Jackson’s music, it’s not as sexy as the scandal. That reminds me of the kid in the classroom who gets picked on, and that’s why I think that the American public and the media just likes to pick on situations. And the consumers of the media have nothing better to do with their time but to follow the misbehavior of someone else. You’re trying to pay your bills and raise your kids, you've got little time to be worrying about whether Michael Jackson is going to get off of a case. That’s the dumbassification of America! Most Americans spend most of their time doing dumb sht. You got thousands of people killed in Iraq, and most people really don’t know that number because it’s not sexy enough. Why is it that if Michael Jackson releases an album, the public doesn’t want to talk about it as much as when he’s suspected of committing a crime? I don’t understand. When it comes to black folks, the media covers our worst. I could do a thousand great things in society which people need to actually understand and know about, but let me my ass walk out of a gas station with a fcking Reese’s white chocolate cup without paying. That **** will be on every fcking news story tomorrow. Then, I’ll be on everybody’s lips. That’s backwards to me. As many chances as I've given myself not to hate on B.E.T at the end of things I wind up holding the bag of stupidity. Again, let me be a prude, nerd, elitist or whatever, but I rather be stuck up than stuck down. As a grown man in grown circles I guess a lap dance has its place, but even if it's simulated how are you gonna show this on what is supposed to be a family award show? Sorry, I just can't accept adult themes around kids, or when the kids are watching. Now, Magic Johnson getting a lap dance? What does this mean? Must've been a cruel ass joke or something, eh? Again I've said the second B.E.T got white corporate ownership, out the window went any accountability and responsibility to the black community. B.E.T was cross body blocked at the head and knees by VIACOM in 2000 by taking off Tavis Smiley and Teen Summit almost simultaneously. Uncle Bob Johnson who sold it in lieu of an NBA Basketball franchise in Charlotte gets a Beyonce styled booty lap dance on national TV with her father in the front row, excuse me while I cough up blood here. Damn, does ratings and money mean we lower standards below the tacky line. Makes me sound cantankerous, but I'm telling you this is making that capitol scene in Birth Of A Nation fit in perfect to what I saw. A bunch of hypocritical triple talkers I'd say. A teen idol named Omarion is on the show, why? To make you understood that there's a younger demographic. Then where does the strip club act fit in and to who? And is it appropriate for the CEO to show he's down too...? ...sheeeee. White folks who now have this mutated existence window itself through the tube probably consider this a march of money making monkeys. We can no longer say we don't care about what people think. These whippings of ass distraction have a place, but again in very dark adult circles. Man, as I say it doesn't do me good baseball bat bashing B.E.T. But you have little choice but to hate on something that just don't love you. Www.krs-one.com whereas the teacha is trekking across the earth. Now the reports coming from Europe and the UK are that he's completely devastating sold-out crowds. Now that the king of emcees is bitten with the world tour bug fever expect him in a continent nearest you...yes peep www.krs-one.com or www.templeofhiphop.org. Yes I thought 'Batman Begins' was rather wack for me, as they changed up the original Art Kane story a bit much. And it's not just a DC Comic's miss and diss as I thought Bennifer was again awful for my time in Daredevil and the Hulk lost and bored me until he started wrecking sht. Now the Fantastic 4 is catching my interest because of being the perfect movie. Heard Cinderella man was flowing on a lotta myth in points. Still enjoyed it. Didn't dig the fact that James Braddock had his hands in Joe Louise's pocket for about ten years after his unlikely title. Summer in NY whereas I'm spending a second straight summer in NYC I've never seen so many people and traffic like this year. I guess the 911 fears of post 2001 have dissipated a bit. What'd cracked me up is that cats would warn me to be careful in my world traveling beware of 'terrorists. I would remind them that the missing towers showed no one is clear and safe from what's considered terroristic activities ...hello. just ask somebody from IRAQ. Speaking of summer in NY. I play on Air America's softball team. Position catcher and first base. We play in Central Park, and Cinderella Man showed the depression era of 1932-35 where Hooverville shantytowns were set up right in