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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by bigted

  1. :lolsign: I think we all feel a lil' let down 'cause we didn't see the video but it'll come soon, I wish that JJFP were hiding backstage ready to come out and premiere the video, that'd made the night perfect, I could only dream I guess. :davidblaine:
  2. Hey Tim next time you should just post this news in the potna section so it won't leak everywhere else if it might not happen and if it leaks out, then that person won't be a potna anymore.
  3. I was hoping that he was building a recording studio or something else when I read the topic, oh well, good for him that he's building a house though. :interesting:
  4. I almost peed my pants in excitement, especially after Grandmaster Flash was rippin' the wheels, that was easily the highlight of the night, they were showin' these commercial rappers like 50 Cent and Mike Jones how to rock a house! :mygod:
  5. I still think Will at his worst is better than 50 Cent and Nelly at their best, don't you? That "Born To Reign" verse was the best verse spit by any rapper that year, Will could throw up on rest of the album and he still sounds better than wack rappers, he gave us "Lost and Found" just now and solidified that he's the greatest, I still think the JJFP albums define his career though.
  6. The video's comin' out tonight, I think there's still a chance for the album sales to turn around if a lot of people enjoy the video, it's up to us to vote for it!
  7. Yeah it's only a matter of minutes until we see the video now! :davidblaine:
  8. Hey man you missed all the threads of us ranting for "Party Starter" to come out sooner! :ShockRifle: :lolsign:
  9. That sucks that Rev. Run ain't ever gonna record again with DMC, they should at least do a JMJ tribute song together.
  10. Damn that sucks, I pray that there's no violence tonight at the VMAs with all those people there. :shrug:
  11. That 1st time on March 29th feels like yesterday, I bought the album around 4PM that day, I wanted to wait until I got home to listen to it 'cause I knew the excitement would distract me on the road, lol, and by the time I got home I saw that Will was on TRL, reading credits in between commercials, so I was watching that until around 6:30PM when I threw it in my stereo and had it on repeat until I gradually fell asleep, I came on here and was talkin' about how great it was too of course, that day was pure ecxtasy that I'll never forget for the rest of my life 'cause it feels like it's been years since any album has excited me listening to as much as "Lost and Found", I got the feeling that hip-hop was alive again and I put the poster of Will on my wall that night 'cause he truely is my hero! :rockon:
  12. I think the album might be platinum by Thanksgiving if "Party Starter" gets huge on the charts, wishful thinking you might say but I don't doubt the attention "Party Starter" could attract, I see black radio playing it, there's gonna be more interest in "Lost and Found" and when "Tell Me Why" comes out then it'd do even better, brighter days are ahead, having "Party Starter" premiere at the VMAs is gonna be the same feeling as the album comin' back out again, I can't wait to see it 'cause big things are to come, our patience is gonna pay off! :rockon:
  13. I think Will's gonna release "Tell Me Why" no matter how much the album sells, he released "1000 Kisses" when "Born To Reign" was long gone from the charts so I don't see why he can't release this one, this track does mean a lot to him and it'd win the most credability in the hip-hop circle 'cause those emotional tracks are the epitomy of hip-hop and would also get the album eventually to platinum status, Will really doesn't follow what everybody else is doing so he'll release it no matter what in my opinion.
  14. "Born To Reign" is a good album, now if you really wanna hear an awful album, listen to albums on the charts, Will at his worst is better than 90% of the rap game or else he really ain't the best. :ShockRifle: I think a lot of the early JJFP get slept on 'cause they need to be remastered, "He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper" is easily Will's and Jeff's best work, they haven't had as much chemistry as they had on that had on that album, like that post AJ made months ago we need to get a campaign to get Jive to re-release the JJFP albums, they sold around 10 million albums on that label, I don't see why they can't re-release them?! :daveuidiot: People diss The Roots too since they started having more of a rock sound to their albums but I'll take them over G Unit anyday too, I think the experimental albums that Outkast and Common did are good too, not their norm but as long as it's good music I dig it, I rather see rappers experimenting than doing the same trash most of the time, but these are great mcs so what they do they shouldn't change, I think most of that commercial trash I wouldn't even call music though.
  15. He could sign with the Bulls and backup Gordon and Duhon, just playin', he sucks now, well the Celtics are gonna be desperate since they have no players. :lolsign:
  16. I don't think it'd be a diss towards Kanye, maybe it was inspired from Kanye though 'cause he thinks Kanye's one of the best out now, I think if Will really was dissin' he ex-wife he probably wouldn't use her real name either 'cause he ain't a snake like Eminem that likes to dog people, he's a "Mr. Nice Guy" for real.
  17. People didn't like when Will stood up and said that rappers need to watch what they say in their songs but he's right, it's taking a long time though for people to see that, it's actually good though that Kanye's standing up sayin' that people shouldn't say fag in their songs but maybe he should also take a stand and not say n**** too if he really wants to take a stand.
