I dont feel like some kind of rebel and I dont try to be like one either. Everything got its dark, grey and light sides and I always try to see them all. I do get in a lot of conflicts because I have very Scandinavian opinions about things but I cant lie to make people agree with me. This doesnt make my day - I actually dont care about it really, but its interesting to hear an honest opinion for once. The religion quote is definitely provoking though, just like AJs. Actually, his quote is the entire reason why I wrote that in my signature. He had some success with his provoking (spell?) quote and thats i congratulate him for. Theres one more reason though. I felt it was a very stupid quote so I wanted to counter it with some wisedom. I didnt attack AJ because he dont know what Wikipedia is. In fact, I didnt really attack him at all as I see. But sure, I could have avoided writing that but.. hey.. he begged for it, again by provoking with his "I know it all"-kind of quote.
And no I'm not small in every sense of the word. You should see my stommach. It eats people.
I dont see nothing wrong with you'r signature. If there is nothing wrong with AJ's there is nothing wrong with your's ether to me.