the middle of the park. Right now I'm saying we're in a virtual depression covered up by image facades on television, film, videos, media, to make things appear that peeps are much smaller than they appear. Washington nationals - Dig those sixties vintage Washington baseball caps. The 1961 -1971 Senators wore those in RFK Stadium, and the colors come in dark blue and red. I tell peeps my W never stands for Son Of A Bush's middle name. Instead we're a winner as in Curtis Mayfield. Not to make this a sports column but the sloppiness of spoiled NBAers chased me to re-appreciate baseball the super sport of greed. But I tell you this, SHAQ brought me back I wanted them to win so bad. Zo blocking shots and DWade doing his thing had my attention. I'd made a special jingle for TNT, which they dug but said they couldn't use. Shaquille was my number one TV show as he and Damon Jones proved to be a pair constantly leaving me in stitches...I'm getting some SHAQ gear now...there needs to be more cats like that dude....a throwback to how heroes treated their fans... Jadakiss-styles P have landed on a niche that now befits them as older men. somehow this 'urban' tag on music, entertainment, and radio has successfully detached the word 'black' from it. This way you can have 'other' ownership while using the voices and faces from and resembling the community with little or no responsibility or accountability to it. Black is now again a bad word and by the way I hear the word nigger on the radio, you would wonder if one has replaced the other. Hitler is on television a bit much isn't he...the joke is the history channel is nicknamed the 'Hitler channel' I wonder how many cats in Austria or Germany changed their surname after he went down... Sports challenge was a TV sports game show I craved back in the day I wonder if ESPN Classic is gonna rock those old tapes again? Speaking of tapes why is a mix CD called a mixtape now? So Terry McMillan now finds now out her husband is gay? I wonder what book is gonna replace this groove? I'm asking why are so many smart black women suffering from 'gadar' malfunction. ( Gay-Dar as in an inner radar for women detecting if their partner is gay, which is basically 'cheating' both sides say) failure today? If dude is wearing two earrings, fighting you for your diamonds (which I always thought was a girl's best friend), fighting you at all, loud color pink shirts, minks, and killing your time in the mirror with his big ass up in it while you find you got more bass in your voice than he does in a shouting match ... then it could be those are some signs. If you find yourself doing more man type work sht around the house than he is he lays on his azz playing kid's video games, and shoutin 'ho' at B.E.T. video chicks ... then what can I tell you? If he treats you like and calls you a bitch ... then those are definitely signs. Again this is not homophobia, it's being straight up. The gay community needs to recognize that the black community is affected differently, a lie looms much larger than the truth because the truth has always been hidden on just who we are as a people. Maybe there needs to be a Gadar course for black women defining manhood, but then again that's where fathers come in, and what white society needs to know is the absence of black fathers for the past three generations has completely devastated black women. Its been studied and documented on males, but the studies on women are under the radar. The definition of the black man's roles and duties are twisted under the realm of confusion and neglect..or should I spell it nig-lect. Terry's next book should be 'How I Can Get My Gadar Working Right Again'. Live 8, well it's about time that some of these cats in rap give a damn about things other than themselves. Hats off to Russell Simmons for taking this under his belt. I just don't dig phony sht, but even if its not sincere this is important. Kanye West was almost forced to recognize the diamond trade for what it really is. Perhaps as these cats get older they have little choices but to get smarter as adults. The Roots, Mos Def, Immortal Technique, Paris, and even L-boogie Lauryn Hill are more sincere choices. Late last week I stopped by my girl LADY Bs radio show on SIRIUS and we chopped it up. I love B to def. And always hope the best for her always. Also working with her is EC LaRock who also broke my records down there in Philadelphia. Man, need I say anymore? They also broke the news to me that the great, great, great, GEORGIE WOODS passed away. The radio giant who meant soooo much to the people in Philly and in music period. This is why urban media is sht........they spend time talking about Mike Jax shaving some monkeys azz, and can't give the people who spent their lifetime