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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by bigted

  1. i'm feeling these battles
  2. LL Cool J Feat. 50 Cent, Lloyd Banks, and Hot Rod "Freeze"(Remix)
  3. Ronald Isley "No More", I like this "Mr. I" CD, the younger singers need to take lessons from this master 'ause he still got it
  4. I got the "Freakin' It" CD single recently and I agree that the lyrics on that tracks are some great quotables for hip hop heads but the production held it back, I like the house version much better, that shoulda been the original version and it'd been more of a hit.... As far as other songs I used to think "Maybe" was a kinda soft song for me but now that I've been getting closer to this girl I went to high school with it don't seem so soft anymore, haha... Most here mentioned the songs already that I'm not really into, I agree that Columbia did the most part of ruining Will's image as an mc, the singles are clearly the worst songs on the solo albums, although I did like "Switch" from "lost and found" but even that album had stronger songs to be singles but that's the state of the music industry
  5. One student has died and four students were injured after they were shot in the cafeteria at Chardon High School in northeastern Ohio on Monday morning by what law enforcement officials said was a lone gunman now in police custody. The gunman fled the high school building but was captured by the police nearby, reported John Horton for The Plain Dealer in Cleveland. He said a teacher had witnessed the shooting and chased the gunman, who escaped the building before he was caught. Video of the suspect’s arrest was captured by a Cleveland television station, WKYC, which is providing live coverage. Parents descended on the school grounds after many were notified of the shooting via text messages from their children. The Plain Dealer reported that one parent, Jeannette Roth, said her son had told her the shooting took place in the cafeteria while the students were having breakfast. Ms. Roth said a boy suddenly “stood up and started shooting, and then it was chaos.” Students in the cafeteria fled to classrooms that were locked for safety. The school remained on lock-down until around 8:30 a.m., when students began evacuating to a nearby elementary school. Family members were instructed to meet their children. A local television reporter at the scene interviewed a grandfather who was picking up his grandson. Local reports say some of the injured students were evacuated to hospitals in Cleveland. At a noon press conference, authorities said that one of the injured children had died. The extent of the injuries of the four other students is not known at this time. The F.B.I. is now on the scene, assisting local law enforcement officials. Prayers for victims of school shooting in Chardon. So sad. — Jennifer Reece (@JAReece) February 27, 2012 A local Baptist church is organizing a community prayer vigil this evening, according to a Twitter post by The News-Herald. Prayer vigil set for tonight at First Baptist Church of Painesville following shooting at Chardon High bit.ly/ABs345 — NH Crime and Fire (@NHCrimeandFire) February 27, 2012 Gov. John R. Kasich issued a statement Monday morning. “Please join me in praying for the students who’ve been injured in this horrible crime,” he said. “Praise goes to the Chardon Police and Geauga County Sheriff’s office for quickly getting this situation under control. I’ve pledged Ohio’s full support to them, the school and the local community in this difficult time.” LL Cool J's "Homicide" song comes to my mind when he says "I don't mean this in a disrespectful way/But Columbine happens in the ghetto everyday/when the s*** goes down y'all ain't got nothing to say", this is just another sad reality, the violence needs to stop:
  6. speaking of heavy d tributes, check out this dope mixtape i found just now: http://www.livemixtapes.com/mixtapes/15453/the_peaceful_journey_a_tribute_to_heavy_d.html
  7. the problem with krs-one is that he's actually so damn intelligent that he seems to go over everyone's head, he releases classic material at such a frequent pace that the industry doesn't know how to comprehend it, he's just the man period!
  8. hey tim does he have a website or a facebook page?
