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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by bigted

  1. How about if they start touring when "Switch" drops would that be a good idea? What about all the people that bought a JJFP album, they wouldn't go to the show just to hear the old school tracks? These are not new artists, they already have plenty of hits under their belts already and are household names in hip-hop, so I'm sure fans would be interested in seeing them, it's kinda sad that they haven't toured since the late '80s, maybe that's why they lost a lot of ol' school fans! :sad6:
  2. What's up y'all so who's gonna win? :dunno: I don't usually watch much baseball until around the playoffs, my favorite team the Mets are out of it, I think the Red Sox will finally win the World Series for the 1st time since 1918, they lost to the Mets in 1986, I was only a year old so I don't remember that! :lolsign:
  3. Yeah, no more Born To Reigns. There is STILL no excuse 4 how poorly it sold. It may have been an experimental album, but that's no excuse 4 it 2 at least go platnium. It's up 2 us 2 get the word out there, pick the album up the week it drops, and try 2 keep people from uploading/downloading the album. "Born To Reign" shoulda gone platinum but Jazzy Jeff's mixtapes should go platinum too 'cause he's a legendary DJ and veteran mcs like KRS-ONE should go platinum too 'cause they're still in the game and deserve the recognition rather than a lot of these cats in hip-hop that're going platinum making CDs with no heart, I wouldn't be surprised if Will never goes platinum again not 'cause his skills are falling but it'll be 'cause people like garbage music these days, how many hip-hop CDs in this decade that went platinum are great? :dunno: In order to go platinum you have to promote prostitution, drugs, greed, and gangs to make your album appealing, people don't buy that much hip-hop that has a positive message only Nas and LL Cool J are going platinum by rapping with heart but barely platinum unlike those ignorant mcs(no need to name them) are going multiplatinum with no heart and talk about killing their wives, hip-hop was created originally to clean up the streets, we should be rapping about stopping prostitution, drugs, greed, and gangs, not making it sound cool! :what: What's out there these days is polluting the streets! :sad6: That's why most hip-hop with heart doesn't go #1 on the charts anymore! It's like what I said on my song "Dark Ages Of Hip-Hop" "Uh, Uh, hip-hop lost it's head Too much pop s**t That's we gotta stop again Few wanna stop it And plenty don't just plot hits Many performers are knocked with the gimmick Taken over from them industry heads Who wanna just bust elementary lyrics With more imagery pics Taken the place with filthy graphics What kind of great generation are we livin' in? When controversy outsells talent!" "Code Red" and "Born To Reign" are still great albums even though they didn't go platinum but they're not the only albums in hip-hop history that were slept on, a lot of great albums right now are being sleep on and FP should do a tour whether the album sells a lot or not 'cause he owes it to the fans, we still show him love! :ditto:
  4. :werd: That's true, record companies end up making more money than the artists do, that's why DMX retired from rapping and is doing movies too, you can't make a luxurious living being a rap artist like you could from being an actor, you only get 1 million instead of 10(I'd take 1 million in a heartbeat though, damn :lolsign: ) but FP was already a millionaire before he started acting so he doesn't need the money and he also said "Movies are just a chick on the side, I'm in love wit the flow", I'm starting to think it's the opposite now! :what: :sad6: People just think of FP as a Hollywood actor and are forgetting that he's a legendary mc, he needs to put more focus on hip-hop again! :bang:
  5. How is it that he never won an Oscar yet, every movie he does goes to #1? :dunno: Hopefully Will's movie success will lead to more multiplatinum CDs! It's great that FP doing all these great movies but I want to hear more rhymes from him, he's been dropping about 2 hit movies each year since 2000, but only one album so far, what's up with that?!! :ditto:
  6. I agree with that point Jazzy Jeff made about hip-hop now: "Hmm… I’d say hip-hop isn’t as good as it used to be to me. The appeal is a lot broader now, and hip-hop is all over the world which is a beautiful thing. I just think the commercialism has really been a real blow to hip-hop."
