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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by bigted

  1. :dope: :wickedwisdom: :mygod: Miracles happen I guess, thanks Tim, btw I'm in the chatroom right now, join me to discuss this great news!
  2. Lyrically it's arguably his best right up with "He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper" but musically it's one of his worst right down with "Big Willie Style" except for a couple tracks like "Loretta", "Switch", "Party Starter" and "Tell Me Why" which were great productions, I'll admit Jazzy's produced "Here He Comes" was only average and the rest of the album's beats are close to mediocre, I think even some of his here could make beats better than what's on there . I think it'd be even better if Will used beats similar to "Born To Reign" with these rhymes on "Lost and Found", that'd score more points with me! It's not the best produced album this year since Kanye West's "Late Registration" has better beats but Will could outrhyme Kanye anyday.
  3. I think peeps would like "He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper" better if it was remastered musically 'cause it does have a nice smooth jazz sound to it but you can't hear all the instruments unless you blast the volume which is displayed better on 'Code Red"'s production, but lyrically those were the best flows of his career, especially tracks like "He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper", "Brand New Funk" "Parents Just Don't Understand", "Pump Up The Bass", "My Buddy", and "As We Go", plus I love those tracks that Jazzy displays why he's the greatest DJ ever like "DJ On The Wheels", "Hip Hop Dancer's Theme" and "Rhythm Tracks", this album displays JJFP together as the greatest DJ-MC duo of all time, I don't understand why JJFP do one album like that again and make it a double album where some tracks Will displays his lyrical skills as the best mc and Jazzy Jeff could just do some tracks where he rips the wheels again, they're better than ever now, but doing seperate work hurts both of them! We need to start a petition to get "He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper" remastered just like we did for Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air! The intro track on the next album could be "Here We Go Again 2006" where they start off with the sample of Will sayin': "Not many have bought the last album But we can't allow them To go out like that our music is too def We make hit records right and left" :interesting:
  4. :iagree: I think Az' one of my favorite rappers that I never bought an album from, all these dope albums coming out and my broke ass can't afford them, lol.
  5. I was curious to know who produces most of the Hiero tracks? Whoever has done that is a legendary producer/producers, their beats are what all hip-hop tracks should sound like! :rockon:
  6. Will can make very good albums without Jazzy Jeff being involved 100%, I think the solo albums are the best in hip-hop still in recent years, but he can't make groundbreaking classic albums without Jazzy Jeff being involved 100%, the JJFP albums make Will a legend.
  7. Well Jay-Z has done a horrible job so far as Def Jam president in singing wack rappers like Young Jeezy and teeny bop singers like Teiarra Marie, maybe if he dropped them and signed Will, he'd be doing something right and I'd gain some respect for him no doubt, Universal controls Def Jam, Sony used to until around 2000, maybe Will should just start his own label, he has the money to do it if he wanted to, that'd take a lot of time though and he's married man who does movies, so he won't have the time that Jay-Z does to only do that, I think that's why they didn't offer LL to be president 'cause that takes a lot of time to control a label when you do many things like acting/rapping and you have a family.
  8. Well signing to Def Jam wouldn't be that bad of an idea, imagine the 3 richest and most successful rappers: LL Cool J, Will Smith, and Jay-Z(even though I don't like him as much as Will or LL) all on the same label, that'd be huge! :rockon: LL's "The Definition" basically has done the same numbers as "Lost and Found" though but at least he got airplay on Hot 97, black radio would play Will more if he signed to Def Jam probably so he might even outsell LL and do close to Jay-Z numbers.
  9. yeah, i dont like 50 or Eminem and they made so bad albums ... BUT i am kinda proud of them cuz they still keep the rap of the top of the charts and this is importing ,but hope somebody take their place ... ← They don't deserve to be on the top of the charts if they're supposed to be the top representives of hip-hop, maybe if their sales suffered it'd be a message that you'd have to make more quality and put in a lot of work to be on the charts, back in the days LL Cool J, JJFP, Public Enemy. and MC Hammer worked with a lot of effort to top the charts, I'd rather Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson sell more than these wack rappers even though I don't like them either for their music but at least they're good to look at. :lolsign:
  10. Thanks for this interview, I've been voting for the video to get on "106 & Park" ever since it premiered last week, I'm looking forward to the Rev. Run album and his reality show!
  11. Well Eminem's "Encore" and 50 Cent's "Massacre" are arguably the worst albums to sell so much since Vanilla Ice's "To The Extreme", in fact they even make that album look dope, the wacker you are now the more you sell, a lot of hip-hop heads feel that way, not only me, it'd be nice if a quality album could outsell them but I don't see that happening, real hip-hop doesn't sell and Will's "Lost and Found" is a real hip-hop album, not a sell-out album that'll sell 6 million, even Outkast's last album was their worst album even though it sold 10 million and of course "Big Willie Style" isn't Will's best album even though it sold 12 million worldwide, in fact you could say his worst selling album "Code Red" is his best album ever, I'd say "He's The DJ..." and "Homebase" albums are also better than "Big Willie Style" even though JJFP never came close to "Big Willie Style" numbers, I'm not sayin' they're sell-outs but their less sellin' albums are their best, Eminem's underground stuff was good stuff but once he started going platinum his quality went down drastically to where he sold out in this case where now he's made the worst rap album ever just like his buddy 50 Cent, Dr. Dre's "Chronic 2001" doubled the sales of "The Chronic" but it's not even half as good as " The Chronic" in fact I think it's even worse than "The Aftermath" album he made, Nas "Illmatic" only sold 1 million copies but it's better than all of his albums that sold more.
