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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Chief

  1. oh jesus christ....see...this is what the flippin world is coming too....
  2. did she have another album before this one? or is this her premiere (sp)
  3. shut the hell up..you know damn well you were dying laughing....
  4. oh ****..bwhwhhahahahhahah...dude..im rolling over here too....i should try that with my son..
  5. hey...whatever you gay people call them nowadays....thats your deal..
  6. and this is why we are asking tool boy...
  7. just looking for ways to get more people to participate
  8. well at least mine isnt holding a bunch of penises in his hand..
  9. And I am willing to reset if you want me to...Let us know...
  10. now how can i be mad at someone who has a matchbox car for an avatar....
  11. roflmao...bwhwhhahahahahhahahahhahhahhahahhahha...yes..it is sad
  12. but please explain why before doing so...thanks
  13. was just trying to show that i care...
  14. hey snoop...tell ya what...take a free shot at me........
  15. bwhahahahahahhahahahahha.....roflmao.....had to be done...he bares my name....I made a decree many years ago....when i take over the world..there shall be no more Brians....only me...
  16. Did it automatically close...or did someone do it...The reason I ask is because we were informed that we are allowed to post in those 2 (well actually 3) topics without recieving reprocussions for spamming. Just curious.
  17. but but but..jules...i only did it for your sanity...i care
  18. what do you think i mean?
  19. ding ding ding..we have a winner
  20. no...i did read those.......yet they still dont clarify some of the glitches that i have found....not only that..they still seem to be for a different version
  21. it just seems to be to many glitches in this, and if they are not glitches, then give me viable reasons as to why they are not
  22. no..i disagree......this game is about different ways to become better......it will at least give a guidline on ways you can go about it...there are so many different areas to become better...it wouldnt pose a problem
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