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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by bigted

  1. Kanye West ain't even in the top 100 yet? That doesn't look good for him when his album comes out!
  2. Well I think people in '97 thought that Will's career was dead in rapping 'cause he didn't release an album in 4 years and "Code Red" only sold 200,000 copies but then he went on to sell 12 million with "Big Willie Style" but back then there was more diversity in rap than now, only gangsta rappers sell now but Will could pull against the odds 'cause he did it before and he could do it again! :jazzy:
  3. :word: I'm gonna sick of all these wack beefs, none of them are creative anymore like the LL vs. Kool Moe Dee and MC Shan vs. KRS-ONE battles were, it was all about skills then, the LL vs. Cannibus and Nas vs. Jay-Z were aight but a new rapper like Cannibus couldn't finish the legendary LL, and the Nas vs. Jay-Z battle was witty in a way but Jay-Z just talked about how much records he sold more than Nas and Nas had some nice punchlines in "Ether" which I think put Jay-Z away but I know Jay-Z fans wouldn't agree with me so it was a tight one, 50 should keep his mouth shut in the 1st place and nobody would diss him, he might have more friends if he learns to respect those that were around before him, but he talks like he's the greatest rapper that's ever walked the earth, he's overconceited!
  4. Wow, I can't believe Nas got nominated for best hip-hop video, MTV hardly played that video! I'm surprised LL's "Headsprung" or "Hush" weren't nominated, those were getting a lot of airplay.
  5. Well if you look all the things Will has accomplished in his career, it wouldn't be impossible to see this album hitting the top 10, possibly even #1 if miracles happen, we're not talking about Common here, Will's one of the most popular mcs of all time with over 30 million sold already.
  6. I think more rappers need to start givin' Will props in their songs 'cause he always shows love to a lot of mcs, btw I just posted my review on amazon under "kids review" since I don't buy anything from there, it's right here on this page, y'all should post some over there too: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-...ng=UTF8&s=music
  7. It doesn't make that much of a difference if Will sells 1.5 or 2.5 million, the most important thing is these songs gettin' released and his peers giving him more respect in the hip-hop game for all he's accomplished and still is accomplishing, even though he doesn't have parental advisory label like 99.9% of rappers doesn't mean that he should be pushed aside and be called soft, he was there with Run-DMC and Public Enemy to open the door for Nas, Jigga, Pac, and Biggie and is still relevant in hip-hop today so he deserves that kinda respect! btw, R. Kelly's the only creative head in r&b right now so I wouldn't diss him, you must not like r&b if you don't like him, I'd use 50 Cent as an example for wack artists sellin' 'cause he doesn't have much creativity in his mind makin' songs that're irrelevant and sellin' 4 million is an embarassment for music.
  8. Have fun and be safe! :2thumbs:
  9. It'd be nice to see a great hip-hop album go multi-platinum for a change and Will finally gettin' the due he deserves from all of his peers as a legendary mc!
  10. Souls Of Mischief "Tell Me Who Profits"
  11. in fact everyone that 50 disses should diss him including Will 'cause he shouldn't have said that he's on the same level of acting as Will! :haha: ← When did he say that?? Anyway....thanx for this track! The DJ is anoying as hell...the track is nice...but it ain't no ether! ←
  12. These are great songs I don't see why they wouldn't be able to push the album to multiplatinum status as long as they get released, "Switch" is the weakest song and it's taking "Lost and Found" to 600K, I think "Party Starter" and "Tell Me Why" could each help the album sell 1 million copies respectfully in 3 months and the album'll sell about 2.5 million by late January in the US and around 5 million worldwide and Will wins a few Grammies in February, if they don't get released then it might not be able to go platinum!
  13. Thanks for this, I'll check it out later, I hope this boost sales for Nas and I guess 50 Cent'll go diamond now, lol, it ain't gonna take much to knock out 50 Cent since he doesn't have half the skills that Jay-Z has, commercial rap fans might still buy 50 Cent even if he loses 'cause the wacker you are the more you sell it seems, lol, that's why Eminem's sellin' 5 million with his garbage album, Fat Joe dissapointed me, I liked his diss but he didn't release it around the time of his album release. I think LL should diss 50 Cent too for taking his shirt off in a video and actin' like he's a playa, if I were LL I'd be mad, in fact everyone that 50 disses should diss him including Will 'cause he shouldn't have said that he's on the same level of acting as Will! :haha:
  14. Heavy D & The Boyz Feat. Aaron Hall "Now That We Found Love", Heavy D is so underrated!
  15. Well to me personally "Big Willie Style" is gonna stand the test of time since that was the 1st album from Will that I got, I don't think there'll ever be a time that people don't wanna have fun, it's a great feel good album! The messages on "Chasin' Forever" and "Just The Two Of Us" are timeless too, there's a lot of great messages on "Lost and Found" and "Willenium" that're gonna stand the test of time too, right now I'm feeling "Willenium" like I said yesterday!
