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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by bigted

  1. Love has many different definitions though, love is not just about your girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife. "There's No Place Like Home" could be considered a love song too, love of family and friends.
  2. The problem with hip-hop now is that it's limited to the youth fanbase, back when hip-hop started Grandmaster Flash used to throw block parties with 10-80 year olds attending, hip-hop was for everyone, now it's dumbed down like I said before and the kids think that 2Pac and Biggie were the pioneers of rap, you can't blame them 'cause they don't know better. Jadakiss wasn't the 1st rapper to do a song called "Why", KRS-ONE did a song called "Why" on his 2001 "Sneak Attack" album that only a few thousand people like me bought: [KRS-One] Class in session. What, is, democracy? [student] Yo it's the rule of the people. The self rule. [student] It's what the people want! [K] That's right. But is this a democracy? Nah, democracy is a goal to be attained. [K] That's right. The character of the people should be reflected [K] in the laws and the institution of the state. Psssh, I don't see my character reflected! [K] Tell me [Chorus One: KRS-One] WHY, are all the schools they fallin apart and WHY, the youth not takin no musical art and WHY, the professionals really don't know where to start No, one, really, cares, about WHY, the people ain't trustin the law and the order and WHY, the hookers from 70's look like our daughters and WHY, the radio station they help with the slaughter No, one, really, cares, about [KRS-One] The mind, they usin until it's time they doin a rhyme will ruin what you doin if you crime pursuin Let me tell you bout gettin your family out the mean ghetto to green meadows, where you can finally be settled That street level, freak level, pullin out heat level Eatin meat level, deceit level, that's that beast level You gotta stand upright in a house with three levels Where you don't even see devils unless he shovels the snow Many philosophers live on the low Never crazy hazy or lazy we get up and go Whaddya know, I'm always teaching after the show Not messin with hoes, I'm with my wife, changin my clothes Blowin my nose, deliverin blows to foes with new flows; then disappear where nobody knows Cause I got too many questions, too many lessons I gotta go, too many people stressin but I gotta know [Chorus Two: KRS-One] WHY, these officers gunnin us down on our block and WHY, the President never steps in on these cops and WHY, the mayor don't even look like he in shock No, one, really, cares, about WHY, the call of the poor is always ignored and WHY, the senators governors breakin the law and WHY, they taxin and taxin and taxin the poor No, one, really, cares, about [KRS-One] You, me, or themselves you can tell, they livin in hell But they come on the TV lookin so swell Sellin you dreams of schemes of you gettin green and cream But they never explain the work and all it means You got to visualize, close the lid on your eyes and visualize, minimize lies See yourself bigger in size, quicker to rise up wise up climb up, before your time's up but [Chorus One] The votes [K] That's right The politics [K] That's right The government you know! [K] Uh-huh, people basically have the government they want If people felt dissed, they'd be out rebellin right now Hey now I think that there's nothin' wrong with Will releasing "Tell Me Why", it'll help him get more credibility in hip-hop for doing this, he's a household name and more people'll pay attention when he says somethin' serious than they would when Nas and Talib Kweli say it, I don't understand how Fat Joe could go from doing conscious songs like "S*** Is Real" and touring with KRS-ONE to doing booty shakin' videos and touring with Nelly, he's losing credibility just to sell records, he got talent, but it's going to waste, Jay-Z' the same way, he could say some intelligent s*** if he chooses to but he chooses to release "Change Clothes" and "Izzo" instead, there's enough booty shaking videos out now, Will should do something different, if it fails, it fails, but at least people won't just call him a party rapper, and he could get the credit he deserves as a hip-hop legend finally by his peers.
  3. Y'all gotta understand that most people who buy music these days have lil' knowledge 'cause they're young and they only watch MTV, they might say that Will's biting Jadakiss but Jadakiss is biting many rappers himself like Biggie, 2Pac, Jay-Z, etc., his style is fake, but they don't know the history of hip-hop and they only like club songs that they could shake their ass too, they don't wanna hear no conscious s---, the only reason why Kanye West is double platinum is 'cause he makes his music catchy, it ain't the most conscious rap you ever heard, KRS-ONE is the king of conscious rap along with Public Enemy but they don't sell 'cause their music ain't catchy, back in the days, hip-hop songs didn't have to have hooks to be hits, but now they do 'cause the music these days is dumbed down for 13-17 year olds to understand, "Tell Me Why" might not be a hit unless older heads support, but a lot of them are frustrated from hip-hop and don't watch MTV anymore, who could blame them. :speechless:
  4. I'd say that "Just The Two Of Us" has to be the best 'cause of how he expressed love for Trey in his song, "1000 Kisses" with Jada was great too 'cause they had great chemistry on the track, and "Chasing Forever"'s pretty deep too, those are my favorites from him.
