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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Chief

  1. bwhahahhahhahah.....busted
  2. CAT FIGHT....roooowwrrr.....psst psst
  3. damn..if things dont change by tomorrow...we leave it the same then
  4. wow....1 week and this alliance is already toast....bwhahahhahahha
  5. LOL..not feeling the love.......are they supposed to be professional then?
  6. teeeheeee...do you really want me to join this????////
  7. straight up gangsta i say...roflmao
  8. bwhahahahahha..how the heck has snatch even remotely touched your cash...im calling shenanigans
  9. or...for theprince.....5000 daggers
  10. just waited around to have something to do...:)
  11. so thats how you got the money..... knock themselves out...cuz i have **** for insurance........:)
  12. i would imagine they just vote to start over....
  13. actually..yes...i do...when i stick my foot out and try to trip them.....take my kids away from me now then...
  14. it really is a shame if you ask me......
  15. jesus...then take my child away from me then man for almost having them get injured every flippin day... question...do you have kids?
  16. im not saying the parent isnt a bit insensitive...hell, im a bit at times........i just have a problem with them taking the child away.......****..i went through worse crap when i was a kid.....
  17. what is your opinion on them taking the child prince?
  18. thanks definition.....anybody have a sample of it at all? just a bit? ittybit
  19. no...you are assuming he was the one who put it up on the internet.. my bad for not clarifing.. my issue here again is them taking the child over this.....its going over the line.....
  20. wooaaah...jumping to assumptions there sir......... and you stored that on your hard drive...right??? :) my issue here is, they took the kid away from his parent.....bullllllllll****ttttttt..............he wasnt beaten........he cried because he was scared...................
  21. hardly....and if your a good parent..you take care of their fears and such..but to have the child taken away from them is completly ascinine......next thing you know, they will take your child away from you cuz you made him cry when playing a game on the playstation.....yes..yes i would say we are breading a bunch of pussies in this world today...
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