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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by bigted

  1. u have to make yourself know to him, man. maybe tim can hook you up or something, he does have connections. :sonny: :werd: Maybe the next time FP comes to 'Jersey and performs maybe we could make something happen! Does he sign any new hip-hop/r&b artists to Overbrook Records still? :dunno: It'd also be more fun to see FP also collaborate with some of the artists that he grew up admiring like James Brown, Michael Jackson, and Grandmaster Flash rather than Jay-Z, Eminem, or Ludacris 'cause FP should collaborate with legends and artists that came out when he did and the rare few that're coming out or are ready to come out now that represent hip-hop's culture the most. :ditto:
  2. Hey is it a new song? I never heard of KRS-ONE doing a song called "Gangsta House" before, I gotta check out that Jazzy Jeff album as soon as I could find it, I'm still looking for KRS' new album too that he released in July, a lot of underground stuff's hard to find! :bang:
  3. That's dope! :thumb: Happy late thanksgiving to y'all, I hope y'all enjoyed it!
  4. I saw the video today, that girl got moves!
  5. Oh damn I missed it! :bang: I've been playing that "All Balls Don't Bounce" CD a lot lately man, that album's so dope! :thumb:
  6. I hope Ja Rule and Eminem both retire from rappin' 'cause they're selling themselves out by putting out gimmick songs that no true hip-hop fan could enjoy now! I have more important things to do than to waste time or energy on buying or even downloading their new albums. :ditto:
  7. I'd like to see FP collaborate with Stevie Wonder Aretha Franklin Patti Labelle Isley Brothers Michael Jackson James Brown Grandmaster Flash Afika Bambattaa KRS-ONE Nas Boyz II Men Keith Sweat Snoop Dogg Public Enemy LL Cool J Ice Cube Talib Kweli The Roots DMX De La Soul Rakim Wyclef Lauryn Hill Queen Latifah Naughty By Nature and inspiring young artists like Big Ted that're looking for a break :lolsign:
  8. I'll try to check it out. What record label are they signed to? Do they have a website?
  9. Hey I never heard of any white female rapper before, it'll be interesting to see how she does but if she has talent and creativity, hip-hop heads'll give props 'cause that's what's lacking most in the game now, I don't care what the rapper looks like or where he or she's from, I just wanna hear some dope tracks! :dj: The more diversity in the game the better, a lot of rappers front like they're drug dealers and in gangs in their songs but that doesn't mean that all are doing that, they just front and don't keep it real to themselves, if Fan_3 keeps it true to herself and display skills then she'll be in the game for a long time! :thumb:
  10. I saw the "Learn Chinese" video before, it's pretty funny, I think Wyclef produced the track. I think that his album dropped last month. Did anyone here listen to the Jin album yet? There's so many albums out now it's hard to keep up with them all! The one thing that bugs me out though is that mostly every mc tries to act, make clothes, or play ball on the side, why can't rappers take up other professions like lawyers, doctors, technicians, or professors, there's other things to have success in besides the entertainment buisiness, they don't realise that though, but when the fame in the entertainment goes, they have nothing to rely on, so they end up going poor.
  11. Thanks for the review AJ, this is gonna definately be the next R&B album that I'm gonna check out! :thumb:
  12. The JJFP album I listen to the most is "He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper", hip-hop's essenence at it's finest! A lot of legendary albums came out that year in '88! I love "Code Red" a lot too though, it still sounds very current even in the '04, that album and "Return Of Da Boom Bap" by KRS-ONE were the best releases in '93! I don't have "Rock The House" or "And In This Corner" though 'cause I can't really find them anywhere. :sad6: Among the solo Big Will joints "Big Willie Style" reigns supreme, it's a well balanced and versatile album from start to finish like all of his albums but this one stands out the most, the one thing that makes JJFP so great is that all their albums sound different, unlike a lot of hip-hop artists today that make all their albums sound so similiar(partically today's pop rappers) and I expect the new album to have a different flava from any other album that we've heard in the past.
