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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Chief

  1. thank god it wasnt brokeback..
  2. oh....its bookmarked on your cpu then...got it
  3. its not loading for some reason johny
  4. wow......i suppose you have a book right by you of witty comebacks....
  5. well i shouldve figured...with emblems of wu-tang and all...
  6. *spits from top of building* "HEY...Look up theprince!!!"
  7. go back to sabotaging daggers penguin...
  8. it dont matter..we are arguing over like 80000 roflmao....
  9. and again max...im telling you with 100 percent accuracy that i only had 180...but thats just symantics....fine..you couldve taken me for that....ya shouldve then....you seem to need your ego stroked quite often, so it wouldve fit your mold...:)
  10. way to stay on your toes man.....kept filming even though you were there....i wouldve just dropped the damn camera and just sat there in awe....
  11. go ahead...the edit function is a nice addition....im saying i only had 180 some grand when i came on..i had to attack somebody to get to 250.......
  12. no...the people vanished that made the arcade game with the guildmaster game...
  13. that has to be to a movie..way to much time invested into it
  14. right.......why is it so hard to get the right instructions for this version???
  15. ummm sir......im going to have to call you on that one...bull****...i only had a 100 and some odd grand when i came on
  16. those instructions were not to this version...and it would help me better decide how to go through the game.
  17. no you didnt...i spent it before you could get to it sir..... oh..and im glad that you finally need some sort of alliance to beat someone...
  18. the ocscars were a flat out joke anyways.......just like they always are
  19. yours will come max..oh yes..yours will come
  20. like i said before..i wish we were privy to this information...
  21. awwww...poor poor joe.....its gonna be ok
  22. im totally with max and ted on this...it seems that people just dont get it
  23. yall ever thought that the original vigilantes are just toying with you?
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