  7. Hopefully none until he releases a few more albums, I can hold on a few years watching his DVDs but I don't think I could hold on a few more years waiting for a new CD, I'm more of a music fan than a movie fan! :dj:
  8. :werd: Me too, NJ Rebel in the house! :lolsign:
  9. It was a fun battle but ain't battles that we vote on supposed to be fun too? :dunno: I enjoyed myself doing it more than any other battle and I don't see how anyone could find it boring 'cause the battle stayed entertaining, I was actually hoping that more would get involved, it's just like a party when everyone gets on and rocks the mic. It was a lot of fun coming here everyday and reading everyone's freestyles and replying! Why didn't you post a freestyle Da Brakes? I just wanted to see some feedback on the battle, thanks for reading FreshPrnceChrming, and thanks for the feedback Julie, I'm not gonna force anyone to vote if you don't wanna, it's all good.
  10. :werd: It's been a great year but Jazzy Jeff still doesn't get the props that he deserves, a lot of people don't pay attention to his albums like they do to Will's albums and movies but his talent and desire is just as strong and Will wouldn't be successful without him, they're hip-hop's Jordan and Pippen! It's amazing how a lot of veteran artists have more hunger to succeed than a lot of younger artists coming out now have, you gotta give it up to these veterans 'cause they inspire me the most! :bowdown:
  11. :werd: I agree with you on this battle not being organized but if we all took the time and patience into participating, we should take the time to read through and vote, it's only fair! Well if doing this battle was a waste of time then I'm not gonna be in the next battle if nobody pays attention to it 'cause i don't wanna feel like i'm wasting my time, I have nothing to prove, if you wanna battle me anyday I'll battle you, it's not like I only rap every few months like some of y'all here, I take pride in what I do!
  12. Sorry guys but I don't want to apart of this album, maybe if we do another album I might be a part of it 'cause I wanna use my own beats when I learn how to make 'em, I don't feel like taking someone elses beat for my 1st songs recorded! Nothing against anyone here but that's how I feel and I wish y'all the best of luck.
  13. Nah, it ain't going down like that, there's too much favortism on this board and that needs to stop! :bang: Everyone replies to one person's topic on the forum and the others get ignored! If nobody votes for this, I won't be posting too many more rhymes here 'cause I won't waste my time posting if nobody pays attention to me. I don't want people voting for me because they like me, I want them to vote for me because I have hot verses and it should be the same reason if you decide to vote for Joe, we want respect! :ditto:
  14. Wow this is some great news for a change after all this drama on the board! :thumb:
  15. :werd: That's a great point! There's one problem with that though, how can every child get proper education if schools are overcrowded and how can everyone make a poper living if there's not enough jobs out there for everyone, what do you do then? :dunno: As foul as it is some people have no choice but to sell drugs, go in gangs, or even go in prostitution, because they're trying to make a living and that shouldnt be happening, but that's reality, you can't tell me that doesn't happen! :what: The point is that people could do so much but we need proper leadership in government to lend a helping hand as well, and I wasn't tryin' to just say black people could be leaders but we deserve as much of an opportunity as anyone else, if this nation's such a democracy like they claim to be there shouldn't be discrimination, but we see it all the time, women getting paid less than men for the same job, minorities that're qualified for a high position get denied, so we have a war of our own here in America, we seem divided in many ways still believe it or not, the rich hang with the rich and the poor hangs with the poor, all these people with money and power that own buisinesses should help the poor out a lil' bit by giving 'em jobs so then they can help themselves make it!