  9. Radio DJs need to stop sleeping at the wheel and start playing real tracks like this instead of the garbage they play, peeps need this edutainment in their life
  10. Nah I'm with you AJ, Vinnie's a dope mc, he shoulda been on the album a lil' more often but I finally got the CD today and I'm enjoying it very much, it feels good to see classic hip hop is still around in 2012, in fact there's a lot of classic hip hop and r&b artists still doing the damn thing in the '11-12, makes me feel like '93-94 again, it'd be better if they all started getting major airplay like back then, maybe when JJFP drop their album things will come around like that again, "God Is Us" and "2012" by KRS-ONE are 2 of hip hop's deepest tracks since FP put out "Tell Me Why" with Mary J. Blige and LL put out "Mr. President" with Wyclef Jean, btw here's this great Naughty By Nature interview I found tonight: http://planetill.com/2011/12/naughty-by-nature-the-definitive-interview/
  11. This is pure genius, it inspired me to write a verse about 2012 as well this morning, I've been listening to this track nonstop since I got this new KRS CD "The BDP Album" in the mail yesterday, ain't none of today's young rappers dropping this much knowledge, even J. Cole can't top this, KRS is still hip hop elite in 2012 baby!!!: http://rapgenius.com/Krs-one-aztechnical-lyrics Verse One: If you don't like what you wearing, you get a different look You wanna escape Armageddon, read a different book When knowledge is right there, we don't even look December 2012 got this whole world shook But look, the last days for others are the first days for us The question to ask is who can you trust Respect to all that 2012 stuff But when you really study it it's fear, it don't apply to us Yo, Hollywood lies to us, all day The question is what does your culture say Where's your culture at? Who's your prophet? What history guides your spiritual logic? It starts with a story, then it's hypnotic Then any myth that comes along, you just adopted it Why? Because your culture, you forgot it December 2012, let's continue this topic Turn the page, the present world age Began 3114 BC According to the Mayan calendar, this age concludes December 21st 2012 AD This 5125 years cycle of calm is one world age Nothing changes overnight, it's all a process A transition, it happens over many days In the Mayan calculation a K'in, is one day The Mayan Winal, that's 20 days The Tun is 360 days A K'atun is 7200 days The B'ak'tun is 144,000 days And they applied that to the Milky Way In the cycles they saw the sun Moving across the Milky Way's equator Lining up with other galactic neighbors We've been shifting for 30 years it seems From 1980 to about 2016 The shift is now, it's occurring now But if you're learning from the movies you won't know how to survive Or stay alive after the storm Cause after that a new world order is born Oh, you don't know, man? About they programs? You still watching Lindsay, you don't see that low hand? Let go, man, the flood is coming Don't be scared, get prepared, keep your motor running Rock with me [Hook] Higher level [Verse 2] Yep, it's all mass control, here's the philosophy Cortés knew about the Aztec prophecy Before he invaded their society He studied their cultural psychology He knew they had armor, guns, and steeds So he arrived in the Aztec year 1-Reed That's the year Quetzalcoatl Was prophecized to return from exile in fact Cortés played out the Aztec myth And took away those people's will to resist Cortés played on religious beliefs And blinded the Aztecs, cause he was a thief Look, the Yucatan, that's a Mayan book of cycles It lets the Mayans know when the Gods are gonna strike you In fact, every 13 K'atuns you see The Mayans were visited with a catastrophe So every 200 and 56 or 7 years The Mayan people lived with this fear So on the island of Tayasal now Flores The Spanish came armed with this knowledge They knew according to the Mayan heavens That the next cycle was 1697 So as the Mayans stood there fixed on the heavens The Spanish showed up with all of their weapons March 13th, 1697 The Mayan people learned a terrible lesson Your fears and tears are used against you Cause 80% of world control is mental But back to the Mayans, they getting some more 257 years after Tayasal A US-backed coup overthrows their democracy in 1954 That's exactly 257 years from when the Spaniards arrived at their shores I'm getting to the core of the lesson Lets see what happens in 2211 That's the next cycle, that people remember Like 2012, the 21st of December The consciousness may shift, you may turn the light But you are the universe, you're gonna be alright The pole may shift, your soul may lift To higher consciousness but you know all this The Edutainment style will persist Forget the fear, it's knowledge that runs all this [Hook]
  12. what an amazing story, i remembering checking out that song when you posted, that must be a great feeling to see a friend have that much success...