  12. Isn't Slick Rick on the album?
  13. No I don't think so, I never did say so, I remember saying a couple months ago that it's his 4th best overall or at least it's close to it 'cause it's arguable that "Homebase" might be better and I gotta throw "Code Red" in the top 3 so it could be as low as 5th or 6th 'cause it's a victim to Will's career no matter what Will does, he can't top himself, unless he gets Jazzy involved on the whole album like the JJFP albums, I'd have to say "Willenium" and "Big Willie Style" are arguably better solo albums and "He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper" is arguably the greatest rap album ever, "Lost and Found" is close to that level, it could be a classic, we'll have to see a few years from now if it is, you could say all albums except "Born To Reign" and "And In This Corner..." are close to classic level, so if you compare careers you could say Will could be the greatest mc ever, it's getting harder for Will to top himself since he's had such a great career, to say that "Lost and Found" is his greatest album is disrespectful to his career, he's had many classics.
  14. I'm gonna download this by the weekend, I think Casual got a great hip-hop flow, if you wanna talk about annoying voices look no further than mostly every commercial rapper out now that you'll hear when you turn your radio on. :ShockRifle:
  15. Maybe Interscope has given up in promoting the album, btw I notice "Switch" has fallen to #45 this week, maybe by next week "Party Starter" will pass it and be in the top 40, but looks like even if that happens it doesn't matter at this point, Will can't go out and perform the song right now anyway since he's shootin' "Pursuit Of Happiness", it's been up to Interscope to release this video and they haven't done it, the album's fallen to a point where nothin' could save it, I just hope that "Tell Me Why" comes out so Will could get credability for that great song and I think that's more important than just going double platinum with party singles.
  16. Thanks for the interview Tim, there's gonna be some Hiero songs in the NBA2K6 game that comes out in October too! :rockon:
  17. It's too slow of a climb for a second single, it should rise faster after the success of "Switch" there should be less resistance to the radio stations playing it like Tim once said earlier either on this thread or another thread, I'm too lazy to look back to quote but I remember him saying that but anyways it's not making any impact, I keep listening to Hot 97 that plays hip-hop for the tri-state area here on the East Coast once in a while to see if they're playing it but they ain't yet, it ain't even on their playlist, they didn't play "Swtich" either! :eusa_snooty: So far it seems like it's not making much of an impact.
  18. :iagree: That'd probably lead to higher sales, I wouldn't mind if he did tracks with some dope underground producers like Kev. Brown too, as long as the music's good is all that matters, Freshmen actually did a nice job producing "Tell Me Why", it has an epic soul sound to it, you could lie to the kids and say that Kanye West produced the song and they wouldn't know the difference. :lolsign:
  19. Yeah come on now, Jazzy Jeff's the greatest DJ/producer, do you really need anybody else to produce for you when you have him? We had to wait so damn long for this album I really thought that Jazzy was gonna be more involved than what he was, I don't think Will could ever get an album close to the level of "He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper" or "Code Red" if he never gets Jazzy that involved with it, working the Trackmaster and Freshmen was the worst move of his career, he should call Timbaland,Teddy Riley, Pete Rock, Pharrell, or even Kanye West like other great mcs do instead of calling average producers if he wants to work with anyone besides Jazzy, Will's too great of an mc to work with average producers, 50 Cent could use them if he wants to.
  20. Hey Jim are you platinumteeth, that's why u keep bumpin' the thread? :lolsign:
  21. Thanks for this Tim, damn Hieroglyphics are really hustling in the rap game, album after album nonstop, when I get a job I'm gonna order some of those CDs, did they just sign OC? I thought he was on Grit Records with KRS-ONE.
  22. It seems like a lot of Nas fans give Will respect, they gotta get it straight though that Nas did not write the whole "Big Willie Style" album though! :ShockRifle: btw, Mcgrady does suck, he hasn't won a championship yet, I thought it was kinda funny a couple weeks ago when somebody said Chuck D's career's washed up and he has a Penny Hardaway avatar, who I think is the most irrelevant NBA player out there right now. :daveuidiot:
  23. :iagree: He shelved Heavy D's album that was supposed to come out last year and gave New Edition crap promotion while he heavily promotes that crap from Boyz In Da Hood, I don't have much respect for him since he hasn't done anything good since "No Way Out".
  24. :iagree: You got a good heart, I know Will would be happy about this if he knew about it, not just in promoting the album but lending a helping hand to those in need! :dope:
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