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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Chief

  1. oh ****....bwhahahahahhahahhahahhahaha......i have to ask...why on earth did you try for the dagger...what was going through your mind???
  2. hell..i would kill myself trying to do that dance..ive got no moves at all..roflmao
  3. rationalize whatever way you would like to make yourself feel better jules......:)
  4. hey.....if you need an alliance to over take me..so be it....
  5. bwhahahahahahahah roflmao......that got an audible out of me theprince..
  6. ^^^^^^^what he said^^^^^^^^ i made a mental error.....its all on me......i shouldve scouted first...
  7. ahhh..i see that there is an alliance now.......
  8. no...none what-so-ever...its part of the game......
  9. damn...you would make a great politician......spin away sir
  10. see..and thats where you hurt yourself...thinking.....:)
  11. thats fine..you will get yours....
  12. ROFLMAO....bwhahahahahhahhahahhahahahhahhahhahahahhhahahahahahhahahahh and I thank you..
  13. watch him sir....he can be very deceitful...:)
  14. dont worry definition....max took it all from me anyways...the bastard..:)
  15. fine..take it to him..i havent spammed since i was told not too...so kiss my ass..ive done what was asked......so that spam you deleted...was old.
  16. LOL.......they will eventually fall sir...oh yes...they will
  17. ooohhhhh..you scare me.....Ban my ass now if you feel giddy....
  18. another 5 please..and thank you
  19. take a look at the front page of the base part of the game..right in the middle
  20. see........people have caught up..so im not reseting...........max....its on sir...:)
  21. what is your defence ranked max?
  22. so now the man has wet dreams about daggers........i bet he stands there and says..."It puts the lotion on or it gets the hose again"
  23. just out of curiousity...where do we get to see this??? and max..what is your defence ranked?
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