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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Chief

  1. since snatch is demanding so much..i think i should get some sort of royalty for giving that nick to him....but see..im nice...i only ask for a dollar from ya... snatch demands so much, cuz he cant afford the industrial strength douche to clean his smell....
  2. keep taking it son...ive infected it all with small pox...... oh..and by the way..that whopping 40gs you took really hurt me....i cannot sustain much more in this game.... now...i suggest you go suckle on your mothers teet and get those nutrients that you missed out on. Cuz i think you have the onset of parkinsons, or your just dumb...:)
  3. hope you have a great one deuce........
  4. hey ace man..its not my fault you only have one nut..blame that on your parents dna.... (for those of you slow to catch on..im referring to his name..spades) :)
  5. dear lord man...put the meth pipe down...your gonna get skinny and have sores...
  6. sorry....mini flea is about to trade in...
  7. im betting smallfry up there is about to trade in...
  8. bwhahahahahhaha..you have to be small enough to be able to attack anybody first snatch boy..........
  9. bwhahahahahahha....kettle....meet pot........
  10. so thats what i smelled.......
  11. ummmm...care to look to see how much i looted from ya today??? thank you...drive thru please...
  12. your typing hinted that you have a lisp......
  13. was that slang for.."im everybodys' bank bitch, and i like it raw with no lubrication." ?
  14. the prince needs to get in this.......
  15. just come out and state that your an alliance..
  16. lol...you did...i was wondering who left.....roflmao
  17. wow...so are you in alliance now then????
  18. well the prince called ya baby..figured ya had some sort of relationship going on..thats all.......:)
  19. soooooooooooo.....ummmmm.....do you two having something you want to let the rest of us here know about? :)
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