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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Chief

  1. roflmao............bwahhhhahahahhahahahhaahhahhahahhahahhahahha....oh ****.....bwhahahhahahhhahahhahahha
  2. wasnt near a cpu all day yesterday...
  3. if that was a slam max...that went right over my head...cuz i dont listen to 50 unlike you i see.
  4. yes i am married....and she is engaged.....i still can window shop..just cant buy...
  5. well my family has always been here..now get the hell off my land jackasses..:) oh..and VA..he meant peeps who actually moved in the here and now
  6. no biggy...i just found her story interesting...specially since it was her heritage that was being wiped out... what do you want to know..i may already know it.... oh..and my part timer is hot as hell..she is blonde,blue eye girl, but the kicker is, she is muslim...you would never picture her being muslim...she looks like she came right out of meinkompf...:)
  7. my part timer immigrated to the US from Bosnia....i could ask her a few questions for ya....
  8. how the hell did you do it jackass..come clean...did you mess with something in the game?
  9. all im looking for is fair and equal play....i want to know all of the rules and what does what...it pisses me off to no end
  10. max...do you read at all...i already stated 5 times now...i errase all pms....jesus man, your beginning to sound like uncle junior on the sopranos...and i dont need to pm wes...your doing that for me..anyways..ive stated what i remember here.... reading comprehension is fundamental sir.
  11. eff it..ill do it here....it said something to affect of he looked at some source code or something...hell..if he cheated..i say ban him... explain the message snatch
  12. listen tool boy...tell them what you told me in that pm about some "source code"
  13. i told you in the chat that i erase all of my pms when i get them..so i no longer have that pm.....all i know/remember is that it said something about source codes...you and wes made the big deal out of it......you tell me what that means, cuz im computer illiterate
  14. has dickhead come clean yet???? i thought there was talks of banning him if he doesnt come clean.. oh..and who has been sabotaging my ****..... oh...and globe.....i hope you cherish and love that 8g you took from me..but how does it feel to lose that 33gs???????? how do you like dem apples....
  15. why dont you come clean man...seriously......there is talk of banning here.....if you hacked the system or something.....
  16. are you cheating dickhead..this is what we want to know...
  17. fess up snatch..what do you know about the game........
  18. **** this..im resetting dammit....get his ass dammit
  19. effin a man.......seriously..spill it.........i was just about to beef up a bit ya jackass..
  20. you mother effer........how the **** did you sabotage my ****? dear flippin lord.......im nearly back at square one ya dick..what the hell do you know that i dont......hell..i might as well reset
  21. ummm..yea..im shakin......scared i tells ya...scared... *runs around yelling* "THE SNATCHES ARE COMING, THE SNATCHES ARE COMING!!!" bwahahhahahhahhaha...oh ****..i just pissed myself when i reread that...roflmao
  22. i think he has been huffing to many whipped cream cans..
  23. max...thats not an insult..that is just stating the obvious dollar please..
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