  13. -I admit that I'm not really that big of a Whitney Houston so in all fairness I'm not passionately going to defend her the same way as when Michael Jackson and James Brown when everyone was digging through their pasts after they died, but I do have a memory of how her music inspired my life in a way that I'll never forget since it came at one of the darkest moments of my life...I remember when I got sick from a staph infection back in Feb. of 2007 and I had complications from a medication i was taking that nearly killed me and I ended up going to a rehab center since I was having nervous breakdowns from that experience, some of y'all who were on this board back during that time probably mentioning me discussing that in the "Prayer and Support Circle", coming to this board during that time was theraputic for me as well and it is now once again with my father having health issues at the moment....But anyway back to the link with Whitney Houston, there was a music activity I did with other people that were in the rehab center and we all sung "I'll Always Love You" and they told me that I have a great singing voice and that I should get a singing coach, that memory was very helpful for me to hold onto and recover what I was going through then and go through life now, so god bless Whitney Houston for that memory I have.... On that note, here's a short and special poem I just wrote to reflect on that time: Dear Ms. Houston I know I ain't really your biggest fan And I don't own many of your records But there's something that I'll never forget Back to the time in March of 2007 I was in a rehab center feeling sick I know if it wasn't for god, right now I'd be dead The world wouldn't no longer hear Big Ted We were doing an activity and your record was playing All singing along to your song I was told that I should get a singing coach "I'll Always Love You" gave me hope That's the power of music A major influence Right now your fans are feeling it So I pray over them While your resting in peace in heaven Your song gave me something I'll never forget And to all my family and friends "I'll Always Love You" until the end
  14. I agree about Chris Brown, I think he tries to overdo it a lot of times, his style is too popish for me, looking at some of those performances makes me sound like my parents when I say that the old school stuff is better, bring back the Fugees...
  15. LL's hosting, Charlie Wilson and R. Kelly are nominated in R&B, and the Etta James and Whitney Houston tributes should be good so I'll definately check for it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/54th_Grammy_Awards
  16. i was reading in an article that she didn't die drug related but people like me and most of us refer to how drugs really brought down her career, her voice on the recent music wasn't that same voice we all knew and loved, she was such a great talent, not many could hold a note like she did in her prime, i thought some of her songs were kinda boring though, not the greatest song maker in my opinion but "I'll Always Love You" was always a standout
  17. She died on my friend's birthday yesterday, sad to see how drugs ruined another great talent, may she rest in peace!
  18. Thanks for the support guys, "Freakin' It" got "Holla Back" on it which is the joint I always wanted for years, it reminds me of this girl I went to high school with that I always wanted her to "Holla Back" and we found each other online recently and we've been talking a lot lately so it might be "All Good" after haha, anyway "Freakin' It"(House Mix)is nice too, this should've been the original 'cause it would've been a bigger hit and I might even do something with that instrumental, lol, the "Will 2K" single got one of my favorites in "Just Cruisin'" and I've been listening to "Miami" a lil' more often lately 'cause I've been imagining a nice vacation coming after all this drama in my life, this girl I've been talking to a lot lately is planning on going to "Miami" soon for her birthday so maybe she'll let me go with her, haha, funny how much happiness 2 CDs that were less than $1 each could give somebody, it feels like I won the lotto!!
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSJWJOuY9gA boyz ii men cookin' it up motownphilly style baby!! Btw me and mama cooked chicken for dinner tonight too haha and I got that new cd from boyz ii men today too in the mail, i feel like it's 1995 all over again!! LOL, this is just what I needed to feel good after a long month of my life with papa sick, it's like god answered my prayers again with this great day...
  20. I did a lil' online shopping at amazon.com with some of the tax refund I received from filing my taxes online and I got those 2 singles from there on CD for under $1 for each one, it felt nice to get those singles since the only single I had on CD was "Just The Two Of Us" which always makes me and papa share some great memories and with him being sick right now I'm looking forward to these singles bringing some more confort! Just figured I'd let the JJFP.com fam know...
  21. anyway to give my peeps out there an update: this morning, the social worker called and told us that we're going to work with another social worker that's off right now until tuesday since "lincoln's birthday" is being observed so on tuesday we'll talk to her on the phone for scheduling another appointment at the house, god willing the appointment is sooner rather than later since there's a 100-day deadline right now with what his medicare will pay for at the rehab that he's staying at, the deadline comes on april 18th, time's starting to tick, it reminds me of this song i came across on a cassette tape i recorded from a cd i borrowed from the library back in 2003: tank's "race against time" remix feat. ja rule: i'd probably use that instrumental to sing out that "going for success" song that i shared with y'all, i recorded it accapella on my voice recorder i have, i got so many ideas right now, maybe i'll make an album out of this experience, i know i'll probably call it "new chapter" like i mentioned since my life has a new story to it, haha..
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