  5. What's up with Barry Bonds, 3 knee surgeries in 3 months? Something sounds funny there, I don't think it's just aging, it's a shame that the best player in baseball's a cheater! I don't think anyone'll even come close to hitting 70 home runs 'cause of the penalties coming now.
  6. Hey I think all of us have different opinions so on that note I'm gonna say that Jay-Z' overrated, he took most of his punchlines from Biggie and that's a fact, what makes him so conscious anyway? I like "Reasonable Doubt" but I wouldn't say that's better than the best albums that legends like Slick Rick, JJFP, Rakim, KRS-ONE, Big Daddy Kane, Public Enemy, and all the other great legends did and are still doing, I heard "Blueprint" one time and I don't see what's so conscious about it, the only great song I felt was "Blueprint"(Mama Loves Me) but KRS' worst stuff is more conscious than that, Jay-Z dumbs down his music too much considering that he's a consious rapper, "Just The Two Of Us" and "Tell Me Why" even have more consciousness than Jay-Z' whole catalog not counting "Reasonable Doubt" and Will ain't even a conscious rapper like that supposedly, he don't have to be either when every rapper's supposed to have their own style. 2Pac wasn't a gangsta rapper, you might say that 'cause of his Death Row work, I think if he didn't diss Biggie, you wouldn't have to say that 'cause he made a lot of deep songs before that moment like "Dear Mama", "Brenda's Got A Baby", and "Keep Ya Head Up", he had a lot of heart. Personally to me "Big Willie Style" has a special place in my heart 'cause that was around the time I started getting to him, but if I critically look at it, I'd say "Lost and Found" is better than that album, but "Big Willie Style" is better than most albums comin' out now, the only weak song on there was "Men In Black", which should've been left off since it was on the MIB soundtrack already, ol' school artists make more classics now than newer artists comin' out 'cause they don't make just singles with filler tracks in between, they know how to make albums, De La Soul's last album "The Grind Date" even sounds more classic than Kanye's "College Dropout" 'cause you could listen from start to finish without skipping tracks the way it should be, back in the golden age, a classic album would come out once a week, now barely one a year, so far "Lost and Found" is the only one this year, I heard Common's new single "Go" and that's so annoying with Kanye yellin' "Go!" in the background, I wish Common could go back and make songs with DJ Premiere, at least Premiere doesn't yell over records, Kanye reminds me of P. Diddy a lot . "He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper" is one of the greatest albums ever made with all those Jazzy Jeff scratching and Fresh Prince storytelling, that's hip-hop creativitity at it's finest.
  7. Pete Rock and CL Smooth "Lots Of Lovin'", such a smooth jam, early '90s hip-hop classic, I got in the mood to put this on since we were talkin' about great rap albums, everyone should check out "Mecca And The Soul Brother", it's a hip-hop masterpiece
  8. Hey I made a post on Will's board asking for a new single comin' out, everybody here should post to show interest, keep this on the front page ahead of the silly topics since this is important: http://www.willsmith.com/message/thread.cf..._id=6771&page=1 Will better hook me up with some tickets when he does tour 'cause I've been promoting him pretty hard on my freetime. :kekeke: James Brown never makes videos anymore but his tour last year was one of the highest selling tours of the year and Will's the hardest workin' man of showbuisiness in this generation so he could get the same kinda love doing a tour, I don't see him slowing down either, those guys don't seem human to me, I wanna know what vitamins they take. :afro:
  9. I'm sure Will's preparing to do something to help the album more, he's been in the music buisiness for 20 years, he knows how to handle this, just chill y'all! :kool:
  10. I think I saw "Switch" played about 10 times on TV in the last 2 months, with "Candy Shop" getting airplay 10 times a day sometimes in that span, but I guess TV doesn't control everything as much as we believe it does, since everywhere Will goes to perform, peeps show him love, he's an international star, I don't think a world tour would have a hard time selling out. :poke: Maybe some of us could post over at the Will Smith board and ask if they're working on "Tell Me Why" video or preparing a tour, maybe the moderators might know.