for us the simple time of day. Long live the spirit of Georgie Woods. I was involved in ESSENCE mag's take back the music seminar, round table moderated by Carlito Rodriguez at the Schomberg Library in Harlem. Also in attendance MC LYTE, ROXANNE SHANTE who has a franchise of hip hop ice cream parlors helping kids in the hood, KEVIN POWELL, SALT from Salt N Pepa, LITTLE BROTHER and many others...Yes, they realize that the urban industry is spitting acid on black women, obviously in the urban world black folks aren't considered the human family I guess." Damn I wish this was the official FP site, I bet he'd wanna post here if he knew that his fans could drop this much knowledge that's why Chuck D posts on the official PE site, those fans got knowledge there, believe it or not it's even longer than this, so here's the link if you wanna read more, peace!: http://www.publicenemy.com/index.php?page=page3&item=95
  12. Well here's further proof that Will ain't no uncle tom that'd sit back and not say anything, here's what he said about 9/11, that's basically on point to what I've been saying here, black americans got a weight on our backs that white americans like Bill O'Reilly doesn't seem to understand, so if you're dissin' Kanye for speakin' up it's like dissin' Will and mostly every black man's opinion, we all gotta relate to each other, we only speak the truth in hip-hop from what we go through in our lives, Will's a millionaire and he still gotta deal with racism himself, prejudice people kick us down whether we have $10 or $10 million in the bank, whether we're squeaky clean or we're felons, it's all the same difference: http://medienkritik.typepad.com/blog/2004/...smith_in_f.html "When asked if 9/11 had changed anything for him personally, Smith answered: “No. Absolutely not. When you grow up black in America you have a completely different view of the world than white Americans. We blacks live with a constant feeling of unease. And whether you are wounded in an attack by a racist cop or in a terrorist attack, I’m sorry, it makes no difference.” btw, KRS-ONE and Hieroglyphics are too talented and intelligent to go unnoticed, BET doesn't play who got the most talent, they play who they think will brainwash the youth the most let's be real, they don't wanna play songs that show black men with intelligence, that's why they play dumbed down videos that make the average American think that all black people are just about pimps and hoes. Like I said earlier Bush doesn't deserve all the blame but since like every other president except for Kennedy and Lincoln(who were murdered when trying to stick up for black people) he ignores the black community, we have the right to diss him too, I mean it's only fair, when you ain't part of the solution you are a part of the problem, if somebody constantly ignores you when you constantly tryin' to get through with them wouldn't you be mad? It's like letting somebody constantly kick your ass and just stand there takin' the beatings, you're gonna wanna defend yourself right? That's all we're doing here defending ourselves, damn I thought this was America, I guess the black voice never counts! :damnyou:
  13. Well like Chris Rock said in CB4: "White rock stars could bite the heads of a chicken and everything's fine but you're arresting me for rapping about the sweat on my balls?" :lolsign: It's true, white rock stars could make meaningless songs and then get lil' criticism but when a black rapper does we get nailed on the cross or something, damn! There's artists that make a difference with their songs and artists who don't make a difference with their songs in all genres of music, not just hip-hop but the media criticises hip-hop much more and shines on the negative things we do and ignore the positive things we do, now you tell me that's fair! :damnlorettas: Don't ask me about the list, I didn't make it but seriously when was the last time you saw KRS-ONE on BET?(yes I brought him up again, well f*** it he's my hero) Wouldn't you like to see Hieroglyphics get airplay too? They put out as much products as G Unit does, they deserve some shine too. They'd rather show 50 Cent videos all day and ignore the positive rappers, it's reality whether you like to hear it or not, that's why "Switch" didn't get as much airplay as "Candy Shop" even though it was as big of a hit if not bigger, that's what's wrong with the rap game right now, action must be made, there's a lot of slaves to the buisiness out there that purposely make hip-hop's image look bad so the conservatives could constantly keep us down, but some of those commercial rappers are too doped up to realise that they're being pimped, many people are blind right now, that's why they'll never take blacks serious in society.