  16. How could that be possible? :scared2: I could never picture that from him! :dunno:
  17. So nobody else thinks that it's funny that this was brought up right after KRS-ONE was honored on VH1, they obviously regretted that they put him on there, so they plant this story to make him sound like a terrorist. The mainstream did the same thing to 2Pac when they labeled him a thug that makes negative music, they obviously don't like it when a black man tells the truth, but black people would make better presidents since we know what adversity is and they're afraid of that 'cause the schemes of corporate America would falter and the streets will finally get cleaned up 'cause we would go and personally make something happen there not just bull**** like most polticians do, Hip-Hop is music about the streets, people don't like it when we curse and talk about gangs in songs but that's what we see everyday and they wanna shut us down because their Gated community is perfect and free of drugs, crime, and poverty! But like PE said "It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back"! :werd: I don't care who agrees with me, I'm just speaking my mind here, we need to pay more attention to leaders like KRS-ONE and stop focusing time on mindless pop rappers like you know who! :ditto:
  18. De La Soul has a new album? :dunno:
  19. Why would Prince wanna delete the forum, he's the moderator of the forum, it doesn't make sense?!
  20. FP's a legend 'cause he keeps evolving as an artist, I like Born To Reign a lot, but a lot of great albums get slept on 'cause the mainstream likes mostly trash, I'm not saying any of FP's albums are trash though 'cause he's been consistant, but I appreciate his new stuff a lot 'cause he's pushing the envelope and that's what makes a great artist!
  21. the mainstream hip-hop now is just like politics, I don't buy into it too much anymore, you see it's too predictable, no artist wants to push the envelope anymore, they wanna do the same ol' booty shakin' hoe videos to get airplay while artists like KRS-ONE, Public Enemy, Talib Kweli, Common, The Roots, etc. speaks their minds and express themselves with creativity get no airplay! :bang: As an inspiring 19-year old mc, I'd rather be underground and not sell much at all then sell out my soul to make a hit! The essence of hip-hop started on the underground in the '70s and is there today, 99% mainstream hip-hop is trash(except rappers like LL, FP, and Kanye West), I personally listen to mostly ol' school and underground hip-hop these days, the only 2004 albums I bought were "Hip-Hop Forever Vol.1" by Jazzy Jeff and "Definition" by LL Cool J! :dj:
  22. The problem is that most of these people that run for political office are people that always lived in a Gated neighborhood where there's no drugs, poverty, or gangs, and had their parents hand everything to them, so they never had to work for anything, they go to the best schools, live in the best houses, and hang around a bunch of snobby rich people that run buisiness, so they don't know how to relate to the average man or woman who has to struggle to make ends meet, possibly hear gunshots everynight, and possibly even have to sell crack when they can't find a job in their neighborhood they don't wanna do it but they gotta survive, life's a bitch, but a lot of politicans act like everything's perfect when they know that it's not! :ditto:
  23. I agree with what KRS says about certain rap artists going on TV and saying that we should go out and vote when they're doing booty shaking for the last 4 years and not making one intelligent rap single for the radio, for example P. Diddy and Nelly are just doing that for record sales! :nhawong: I really think that rappers like KRS or Chuck D would make good presidents for America, but people won't take them serious because they're black and they don't like that they're telling the truth like Malcolm X and Martin Luther King did. On 9/11, if planes hit the projects of Brooklyn where mostly blacks and puerto ricans live instead of The Twin Towers, mainstream wouldn't have made that big of deal about it, but it happened in a corporate America area in the World Trade Center, tragedies happen everyday not just on 9/11, but if it doesn't happen in a corporate area, they won't emphasise about it, there are gang wars all the time going on in the streets where drug dealers kill each other but they don't emphasise on that 'cause it isn't happening in front of the President's house, that's wrong, everyone's life is important and we should not forget about anyone that dies, no matter if it's in the White House or the projects! If Bush had homeland security when he heard about the terroist threat before 9/11 since he knew about it already it wouldn't have happened, if you do a crappy job, you're gonna pay for it, Bush created this mess and hasn't cleaned it up since then! :bang: KRS-ONE did care about what happened in 9/11, he made a song called "Tears", check out the lyrics for this if u never did