  11. Well looking over the album lists I made it's obvious why I think FP, LL, KRS, Rakim, and Chuck D are the greatest mcs ever since their longevity to dominate is similiar to Michael Jordan playing in an All-Star in the beginning of his career with Dr. J to ending his career competing with Allen Iverson, they've gone from the Run-Dmc era to the Nas era and still have the same power now like they did back then, 2Pac deserves to be ranked high 'cause the impact he had on such a short-period was amazin', but I think Biggie's overrated 'cause he bit 2Pac's style and there were many other rappers on the east-coast like Pete Rock and CL Smooth and Tribe Called Quest who put out great music that was underrated when the west coast gangsta rap was dominating in the early '90s, if "Mecca and The Soul Brother" was released now, it'd be the best album this decade, that album was very much slept on, "Low End Theory" would be #2 and I didn't even put it in the top ten in the '90s, which tells how much better it was then compared to now, "Willenium" and "Big Willie Style" were also classics but "Code Red" is just a lil' bit more timeless, it's amazing though not many hip-hop critics give JJFP the respect they deserve, but they could be compared with the best hip-hop artists in any era. :blabla:
  12. I agree with you on this list...but God's Son doens't deserve to be on there! "Stillmatic" is way better then "God's Son" in my eyes! God's Son only has a couple of great songs. You got "Get Down", "The Cross", the classic single "Made You Look" and that's almost about it!. The rest are filler tracks man! "I Can" was corny as hell! "Zone Out" was just plain wack! If you look at "Stillmatic" it's another case! "Ether" is a classic battle song! "One Mic" is a classic! "You're Da Man", "Smokin", "My Country" are all great songs! "Rewind" is a great way of story telling! This album is way better then God's Son! Only thing you could say is that the first single was kinda corny! "Got Ur Self A Gun" isn't on the same level as "Made You Look"! Yeah I love "Stillmatic" too, I was listening to that yesterday, but I say "God's Son" is one of the best albums he ever made 'cause of the tracks that he made about his mother, I thought "I Can" had a great message for the kids so even though it ain't my favorite song from him I can't put that down 'cause it wasn't your average hip-hop single with money talk, you didn't like "Warrior's Song" with Alicia Keys which I thought would've made a better single than "I Can" 'cause that was a powerful song, "Last Real N--- Alive" which was a story about his career, "Thugz Mansion" with 2Pac which was a hot single, "Book Of Rhymes" which was a witty track, or "Dance" and "Heaven" that he made about his mother passing which put the album at the top for me? The only track I skip over is "Zone Out", which I agree with you should've been off the album. I thought he poured his heart in that album, that album should've went mulitplatinum and won a Grammy, I thought "Stillmatic" was overhyped 'cause of the Jay-Z beef and "God's Son" deserved more recognition but they're both great albums that solidify him as one of the greatest mcs who ever touched the mic, if anyone doubted him before 2000, although I think "Illmatic" can't possibly be #1 'cause there were quite a few albums that set the standard in hip-hop before that album, it still deserves to be in the top 10, besides "Paid In Full" is flawless, it was made 20 years ago almost and still sounds great today, don't sleep on Marley Marl he was a legendary producer in hip-hop, the production on LL's "Mama Said Knock You Out" is also flawless, JJFP should work with him one day, I don't get either why Slick Rick's and KRS debut albums weren't on the list either?
  13. Comin' from MTV this was pretty impressive, but it's far from a perfect, some of those artists there that wasn't even their best albums(2Pac, NWA), and Fugees "The Score" deserved to have been mentioned if "Reasonable Doubt" was mentioned 'cause that was the album of the year in '96, and I was rather impressed that they didn't mentioned any albums from 2000 and after 'cause this is the worst decade in hip-hop so far.
  14. Allen Iverson played with a lot of heart in Game 5, I gotta give him props for keep on playing, he look like he broke his ankle, when he came back out there, I thought the Sixers were gonna pull it off. And damn, the Bulls lost a heartbreaker just now, it was one hell of comeback though, they come back and tie the game after being down 10 points with less than a minute to go, but Arenas hit the game winner with time expiring. Well I still think the Bulls could win Game 6, they need to come out strong and play the way the finished this game just now.
  15. What up Daniel, welcome to forum, I hope you enjoy it here! :peace:
  16. Hey I found a link with MTV's list of the 10 greatest albums of all time, for some of these mcs there it wasn't there best albums, and I thought "Illmatic" was ranked too high, "It Takes A Nation Of Millions" should switch places with that one, and there was no JJFP, KRS-ONE, or LL on the list, but at least they put "Paid In Full" at #1. http://www.mtv.com/bands/h/hip_hop_week/20...5/index11.jhtml
  17. :werd: I say it's a three-way tie! :ridepony:
  18. KRS-ONE "The Movement" "We ain't about selling records, we ain't music merchants We mcs, we go to the club and straight hurt s***" :ali:
  19. P.Diddy is an overrated as a producer, he bit most of his producing style off of Teddy Riley, who was the 1st producer to blend hip-hop flava into r&b tracks, Dr. Dre did the opposite of course blending funk flava into hardcore hip-hop tracks.
  20. The album'll go at least platinum worldwide that's for sure so stop panicking everybody! :afro:
  21. Jazzy Jeff and Grandmaster Flash should make a mixtape together, that'd be musical genious! :bowdown:
  22. Hey Will or Jeff if you're reading this, we need y'all to go on tour, peeps will buy the album more if there was a tour, they got give the peeps what they need! :peace:
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