  14. Aight Max I could understand I guess nobody ever made fun of you for the way you look or anything? I understand, it's not your fault, you don't know what it feels like to have a weight on your back when people constantly put you down for what you look like no matter how much good things you do, btw I'm watching O'Reilly's show right now and he just dissed Kanye West and said rappers have no credibility because of what Kanye West said, he needs to spend some time in a black man's shoes and he'd understand why we feel this way, he acts like we talk about the streetlife for fun but it's our reality, he wants us to relate to him but why can't he relate to us? We all have different backgrounds but we're all human, the public gotta understand that hip-hop's voice must be heard, no matter how conservative you are, you gotta hear us black people, we're minorities but our thoughts count, if your ancestors faced 200 years of racism, you'd understand homie and btw it don't matter what college you go to or how much high grades you get and you could still be ignorant, knowledge goes beyond the classroom, you have to take what you learned out to the world! "Changes" by 2Pac reflects how I feel about things right now, my father just told me the same thing that I'm feeling, if we come back here 200 years from now there still will be racism, we just can't seem to find common ground: Come on come on I see no changes wake up in the morning and I ask myself is life worth living should I blast myself? I'm tired of bein' poor & even worse I'm black my stomach hurts so I'm lookin' for a purse to snatch Cops give a damn about a negro pull the trigger kill a nigga he's a hero Give the crack to the kids who the hell cares one less hungry mouth on the welfare First ship 'em dope & let 'em deal the brothers give 'em guns step back watch 'em kill each other It's time to fight back that's what Huey said 2 shots in the dark now Huey's dead I got love for my brother but we can never go nowhere unless we share with each other We gotta start makin' changes learn to see me as a brother instead of 2 distant strangers and that's how it's supposed to be How can the Devil take a brother if he's close to me? I'd love to go back to when we played as kids but things changed, and that's the way it is Bridge w/ changing ad libs Come on come on That's just the way it is Things'll never be the same That's just the way it is aww yeah Repeat -2- I see no changes all I see is racist faces misplaced hate makes disgrace to races We under I wonder what it takes to make this one better place, let's erase the wasted Take the evil out the people they'll be acting right 'cause both black and white is smokin' crack tonight and only time we chill is when we kill each other it takes skill to be real, time to heal each other And although it seems heaven sent We ain't ready, to see a black President, uhh It ain't a secret don't conceal the fact the penitentiary's packed, and it's filled with blacks But some things will never change try to show another way but you stayin' in the dope game Now tell me what's a mother to do bein' real don't appeal to the brother in you You gotta operate the easy way "I made a G today" But you made it in a sleazy way sellin' crack to the kid. " I gotta get paid," Well hey, well that's the way it is Bridge Talking: We gotta make a change... It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes. Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live and let's change the way we treat each other. You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do what we gotta do, to survive. -3- And still I see no changes can't a brother get a little peace It's war on the streets & the war in the Middle East Instead of war on poverty they got a war on drugs so the police can bother me And I ain't never did a crime I ain't have to do But now I'm back with the blacks givin' it back to you Don't let 'em jack you up, back you up, crack you up and pimp slap you up You gotta learn to hold ya own they get jealous when they see ya with ya mobile phone But tell the cops they can't touch this I don't trust this when they try to rush I bust this That's the sound of my tool you say it ain't cool my mama didn't raise no fool And as long as I stay black I gotta stay strapped & I never get to lay back 'Cause I always got to worry 'bout the pay backs some buck that I roughed up way back comin' back after all these years rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat that's the way it is uhh
  15. "Cheba cheba had you wide like A receiver What looks like fire is ice Fall for the flame Catch it twice like Jerry Rice. Nice"-Chuck D "Underdog", only fitting since the greatest wide receiver retired today, nuff respect
  16. Nobody out there in New Orleans is a refugee, a refugee is somebody that tries to escape to another country in war, this isn't a war is it? The newscasters who call our people refugees have no credability whatsoever 'cause they obviously don't know that's the definition of a refugee, they're saying this 'cause there's black people there, they think we're terrorists, you could that word up for yourself and see that I'm right, sure those people are wrong to be doing those things, I don't condone it but they ain't terrorists damn it!
