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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Chief

  1. what player were you using dabrakes?
  2. im sorry..but am i the only one who thought his "Trapped In the closet" sucked bad?
  3. dont sweat it man.....uv got more talent than i do
  4. not working for me for some reason
  5. LOL...i only stopped in my work to return something after i was helping clean out my grandmothers house...and no sooner than i return and snatch takes me out....roflmao
  6. im fat, but not a damn hippo...................:)
  7. i just dont feel that nepotism is right to say outloud.....:)
  8. if i had a bit of tallent..i would
  9. we knew this all along...snatch speaks with forked tongue..:)
  10. lol...... post it anyways...:)
  11. what was that you were saying???
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