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Everything posted by Turntable

  1. @ Julie: 3 hours. Those ididots over here put in commercial breaks tho, while the show is going, so it could happen that I misss Will caus he chose the wrong time.
  2. I'm pretty sure he does. I could slap myself for not going.
  3. The Game is good, no doubt. He seems very real. I loved his second album.
  4. You got me all wrong. You answered to a post that was for SilverTiger, and I gave you a answer refering to him. I ment him looking up soulja boy videos. Ignorance may be bliss to you, but I prefer to face the evil head on. God Blessa! --- You know what I mean? Sorry if that wasnt clear.
  5. You cant expect that you like ever song that gets played in clubs, or that is popular. That wouldnt normal. With that being said, that is kinda of a bad comparison, since you are out in a club facing Soulja Boy songs getting played now and then. You didnt chose that to play caus you dont make the club playlist. Thats a complete diffrent thing than sitting behind your computer watching videos by soulja boy and stuff like that by choice even tho you hate it so much.
  6. Its music man, you tripping. Music is something that should entertain you, for that you are supposed to care about music you like and not about music you dont like. Cooome on.. Its music, we aint talking about politics, you aint Che Guevara fighting against evil. You just some middle class dude thats pissed caus his favourite Rapper aint number one on the Billlboard charts. Spend you spare time (since you say you so busy) enjoying music you like instead of wacthing videos about acts you hate. Call me ignoraant if you wanmt, but I'm gonna go now to spend my spare time (which isnt much, caus I run a whole household myself plous 9 hours of school a day, just so you know incase you planned on frontin' again) listening to music I like, music that entertains me, music that makes me feel good, that makes me think, caus thats the whole point of music.
  7. And how much? anything about that? Are those whole track deals or just some lines?
  8. Yo haveu pretty much time on your hands to hate tho. Just use that time for something good if you so busy.
  9. If pretty much the whole track is co-written its wack too, even it its not called ghostwriting that way. so is that a whole track thing or just some lines? who knows?
  10. Dangerous comparison right there,lol
  11. @ Silver: Wouldnt it just be better for you to look at good stufff and bring it on to here?
  12. Not bad. I disagree about The Dream and Chris Brown, and the UGK album was good, really, allot of good songs with allot of messages that you woulndt expect. They my favourite in that category, but I guess Gnals Barkley could have took it too, even thpo I cant stand it. But its cool, R.I.P. Pimp C. And the single was dope, no doubt. Oh, and Lolipop is wack.
  13. Dindnt he say that he doesnt allways have the time to write his own lyrics, back when BWS dropped?
  14. I heard allof of rumors, on here and at other places. So what is the truth about it, as far as ya'll know? :paperbag:
  15. I think, yes. But thats a bad example. He's gonna release a Album with Dj Premier soon. He has aaallot of songs with 9th Wonder too. Check this out: http://youtube.com/watch?v=-cQ2zmqiQM4&feature=related And this is a song produced by 9thWonder that features Torae and Skyzoo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvqjSj8RMsA With tough competition I mostly ment the fact that Torae and Skyzoo have a big buz and respected producers backing them up.
  16. Thats why I am not claiming that Star Wars died , I'm just questioning it. I'll watch this, I just got a real bad feeling about it.
  17. Torae and Skyzoo is a tough competition. They good.
  18. I know, know. And there is a diffrence between merchandise and a reeal movie.
  19. I thought Episode 3 was very good actualy.
  20. Come on man, this is like rewriting the bible and calling Jezus Homer Simpson :shakehead:
  21. http://www.starwars.com/theclonewars/ :paperbag:
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