  13. I wanted to bring back this quote from Chuck D that I put here last week that explains why hip-hop is the way it is now: "MUSIC… The music biz is prehistoric in their handling of art. Lawyers and accountants are holding on to the old way because it pays their craft forever well. The 12-track album format is over. Seriously, when was the last time you named more than 3-4 cuts off any album? Hype has ruled in convincing the public that these albums are just that. Truly we are, and have been, in a singles market, only based on the popularity, or politics, pushing the play of the single/video. Twelve cuts? A waste of yours, and our time, only contractually warranted so retail can sell you a $1.00 CD for $11.99. It's not the artist's fault; it's just that there's more product out there. Don't make the mistake of comparing DR. DRE'S CHRONIC and 2001 albums. It's impossible because of two different ways and eras of listening. When was the last time you played a cut all the way through, not pressing the next track seek button? Technology has allowed this way of quickly moving through an album without even hearing the hook/chorus, thus people have collections of CDs in their crib that they've hardly heard but had to have, based on marketing."
  14. Thats because alot more people wanna listen and support Eminem rather than those mentioned artists! Its all about supply and demand.
  15. I found this over at talibkweli.com Talib Kweli Working hard from 9 to 5 everyday but you’re thinking there has got to be more to life? Check out Talib Kweli’s ode to hard workers everywhere in his new video “I Try” (featuring Mary J. Blige) and meet this artist as he talks with fans about his new CD “This Beautiful Struggle.” ©MSN Live. Edited for clarity. May not be copied or reprinted without permission. Originally Webcast November 17, 2004 Digital Dish Diva says: Welcome to MSN Live. This afternoon we are pleased to welcome recording artist Talib Kweli to MSN Live. Talib's latest album is "The Beautiful Struggle." Talib Kweli says: Hi y'all! How ya doin? Thanks for participating. ceasar1096 in Onstage_1 asks: What is your booklist? Your rhymes show you must read a lot. QuestAries4 in Onstage_1 asks: What authors do you read? Talib Kweli says: I don't read as much as I would like to. But nowadays I find myself reading the books your average business traveler would read like "Angels and Demons" and "The Alchemist." KlvnBrks in Onstage_1 asks: What was the premise for the "I Try" video? Talib Kweli says: That this kid loves hip hop so much and he wants to find his way in hip hop. It's about his struggle and the kid that is the main character ends up being the engineer for the session of the song. Tehnic_Natural in Onstage_1 asks: Talib how are u brother? I am From Romania and I like your music. Man is really good!!! Talib Kweli says: Thank you. quintillions in Onstage_1 asks: What inspired the title of your album? Talib Kweli says: It was something Mos Def used to say a lot, "You can't appreciate beautify unless you've been through some sort of struggle." roltrane in Onstage_1 asks: This is the first work without Mos Def. Is this because he was busy with his own new album? Talib Kweli says: You can look for new Blackstar stuff on my new mix tape. ahahahahaahahah in Onstage_1 asks: What are some tips you can give an aspiring artist like myself to improve his lyric-writing ability? Talib Kweli says: Pay attention to all forms of hip hop and get to as many live shows as possible. roltrane in Onstage_1 asks: A while back on MTV, before your tour, the Beasties were asked what artist they currently dug, the mentioned you. Who are you keeping on eye on as another artist? Talib Kweli says: Jean Grae, Wordsworth, Ghost Face, Ceelo and De Le Soul has a great new album out. aLgOrItHmz in Onstage_1 asks: What's good Talib? Man I like your style, ever since I picked up you album reflection internally I've been hooked. What inspired you on this album.? Talib Kweli says: The music I picked and the city I live in are my biggest inspirations on this album. roltrane in Onstage_1 asks: Children, love are themes you always talk about. How do you balance life on the road with having children? Talib Kweli says: I just try as hard as possible, It's hard to find a balance. I try to see them as much as possible when I'm at home. THEGREAT80 in Onstage_1 asks: What's your thoughts on some of the underground artists you work with such as phil, krondon, monch and what's your thoughts on the retirement of Masta-ace? Talib Kweli says: Look out for Phil Da Agony's new album. Strongarm is my family when I'm on the West Coast. I think Masta-ace's new album is great. mathuskript in Onstage_1 asks: Kweli this is mathuskript from Detroit, Mi. My question for you is do you have an artist that is not in the hip hop culture you are a fan of Talib Kweli says: Thousands! I'm a fan of music, hip hop or not. mesarule in Onstage_1 asks: Talib, I know this may sound strange, but are you ready to help save this generation?