  18. :word: Well remember though it's a marathon not a sprint, Will had a bad 1st week where Beanie Siegal outsold him but his album's still on the charts selling 611,000 while Beanie's fell off selling only 300,000, I think Kanye's will be on the charts much longer than Yayo's, if Yayo has a bad 1st week, he'll more than likely struggle to go platinum or even gold, I don't Will's "Big Willie Style" ever hit #1 on the charts either, you just have to be on the charts a long time to have success, I think there's still hope for "Lost and Found" going platinum too if Interscope would get off their arse to promote it, "Party Starter" would be a good start but maybe if a hip-hop magazine put Will on the cover that'd be helpful too.
  19. I don't even like to call my friends my n****s, I don't get mad though if somebody says "what's up my n****" when I know they're just sayin' what's up but I'd prefer they don't say that either, I address my peeps by their names, I think all rappers should stop using that word, that's just as offensive as saying fag, but until black rappers stop sayin' it, white rappers have the right to say it to in all fairness, there's no rules to what you can't say on songs, the only way to stop people from being offended is to have no rapper curse, there's always somethin' that somebody might say in a song that people could get offended by.
  20. Haha, agreed... He has potential... We'll see... Nick needs a grammy... he has a few kids choice awards I think... We'll see how he does, but I think it's best that he is left to develop on his own in the absense of scrutiny and comparisons... Stars usually develop best under those conditions. ← He'll need to win an Oscar too, we all know Will's bound to win one someday, he was snubbed for "Ali", that movie deserved it, I don't nobody could be the next Will Smith and to make comparisons so early is like the media dissin' Will, you can't really compare anybody to Will, he's one of a kind.
  21. Yeah Little Brother's dope, I remember hearing that Jazzy Jeff was gonna be on the album too, I'm definately gonna check it out when it drops.
  22. This was posted before, maybe on the acting side possibly, he got a lot of potential, I think "Drumline"'s one of the best movies in recent years and I'll be interested to see how he does in "Underclassman", he needs to put more work in as an mc, release more singles, do more performances, he acts like he's a veteran like Will the way he releases his stuff, when JJFP came out they were on the grind in the hip-hop scene with constant releases and tours, Will wasn't doing the acting thing then so he was able to get the game on lock, sell millions of albums when most weren't and win the 1st rap Grammy in the golden era, Nick still has a lot to prove, his first album flopped, well the way the commercial rap scene is he could release a few dope albums and have the game on lock but he needs to put focus on that if he wants to compete as an mc, I think at this point he could only possibly compete with Will on the movie screen, he can't check the mic for Will yet though, Nick's sorta done the reverse thing, he proved himself as an actor 1st, he needs to take time off to prove himself as an mc now, being dominant at both rapping and acting is hard to do, even LL has struggled with the acting part.
  23. Hey Frenetic don't take my opinion personal, Kanye just ain't one of my favorites that's all and that's how I feel, I was just expressing my opinion, but I wasn't necessarily just dissin' him, 'cause we even criticise certain things Will does too like I said before, you can't expect all of us to like Kanye West 'cause we're JJFP fans, I don't expect everybody here to like KRS-ONE, Nas, and Chuck D either. Now about the reviews, a lot of garbage albums get high reviews in these hip-hop mags, I bet even Eminem's "Encore" got a higher review than "Lost and Found", only a handful of those that do are actually good albums like Kanye West's and Jay-Z', now I might personally think that they're a lil' overrated but on the commercial scene, they're the only ones besides my favorites Will Smith and LL Cool J(I don't consider Nas commercial anymore) that actually have some skills and I guess I gotta give them credit for that, I think the fans' opinions matter the most like Will's said: "black radio/they don't play me though/every since summertime/they don't like none of mine/even though the fans went out and bought enough/i guess they think will ain't hard enough", "Lost and Found" might've got trash reviews but this ain't nothin' new, the media's been dissin' him his whole career 'cause he don't curse in his rhymes, well he could tell them to kiss his ass since he survived their criticism by winning the 1st rap Grammy and selling over 30 million+ worldwide over the last 20 years, those trash magazines don't dictate somebody's career, they even gave Yayo high reviews, now that's what I call garbage.
  24. Y'all don't like the beats for "Act Like You Know", "I Can't Stop", "1000 Kisses", "Willow Is A Player", "How Da Beat Goes", "Block Party", or "I Gotta Go Home"? :stickpoke: This might be the best produced solo album after "Willenium" hands down, I like those beats better than "Lost and Found"'s beats, I think it's the best work Trackmasters have ever done for Will, LES actually stepped his game up on Nas' "Street's Disciple" album as well 'cause that got some nice soul beats too except Nas actually ripped them well and sounded motivated, y'all would like them better if Will actually rapped over them instead of singin' wit Tra-Knox, don't front, lyrically it's Will's worst ever besides "And In This Corner..." which was also another rushed album, I listen to songs though for lyrics mostly, if the lyrics ain't good, I might as well just buy the instrumental version and rap over the beats myself, y'all would really trash the beats on "Lost and Found" more if Will didn't spit the way he did, his voice overpowered the beats. Will rapping without Jazzy Jeff production though is sorta like Guru without DJ Premiere, I heard people trashing his solo album 'cause they think the beats are awful and Guru seemed unmotivated without Premiere.
  25. 3 legends in one show, I'd kill to see that! :mygod:
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