Its music man, you tripping. Music is something that should entertain you, for that you are supposed to care about music you like and not about music you dont like. Cooome on.. Its music, we aint talking about politics, you aint Che Guevara fighting against evil. You just some middle class dude thats pissed caus his favourite Rapper aint number one on the Billlboard charts. Spend you spare time (since you say you so busy) enjoying music you like instead of wacthing videos about acts you hate. Call me ignoraant if you wanmt, but I'm gonna go now to spend my spare time (which isnt much, caus I run a whole household myself plous 9 hours of school a day, just so you know incase you planned on frontin' again) listening to music I like, music that entertains me, music that makes me feel good, that makes me think, caus thats the whole point of music.