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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Chief

  1. see....you just made him do it..way to go jules
  2. dont throw the man into a circle...next thing he will do is sit there and mumble incoherently......
  3. you ever notice how theprince wears wife-beaters? explains a lot.....tell me...which episode of COPS were you on....that was you that tried to hide on the roof of your trailor..wasnt it..
  4. that...and the fact that your pimp is a pussy....
  5. bhwhwhahahhahahah..that was histarical....
  6. you just made yourself my bitch theprince..you realize this...dont you?
  7. LOL..i was like...woahhhhh....your posting in the future...
  8. here here......*raises toast to jules*
  9. woaahhhhhhhhh i sent that at like 9am central standard time......
  10. jules......show him the time on the pm i sent to you....
  11. voted....thanks for the link
  12. *with arms wide open* ish ok sir...ish ok....cmere......i give ya a big hug and then you can lie down and tell me what ails ya....
  13. i suggest you go play with your daggers and leave the decision making up to the grown ups..:)
  14. bahhh....it just pisses me off that todays society jumps at any notion to take children away from their parents....i understand about getting kids away from abusive parents and such, but it seems to me that we as a whole go way overboard....hell, i take my children to the hospital anymore, for little cuts and bruises (things that are normal for kids) and get looked at like im the cause of it...and this is the same hospital that i practically lived in when i was a kid...i could go in there, and they would say "What did you do now Brian"....
  15. oh..i remember the days of the guild game........deceit and betrayal be thy name..snatch seems to have the face of the antichrist.....tries to make everybody feel that he will lead them to salvation..then damns them to HELL!!!!
  16. ..............................................................................................
  17. i would rather flog myself with a nail studded whip and not kick baby seals, then to ally myself with snatch...hes always forgetting to put his tampon in and bleeds all over the place
  18. wow...how the past few days the tides have turned
  19. k..i agree..its a bit sad...but it is not the atrocity that some make it out to be...the kid was not physically abused..... there is absolutely no reason for the kid to be taken away from the parent.... you want to know what the hardest thing is when being a parent????????? learning that your not perfect and you are bound to make mistakes.... god..sometimes i wonder about people in this world
  20. oh yea....and thanks for your contribution earlier tim..... but ya know...he will probably get me back when im fast asleep...
  21. my blood went to the wrong head.. ooops........did i type that
  22. such the humanitarian hey yaway.....i got your back
  23. it always does.....just like bell bottoms..they always come back..
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