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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Chief

  1. dear lord..would they please stop with the flippin sequals....
  2. but thats all im here for.......... jk.... welcome
  3. so CAAANNNN you get code red on a cd????? :)
  4. no..didnt even hear about that one???hmmm i should go out and rent it....thanks man
  5. what tim said, however...it should be interesting with all of the new technology they can put in now
  6. the one after tricky??????
  7. crappy thing about ps3 is that it wont launch till next year......
  8. bwhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah...i swear i havent laughed this hard in a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg time...
  9. he has a point jules. do yourself a favor and take that 1st step....we were once family, it was snatch who become the "MAN".....i say "DOWN WITH THE MAN!!!!!"
  10. nice post Tim....you are not as dumb as i once thought you were...J/K
  11. the US is way behind when it comes to cell phone use and coverage...
  12. heck...ether attacked me....had to take him out...
  13. whoooahhh...missed this whole topic..dammit
  14. ok..ive got to hear his underground stuff...cus in no way shape or form is that poser good with any of his raps....
  15. game????? you mean i cant do this in real life....SON OF A MOOSE!!!!!!!.....I so want to kill bill some tools next door...
  16. are you kidding me.....i might lose my job over this game.....LOL
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