before: {Ain't no need in all the tears, oh no no, yeah yeah Yeah cause things will be better tomorrow} [Chorus: repeat 2X *sung*] No need for tears, no need to cry No matter what we face, we shall get by When the problems you face are too much to bear Know I'll be there [KRS-One] Hold that head up y'all, don't get fed up y'all C'mon let's get up y'all Make that bed up y'all, life is a set-up y'all Sadness comes from a lack of knowin, not knowin where the one that you love is goin We all gonna reap what we all are sewin There is no death, just constant growin We can't stay here forever We all gotta go to a place we believe is better So why be sad, why be mad Now you can see it ain't about the cheddar It's all about the time that we spend together Not the rhyme or the crime or the Gucci sweater The house that's built on a rock can stand the weather Faith, can stand the weather But is your house, upon the rock Or is it on sand and about to drop Here is the question that you got to ask Do I live for today or do I live for the past? Think fast, but do not hurry Life is a class and we should not worry But tell me, how long you gonna ignore Tell me how long you gonna ignore God's law? How long can you really endure Livin like pimps, livin like whores The choice is yours, or really ours Think about this while you lay the flowers on the grave, uh, let's talk about how you behave, uh Do you come out the neighb' or out the cave? Better change your ways, we comin up on some stranger days [Chorus] [KRS-One] Uhh, uhh Don't step where the danger lays or danger lies Open them EYES UP, better to RISE UP, WISE UP Raise your MINDS UP Look to the left, look to the right Pray in the day and the night Be prepared for the fight, not scared of the fight He's the way, the truth AND the light J to the E to the S to the U to the S You can remove the stress Yes, we do need you here Yes, we wanna be free from fear Yes, we wanna start seein clear Havin you here, not over there Lookin around sayin where, does anybody care? Yeah, I'll be there At the door, not at the war At Matthew 5:44 "But I say, unto you Love your enemies, bless them that curse you Do good to them that hate you And pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you" This goes for them terrorists too But them publicans, done put themSELVES up above again Lookin for blood again, hate no love again Got them soldiers runnin in, with a gun again With a ton of sin, in a holy war, how we gonna win? I think it's time for KRS-One again [Chorus] - repeat 2X [KRS-One] The time is now, you gotta make your choice Which side are you on? Turn now to Matthew 5:46 "For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? Do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your breddern only, what do ye more than others do not even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect; even as your FATHER which is in heaven, is perfect.." {*echoes*} It's obvious that there's prejudice on KRS 'cause this article comes out right after he was honored the other day on VH1, they don't want people who discovered KRS for the 1st time the other night to go out and buy his albums, so they plant this story! :werd:
  24. Hell no this was taken outta context! He made a tribute to 9/11 victims with a song called "So Many Tears" in 2002, the mainstream didn't talk about that though, they just want to see KRS-ONE fall because of one statement 'cause racism still exists! He responded back this morning in an interview on UndergroundHip-Hop.com about what he meant by that statement! KRS-ONE’S RESPONSE TO THE DAILY NEWS "Like everyone I was shocked to read that I and other African-Americans actually “cheered when 911 happened” and that I have “declared my solidarity with Al Qaeda”. When I read my words taken out of context I was shocked and disappointed that the Daily News would go this far to assassinate my character and distort my views. Such statements with no follow up explanation or interview from KRS-ONE as to what he may have meant or even a complete quote of my point is simply irresponsible journalism on the Daily News’ part. I would never just say something as crazy as “we cheered when 911 happened!” I was making an objective point about how many Hiphoppas as well as the oppressed peoples of the world felt that day. I am a philosopher and a critical thinker, I speak truth and I urge people to think critically about themselves and their environment. Yes, my words are strong. Yes, my views are controversial. But to call me a terrorist is simply wrong! A young lady asked about what we can do beyond voting to change the political state of things in our country? I responded not by irresponsibly stating that “America has to commit suicide if the world is to be a better place” and that’s all. I am a poet and I speak poetically. My full statement was “America has to commit suicide if the world is to be a better place. If you want to go beyond voting American interests must put a gun to its head and commit suicide because as long as