-U.S. Indiana Talib Kweli says: No, the generation has to save itself. I am by no means anybody's savior. RoscoesHouseofChicken in Onstage_1 asks: Do you have any European or Asian tour dates coming up? Talib Kweli says: I'm leaving on the 21st to tour two weeks in Europe with Kanye West and then two weeks with the Beastie Boys leg of their European tour after Kanye. vicious82c10 in Onstage_1 asks: How do you feel about being on the cover of a magazine that combines hip hop and electronic music? Would you ever perform at an event that mixes the two? Talib Kweli says: That's the third time I've been on the cover and I feel the same way I always do. I'll perform if they pay me to come. talibkweli08222 in Onstage_1 asks: If you could work with an artist who's passed away, who would it be? Talib Kweli says: Bob Marley. ?????v??????s???ll?a?? in Onstage_1 asks: Have you found it hard to "keep it real" with your newly acquired fame? Talib Kweli says: No. Whatever "keep it real" means. ahahahahaahahah in Onstage_1 asks: What do you feel is the best rhyme scheme when writing a heart-felt or lyrical potential song? Talib Kweli says: Rhyme schemes are infinite. You can use whatever comes to your mind. trainOFthought04 in Onstage_1 asks: What is your favorite song on the new album? Talib Kweli says: Probably the title track. Los83 in Onstage_1 asks: Who has inspired your life the most? Talib Kweli says: My parents. Los83 in Onstage_1 asks: What are things that inspire Talib Kweli? Talib Kweli says: Inspiration can come from anywhere at anytime. WuGambino16 in Onstage_1 asks: when does The Beautiful Mixtape 2 drop? Talib Kweli says: In a couple of weeks. pittjohnstownkwelifan in Onstage_1 asks: When are you gonna make it back to Pennsylvania? Talib Kweli says: You need to get with your concert promoter in your city and have them get with Blacksmith and I'll go anywhere. Talib Kweli says: You can contact CAA to get me to your city. Los83 in Onstage_1 asks: I'm curious, you seem to rap about faith a great deal. Are you a man of faith and if so how does that affect your life? Talib Kweli says: I rap about faith a lot because out of all the questions, that's the most important question, the one with yourself. My relationship with God is rewarding and personal. QuestAries4 in Onstage_1 asks: What's you're style? I mean clothing Talib Kweli says: I like hot sh*t. lameckious in Onstage_1 asks: Nice show in Montreal Talib. I'm all the way from Kenya Africa living here. I know you went to South Africa. Thinking of going back to other countries in Africa? Talib Kweli says: Thank you for the love. I didn't think my show in Montreal was the best. I would love to go to Africa again and I plan to go as soon as possible. RoscoesHouseofChicken in Onstage_1 asks: Do you plan on acting like Mos Def has? Talib Kweli says: If someone offers me a script. talibkweli08222 in Onstage_1 asks: Will the song "Supreme" be on the new mixtape? Talib Kweli says: Yes. pittjohnstownkwelifan in Onstage_1 asks: How old were you when you first met Mos Def? Talib Kweli says: 14. Pretty_Tony225 in Onstage_1 asks: Who was your biggest influence in the rap game? Talib Kweli says: My three earliest influences were Ice Cube, KRS-One and Q-Tip. ceasar1096 in Onstage_1 asks: What made you sample the Beatles for your new album? Talib Kweli says: Charlemagne gave me the beat. I didn't use it for a while because I was scared of the sample but it was too dope to pass up. crazy_legs08 in Onstage_1 asks: Hi. How do you like your new album and working with Jay-Z? love you, baby Talib Kweli says: Jay is a true hip hop fan and a real professional and it was an honor and a pleasure. trainOFthought04 in Onstage_1 asks: Do you prefer the studio or the road? Talib Kweli says: Music is better live, but traveling becomes hard sometimes. trainOFthought04 in Onstage_1 asks: How have your kids affected your life? Talib Kweli says: They are my inspiration and my reward at the same time. ceasar1096 in Onstage_1 asks: Which album do you think is your best album? Talib Kweli says: Probably "Reflections Eternal." vicious82c10 in Onstage_1 asks: Do you have any organizations that you have set up or are a part of that can help our communities? Talib Kweli says: I'm working with the Malcolm X Grassroots movement but I'm not a member of any organization. Talib Kweli says: Prisoners of Conscious committee. quintillions in Onstage_1 asks: Do you meditate? StL,MO Talib Kweli says: Sure. It may not be your definition of meditation, but I guess. Digital Dish Diva says: What is your next video? Talib Kweli says: I don't know. What would you all suggest? Kingse7en in Onstage_1 asks: How have your parents and grandparents affect your music and decisons Talib Kweli says: My parents taught me early not to take things at face value and that allowed me to question and explore everything in front of me so it let me have the power to make informed decisions. lionstrong52 in Onstage_1 asks: How can we as individuals in these troubled times, make others aware that all religions are equally significant and that their are vital lessons to learn from all walks of life? Thank you Talib for blessing us with your words and heart album after album. Talib Kweli says: Respect everyone's faith and look for things in people's faces that are similar to celebrate the similarities rather than differences. Blackstar_04 in Onstage_1 asks: What can we expect from you in the future? Talib Kweli says: More music, just trying to be better at it. Digital Dish Diva says: Thanks to Talib Kweli for dropping by MSN Live. Pick up his album "The Beautiful Struggle" today. Talib Kweli says: I wish I had time to answer everyone's question. I appreciate everyone riding with me through it. I will try and do this more often so I can answer more questions. I was hoping to participate in this chat but I was working when it went down! :bang:
  16. I think the Blazers need to get Vince Carter to compete in the West 'cause there's so many good teams there but in the East Conf. there's more teams rebuilding with young talent so the Raptors wanna trade Vince Carter so that they could play their younger players, it'd be good trade for both teams, let's wait and see how it goes down.