  16. :word: I don't see how video games could ruin a child's life either if their parents are there for them to teach them right and wrong, in fact no entertainment is harmful 'cause it's only entertainment. On another note, I don't like it that commercial rap fans don't give Will the due he deserves as an mc and write him off as corny just 'cause he don't curse and call Eminem a rap god since he does, he clearly has more skills than any mc out now, if there was a rule where rappers weren't allowed to make songs with cursing Eminem would be known the wackest mc 'cause him say f*** and b**** every 5 seconds proves that he doesn't have that much skills, and the other way if Will threw a heap of curses in his rhymes people would call him the greatest rapper ever but a 12-year old could even do that, Will making great rhymes without cursing makes him the most intelligent mc with the most skills 'cause skills is knowledge and Will clearly has the most, there's only a handful of mcs that I think could make great songs without cursing, Jay-Z would even sound kinda boring too if he didn't curse, LL's skills are still as great as they were even when he was cursing in his rhymes but people call him corny now too, I think he could easily outwit any mc now, KRS' gospel rap album "Spirtual Minded" was ignored and called soft but I think that's the some of the best work he's ever done right up with his earlier stuff, he spit real knowledge in there and I actually find that one the most inspiring for me, I don't think anyone could challenge him either, fans are just ignorant! :thumbsdown:
  17. This is a sensitive situation, I think the media does wrong by making a lot of this stuff appealing to kids, even this gangsta rap stuff shouldn't be aimed for kids either, only adults and teenagers should listen to it, just like when Destiny's Child gave lapdances at the BET Awards with kids watching, it's not that graphic of course but 10 year olds shouldn't be thinking about sex yet, it's up to the parents though how they choose to raise their kids in the final say, some parents like Will and Jada would let their kids listen to gangsta rap but some parents won't, it's important though for people to not let entertainment educate them the most 'cause when that happens every other word they say in a conversation will be s*** and they won't be able to put a sentence together and they'll be alcoholics by 14, lol. It's disturbing though to me that this entertainment should be for older folks but kids are the ones that wanna buy the game more or the parents buy the game for them not even being aware for what it is, just like most of the people who buy G Unit CDs are underage, which doesn't tell us much about society and since this entertainment is aimed for a younger audience we need more people like JJFP as entertainers that all ages could be entertained by, people would learn to respect hip-hop more if there was more balance out there, 99.9% of hip-hop albums having parental advisory on them is hideous, video games have balance already since there's plenty of games where everyone could play.
  18. The stuff in those games are too graphic for young kids to play, I could see maybe a teenager in high school could play it 'cause they're having sex around that age anyway and know the difference between right and wrong but should a 10-year old play it? Hell no! I personally don't care about these kinda video games, I like the sports games better, those games are as just as useless as porno to me, I don't find it entertaining, if I wanna see shooting I throw on "Bad Boys" DVD, lol.
  19. Hey I don't mind if a song has cursing in it but it's gotta make sense, the song has to have a point to it, what you wrote there made absolutely no sense at all, you're contradicting yourself one minute in the song about how you don't rap about bitches and guns then you rap about shootin' your 4-4, that's as contradictory rappers thanking God in their speeches and then talkin' about killing people, some gangsta rap has a message but a lot of it today doesn't, unless people are shootin' at your house constantly and you grew up in the projects like Nas, Ice Cube, and KRS-ONE, you have no reason to be rappin' about this at such a young age, like DMX said: "Do You"!
  20. Thanks for the article, "Party Starter" is the most intelligent party rap single to me since KRS-ONE released "Step Into A World"! I didn't know that "Tell Me Why" was on the radio yet, maybe in Sweden it is, but not here in the US.
  21. Yeah that was wack man, you're rapping like a 50 Cent and Biggie wannabe, there's enough of that on the radio, try something original for a change for what's really on your mind, I can't take a 12-year old rapping about shootin' me with a 4-4 seriously! :thumbsdown:
  22. Well that's what seperates Will from a lot of other rappers is that each disc has a different theme to it that's relevant to Will's life at the time, at the time of "Big Willie Style" Will was living large with blockbuster films left and right and was set to get married to Jada so he put that happiness into his raps, most production out at that time was recycled beats, Puffy and Dr. Dre were the masters of that then, that was the worst time in production in hip-hop history, "The Chronic" and "Ready To Die" were great productions but then they got washed up with all their beats sounding similar, then again it's mostly the same now too, and now with "Lost and Found" Will is more mature being settled down with Jada and has more kids and is dealing with more issues in his mid-30s that he didn't have when he was 25, 26, 27 years old, realising who his real friends are when he's the only rapper that stays true to himself, this is more mature than what he's ever done but even the less mature stuff that he made when he was in his early-mid 20s is still classic though 'cause he still loves performing those ol' school tracks he made too, Will's a legend 'cause he puts his life into his music, I hope when he tours with Jazzy Jeff later this year that'll inspire another JJFP album.
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