we are only interested in American interests we go out and invade the rest of the world. The real question is are you a citizen of the United States or are you a citizen of the world? And so for me, I would say voting in a corrupt society adds more corruption.” I was asked by the New Yorker magazine to discuss “different and personal beliefs musicians hold and the contribution artists like myself can make to the nation’s political dialog”. My views were indeed different and most were personal. However, when I was asked about why Hiphop has not engaged the current situation more (meaning 911) my responds was “because it does not affect us, or at least we don’t perceive that it effects us, 911 happened to them”. I went on to say that “I am speaking for the culture now; I am not speaking my personal opinion”. I continued to say; “911 effected them down the block; the rich, the powerful those that are oppressing us as a culture. Sony, RCA or BMG, Universal, the radio stations, Clear Channel, Viacom with BET and MTV, those are our oppressors those are the people that we’re trying to overcome in Hiphop everyday, this is a daily thing. We cheered when 911 happened in New York and say that proudly here. Because when we were down at the trade center we were getting hit over the head by cops, told that we can’t come in this building, hustled down to the train station because of the way we dressed and talked, and so on, we were racially profiled. So, when the planes hit the building we were like; mmmm justice.” And just as I began to say “now of course a lot of our friends and family were lost there as well” but I was interrupted. My intent is never to demean or disrespect anyone’s loss or gain; and of course I did not literally “cheer when 911 happened”. I made an objective statement about the feelings of those who were oppressed by world trade policies. I was just as saddened as everyone else on 911. However, for many of us that were racially profiled and harassed by the World’s Trade Center’s security and the police patrolling that area as well as the thousands of American protesters that spoke out against the World Trade Organization months before in Seattle, Washington there was a sense of justice, a sense of change, a wake up call watching the twin towers fall. These are not my views only; these views represent a popular truth that few people are really ready to hear. No one wished death on anyone or just sat and “cheered when 911 happened”. But some of us can see through the bull****! America must change its approach to the world and its citizens. This, I believe is what all Americans should be thinking about. How do we make our country better? For years my career has been one of promoting peace, love, unity and having fun; such has always been Hiphop’s cultural principles. So how all of a sudden now can I be aligned with Al Qaeda? What happened to honest debate and freedom of speech! I don’t speak for the African American community exclusively, I speak for HIPHOP! And let me be clear here; most of the Hiphop community is against the war in Iraq! But to align me with Al Qaeda is clearly an attempt by the Daily News to interrupt the street voice of our Hiphop community, KRS-ONE’s leadership and the increased momentum of our Hiphop political movement. I don’t think Al Qaeda needs my solidarity nor did I ever offer it, so what’s the point. For a major news organization to now align KRS-ONE with Al Qaeda shows the unwarranted contempt that such an organization has for me. Such is grounds for a law suit! Finally, no one should ever believe anything that the one-sided Daily News has to say about the same Hiphop community that it (the Daily News) has tried so desperately to undermine for years. The only thing the Daily News seems to be interested in is scandal and controversy and for years I have challenged the Daily News on its depictions of Rap artists and Hiphop as a whole. I know they don’t like me. However, I don’t give a ---- either! They never cover our efforts toward peace and all the charitable work we do within the Hiphop community. They never air our grievances or how we feel about the state of the world, nor have they ever aired our views on America’s invasion of Iraq simply because they just don’t want to hear them. The Hiphop community forces America to look at itself; and no one likes to take b.l.a.m.e. for their own for immaturity Because Looking At Me ain’t Easy! For the record, I am an American philosopher. I speak and seek truth. If the slander that the Daily News has printed regarding my political views has disrespectfully offended anyone in any way I truly apologize. Again, it was never my or Hiphop’s intent to disregard, disrespect or demean the tragedy of September 11th 2001 and those that died that day. However, we do have a voice and a point of view and if you are not prepared to hear what Hiphop has to say about its view of world events then don’t ask!" Fight the power KRS! :ditto:
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