  17. Of course you're right fuq but James Brown is one of the realest brothers ever, he's the one that motivated the idea of hip-hop to bring people together, his music reflects the thoughts of hip-hop even though he sings not raps, it's music from the soul and he gets out his rage in "Say It Loud"(I'm Black And I'm Proud) which was motivated from the civil rights movement so I take his word for it, Afrika Bambataa was motivated by James Brown's songs and started hip-hop in the parks of the Bronx for everybody to enjoy! Hip-hop is about peace, love, and unity, we're not thugs like the media potrays us, even Jada and Will say that Pac was potrayed wrong in the media 'cause he was a good guy at heart that we lost too soon, it was just the world problems that made him mad. btw, here's I rhyme I wrote today I'll post it here in case you don't see it in "Numero Uno", I had to get my frustration out, I think I'm gonna lay back and watch a movie for a while to get my mind off the problems off the world, I wish I had some money so I could give: "I give you a call, I wanna work I've got the balls to call you a jerk If you ignore the message of my respectful word, the least you could do is reply with an answer, And you wonder why I ain't gonna kiss Uncle Sam and start smokin' herb You wanna get me high so I could start to studder and a ****ed up mentality so I won't remember What do you mean I didn't qualify, here's a copy of my diploma sir How could I not be what you'd like to hire? Maybe it's 'cause the ones on your staff don't have the heritage from what I was born Yeah I get it, I lay out my hand for you and that's how you treat me? My plan was for us to be cool but now you wanna beat me? How dare you go out there and disrespect me You have no care for the ingredients I put into this recipe I put a lot of sweat and tears, this is more than just a thought This isn't about how much I got either from what I bought This is about us comin' together before our relationship gets lost I guess you'll only care about the emotion I poured when you come off soft You'd still wanna knock me out even if I decide to give you the keys of my house We could share it, but then you start comparisons, about how I won't ever win Just 'cause of the color of my skin, you wanna take advantage of my predicament You would rather leave me dying, I want us to be a unity surviving Why can't you even start realising that we need to start trying To come together and spend some time and sign this contract dotted line I ain't trying to be doing crimes I wanna make a living through this rhyme And touch some spirits that're feelin' declined So no matter what you tell me I'm keepin' my pride Even if you never wanna be on my side "
  18. It's not ignorant to say it, we've been slaves for over 200 years, it took us that long to vote and even when we vote we still're stuck in the 'hood getting arrested, even James Brown said on BET on a special before the BET Awards the week earlier in June '03 that America still needs to deal with racism after all these years and he was there during the Civil Rights era with MLK and Malcolm X so I'm taking his opinion over yours since he's in 70's and you're in your 20's right...? exactly! btw fuq here's my source for the BET banning: http://www.africanhiphop.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=27977&
  19. Well MaxFly if you don't believe that Reagan and Bush helped bring crack on the streets then you must think all rappers are liars then, even Will would tell you that if you talked to him 'cause he stands behind what Public Enemy and KRS-ONE in their songs, it ain't fiction, the black people didn't make them, they get smuggled here, damn I thought you go to Harvard?! Get your facts straight homie, the media are liars, you can't believe everything they say on the news, "Don't Believe The Hype"! btw, I talked about this a couple months ago, BET bans certain rappers from getting airplay, most of them are conscious rappers so I guess they don't want our message on the air, hmm...? I'd be shocked if "Tell Me Why" gets more airplay than "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It" got but truthfully it deserves to be Will's biggest hit ever. obviously there's some Uncle Toms working there, Rob Johnson could kiss my ass, here's the list: "The following artists are banned from airplay(meaning all their NEW videos): Kool G. Rap Craig G MC Lyte Buckshot Kool Keith A Tribe Called Quest A+ Jeru The Liks The Artifacts AZ Bad Seed Bahamadia Da Brat Goodie Mob Bone Thugs N Harmony Black Moon Methodman E-40 Canibus Afu Ra Cappadonna Channel Live Cocoa Brovaz Freddie Foxxx GZA El-P D.O.C. Diamond D dead prez De La Soul MF Doom Camp Lo Geto Boys Brand Nubian Boot Camp Clik KRS One Black Sheep Raekwon 4th Avenue Jones Heather B Jayo Felony Killah Priest Lil Cease McGruff Mic Geronimo Monie Love Mos Def Ice Cube Hieroglyphics Inspectah Deck Jean Grae Nate Dogg O.C. Onyx "
