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Everything posted by Chief

  1. you forgot his walker tim......
  2. Cleaning the delivery trucks for Budweiser. Was paid under the table. 16 years old and able to get beer whenever I wanted. Oh, and if the drivers pissed me off, I would Armor-All their seats and stearing wheel.
  3. You know what would satiate my thirst here.......Is what the State and City records will have. Its open to the public, and usually will be able to access through the internet. I have a tough time buying into everything any news medium puts up. They all have this nasty habit of sensationalizing everything to bump viewership up. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  4. PRE NUP....... She gets everything I own.... so I take it that ur talkin bout ur ONE pair of shoes? LOL j/k peace, cookie edited: dang , i keep editing by mistake... dang on dang it...sorry
  5. Ted......nuttin but love over here sir..... Mick.....Im sensing troubles at home son..... Are you surfing the net for the reason you didnt receive the proper nurtients from your mothers breast milk? Sit down, tell us what hurts. Im thoroughly glad that you noticed the spacing in my curse words..They were naughty..naughty i say.......
  6. Yea..i was stunned when i heard them using that....it brought back memories of Cambodia and their "Refugees" and such...
  7. knuckles...errr whatever sega game your from.... http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=apposable
  8. yea...i just started walking upright the other day....but hey..at least i have apposable thumbs unlike the aformentioned...
  9. so what your inferring is that you like it when you're spanked hard
  10. K.....So I am new here....I stepped across a line.. I apologized. Now Ive got this yahoo that is calling for my banning. I realize the Kanye thread is a serious discussion, but I see no rule on this area that says it is an on topic area. Again, Im sorry for stepping across a line, but to outright ban me. Well sir, go f u c k yourself. I joke a lot. Take absolutely nothing I say personally. Its the freakin internet sir.
  11. OK...my final reply on this....... Kanye was wrong to try and draw some sort of line in the sand at this time. Now is not the time for us to be divided. Its the time for us to be united and help. F u c k people.....humans are dying down there................who cares what color your damn skin is....... P.S. Now if it was a s hi t load of baby seals..I say fuq em and lets go clubbin...
  12. The Federal Govt controls the reserves..........the only time the feds can call up the National Guard is when Congress enacts a bill that authorizes the pres to do so. See, Tim, Im gonna let you slide on this since you are in a country that doesnt matter anyways.. The National Guard formed from the militia men of the late 1700s. They are there for the State first, Country second. It was the duty of the Gov of LA to make sure that the Guard was activated and ready to assist when it happened. He failed. What you need to understand, is that Im not saying that I am not embarrassed by the way this was handled, but Kanyes statement was obtuse in nature and completely irrelivant to what needed to be done.
  13. see....tim.....that is where the blame lies first and foremost.......the governor controls the National Guard. Do you people not understand that fact? Why were his units not mobilized?
  14. oh and i added a few more to meet my quota sir Coz..:) roflmao
  15. sorry....thought a few of the peeps here had some thick skin..:) but hey...i still thought it was funny
  16. Yep, totally agree. The Govt of Louisiana failed their people and they need to be looked at long and hard for these errors......
  17. Lets address this shall we. First and foremost. Louisiana still has 70 percent of their Natl Guard not deployed overseas. Now my question is why were they not deployed quicker? Do you know who has authority over the Natl Guard? Secondly, I never said I was not disappointed in the way this was handled. What I feel is that people are jumping on the band wagon of "Blame the National Govt and Bush" when in reality, the mayor and the governor of Louisiana should be looked at hard and heavy. People are quick to assume that Bush just sat there. Well, Bush signed the State of Emergency document less than 24 hours after the hurricane had hit. It takes time for ships to be loaded and resources to make their way to New Orleans. Not only that, how the hell do you expect the Coast Guard and Navy to make their way into the harbor and lakes when debris is floating everywhere. That stuff has to be cleared first. Yes, the way this is being handled is FUBAR. The blame hardly rests on Bush, let alone the National Govt.....thus I feel Kanyes statement is moot and uneducated.
  18. i wonder what kind of outcry there wouldve been if the govt actually went into the houses and forced residents from their homes.
  19. explains a lot....folks...if you actually believe Bush sat there 4 days till he jumped, you are sadly misinformed.....
  20. question for you all here...whats the average age in this forum?
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