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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Chief

  1. see..this is what happens when you allow tim to mess with the site.....:)
  2. tim....i accidently clicked melt down....i wanted arobase......FWIW where did the games and our guilds go???
  3. roflmao...bwhwhahahahhahahhahahahahahahahaha
  4. screw 2005........be safe everyone
  5. oh no..i didnt call him out..he came out a couple of years ago....marches regularly in San Fran from what I hear..
  6. i want to battle Coz...roflmao
  7. then dont complain when people tell you they skip your **** then son....:)
  8. the one with hellen hunt..right?
  9. just seeing if the hourly rate is the same..or did it go up with the gas prices...:)
  10. and what corner were you performing these tricks on?????? sorry..had to be done...
  11. Don`t know whats up in America but over here that is the case. you have black people????? is there a record for the longest run-on sentence? turn on your sarcasm detectors here folks.. I like black history month...shortest month out of the year...:) end sarcasm now...stereotypes should be ended first...starts with the people that are stereotyped....
  12. what the fine folks are saying here is.......it is hard to understand what you are saying when you use the wrong vowels....."Do you hear the words that are coming out of my mouth?" :) internet slang is fine, but when you incorporate *click click* from that african tribe into english....we get lost....no disrespect sirs...
  13. so i get tim in this battle im sure his wit wont be rattled i cant rhyme im white but still, what makes you think he will win this fight hes the reason birth control should be retroactive likes to suckle on the tits of a cow that is passive now tim, turn off the porn come hit me with your norm im sure its something about how i shouldve never been born come with your catchy phrases of how i **** sheep but make sure you tell them how you cry in your sleep we realize that you werent held enough as a baby and your therapist says you should of been a lady please make this quick and new we all know your style is like gary gnu........
  14. dammit...i dont have enough time right now for this................. ill give it a quick go
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