  20. I understand where you're coming from Max it ain't all Bushs fault, he's just a small part of a corrupted government system, it ain't his fault, if Clinton or Kerry was president it'd be the same s***, it's always been like this, there will never be full unity in this country or the world or a black president unless a miracle that'd be like if I married a white woman and have kids they wouldn't be made fun of when they get older 'cause they're mixed that'll be the day that that happens, some racist people in my area call me a n*****r too so I have to deal with that, one girl I really liked in high school was white and her parents would act like I was a thug but I was just tryin' to be friendly so I could go out with her, you can't blame Kanye either for standing up for what he believes in and especially since most blacks feel the same way since we're the underdog and the smallest voice in society we don't like Bush or this government that ignores us, the black mentality is "Me Against The World", it's just what we have to deal with everyday, since this was mostly blacks in this area we're once again the victims, it wasn't their fault, they didn't have the type of money or transportation, they're barely living in houses you gotta sympathise what they're going through they're making minimum wage at Walmart with 4 kids, I could afford that type of job now since I'm living with my parents at 20 years but if I was 35 with 5 kids right now I'd be homeless or have to live on Welfare and move from the suburbs to the projects, that's a nightmare that I hope I never get to I know I gotta get a career going 'cause my parents won't live forever to take care of me, I cry myself to sleep sometimes thinking about it sometimes and pray that my parents hold on while I'm still trying to make it 'cause anything could happen in life, I wish I could do more for them 'cause they work so hard for me all these years, this is something I usually don't share online but I had to get my feelings out. I have nothin' against white people either, a lot of my friends are white/puerto rican/asian/black, I get along with everybody as long as they're cool with me, btw I just threw on Kanye's "Family Buisiness" when I was just thinkin' about my family, that's just as powerful as JJFP's "Ain't No Place Like Home", hip-hop is powerful, the soundtrack of my life!
  21. What up y'all I figure I'd share this with y'all, I wrote this in less than 10 minutes, I just had to get this emotion out: "I give you a call, I wanna work I've got the balls to call you a jerk If you ignore the message of my respectful word, the least you could do is reply with an answer, And you wonder why I ain't gonna kiss Uncle Sam and start smokin' herb You wanna get me high so I could start to studder and a ****ed up mentality so I won't remember What do you mean I didn't qualify, here's a copy of my diploma sir How could I not be what you'd like to hire? Maybe it's 'cause the ones on your staff don't have the heritage from what I was born Yeah I get it, I lay out my hand for you and that's how you treat me? My plan was for us to be cool but now you wanna beat me? How dare you go out there and disrespect me You have no care for the ingredients I put into this recipe I put a lot of sweat and tears, this is more than just a thought This isn't about how much I got either from what I bought This is about us comin' together before our relationship gets lost I guess you'll only care about the emotion I poured when you come off soft You'd still wanna knock me out even if I decide to give you the keys of my house We could share it, but then you start comparisons, about how I won't ever win Just 'cause of the color of my skin, you wanna take advantage of my predicament You would rather leave me dying, I want us to be a unity surviving Why can't you even start realising that we need to start trying To come together and spend some time and sign this contract dotted line I ain't trying to be doing crimes I wanna make a living through this rhyme And touch some spirits that're feelin' declined So no matter what you tell me I'm keepin' my pride Even if you never wanna be on my side "
  22. I'm glad you felt it fuq, Wyclef is one of my inspirations so thanks for the comparison, more feedback appreciated y'all!
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