  17. I'm starting to understand now why Kanye said that Mase is his favorite rapper of all time 'cause he's acting just as stupid as Mase is, Mase is now a minister that now fronts with jewlery in videos with P.Diddy! :nhawong: I don't see KRS-ONE or MC Hammer flashing ice in their videos 'cause they're true ministers that know about more important things in life than materials, we should be looking up to them more instead of Kanye West and Mase. :ditto:
  18. :werd: I think that it's wack when you walk in a music shop they have a million Eminem and other pop rappers CDs in stock, but they don't have any of JJFP's albums, KRS-ONE's albums, or Big Daddy Kane's albums, that's what pisses me off 'cause I don't feel like wasting my money on Eminem or them other pop rappers. :bang:
  19. :werd: He's turnin' out to be selfish as Jay-Z is, he's turning out to be a hypocrite 'cause he sounded so humble in "Jesus Walks" but then turns out to do those things! :nhawong: I never heard Will complain when "Born To Reign" didn't go platinum 'cause he could deal wit it, you can't have success all the time, Kanye West should be happy that "Jesus Walks" got airplay 'cause most rappers that make conscious rap don't get airplay, (what about Talib Kweli, Common, The Roots, and KRS-ONE?) but I don't see them complaining about that either!
  20. That's the problem that hip-hop has You gotta do more than watch "106&Park" to hear hot raps 'Cause they don't play anything from KRS-ONE, Talib Kweli, or Nas But that doesn't mean that they ain't hot Or they don't get props 'Cause true fans like me go and support when their albums drop So it doesn't matter if you're platinum or not Besides JJFP's been there and already done that At a time when having a platinum album was a hard task Now in '04 these pop rappers can't ever blast Since we don't pay attention to Nas when he says it's 'bout "Bridgin' The Gap" When we don't go link today's present wit the past And the game will continue to stay down If we don't respect the soul of the game that was motivated by records from James Brown
  21. Hey I'm listening to that song at the moment too! :cya:
  22. I think FP is a great actor but I think his acting career has been and will continue overshadow his hip-hop career, if he continues to do more films than albums/tours, what's wrong with him going back to being known as Fresh Prince at 40, when we see a lot of ol' school mcs keeping their mc names, I don't think we call LL Cool J James T. Smith, I don't think we call KRS-ONE Kris Parker, and we don't see people calling Slick Rick Rick Walters, and so on, when u say Will Smith that sounds like an actor's name, every mc has a name, even my mc name is Big Ted and not my real name, Fresh Prince is an mc's name, and he doesn't make kiddy rap, he makes rap for all people to enjoy, young and old, black and white or whatever race, etc.
  23. If u have respect for the ol' school mc legends You'd noticed that there are many albums better than Jay-Z's "The Blueprint" And there are many mc's catalogs deeper than Eminem's Record sales ain't the equilvalent for a great lyricist 'Cause you have to be able to put on a show Even if JJFP's career sales were low Their creativity will still be known By those who love real hip-hop from the heart And don't feel shocked over the pop charts When those mcs we love who sell the least bring the hottest charge
  24. That's immature, there's a lot of great mcs in hip-hop that never won AMAs, Grammys, or MTV awards, he should take his loss like a man! :ditto:
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